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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7353148 No.7353148 [Reply] [Original]

Who the fuck are the people selling their coins? I don't fucking get it. It has come so much down that they can't be selling for profit. What is their thought process when they sell?

>> No.7353200

I can't afford to lose any more ill buy lower

>> No.7353261

Uh short selling mostly. Buy dip sell before it breaks highs, wash rinse and repeat. Or shorting resistance with leverage IE borrow 10 BTC against 1 BTC sell at current price and buy back at lower price.

>> No.7353400

seems like such a hassle when the drops are so small at this point. They are getting their pants twisted up for pennies?

>> No.7353416

wall st

>> No.7353441

Anon there is some people who bought at 0.01 0.1 1 1.1 and up

>> No.7353457
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crypto is finished
fiat won

>> No.7353491

buy high sell low my man

>> No.7353556

>crypto isn’t fiat

>> No.7353561

So basically wait until Wednesday for easy bump to 10k.

>> No.7354293

To stop losing money dumb fuck. If you think it’s going to keep going down, and you keep holding, you’re fucking retarded

>> No.7354383

anon I . . . .
bought my bitcorns for under $300 dollarydoos.

>> No.7354437

uhhhhh to avoid even further losses maybe? wtf? lmao

>> No.7354442

Im not talking about you guys. You sold in december or know better to not sell at this point.

>> No.7354446

>they can't be selling for profit.
nothing personnel, kiddo

>> No.7354462

I sold at 6.3K because I think the bottom is 5K or lower

I just needed $50,000 to buy bonds to hedge my stock positions

>> No.7354479


Some money is better than less money.

>> No.7354516

you guys are not getting any profits no more. Pennies at most.

>> No.7354557

they realize its dying

>> No.7354583

They got in at this level and set a limit less to get out at their initial investment.

Like I should have done.

>> No.7354618

You realize not everyone bought at the top, right?

There are PLENTY of people who bought in on BTC/ETH when they were like $3k/$300 respectively and lower. And for every alt/shitcoin, they all raised literally millions of dollars at ICO prices.

You think those people who are only now 2x from ICO b/c of their dumbfuck HODL meme are saying "YEA I'LL KEEP HODL ON BB" or do you think they're saying "FML I could have had 10x, oh well 2x is better than -10x"?

>> No.7354622

Why the fuck are you using your trip on this board fuck of

>> No.7354642

here's the thing: once you've cashed out 10x your original investment . . .it's all profit. perspective shifts. I can sell all my coins at any price I want. When I buy them back at a cheaper price, I have even more of them.

As soon as you guys start trying to do this, however, the market is gonna go back up and leave you in the dust. It only works when a small percentage of people are in on it.

>> No.7354656

I could sell at almost a 100k profit right now. Had almost 300k profit just 3 weeks ago. I don’t really give a shit though. Gonna ride this out. The only way I may potentially sell is if my portfolio total hits my initial 10k investment mark.

>> No.7354659

bonds are in a bubble too dumbass, for the first time in history and how it ends is anyone's guess

>> No.7354693

I told you all I don't post without my trip

>> No.7354695


Unless you bought in December you're selling at a profit. Most of those people already sold. Holding right now is the dumbest thing you can do.

>> No.7354702

they are stop losses triggering for filed long positions, likely set by people who thought there was suppourt at 6500.

>> No.7354703

stop loss orders

>> No.7354741

except for when you do. but we aren't supposed to know that.

>> No.7354769

good traders sell when they expect their position will go down. profit isnt even a primary factor.

>> No.7354774

>Bonds are in a bubble
The absolute state of brainlets

>> No.7354794

You're applying logic and patience to the thinking styles of normans.

>> No.7354848

Who's selling?

1 Day traders...They're making profit even though it's crashing.
2. Those holding between 10 to 1000 BTC, it makes common sense to sell some at this point and continue hodling the rest just incase it never comes back to this price so you dont lose it all. Yes it's a very realistic FUD that we're going sub $1k and never coming back. You wouldnt want to take that risk now if you were them.

