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File: 42 KB, 2000x2000, 2000px-Hammer_and_sickle.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7351156 No.7351156 [Reply] [Original]

During the Great Depression, industrial output in the Soviet Union quadrupled while it went down up to 20% in the rest of the world.

Why aren't you a communist, /biz/? All of the failures of the socialist bloc could've been easily avoided with the computer software we have available now.

>> No.7351267

because I like having nice things

>> No.7351380


i'm a commie, can't wait to slaughter the bourgeoisie with you OP.

It will truly be the greatest transfer of wealth.

>> No.7351383
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Not a problem Britain cries out for socialism.

>> No.7351410
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>> No.7351521

You can have nice things in a socialist economy.

>> No.7351561

A real communism is our last fucking hope

>> No.7351626

t. 18 year old millennial living in his parents upper-middle class home.

>> No.7351682

>During the Great Depression, industrial output in the Soviet Union quadrupled while it went down up to 20% in the rest of the world.

Amazing what you can do when you don't pay people, confiscate wealth and property, and force people to work as slaves...fucking moron.

>Why aren't you a communist, /biz/? All of the failures of the socialist bloc could've been easily avoided with the computer software we have available now.

No dickwad, there is no "valid" form of leftism. It's all bad, all evil, and only appeals to dumbass beta cucks like you who know they'll never amount to anything.

>> No.7351685


This, kek. Why is it always the bourgeois who want communism? Don't they know THEY are the ones who are going to lose their shit?

>> No.7351691
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>communists are all entitled millenials

>> No.7351737

>i'm a commie, can't wait to slaughter the bourgeoisie with you OP.
>It will truly be the greatest transfer of wealth.

Nothing but death and eternal damnation is going to be transferred to you and your ilk.

>> No.7351781

soviets weren't affected by the market crash because they didn't have a market

>> No.7351792
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>all this liberal ideology

lol. the people who got their shit confiscated were pissed but everyone else loved communism, stay mad you tea sipping fancy boy, we're ocming for that toothbrush

>> No.7351793

>You can have nice things in a socialist economy.

Uh, no.

>> No.7351830

Every time there was a strike in soviet russia, management took 5 random people out onto the street and shot them. They did this every day until the strike ended. Fear was only way for workers to stay productive. Now tell me, you want this?

>> No.7351871

this literally didnt happen so idk what youre talking about

>> No.7351931

>lol. the people who got their shit confiscated were pissed but everyone else loved communism, stay mad you tea sipping fancy boy, we're ocming for that toothbrush

No, nobody "loved" communism. As soon as people realized how good things could be without communism, the USSR imploded.

You can, you will die. We're waiting and ready for the commiecucks. You will fail as usual.

>> No.7351951
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Communism is so great it requires the same brainlet spamming it since it's history can't speak for itself

>> No.7351959


uh yeah remember all those people who fled capitalist countries to run to communist shithole countries?

Oh wait, it was the reverse, retard

>> No.7352025


>> No.7352053

The truth is even worse.

>> No.7352068

Do you even Gulag Archipelago anon?

>> No.7352081
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>> No.7352113


WTF... I'm speechless

>> No.7352139

>two communist shill threads out of nowhere
fuck off back to cripplechan you slimy faggots

>> No.7352155

Why you always lying

>> No.7352156

>this literally didnt happen so idk what youre talking about

If you're supporting any form of leftism then you don't know what you're talking about.

And yes, commies will kill their "management" who doesn't deliver demanded results. There is a reason china has execution vans, which they use to persecute political prisoners.

Commiecucks had a foothold in the USA and Trump is taking you down. We, the people, will eradicate any of you. Red will never have been a more appropriate color for you all.

>> No.7352159


>Still no explanation for how roads would be built and maintained

Nice meme, though

>> No.7352195
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the gusanos who fled cuba were the former bourgeoisie lol, there was class war and they lost

lol no the USSR collapsed due tons of different factors, Yeltsin leaving the CP was not among them

dude the white army was insanely bad, everything that happened to them they deserved

>strawmanning liberals as communists

solzhenitsyn was an anti-semite and supported the tsar. i dont care what he thinks and if he died in the gulags the world would be a better place

capitalism is collapsing, of course we'll visit you guys to laugh

>literal baby boomer facebook tier post

>> No.7352224


I think we should unironically try communism again

I wouldn’t have to worry about working in the fields or factory anyway, my job would be working for the party itself

>> No.7352229

>This is what happens when you marry an ideology

>> No.7352236

>All of the failures of the socialist bloc could've been easily avoided with the computer software we have available now
Not a bad point actually

>> No.7352300
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there's no such thing as "not having an ideology", neutrality is liberalism and is an ideology unto itself. pick a side cuck

>> No.7352325

>This is what happens when you marry an ideology

>> No.7352324

People themselves will build roads, just like they did when they first came here as colonists, dumbass.

This myth that "infrastructure" requires a big, bloated central govt is such a straw grasp that it's not worth responding to. In fact, when govt gets out of the way, people will improve their local communities on their own.

>> No.7352330

>output quadruples
>so do death rates

>> No.7352407

the population exploded and life expectancy skyrocketed after the russian revolution, lol

>> No.7352440

>the population exploded after the russian revolution

>> No.7352442

pot kettle

>> No.7352464

not an argument lmao

>> No.7352499

The end game for libtards is communism. Both of you are the same shit and will get free helicopter rides when the time comes. Until then, keep that bull prepped for your wife, commie.

>> No.7352517
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Property is theft, soyboy

>> No.7352543

this is so categorically false that it makes it obvious you've never read anything, ever.

>private and personal property are the same thing

>> No.7352562

You already have an explanation in real live: toll charge. Currently it's used on top of funding through taxes only for trucks but in the future when every car is completly tracked you could easily link payment to use accurately.

There are however also arguments to subsidize. You benefit indirectly from better remote roads as it leads to less people trying to compete in the main city housing market for example when they can get their services in their remote spots.

>> No.7352565

>This is what happens when you marry an ideology
>POLITICS IS LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.7352650

everything is political. politics and economics are inseparable. trying to divide them and compartmentalize them is liberalism.

>> No.7352679

No it isnt dude stfu you annoying sack of shit.

>> No.7352718
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>> No.7352746
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I'm noticing a distinct lack of actual ARGUMENTS against socialism/communism in this thread

>> No.7352763

> modern economies experiencing issues
> wonders why an unconnected feudal society in the process of industrializing and that uses forced labour camps to artificially inflate economic activity was somehow "growing"
Yeah and how'd that work out for them in the end?

>> No.7352796

>I will try to intimidate by posting pics of masked cucks with guns.

Well, that failed. You're easy targets. lol Bring it.

>lol no the USSR collapsed due tons of different factors, Yeltsin leaving the CP was not among them

Tons of factors? No. Failed because communism always fails, as does any form of leftism...and at its "peak" the USSR accomplished nothing. Meanwhile, in the 200 short years that the USA has existed, it has become the BEST country in the world, and in all of history, period.

>capitalism is collapsing, of course we'll visit you guys to laugh

Capitalism doesn't collapse because it's a group of individuals each doing their own thing. Some may fail, many will succeed.

Leftism requires a collectivism and therefore is doomed to fail because it lacks the ability to innovate and adapt.

I mean, look at you. You're a fucking moron who repeats the same tired old debunked bullshit thinking you've discovered something new. It's hilarious. Deny truth, ignore history, claim "capitalism" is evil, claim that "communism" will fix it...idiot you are.

>>literal baby boomer facebook tier post

Nice non-response because you have none. Cry more little boy. You'll be feeling the pain when you have to fight men, and not women and senior citizens as you're used to. There is no place for you in the USA. hahaha

>> No.7352819

> Wow, my economy is so big now that I stole the money of everybody else and may spend as I wish

Communism ends when the money that you stole ends too. After that the only thing left is a dictatorship and starvation

>> No.7352832
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care to explain how?

>> No.7352860

this is insanely stupid lol. politics play an absolutely huge role in economics whether you like it or not. any good capitalist should know this

>> No.7352875
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>> No.7352892

>actually building things isnt growing, its artificial


>Tons of factors? No. Failed because communism always fails, as does any form of leftism...and at its "peak" the USSR accomplished nothing. Meanwhile, in the 200 short years that the USA has existed, it has become the BEST country in the world, and in all of history, period.

>Capitalism doesn't collapse because it's a group of individuals each doing their own thing.
no it's two classes of people locked in struggle

>I mean, look at you. You're a fucking moron who repeats the same tired old debunked bullshit thinking you've discovered something new. It's hilarious. Deny truth, ignore history, claim "capitalism" is evil, claim that "communism" will fix it...idiot you are.
>muh "common knowledge" spoonfed to me by the CIA

>> No.7352906

>the population exploded and life expectancy skyrocketed after the russian revolution, lol

No, it actually didn't. Nobody considers communism a "revolution", it's epic failure.

>> No.7352932

fuck off retard

>> No.7352939

yes it did? the population massively expanded between 1917 and 1939

>> No.7352943

Does it snow where you live?

>> No.7352962

You guys don't even know how to use simple fucking margin exchanges and you guys talk about politics like your ground breaking economists stfu hahahahh

>> No.7352996
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>I connect my own word definitions to emotions so I always feel right

>> No.7353011
File: 243 KB, 1280x853, 67ADBDE0-6A38-4595-9B0C-7E3FE2612355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Communist:Cuba shakes off hurricane like it was nothing despite direct hit
Capitalist: Puerto Rico thousands of deaths in same hurricane, people with no power for up to a year

>> No.7353054

lalala i cant hear you haha you are all so STUPID!!

>> No.7353092

>nice things
so I can get a few slices of rye bread instead of white after standing 4 hours in the breadline?

oh boy, can't wait!

>> No.7353098
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Obligatory reading for everyone in this thread: http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~wpc/reports/quito.pdf

Paul Cockshott is a political economist and computer scientist that has dedicated his academic work to theorizing how a centrally planned socialist economy might take form with the use of modern computers without repeating the mistakes of the USSR, and to refuting the Austrian school's arguments against socialism. I'd like to see any of you lolbert people refute his texts.

>> No.7353099
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>> No.7353104

> why aren't you a communist
you might want to continue reading about what eventually happened to the soviet union...

>> No.7353128

His wife admitted a few years later that it was hardly a factual book.

>> No.7353150

yeah it collapsed after the economy was liberalized haha weird how that worked out

>> No.7353158

I lived in the soviet union and it was crap, fuck you and fuck communist

>> No.7353159


Capitalist lies! The soviet union was a paradise until the capitalist swine somehow destroyed it!

>> No.7353186

im gonna be nice: i probably know more about the USSR than you do

>memes and stereotypes
come on dude you know full well the soviet union was a real society full of people with clothes and books and shit. it existed for 70+ years

56% of russians want to go back lol

>> No.7353220
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>convenient cherrypicking to avoid showing how Russia went from feudal shithole to one of the largest economies of the world in about a quarter the time the capitalist powers did.
try harder

>> No.7353272

Didn't communism kill 100,000,000 people?

>> No.7353282

Wasn't the Austrian school in full damage control over him?

>> No.7353290

hey i lived there too and i never saw this guy once!

>> No.7353308

thanky mr CIA

>> No.7353411

>>Tons of factors? No. Failed because communism always fails, as does any form of leftism...and at its "peak" the USSR accomplished nothing. Meanwhile, in the 200 short years that the USA has existed, it has become the BEST country in the world, and in all of history, period.

Objective facts, which pwned you. Can you point to a single communist country that:

- Provided individual rights.
- Ended slavery.
- Allows for people to move up in life, not stay locked into a "social class".
- Did not routinely engage in human rights' violations.

No, commiecuck, you cannot, because no such place exists.

>>Capitalism doesn't collapse because it's a group of individuals each doing their own thing.
>no it's two classes of people locked in struggle

Capitalism doesn't create socio-economic classes, that happens when a commiecuck gets rich in a capitalist society and then uses said wealth to lobby the govt to stifle or block competition with regulations and/or laws. Simple example of this is the telecom industry, which was free and open in its infancy but once a few stations got big they lobbied to create the FCC, which now allows only big mega-corporations to control all broadcast.

That is CRONYISM, and is a fundamental system in all leftist-controlled states. Want to build something in china? You have to bribe the right commies.

Capitalism is only the right to private property ownership, and the right to use said property in commerce. Everything else that corrupts this comes from the left.

>>I mean, look at you. You're a fucking moron who repeats the same tired old debunked bullshit thinking you've discovered something new. It's hilarious. Deny truth, ignore history, claim "capitalism" is evil, claim that "communism" will fix it...idiot you are.
>>muh "common knowledge" spoonfed to me by the CIA

What? CIA? They're mostly leftists who would support communism as it gives them control. You dumb.

>> No.7353420

ITT: Morons who have never lived without socialism and morons who have never lived without capitalism thinking anything but a mixed economy will ever succeed.

>> No.7353436

do guns kill people?

>> No.7353440
File: 18 KB, 364x404, hahhhhuhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? CIA? They're mostly leftists who would support communism as it gives them control. You dumb.

this is your brain on pol

>> No.7353473

Rhetorical question fail.

>> No.7353492

>What? CIA? They're mostly leftists who would support communism as it gives them control. You dumb.

oh my fucking GOD

>> No.7353548

dude dont you remember when president pinochet was deposed after a lawful election by cia backed contras so they could install the vile socialist dictator allende

>> No.7353575
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I am yet to see any convincing rebuttal from them, so yes. All of them basically reaffirm basic arguments of their school without actually contesting the points being made against them. For instance, they insist that the LTV is somehow wrong, when it clearly can be shown to be a valid model for prediction: http://users.wfu.edu/cottrell/eea97.pdf

>pic related

>> No.7353593
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levels of ignorance like this guy's really make me feel hopeless sometimes. the fucking CIA being communist. christ almighty.

>> No.7353624

>Communist:Cuba shakes off hurricane like it was nothing despite direct hit

Because shit is already in such bad condition that repairing is a matter of stacking some bricks back up moving debris to the sides of the roads.

>Capitalist: Puerto Rico thousands of deaths in same hurricane, people with no power for up to a year

You're actually citing fake news as "proof" that capitalism failed, as if the economic foundation of PR had anything to do with their response to the hurricane? And why be a cuck and not mention the fact that it was the commie unions refusing to deliver goods that caused the majority of the problems?

How pathetic are you commiecuck brainlets who cannot make a single TRUTHFUL point about the alleged "benefits" of historically debunked communism.

>> No.7353641


I can't believe communist niggers are comparing countries that literally had to invent industrialization bit by bit to one who just adopted it.

Literally, read a fucking book.

And yea, many non-industrial nations became powerhouses as quickly if not faster as the Soviets, dipshit. But without massive fucking slaughter and wealth confiscation.

>> No.7353675

Russia developed very fast under communism. Mainly because it was held back by feudalism beforehand, not because communism was so great.

>> No.7353676

all these replies are coming from edgy NEETs whose net worth isn't even 2k, yet think their shit uneducated opinion on the distribution of wealth is fact. go ask your mom if the tendies are done yet, you don't want her to overcook them.