3. Those who thought it was a great buy at 7500 ore thereabout and are trying to stop because it looks like a bad buy.

4. Exchanges need to cash some of their stash always.

5. It's always reasonable to believe theres a possibility of higher power, fortune 500 company, Bank government who wants Cryptocurrencies to go away.

>> No.7354877
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>drops are small
>40% this week

>> No.7354889

>Yes it's a very realistic FUD that we're going sub $1k and never coming back.

>> No.7354945

In stock markets people who use stop-losses have about 1% better long-term winnings than the ones who don't use it. In a big picture it's pretty futile.

>> No.7355001

Why the fuck do I see so many people referring to their initial "investments" (really speculating, not investing, but whatever) when making decisions?
>"You should pull out your initial investment and hold the rest."
>"Sell if you're still at a profit. Otherwise hold."
What the fuck. I thought biz was supposed to be smart. Do you guys seriously not understand sunk costs? Why the fuck should your initial amount have any bearing?

>> No.7355002

Sell before the other guy sells and drives the price down further

>> No.7355012

made up money is still made up money

>> No.7355028


Pure, unbridled panic.

The thought of selling crosses everyone's minds. You just have to think about it for 30 seconds and realize how fucking retarded you would be to sell for pennies of what this shit is worth. Lots of these currencies are the future of the internet.

>> No.7355111

I think they don't have any experience in markets before crypto.

>> No.7355115
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>got into crypto 3 weeks ago
>tfw if I had just waited a bit longer I could have gotten more bang for my buck

I don't care about going into the red as long as crypto doesn't completely crash to 0, but knowing I could have basically doubled my stack stings
at least I've been using dollar cost averaging to soften the blow

>> No.7355125
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its better to lose 40% than 90% and even more than 100%

>> No.7355244

So basically:

1. day-traders (working hours for relatively small gains)
2.stop-loss guys (stock markets have shown that it's not practical in the long run)
3.panic sellers

So basically people who don't believe in the crypto currency. Idiots.

>> No.7355376

Sell low
Buy lower

>> No.7355486

this. ive been seeing my friends fumble the whole thing since the price stalled for weeks at 15k. REDFLAG! now theyre all buttstomped with their dicks in their hands.

most people in this are inexperienced. so every meme is going to apply. deadcat bounces, hloding, buying high selling low, everything.

>> No.7355706

I would 95% of people who are in crypto are here strictly for the profit. So yes, this group dictates the price. And these are people from all parts of the world with different views of life, culture, religion and language.

Sadly without this group cryptocurrency is useless.

How ironic right?

Now that this group is panicking, and trust is lost, what those who believe in the tech do or not do, will not affect the price.

So if you're hodling because you want big banks to go and central governments to weaken, the other guy is a dude from mongolia who probably doesnt give a shit about what you personal feelings are and only understands profit go or not?

>> No.7355760

the people that believe in crypto bought btc years ago. not in the last 6 months.

everyone else that bought in just saw an amazing party and paid to join. look at the price of btc from late summer to today. people that bought it at 5-6k are selling off hoping to break even, take some profit so they can move on feeling like the did something good, and god forbid someone lose money on this whole thing.

the partys fucking over. the price is going to go back to where it should have been before this whole circus started.

>> No.7355810

you completely misunderstood. My point is that this will be future currency and the small players from mongolia and india doesn't have anything to do with it.

>> No.7355955

selling it now because if they wait they'll lose even more.

>> No.7356035

Ya if you bought BTC for 50cents who gives a fuck? Sell now while it still has high value. In a month it could be worth $600

>> No.7356045

Sell now, rebuy when it hit 3000 or stop falling.

>> No.7356065

>Who the fuck are the people selling their coins
the same people buying coins, crypto has no actual value so the price is fueled 100% by speculation
people selling are expecting the price to continue downward and will buy back in when it starts going up, people buying are (stupidly) expecting it to go up or start going up soon
if you focus on your buy in price in relation to the current price you have no fucking clue what you're doing

>> No.7356153

So people with short sighted views or people who have invested money they can't lose which are idiots too.

>> No.7356680
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Most people are smart enough to sell now so they can buy back in when BTC hits $1k later this month

>> No.7356766


You cant really tell what drives people. Some people have financial responsiblitles and people who the answer to or have to take care of. If you have nothing to lose and you are willing to ride this thing to Zero, you can blame someone who has kids etc to look after and is trying to save something so the whole family doesnt go broke.

There's a broken trust in cryptocurrencies right now. There's way more RISK hodling than selling. You choose,

>> No.7356918

There's a huge buy wall right now.

>> No.7356951


Nope, but when you cash out and continue to watch the market free fall, that almost starts to feel like profit.

>> No.7357058

I mean sell wall.

>> No.7357367

Anon, we are below Halloween 2017 prices now.

>> No.7357565

>What is their thought process when they sell?


>> No.7357684

>What is their thought process when they sell?
Nothing. They're not thinking at all.

>> No.7357742

This. Sold at the top to make a tidy $80k after 3 months of trading the rise. Having a good laugh at all the HODL idiots riding this express elevator to hell. HAHAHHAHAHAHAH KEEPING HODLING IDIOTS

>> No.7357919

the absolute state

>> No.7357972
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>thought process

>> No.7357986



>> No.7358025

got btc at when it was still 500USD
Fuck you plebs.

>> No.7358077

So you'll be operating at a loss this time next week. Then what will you do?

>> No.7358115

This. Oldfag here who bought BTC at $100-300. I sold when it hit $1000 because the price didn't make sense anymore, it was obvious people were just joining to make money like a ponzi. It dropped to $300 afterwards and didn't recover back to $1000 for TWO YEARS.

So the question I would ask people on this board falling for the HODL meme. How many want to hold BTC at $1k for YEARS instead of locking in your gainz?

>> No.7358204


>> No.7358570
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Buy the dip brah, if you had bought 1 btc when it dipped to 16,000 you would only be down like 9000

>> No.7358955
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>the price didnt make sense any more
he says this about a revolutionary new currency free from jewish control

>> No.7359043

right. Because you can obviously predict it's definitely going to hit 1k.

>> No.7359089

There's 5000 crypto implementations now, what makes BTC so special? It's the MySpace of crypto.

>> No.7359229

>Lots of these currencies are the future of the internet.

None of these are the future of anything, all of this shit is 100% worthless made-up monopoly money. All of us were just hoping nobody else would notice before we're rich at their expense. Now we're paying the price.

>> No.7359247

>So the question I would ask people on this board falling for the HODL meme.

they're obviously inexperienced investors. buy and hold is for blue chip stocks and very safe shit. not pump and dump volatile shit. crypto is worse than a penny stock and should be treated as such. hit and run, not buy and hold.

oh well, they got what was coming to them. anyone thats not new to the game saw crypto crashing weeks ago.

>> No.7359281

>revolutionary new currency free from jewish control

Look at this board, chasing after easy free money at the expense of others. Crypto MAKES you the jew.

>> No.7359283

Would you rather sell your Enron stock at $20 (a loss) or at $10 (a loss)... or just HODL?

>> No.7359307

They said this when bitcoin was 11k too

>> No.7359355

2. I am one of them and i am not selling. This is wall street and banks trying to own the future, again.

And you dumb fucks are falling for it.

>> No.7359389

even worse than the 11 stall was the 15 stall for WEEKS. it was so fucking obvious to get out.

>> No.7359471

>wall street

hate to break it to you but this is fueled from normies new money and mainstream media talking about the frenzy. now the fad has faded, theres no new money, interest is gone [see google trends], and now everyones scrambling for a spot on the lifeboat as the ship continues to take on water.

wall street laughs at bitcoin.

>> No.7359618


>> No.7359683

True. Alts were still kicking ass though until bitcoin got closer to 10k.

>> No.7359762

> crypto is worse than a penny stock
At least a penny stock has a company or product behind it. When BTC hit $24k on Dec. 19 I will admit I had a tinge of regret for not riding it into the delusion-sphere, but I did tell all my friends to sell. NONE OF THEM DID. 90% of them are still HODLING. Think about it. 90% of the market held and BTC can drop this hard. BTC is a fucking turd.