>> No.7353695

>Because shit is already in such bad condition that repairing is a matter of stacking some bricks back up moving debris to the sides of the roads.

it sounds like you dont know a lot about cuba

>> No.7353728

>Let me cite a fake poll that I just crapped out for you:
>56% of russians want to go back lol

Commiecucks = #75IQLyFe

>> No.7353777

Ever notice how capitalism consistently lifts people out of poverty, even when there is no "true" free market? Ever notice how since the industrial revolution, capitalism has been the only practice that has pulled people out of poverty with out the need for chattel slavery and terror? Ever notice how when a corporation does something bad, you aren't forced support it? Budweiser spent $100k sending water to people in poverty over seas, and then $5 million bragging about it at the super bowl, doesn't that just make you want to stop buying Budweiser products, or at least put more pressure on them to improve that ratio? You have the freedom to do both in "capitalist" countries, because unlike communism, you actually have choice. There are so many beer companies to choose from, and talking shit about one of them isn't considered high treason.

If you are so confident communism works, stop trying to introduce it in countries that already have it good.

>> No.7353804


>industrialism is an invention and not a process

>If you are so confident communism works, stop trying to introduce it in countries that already have it good.

no lol

>> No.7353809

>try harder

Slavery, wholesale human rights violation, mass artificial scarcity of common resources and food...

Bullets are cheap, and shooting a commie is one of the best investments anyone can make.

>> No.7353838


>> No.7353843

yeah the cheka fucking murdered anyone who shittalked the government cheese in the Stalin Union

>> No.7353848

>And yea, many non-industrial nations became powerhouses as quickly if not faster as the Soviets
name one

>> No.7353900


Commiecuck tries denying mass murder required for communist to actually "succeed" as a form of "govt". Hates USA because more than 1/2 of its population are armed and will happily dispatch any masked beta who thinks commie is ever going to take root.

>> No.7353920

20,000,000 people of the 7,000,000,000 on Earth is (generously) 0.3%

So I'd say we're doing pretty good

Also this infograph doesn't take into account the fact that the lands in which people die from these retarded causes are pretty much wholly consistent of shitty 3rd world countries with faschist-like corrupt governments

>> No.7353927

This image is so retarded considering how many people died of for example starvation in communist countries

>> No.7353957

>actually building things isnt growing, its artificial
I mean; sacrificing people's health, lives and thus productivity hurts long term and a lot of what they built were like roads and rails to nowhere, digging up ravines with spoons for the sake of it etc. Forced labour + starvation is great for a short term GDP boost but not much else aye.

>> No.7353996

Kill all commies : )

>> No.7354020

>Also this infograph doesn't take into account the fact that the lands in which people die from these retarded causes are pretty much wholly consistent of shitty 3rd world countries with faschist-like corrupt governments

those third world fash governments were boosted and installed by capitalist powers to prevent commies from nationalizing first world investments (factories, trains, etc) in their countries

>starvation under communism is communism's fault
>starvation under capitalism is just doing business

>> No.7354023

>no lol

No but really, you could be a hero, if all you did was just move out of your comfy western nation and tried to introduce the wonders of communism to a place like, lets say Nigeria.

>> No.7354033

ITT: Morons who thinks there is any degree of leftism required for economies to succeed.

Capitalism + common sense laws is all you need. Period.

Leftism is what introduces corruption, and so no, we don't need your bullshit hybrid economy for success.

>> No.7354034

>fastest population growth rate in the world right now is Niger
>Niger is the best country in the world
Communist """"""intellectuals"""""", everyone.

>> No.7354067

>I mean; sacrificing people's health, lives and thus productivity hurts long term and a lot of what they built were like roads and rails to nowhere, digging up ravines with spoons for the sake of it etc. Forced labour + starvation is great for a short term GDP boost but not much else aye.

Okay life expectancy, productivity, quality of life, literacy, free time, and health all skyrocketed even through the worst times of the Soviet Union. it was not one giant slave camp, it was a functioning society with normal people in it.

>> No.7354070

duhh you can have your ethnostate if you just move to the woods guise its so easy :^)

>> No.7354088
File: 266 KB, 792x1220, capitalism_doesn__t_work_by_ztk2006-d5l0kwt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>countries that already have it good.
such as...?

yeah, and a system where the "living wage" is barely enough to live, forcing many people to overwork and potentially die prematurely is not "slavery" because you can choose between dying and overworking! https://thesocietypages.org/socimages/2014/04/09/overwork-and-its-costs-the-u-s-in-international-perspective/
>mass artificial scarcity
a exclusively capitalist phenomenon: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planned_obsolescence
>Bullets are cheap, and shooting a commie is one of the best investments anyone can make.

>> No.7354089

what is with all this soyboy kike shilling

>> No.7354106

Not an argument
Take this to /pol/ and see you in the chamber
One day you'll be an adult and realize mass murderers aren't heroes

>> No.7354121

im not saying it made the USSR the best country in the world, i'm just countering his claim that everyone died

>> No.7354141
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>100 million dead? Lol better keep trying

>> No.7354152

the workers land of korea

>> No.7354165

>no it's two classes of people locked in struggle

why only two?
Why isn't it three; the upper, middle, and lower classes?

actually, why not 6? why not 12? divided by income?
why not the whole population struggling against oneanother as if it were a (near) individualist capitalist society?
hmm makes u thinc

>> No.7354175

Hmm, I guess that's why the communist parties in former commie shitholes either don't exist any more or are totally irrelevant with below 10% of the vote?
If the Russians really wanted to go back to communism, then why is the communist party struggling with less than 5% of the votes and is only supported by old farts?

>> No.7354181

why do you niggers assume i care at all about other peoples lives

>> No.7354182

this literally is an argument. saying the world is just individual disconnected countries and some succeed and some fail because of innate properties is liberalism, it's an ideology and you're blinded by it. capitalism is a system of interconnections between people, classes, nations and industries evolving in a continual process.

>> No.7354191
File: 61 KB, 900x750, ataturk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is Literally no need for Socialism/Communism to exist
The Already existing Social-Democratic Systems that were put in place at the end of ww2 means that even the most retarded motherfucker can sit on his ass all day and not starve

Be thankful of what youve fucking got
Dont go chasing Utopias and rainbows

>> No.7354204

>What? CIA? They're mostly leftists who would support communism as it gives them control. You dumb.
>this is your brain on pol

Very intelligent response. An intellectual "checkmate" if you will. He wants to passively-aggressively dismiss the fact that the CIA has been a destabilizing force both inside of the USA and abroad, spewing vile leftist ideology through media and education.

No, there was never an operation called "operation mockingbird" run by the CIA.

No, the CIA didn't help mao get to power in china to turn it into the commie shithole it is now.

Let's just ignore these OBJECTIVE FACTS and pretend that communism is somehow good, just misunderstood. lolol

>> No.7354207

>central planning
Into the trash it goes

>> No.7354228

maybe its because the party fucking sucks and is a putin op?

>> No.7354255


but also

>why are there only two
because you either own the means of production or you don't

>> No.7354256

>during literally every other period of time in human history afterward, output in the Soviet Union went down to ??? while it went up in the rest of the world

>> No.7354264

Why don't more Communists move to Cuba or Venezuela? Your comrades need help!

>> No.7354268
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And hey, I am yet to see any of you /pol/tards give me any comment on him. Are you afraid he's gonna prove all your "capitalism is the best we've got" rhetoric wrong?

Though, why should I expect you to read anything other than infographics with questionable sources?

>> No.7354287

/leftypol/ is watching this thread
https://8ch net/leftypol/res/2380778.html

>> No.7354292

all yank ones are

>> No.7354291

dude the cia didnt even fucking exist until after the communists in china won

>> No.7354297

Here's a little riddle for you classcucks. If socialism and communism are doomed to fail no matter what, then why does the US and it's lackeys feel the need to spend hundreds of billions of dollars suppressing and overthrowing socialism? Why not just let it collapse?

>> No.7354302

This board is called business, you can't have business in Communism so get the fuck out.

>> No.7354311

No saying >starvation in communist countries is not communism's fault
>starvation under capitalism is just doing buisness
are not arguments
Retard commie child

>> No.7354319

oh my god do you really believe this

>> No.7354336

I guess we continue on this thread
Im a Venezuelan. Tell me wants nice. The only nice things left were those build by the previous government

Fuck dude, I see starving people every day.
They are wine socialists.
I fucking wish I would get out this hell hole

>> No.7354347
File: 72 KB, 163x195, smiling cockshott.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What we have to deal with here is a communist society, not as it has developed on its own foundations, but, on the contrary, just as it emerges from capitalist society; which is thus in every respect, economically, morally, and intellectually, still stamped with the birthmarks of the old society from whose womb it emerges. Accordingly, the individual producer receives back from society – after the deductions have been made – exactly what he gives to it. What he has given to it is his individual quantum of labor. For example, the social working day consists of the sum of the individual hours of work; the individual labor time of the individual producer is the part of the social working day contributed by him, his share in it. He receives a certificate from society that he has furnished such-and-such an amount of labor (after deducting his labor for the common funds); and with this certificate, he draws from the social stock of means of consumption as much as the same amount of labor cost. The same amount of labor which he has given to society in one form, he receives back in another.


If you want a deeper, 21st century application there's a book titled "Towards a New Socalism" by Paul Cockshott.

>> No.7354348

Because it usually ends up killing a fuck ton of people?

>> No.7354358
File: 187 KB, 1250x716, profimedia-030935241_170815-151059_mls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Support DPRK! Death to the imperialist swine!

>> No.7354374

Oh no, shit4brains posts a fictitious infographic and thinks it legitimizes his bullshit.

You literally listed people dying from natural causes and what...imply that communists don't die from disease?

HOLODOMOR says hi, fuckwad.

>> No.7354380

yeah no shit they jump on every opportunity to shill their kike ideology on 4chan since the circlejerk over there gets boring fast.

>> No.7354389
File: 66 KB, 734x555, 789687687678687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>board is so dead you have to attempt to recruit communists on a business board

/leftypol/, folks

>> No.7354406
File: 48 KB, 838x601, population.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes it did? the population massively expanded between 1917 and 1939
are you even trying?
>no proper statistics before WWII
>1.4% growth rate
>even if you believe soviet censuses at the time you get the same results

>> No.7354411

Personally I'm phone posting from my bed otherwise I would

>> No.7354417
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>> No.7354426


holodomor is a myth and even if it wasn't kulaks deserved it

>> No.7354452

If only we could swap some American Communists out for Venezuelans.

>They are wine socialists.
You can always count on wealthy Progressive types to want more control over every aspect of society.

>> No.7354474

Hes not entirely wrong though
The CIA like most US gov Agencies is a mostly big gov leftist/communist org
The CIA for instance supported the communist gov of Mao and the communist Khmer rouge of Cambodia
Event today the CIA helps prop up the mostly socialist (Scandinavia) and communist (France Germany England) Governments of Europe

>> No.7354502

South Korea was still a feudal shithole in the 70's. It only became a industrialized society in the 90's. South korea was also massively propped up by USA, while USSR had no such help

>> No.7354504

Look it's an intellectually dishonest commie treating capitalism like communism and assuming that "the global market" implies that one prosperous capitalist nation's government is by default responsible for every impoverished country, and has ownership of production in said country

>> No.7354515

>it sounds like you dont know a lot about cuba

It sounds like you don't know if you have a penis or a vagina, so you identify as a retard who embraces communism.

>> No.7354519

ok I have seen this and your argument only seems weaker

what constitutes the means of production then?
Do you have it? Do I have it? Do you have some and I have none because I'm a poorfag and you may own a business?
What if your business is a service based one, and a small one at that, you don't produce anything and say any idiot could do what you do like dropshipping or the like, then what?
What about all of us cryptofags on biz?

>> No.7354534

> communist (France Germany England) Governments of Europe


>> No.7354537


Can't wait to have 1 billion die this time, I would guess it wasn't real communism again. Kinda like how the left was sucking Chavez dick only just a few years ago. They still have his cum stains on their shirts plastered throughout the internet.

>> No.7354540
File: 112 KB, 1024x768, 1400551269704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah man its been working great for the u.s. so far

>rural parts of alabama and missouri are still literally 3rd world shitholes that open pipe raw sewage out of their trailers and are fucking swiss-cheesed with hookworm
>wages stagnant in the u.s. since the 70's as unions evaporated
>economic inequality is so bad that the only way for the right to justify the massive transfer of wealth to the ruling class is DA JOOZ instead of their own failing economic institutions

yeah my dudes it's all just common sense have you seen my helicopter memes?

>> No.7354547

>The CIA like most US gov Agencies is a mostly big gov leftist/communist org
dear lord

>> No.7354579

>Hurr Durr, why won't you emigrate?

Because i love my country and i want to see it thrive

I didn't see many americans worried about the deaths caused by Iraq war (more then 1 million). And for what?

>> No.7354582

now it's time for you to read marx my friend. god bless.

(also, there are more than two classes, such as remnants of old ones, class divisions caused by imperialism, etc etc etc, i just simplified for the thread)

>> No.7354604

>hurricane katrina
>revolutionary war
Wow that might be the most retarded image I have ever seen

>> No.7354606
File: 166 KB, 1337x481, 864a885bf8976bccee4662d5dbb8e135de5cf2ca2c8d5fb289c80ae4b88bc42b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kike ideology
Keep on believing this faggot
>posting a meme made up by anarchists

>> No.7354609

Because the principal competing military power was the USSR at the time, and the US and USSR were competing to bring various countries into their sphere of influence. Think in terms of "Russia-aligned", not "Socialist". China aside, most third-world socialist revolutions crushed by the US were USSR-aligned and USSR-backed.

>> No.7354610

>During the Great Depression, industrial output in the Soviet Union quadrupled while it went down up to 20% in the rest of the world.
Uh huh. And then what happened?

>> No.7354616

Yeah bruh, fake polls not compelling. What did these polls say were Trump's chances of beating shitlery? 2%? hahaha

Don't give up on trying to start a commie takeover...many Americans are dying for some live target practice...the UN will not be able to save you.

>> No.7354621

Stop looking at things as capistalist vs socialists. The real issue is authoritarian vs libertarian

You can be rightwing or leftwing and be authoritative.
All type of authoritarianism is AIDS
Libertarianism is the only humanist and morally correct philosophy and politic.

I wish that too man.



>> No.7354630

why not just go to war over it lads?

>> No.7354645

Industrialisation required lots of technological breakthrough. Western countries did it organically over a long period of time, step by step being at the forefront of economic development. Later developers just need to apply already existent technology through labour and organisation.

>> No.7354650

Why does the USSR need such help from [Glorious] USA if commienism is so good then?

>> No.7354655

>transfer of wealth
Most likely it will just be the destruction of wealth and the start of a new dark age.