>> No.7359820
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> 15 stall

>> No.7359849

>90% of my friends = 90% of the market. I am that important

>> No.7359865

If I remember right, bitcoin only touched 20k (like 19.8 or something I think). I sold a good chink there for alts and rode those. Sold around 30-40% while it was high. Sucks though, that's now 80% or more since some of the shit I kept like Icon dropped so hard.

>> No.7359887

>It has come so much down that they can't be selling for profit
I can tell you got in probably around October or November
Get wrecked "early adopter" lmfao

>> No.7359947

at this point im certain it's a few rich groups/people pumping it down to buy as low as they possibly can while they short

>> No.7359970


>> No.7360033

>Who the fuck are the people selling their coins?

People that don't understand holding. If you don't know how to day trade, you either hold or lose your money. There is no in between. All of the people shorting this are going to get blown up out of nowhere just like everyone taking longs a month ago.

You can't time the market without insider info. Right now selling is playing with fire.

>> No.7360074

yeah same here. begged my friends to get out when the stall happened. they all just said i didnt know what i was talking about and laughed - while partying on the top deck while i was trying as hard as i could to tell them the engine room is flooding and the engine stopped turning the prop.

oh well.

theres still a shitstorm brewing that no one is thinking of. anyone that got out in the last 5 weeks [a fucking lot of people] probably turned a profit. BUT, i bet most of those people didn't set aside a third for taxes in april 2019. not 18, 19. and even if they did, you think they have the discipline to just hold that? fuck no. so just wait and see, 15 months from now all those profits will be blown and people are gonna be crying again about something that happened forever ago. uh, sir, you owe 5 figures on your capital gains in 2018. wha wha what? where am i gonna get that amount of money?

the sell off starting the first week of 2018 is just insult to injury on this whole thing.

>> No.7360097


hey look a smart person

>> No.7360137

Go google what the price of Bitcoin was on the first day of 2017

Bitcoin ain't a bubble, but 2017 sure as fuck was, but by all means pajeet wait 5 years for the price to go back up

I will never forget when Bitcoin crashed in 2013, You know when it recovered? January 1st 2017.

>> No.7360143


you idiot you complete moron they dont make you pay taxes if you already spent all the money

>> No.7360184
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going down

>> No.7360205

so i can make a million dollars in the lotto, blow it all in a month, then not have to pay taxes? neat.

>> No.7360292


yes you have to spend it all though. I recommend investing it all in more lotto tickets the day before taxes are due. That's what the boys in the business call tax deferral.

>> No.7360404

>tax deferral
delaying the inevitable?

i guess the only way around this is to start a llc, unload your coin money into that account, then buy a bunch of "equipment" to write it off.

>> No.7360423

I'm pretty sure theyre thought process is... oh shit oh shit oh shit how am I going to tell my mom I lost all my money betting on the crypto races.

>> No.7360439

I'm not seeing much evidence that /biz/ has sold. Seems like most people are riding it down to $0.

>> No.7360483


no you just buy more lotto tickets next year you complete moron

>> No.7360487
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> you either hold or lose your money.
So this... is the power of /biz/

>> No.7360574
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> they dont make you pay taxes if you already spent all the money

>> No.7360627

> doesn't know about this one weird trick

>> No.7360637

Because no one can predict the market perfectly.
What's going to happen tomorrow? Down 10%? Up 30%? Down 30%? Flat?
Anyone who pretends to know is bullshitting you.

it really sucks when you sell low and then see it jump up 20% the next day. So using your initial investment as a benchmark is a good emotional metric to help with trading. If you cash out your initial investment, it feels like you have nothing to lose.

A robot wouldn't use this strategy, but I'm not a robot.

>> No.7360652

Reminds me of my idiot friends who worked at Zynga and took out huge loans to buy out their stock options. The options ended up being worthless but they were still responsible for the option spread at the time of stock purchase. A lot of them had to declare bankruptcy.

>> No.7360658

You assume the market is rational.

It's likely driven by fear.