>> No.7354662

All three of them Are big Goverment police states just like all socialist Utopias
Two of them Are run by Western Cultural Marxists (Macron and Merkel) Who seem to just hate their own countries
And one is on th brink of being run by a communist so radical that even most European Socialists/Communists hate him (Corbyn)

>> No.7354676

>Because i love my country and i want to see it thrive
Yes, we must bring the joys of Communism to everyone. By force, if necessary.

>> No.7354685

dude im gonna be honest, are you over 40? you talk like a facebook old person. why are you on 4chan?

>> No.7354700

Is that soviet figures? We all know about the gulag archipelago, the millions interned, the millions dead and the wasteful work from even the KGB records. You're perfectly right though, it had development, people did live their lives not everyone was arrested all at once for the whole time.

>> No.7354712
File: 41 KB, 483x695, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cultural marxist
Read society of the spectacle

>> No.7354717

>Why aren't you a communist, /biz/?

i don´t like starving that much

>> No.7354729

>since the circlejerk over there gets boring fast.
Hell they even started banning their own. No wonder they have to come here.

>> No.7354731

im sorry but im not going to respond to you anymore my friend. i wish you the best.

no thats everyone's figures, gulag archipleago is fi

>> No.7354742

Implying that our economic policies are the same as the 50s and not fucked up with shit socialist ideas and that is why we are in this predicament.

>> No.7354747

My wife's family is from the ussr; most people left their apartment homes unlocked. Everyone had the same stuff and nobody wanted to buy stolen versions what they already had

>> No.7354755
File: 54 KB, 640x564, 99c6d69314dc8e83ea8e98f2e32292616c81dd97080f9fdb9c3956243dffb5ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USSR was a terrible place, bread so plentiful that the women begged the west to limit it

>> No.7354763

>i think polls and the opinions are the same thing
holy fuck you're a retard

>> No.7354764
File: 292 KB, 540x675, 1517692548396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck will happen when the bots take all of the jobs?

>> No.7354776

Are you fucking stupid
>invest in deregulated (libertarian) market
>see ponzi scheme after ponzi scheme
>norman investors fomoing into anything that mooons
>washtrading, fake news (fud), insider trading, you name it

Crypto is the perfect example for why people can't control themselves and need strong regulation from authority figures.

>> No.7354790

Nate Silver gave Trump a 30% chance at winning the election. And Trump only won by a mere tens of thousands of votes.

I was just pointing out that USSR industrialized on its own, in less time and more dramatically, as opposed to SK, which needed to be propped up by USA, Japan and the Western World

>> No.7354797

>Is that soviet figures? We all know about the gulag archipelago
motherfucker, you're doubting soviet figures but taking a fictional work as if it was accurate
eat shit

>> No.7354824
File: 124 KB, 1023x690, 14eae1e3579162dccae4f28d0a2e4ef20eca0e7bb792538d096b7aea5b0b08a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is rare footage of some young kulak insurgents ready for transportation to Siberia

>> No.7354839

>USSR industrialized on its own
misleading because they copied the technological innovation of the west
they failed to compete once we moved from the industrial revolution to the silicon revolution

>> No.7354899

hows that labor theory of value working for you and your no-longer-existing countries?
asking for a friend

>> No.7354905
File: 139 KB, 1023x679, 8b99fd9d938900e7fb8689eac98f79bf7f84a8003ae8929e045d87cbeaf0243f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the rough streets of Soviet Russia, man could not trust even himself

>> No.7354907

>those third world fash governments were boosted and installed by capitalist powers to prevent commies from nationalizing first world investments (factories, trains, etc) in their countries

Stop to savor the sweet irony in this commiecuck's response:

a) Those "evil" capitalists undermined countries by replacing their elected govt with communists, thus turning them into the shitholes they are today.

b) Continues to proclaim the benefits and virtues of communism.

If the word "fucktarded" needed a photo reference, this guy needs to be it. Some skinny-jean wearing bitch in a mask...

>>starvation under communism is communism's fault
>>starvation under capitalism is just doing business

Look at that classic strawman. Could it be any more textbook? Commies used mass starvation, deliberately, to gain compliance and reduce population numbers (thus potential for resistance). It's LITERALLY world history. Read a fucking book...

>> No.7354908

Because even during the Great Depression everyone else’s output was STILL more than the Commies (per capita)

It’s easy to say "we quadrupled our industrial output" when before communism you were a fucking agricultural feudal society, not capitalistic one

>> No.7354912
File: 189 KB, 600x600, 1515822866832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read culture of critique

>> No.7354921

>By force, if necessary.

Capitalism is mantained by force. It was established by force. I see no reason as to why force and violence should be barred to achieve our goals.

Solzhetnizh wife literally told that the Gulag Archipelago was a collection of folklore tales, and not a historic work

>> No.7354926

their cruelty knows no bounds, making them hold the chains in their hands

>> No.7354979

Something I learning from being is socialist and communist parties is that you can easily spot who the retarded commie is, just look at the one that pretend he's a 6 star general or want to be the one to lead the masses command them. They never want to be one planting rice 14 hours a day, mmm no no no.

You cannot see the difference in participating in a voluntary marker and being forced and coherced to do so?
People buy the cryptos they want and choose, that's their problem.

>> No.7354983

where are you pulling the statistic from in this article, it just says who felt the breakup of the soviet union was a bad thing, and whether they saw stalin as good. also, this is the same logic as
>70% of Americans saw the civil war as a bad thing
>therefore 70% of Americans want to go back to slavery

>> No.7354986

Quality of life goes in the shitter, even moreso than in capitalist nations, that’s a real achievement - being even worse than the worst financial disaster in history.

>> No.7354997
File: 101 KB, 919x533, 5ea2bf4094595ed3ffc8f68b3ecd442c48a584647eb78d144175cdae7ae4c94c[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this Maduro's plan all along?

>> No.7354999

>misleading because they copied the technological innovation of the west
And South Korea copied from the rest of the world. What is the issue? What is exactly wrong with learning from people who are more better then us?

>> No.7355021

You're all fucking doomed. Each and every single one of you. Zombies socially engineered to bring humanity down. Modern day sea people... sort yourselves out.

>> No.7355025

>Capitalism is mantained by force. It was established by force. I see no reason as to why force and violence should be barred to achieve our goals.

>Hell yeah, Comrades! We're going to use force to smash the state, abolish all forms of private property, and then, umm...?
Do you really not see the problem here?

>> No.7355034

>Maybe if I keep making blanket false statements about how great communism is, I'll convince everyone to join my cause.

LOOK OUT GUYS! He has a turd degree brown belt in bullshitto.

>> No.7355036
File: 28 KB, 640x428, 32c69443d8a7ca77ab085e9ab7a403337c98dac0ca78d330bcbea4db5048c00a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some truly degenerate footage of man and women sitting on same bench together after back breaking day of long work, woe to what Russia may have been

>> No.7355041

my favorite part of the pictures your friend posts is how organic and representative of the wider economic situation they are
hey, interested in seeing some totally-not-staged shots from the DPRK?
i've seen pictures; it's a great place to live

>> No.7355048

Good praxis cryptocurrency comrade

>> No.7355065

>more better
you should learn from someone with more better grammar

>> No.7355067

Korea, Japan, Taiwan, malaysia, indonesia, hong kong, singapore

>> No.7355083

Germany did better you pleb.

>> No.7355103

>Accordingly, the individual producer receives back from society – after the deductions have been made – exactly what he gives to it
So human inequality will still exist and people will still bitch about not having as many luxuries as their neighbors. Also, all labor is not equal, and shouldn't be compensated equally.
I could give you a critique about how computers are vulnerable to flash events and aren't infallible and that the economy isn't the only aspect of human existence. I'm sure you would love to argue what importance genetics plays on human development and it cascading effect on societies at large. I'm also not a lolberg btw.

>> No.7355106

>first paragraph

Makes you think

>> No.7355149

>and then, umm...?
The world keeps moving the same way as it moved before, but now the parasitic capitalist class is anihilated

You will still be able to masturbate to anime, don't worry.

>everything that came out of USSR and Socialist states in general is propaganda

Drop your tinfoil, grandpa

>> No.7355166
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>> No.7355170
File: 167 KB, 720x520, USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>During the Great Depression

>> No.7355175

if you think these photos were staged you're retarded

>> No.7355188

First one is reactive force, you aggress against us you get the fist.

Second one is unprovoked force.

Not that I expect communists to have any kind of moral compass but come on, even you should be able to see the difference between me slapping your shit because you have a nice sweater and me slapping your shit because you're trying to steal my sweater.

>> No.7355191
File: 334 KB, 353x403, 1408897052236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the financial industry was heavily deregulated in the 1980s under reagan, and that deregulation has continued pretty much up until the modern era. it's literally just classic chicago school economics.

it's no surprise libertarian brain-geniuses are getting fleeced on the crypto market with classic tried-and-true guilded-era penny stock scams.

>> No.7355206

>South Korea now
One if the most advanced countries in the world with very large economic and cultural presence compared to its size
>the soviet union
Everyone died, it collapsed, Russia is still shit despite having an infinite landmass of natural resources and basically you are fucking stupid

>> No.7355215

> fictional work
We all know the gulag system existed, this ain't like fake gas chambers bro. KGB figures and the Russian president exposed this. Everyone doubts communist figures because they consistnetly tried to hide the truth, like what they did with visiting journalists similar to Cuba/North Korea, it's a running theme.

>> No.7355223

oof youre embarrassing yourself

>> No.7355229

>The world keeps moving the same way as it moved before, but now the parasitic capitalist class is anihilated
Great, but now you get the "parasitic Communist Party" class, instead. What, you thought the State was actually going anywhere?

>> No.7355241
File: 126 KB, 1023x689, 198198096e61911e92abc488d79c09c695de2e5418f270e1e7c2e866de74a81e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unclassified picture of Russian KGB psykers attempting to move giant chess pieces by mental will alone

>> No.7355251

If you take such anecdotal evidence as a few happy pictures, you're retarded

>> No.7355274

>You cannot see the difference in participating in a voluntary marker and being forced and coherced to do so?
>People buy the cryptos they want and choose, that's their problem.

This is the fundamental problem with libertarianism, the social dilemma.

The people that scam the crypto (or any market) make profit and everyone else is left holding the bags. Even if people didn't invest, they can still feel the effects of those decisions e.g. great depression or too big to fail recession.

>> No.7355283

>We all know the gulag system existed
nobody said it didn't, learn2read
>KGB figures and the Russian president exposed this
>Everyone doubts communist figures
lol written literally in consecutive sentences

>> No.7355298

>indonesia, malasya

Was still a feudal shithole in the beggining of WW2. Their industrialisation efforts began in the 1870's

US military base

>Hong Kong
ironically under the rule of a socialist state

City state, and a helhole for their actual citizens

>> No.7355310

>fake gas chambers

opinion literally disregarded lol

>> No.7355329

>Why aren't you a communist, /biz/?
I live in a post communist hell hole and I'm not mentally handicapped.

>> No.7355342


>> No.7355350

I take them as anecdotal evidence that they weren't living in 24hr/7days/52weeks grinding misery and agony as you seem to think

>> No.7355372


>> No.7355405

Yeah a transfer of wealth to the heads of state

>> No.7355415
File: 124 KB, 1023x689, 848e656f60fdd6f53f2b7aceb9fe7261cd246f1eb2db72054e184387e851aa5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Soviet Russia, slav picks up morning newspaper with pants high pulled up to establish dominance

>> No.7355428


>During the Great Depression, industrial output in the Soviet Union quadrupled while it went down up to 20% in the rest of the world.

That's because they sent tens of millions of people into death camps to work 25 year recurring prison sentences. Go read Solzhenitsyn.

>> No.7355433

we dont support pol pot, he was a CIA stooge to undercut the soviets in indochina

>> No.7355443

>"parasitic Communist Party"

If they try to take away the fruits of labor without adding anything, then they get the bullet too

>> No.7355470

I don't seem to think anything

You just seemed to think what you thought I seem to think

Communism does it worse than capitalism, that's the bottom line

>> No.7355503


>> No.7355514

>the Holocaust was a lie spread by the allies! Don't believe history book!
>but gulags and community slaughter is 100% fact, my American high school text book says so!
These kids never fail to make me Lmao

>> No.7355535

>If they try to take away the fruits of labor without adding anything, then they get the bullet too
Just keep repeating the revolution until people get tired of it, I guess. Who calculates who gets what when markets and exchange are banned?

>> No.7355549

how was he a marxist, lol? he was a cambodian nationalist and total crazy person

>> No.7355552

Yeah, like that bothers the US of A. I'm sure they were crying rivers full of tears when they genocided the native americans.
Then why not just spend the amount of money necessary to sit secure behind the Pacific and Atlantic oceans and just wait for this whole socialism thing to blow over? If socialism literally never works there's no way it could expand, or even go from a semi-feudal back water to a global superpower in a few decades. Oh shit, it actually did. Whoops, back to the drawing board I guess.
>Stop looking at things as capistalist vs socialists.
Actually I tend to look at things in terms of class conflict, so more "Working class vs The Capitalist class" I guess.
>The real issue is authoritarian vs libertarian
Then you'd be cool with anarchist socialism, correct?
Regardless though, I think this is a very reductive and naive way to view things. The state comes about due to specific material conditions, and is also wielded as an instrument of the most powerful class in society.

>> No.7355572

>What is exactly wrong with learning from people who are better than us?
So by your own admission the USSR could only copy techniques learned from the capitalist west, something that it couldn't do when the digital age came into being. The issue is that simply copying others will eventually lead to stagnation. Fortunately for you the west was willing to innovate, so you weren't stuck in the 1960s technologically.

As an aside, the best example of a country fixing itself and coming back from the brink is 1930's Germany. It took almost every industrialized power to stop them in a catastrophic war. But since a certain bad goy was in charge, we can't copy them.

>> No.7355580

>ho calculates who gets what when markets and exchange are banned?
Workers in a democratic fashion

>> No.7355583

The fact that the west has only decreased in power since making themselves more and more socialist is proof retard.

The west has had capitalism with carying degrees of government interference, we can see the effects simply my looking at the past and present.

This "you haven’t experience X there for you don’t know" is a fucking retarded argument. I don’t need to be stab in the dick to know that being stab in the dick isn’t fun.

>> No.7355608

> I'm sure they were crying rivers full of tears when they genocided the native Americans.
They didnt though thats just a liberal/commie/AntiWhite lie
Most Natives died of disease

>> No.7355627

As in even the communist with their dodgy figures to make themselves look good later exposed gulag history, but everyone doubts their inflated figures because of the things that were found afterwards and during that era like the roads to nowhere built by hand in Siberia at the cost of many lives not reflected in their official figures etc.

I'm sorry your brain is too small to recognize when two different situations are both negative for one party involved.

>> No.7355680

I'm saying that people dispute one, not the other. Both are probably true but the later (gulags) are indisputable whereas the difference between labour camps and death camps can be talked about at least.

>> No.7355684

US geostrategy centers around preventing a rival power from rising in Central Asia. Think Great Game 2.0. Also, you have to remember that at the time Communism was taken seriously as a threat by American strategists and economists, in that it might be able to have superior military/economic output. This ended up being wrong, of course, but it was a serious concern at the time.