>> No.7360669

>wallstreet laughs at bitcoin

we'll see whos laughing in a cou0ple days. Their bull is dead as well. Its a time for bears now. And I hope their system burns to the fucking ground. And big daddy obama wont be around to bail it all out this time

>> No.7360722

You amateurs dreaming about moonlambo on this forum which incredibly went down the shitter incredibly fast amuse me:
People usually need to switch to btc before they cash out.
So they hurry to get out of alts, get into btc and sell it.
That's what's happening.

>> No.7360805
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>buy gas station
>only sell lotto tickets to yourself
>uncle sam comes every april to pay you
>buy lambo and bookshelf

lets be business partners anon, you got what it takes.

>> No.7360870

>Dow from 18k to 26k to 22,5k
>BTC from 1k to 20k to 5k
They laugh at you. They shorted you leveraged. From the moon. Keep hodling dumbfuck, if it wasn't for tards like you btc would easily back at 1k or lower where it belongs.

>> No.7360888

just the whales cashing out

>> No.7360989

Last big crash, most altcoins didnt survive. Holding shitcoins when the market could be in an event similar to the big gox crash is the most retarded thing you can do.
99% of ico's are money grabs and will never materialize into something providing real world value. It doesnt help that these projects got millions up front either.

>> No.7361103

This. 80% of the top 200 dying this year would not surprise me. They are garbage projects with no use and overvalued.

>> No.7361196

the market will open tomorrow and continue its plummet

youre a satly no coin faggot. I bout BTC at $800, ive got plenty more holding left to do

>> No.7361198

>imagine BTC going back to <2k
>all alts worthless

0.5x is better than 0.1x is why. It is within the realm of possibilities.

>> No.7361361

>pink id

>> No.7361658

>The thought of selling crosses everyone's minds. You just have to think about it for 30 seconds and realize how fucking retarded you would be to sell for pennies of what this shit is worth. Lots of these currencies are the future of the internet.
He is Australian - hence the 24K. Obviously a dickhead too

>> No.7361765

>ive got plenty more holding left to do
this is the mentality of an idiot. and seeing that everyone in the crypto game recently are newbs, i see why what happened happened and why it wont go where it belongs rather where these hodlrs bought at. only for it to slowly bleed after whatever price it settles at. sad really.

you buy volatile shit. you see the price crashing. many signs it was going to. yet choose to continue to get raped. you're worse than an abused woman in a relationship that wont leave.

if youre so manly that you dont care that its at 6k now, i guess that means you didn't celebrate when it was going up? fuck anyone holding theyre getting what they deserve.

>> No.7361804

one of my friends said he's going to sell now and rebuy later
i told him to just hold

welp, i tried

>> No.7361922

I own crypto, mongrellus.
Markets obviously corrects, again it was at 18k just moments ago.
Sold any stocks I had at peak and went short you dumb mongrellus.
Same as btc, same as smart money did all over the world.
I suggest selling anon, there is no dip for btc anymore, it's dying off.

>> No.7361943

Even if it were pennies, if you put in millions, it's still a decent return. That's how the rich get richer and the poor are mostly wasting their time with traditional investments.

>> No.7361944


The real scam is that you buy a gas station and a Surface Inspection Stereo Microscope for 1k, and then you take the lottery tickets out one by one and look at them under it and you can see the tiniest little bumps and read the tickets without scratching them. Then you sell all the winners to yourself/friends and leave all the losers to your customers making a huge profit.

But what do I know I'm just some guy on the internet, don't mind me.

>> No.7361948

It's chinese new year so they are cashing out to celebrate duh.

>> No.7361956

Your friend is much more clever than you are, keep hodling shitcoin.

>> No.7362034

I really didn't. ATH was fun but I wasn't feeling myself. I want so much more, and I know it'll get there. I could give a fuck about this crash, the amount of retardation surrounding this is unreal and only makes me feels better about my approach and sentiments. fucking retards talking about killing themselves, holy shit

>> No.7362091

Honestly, I expected a crash like this. Not this fast though.
Back in 2014 it took like 8 months to reach the ground, after 2 months we were like at -40% . Now we are already at -75%. I think the stock market crashing has a lot to do with this.