>> No.7355694
File: 131 KB, 1031x1600, 440fa138d23f1e638bc9dbe577afc577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So by your own admission the USSR could only copy techniques learned from the capitalist west
No, i said USSR learned from countries that were more advanced at the time. They didn't carbon copy. Don't forget that the Soviets were the first to reach outer space.

>As an aside, the best example of a country fixing itself and coming back from the brink is 1930's Germany.

>> No.7355709

>>countries that already have it good.
>such as...?


>yeah, and a system where the "living wage" is barely enough to live, forcing many people to overwork and potentially die prematurely is not "slavery" because you can choose between dying and overworking!

WTF is a "living wage"? Don't make shit up and act like it's not what you think it should be. There is no such thing as a "living wage".

The value of the USD has been deliberately reduced by the central bank, a leftist construct, which causes price inflation. This inflation, coupled with people passing on skilled trades in lieu of some worthless office job, has resulted in people ending up in bad financial conditions.

But there is nothing keeping them there, there are numerous ways to increase your income if you are willing to innovate...can't do that in commie system where everyone is locked into mediocrity except for the "ruling class".

>>mass artificial scarcity
>a exclusively capitalist phenomenon: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planned_obsolescence

No, just no. Wikipedia is a fountain of bullshit which is why only dimwitted fools refer to it. Artificial scarcity is the false claim that resources are limited and must be rationed. Food, fuel, water are typically claimed to be in "short supply" by commies who want to use these basic necessities to manipulate the population.

Planned obsolescence does not create scarcity, it is done to ensure steady sales of a product that would normally not be purchased more than once as long as it worked as intended.

Conflate more and show your total ignorance on all topics.

>>Bullets are cheap, and shooting a commie is one of the best investments anyone can make.


>> No.7355714

>everyone doubts their inflated figures because of the things that were found afterwards and during that era like the roads to nowhere built by hand in Siberia at the cost of many lives not reflected in their official figures
citation needed, since I don't see how someone can see from a fucking road whether gulag numbers are fudged unless every worker signed himself in frehs cement

>> No.7355740

Great, so the sovereign is whoever controls the flow of information, and we're back to hierarchy again.

>> No.7355770


a true brainlet

>The fact that the west has only decreased in power since making themselves more and more socialist is proof retard.
The west has decreased in power because we no longer hold a monopoly on technological innovation. Russia and China 100 years ago were peasant villagers. Today they are modernized.

>The west has had capitalism with carying degrees of government interference, we can see the effects simply my looking at the past and present.
We have more capitalism today then we have had in the last 100 years. Most boomers had free college because of heavy govt subsidies. Today millennials hold college bags.

>> No.7355774
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>what is the Indian Removal Act?
>what is the American Indian Wars?
>what is the California Genocide?

>> No.7355777

How were you affected by the bitcoin pop if you never invested in it?

Most if not all recessions were caused by governments politics, ie intervention

Please realize that communism only frees you from capitalist, private oppression and abuse. But it opens state,government,party abuse and oppression.

The solution is to eliminate those positions of power that could ger corrupted, and libertarianism solves that.

Lets see for example my country venezuela, you cannot look it as working vs capitalist. It's too simplistic

Here its corrupted thieves pretending to be socialists vs everything else. Did you know that the leading opposition figure is the vice president of the international socialist?

There are communists, socialist, libertarians, etc against this corrupted government.

>> No.7355833

Show me one pic of a mass grave in a Gulag.

You stormweenies deny Holocaust even thou i can produce 100s of pics of mass graves right now, but when it comes to "Communism crimes", you guys swallow up any number that comes in any infographic, without any sort of supporting evidence.

Cold war Propaganda is still strong

>> No.7355838

>in a democratic fashion
Why should you get a say if I decide to trade with someone else? Its becoming increasingly obvious that you simply want to parasite off of everyone else. Also democracies are easily subverted. You can use basic high school clique tactics to disrupt it.

>> No.7355843

So dumb. The west has been getting more and more capitalist since the early 80's (when Reagan and thatcher destroyed the socialist institutions that had driven our prosperity), and look where it's getting us. When the west was more socialist in the 50,60,70's we could achieve much more

>> No.7355855

>Then why not just spend the amount of money necessary to sit secure behind the Pacific and Atlantic oceans and just wait for this whole socialism thing to blow over? If socialism literally never works there's no way it could expand, or even go from a semi-feudal back water to a global superpower in a few decades. Oh shit, it actually did. Whoops, back to the drawing board I guess.

Because most communist regimes end up attacking people in order to hide their shortcomings. Nobody destabilized Mandela, cause he at least wasn't violent (after jail), and he turned South Africa into a shithole by himself.

>> No.7355906

>dude the cia didnt even fucking exist until after the communists in china won

They were called the OSS back then. Rebrand keep the deception going.

>> No.7355908
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Here children train on course made to increase physical endurance from young age to prepare for hard military Soviet life

>> No.7355942

>Also democracies are easily subverted. You can use basic high school clique tactics to disrupt it.
and you'll end up back in the school locker again

>> No.7355943

But there is no sovereign, since the previous sovereign (owner/shareholders) either repented their rapine ways of acquiring wealth and became workers, or got a bullet in their heads.

>> No.7355963

>How were you affected by the bitcoin pop if you never invested in it?

GPUs sold out?

Housing bubble was a better example, which is why I mentioned it. Greedy Bankers and Real Estate agents sell houses to people that can't afford them. Market crashes. Everyone is damaged. Same shit happened in dot com bubble and great depression

>Most if not all recessions were caused by governments politics, ie intervention
total bullshit.
People are greedy and they will cause bubbles with or without the govt.

>Please realize that communism only frees you from capitalist, private oppression and abuse. But it opens state,government,party abuse and oppression.
I'm not a commie

>The solution is to eliminate those positions of power that could ger corrupted, and libertarianism solves that.
Medicine that is worse than the illness. Great no govt to go corrupt. But humans are corrupt and treat each other even worse than the govt by scamming everyone.
Governments have emerged because they enforce a basic level of trust into societies.

>> No.7355977
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Hey You Fat Niggers
Listen Up

The Whole Reason Communists Are Still Around Is Because We Have Yet To Solve The Other End Of The Economic Problem

The famous example for capitalism goes like this:
You have just met your true love and need to write down her number before you forget it, as you have both just parted ways
You don't have a pen
You look to the nearest street person and/or salesman and haggle for the right price of a pen until you buy one from him at last
You both are happy as you want for the pen RIGHT NOW more than the other person does, and are willing to give up the money for it

The problem arises when the other man sees you have just met your true love, and understands the high degree of your need for said pen
Seeing as there are no others with pens available in that moment, he sees the opportunity to make a killing on a (fairly worthless) little pen
So he charges you the maximum amount you are willing to pay at that moment for the pen, he is greedy, and his price goes higher than even he would normally pay for a simple pen

This is the problem we must still solve
Communism won't do it, but this is the issue wherein the resentment that manifests itself as communism sentiments lies

>> No.7356004

>Here's a little riddle for you classcucks. If socialism and communism are doomed to fail no matter what, then why does the US and it's lackeys feel the need to spend hundreds of billions of dollars suppressing and overthrowing socialism? Why not just let it collapse?

They don't. They overthrow elected govts and replace them with leftist regimes, commies, and the country becomes a shithole.

China will collapse without US consumerism to prop it up. If manufacturing comes back to USA and tariffs eliminate china's slave labor cost advantage, china will implode real fast.

>> No.7356014

No argument. Typical leftypol brainlet.
>Don't forget that the Soviets were the first to reach outer space.
On German engineered rockets.