>> No.7362197

Selling before it's impossible to get real money out of it.
Sold 100K at new year's eve, and I have been slowly playing with my remaining 100K : sold 70K when I reached 140K and now selling 30K because it's all what remains from my 70K I had still invested in coins.

I'm cashing out and re-investing all that shit in a start up so I don't get too assfucked by the fisc.

>> No.7362221

retail investors need to cover expenses and taxes
larger investors need to cover margin calls for stocks

>> No.7362234

Something feels cathartic about seeing shitcoin and BTC that low. I like it.
But this crash fucked me up hard. I always had like 40% in fiat during the bull market, now I'm all in crypto and losing money fast.
There is no way there isn't going to be a recovery, at least a small one. Unless the DOW really crashes to oblivion, in which case we're fucked.

>> No.7362236

>many signs that it was going to

Oh so you shorted then? You didnt, because you are a hind sight bias KEK

the only reason to sell now would be to buy back in lower. But Ive got cash reserves that i was saving for the normie market correction but I like this one better so ill pour it it. Im not even hodling, im buying. bought 6K and ill buy more at 5.

everyone "knew" a correction was coming, nobody knew when. Its that simple

>> No.7362343

some people may have invested money they can't afford to lose on crypto i.e. rent money

>> No.7362354

put your money in something that has intrinsic value, that lots of people use on a regular basis. hold that.

you put your money in the most volatile thing possible. its exploding around you, youre holding, and thinking "i know itll get there"?

how is that a thing?

the party is over. nothing caught on. its got as popular as itll ever be, nothing caught on. btc is now 9 years old. it hasnt caught on. even worse now is the little bit that did catch on, any normie that hears the term bitcoin will have some sort of chuckle associated with it.

its over. move on.

>> No.7362448

wow, suprising reading this thread. i guess im one of the last deluded fuckers then who is literally thrilled at this tasty dip and is scrambling to take out loans so i can buy even MORE? lol. im just noit even worried for some reason. maybe im just detached from reality, but i honestly have so much faith in vitalik and eth, i cannot even imagine it failing. ill buy it and keep buyng it in as many stacks as i can grab, until it reaches zero

>> No.7362505

no i dont play the coin game.

when it stalled at 15k for weeks, that wasnt a sign to get out? stalled at 11k for a while, still holding? then 10k for a few days, still hodling?

anon, when volatile shit like this stalls, you 1 feel lucky you noticed that and can still pull out, and 2 GTFO, the party has stalled.

>> No.7362525
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Wall street vampires, short selling scum, Banksters who don't want us to have our own thing.
i think they forgot who runs the internet, the darknet, and all their company servers.
take a look in the normie news
looks like their thing is getting crashed
meanwhile these fucking faggots will never make it inside our central HODL
we own the technology that commerce runs on
they started this war
we will finish it
crypto will never die
pity about those shares though kek

>> No.7362530



>> No.7362613

What makes you think Bitcoin is worth $20k, 10k, 8k, or even 1k? Bitcoin was working perfectly fine in 2015 when I was using it to avoid chargebacks. Bitcoin at $6k works just as well for that purpose as Bitcoin at $300.

>relatively small gains

>look at the price in my tab while shitposting
>when price reaches target, buy 100 ETH (I could flip much more, but I am limiting my risk exposure in such a strong downtrend)
>flip it for several thousand dollars

>> No.7362621

>down 40% this week.
>at 6k from 18k weeks ago

yeah dude you should keep buying more.

>> No.7362682

Alts were booming around that time, I made so much money off random shit on Kucoin
After alts began crashing there was still a week to get out of BTC as people converting to BTC drove the price up

>> No.7362730

If nobody sells then the price can't go down anymore, right? Then why are people selling? They should be buying the raise the price if anything. A bunch of fucking retards.

>> No.7363047

imagine a sinking ship thats really fucking taking on water now, and there's 900 people with room for 800 on the lifeboats. theres no community effort, its dog eat dog every man for himself and it always is.

>> No.7363898


characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder.
"hospitalization for schizophrenia and delusional paranoia"
based on or having faulty judgment; mistaken.
"their delusional belief in the project's merits never wavers"