>> No.7356054

>just read ______!

>> No.7356069

>oh my god do you really believe this
do you really deny this?

>> No.7356086

troll? or do you just live under a bridge IRL

>> No.7356104

Most present in the Americas, yes. Then we broke treaty after treaty with them and carried out genocides on the remaining population. Hell we even used small pox in our favor
once we found out about it. I have no doubt that we would have intentionally used it if we knew about it's effect when the first Europeans landed in the Americas. White niggers were all about their gib me dats.
>US geostrategy centers around preventing a rival power from rising in Central Asia. Think Great Game 2.0. Also, you have to remember that at the time Communism was taken seriously as a threat by American strategists and economists, in that it might be able to have superior military/economic output. This ended up being wrong,
Except it ended up being right during the USSR's entire history. Even in 1989 the USSR had the ability to sweep western Europe if it choose to. And the USSR managed to have a positive growth rate during it's entire history, even up to the collapse. Where the old socialist states did fail big time was consumer goods.

>> No.7356122

>Why should you get a say if I decide to trade with someone else?
If i helped you to produce the product you want to trade, then yes, i should have a say. If not, then you are right, i shouldn't have a say (except some cases). Why should your boss, who added no input into the labor take the lion share of the profits?

> Its becoming increasingly obvious that you simply want to parasite off of everyone else.
The contary, i want the parasites(owners/shareholders) to stop parasiting on the backs of the working class

>> No.7356133

>there is no sovereign
Arguing with anarchists really gets tiresome after awhile. Sovereignty always exists. You seem to be trying to describe a system where, somehow, people are physically incapable of gaining property or power. There seems to be no way of preventing this from happening short of a centralized absolute power, which is what tends to exist in actual Communist societies.

>> No.7356143

>holodomor is a myth
The only myth is that communism or socialism is viable in any way, or that you have a leg to stand on.

>> No.7356160

I'm bigger, better looking and stronger than you. I can fuck your woman whenever I want and there is literally nothing you can do to stop it. I know this is hard for you as a lefty genetic dud to understand, but there are people who are simply born better than you, and you will never be able to surpass them.

>> No.7356209
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>Capitalism is only the right to private property ownership, and the right to use said property in commerce. Everything else that corrupts this comes from the left.

commiecucks btfo

>> No.7356215

They want the commune part of communism, most of them are just isolated and want something to belong to but either can't or won't do it along racial/cultural lines.

>> No.7356228

this is an embarrassing post

>> No.7356232

>No argument.
My argument is pic. Your so called "Best example of fixing" led to the largest displacement of persons in the History of europe. The borders of Germany shrank by half.

Nice win you got there

>On German engineered rockets.
>he thinks it were Germans who were behind the SOviet space program

Nice cold war propaganda

>> No.7356253

> Even in 1989 the USSR had the ability to sweep western Europe if it choose to.
Only if they're ready for nuclear conflict. Put your missiles next to the other guy, and don't let the other guy put his missiles next to you. This is part of why the US was so concerned with socialist revolutions in South America, presumably.

>> No.7356322

The day of the gulag is coming pigbro

>> No.7356335

>If not, then you are right, i shouldn't have a say (except some cases).
>except some cases
Explain why. Also, what's stopping me from simply not associating with you at all? Why do I need to participate in your group if I can form my own?
> Why should your boss, who added no input into the labor take the lion share of the profits?
Because my boss assumes risk that I'm not willing to take if I don't have to. If the quarter fucks up, he takes the blame, not me. Its similar to how you want decisions to be made "democratically" so nobody takes responsibility for when the organization fucks up.

>> No.7356347


>> No.7356416

the same reason poor people are conservatives

>> No.7356425

> both are probably true
> you stormweenies deny Holocaust
Now you're just talking past me, not listening and not paying attention. Typical commie.

>> No.7356454

It is, but so was your previous response. You have no answer to people who are better manipulators than you. Only some nebulous idea of getting back at them. You at your core are a failed beta trying to justify your existence rather than coming to term with your position in the hierarchy of humanity.

>> No.7356459

>yeah man its been working great for the u.s. so far

It actually has.

>>rural parts of alabama and missouri are still literally 3rd world shitholes that open pipe raw sewage out of their trailers and are fucking swiss-cheesed with hookworm

Terrible trade deals and anti-business regulations passed by commies that slipped into US govt have taken their toll. Nice of you to notice the reason TRUMP WON.

>>wages stagnant in the u.s. since the 70's as unions evaporated

If unions were doing so much for wage growth, why did they "evaporate"? If a moron spoke things, he'd speak like you.

Unions did a great job in detroit. Vote democrat! Union up!

Next you'll spew some fake bullshit like attributing the 8hr workday to unions...lol what a dumbass.

>>economic inequality is so bad that the only way for the right to justify the massive transfer of wealth to the ruling class is DA JOOZ instead of their own failing economic institutions

Inequality? So you think there should be "economic equality"? Do you have anything not stupid to say? Obama, a communist, had a chance to bail out the people or the banksters. Who did he choose to help? Oh, that's right, the banks who caused the financial meltdown in the first place. Smart.

>yeah my dudes it's all just common sense have you seen my helicopter memes?

You signed up for stupid without borders, didn't you?

>> No.7356463

> holodomor is a myth and even if it wasn't kulaks deserved it
This is sadly what many marxists actually believe. Deny it but defend it, goes for all atrocities, even the worst humans have ever committed since the Mongols.

>> No.7356478

They like it if and only if they get to lead the vanguard party, so they probably aren't going to lose much of anything. Small price to pay for more power.

>> No.7356501

the day of student loan collection is coming, tardbro

>> No.7356521

I hope you're joking with the GPU thing.

I hope you actually don't think that the government policies didn't had anything to do with the housing bubble. The government paved the way, and later on intervined worsening the situation in the log run

Its like (Jackson?) Said when talking about the central bank,
>you tell me if I shot this down hundreds will lose everything,.that may be true, but if I keel this going thousands will lose it and that will be your fault.
Im paraphrasing since I don't remember the quote exactly.

You know that government are too humans too right? Stop thinking of governemnt as it were some magic shit. They are humans. Just like the ebil capistalist you despise.

Im out m8, its 1 am here. Good talking to you. I just want to tell you that you can still be a commie or socialist if you don't support the Venezuelan government.

Here is my ETH if someone reading this want to send me something, I will deeply thank you.


Shameless plug I know, but im stocked in Venezuela right now and don't have enough to get out

>> No.7356522

>Because i love my country and i want to see it thrive

The USA is not the country of commiecucks. If you to see it thrive, the best thing you can do is jump off a bridge or something.

>> No.7356527

my answer is communism you fucking idiot

>> No.7356568

>Only if they're ready for nuclear conflict.
Of course. If somehow nukes weren't a consideration, my point still stands. Plus, the USSR was ahead in the nuclear arms race at this point, not that that matters in all out nuclear war.
>tfw "Super Capitalism" is exactly what you want to happen with the workers owning the means of production
You can call it whatever you want, but it appears that we want the same thing comrade ;^)

>> No.7356579

>now it's time for you to read marx my friend. god bless.

God will not bless commie scum.

>> No.7356583

>computer software is going to prevent you from throwing millions of people into gulags and starving them to death

>> No.7356623

>those things only happen under socialism

>> No.7356637

>My argument is pic. Your so called "Best example of fixing" led to the largest displacement of persons in the History of europe.
The fix was working fine until you and your capitalist friends decided to fuck everything up.
>Nice win you got there
That's a weird way of saying WWII.
>Nice cold war propaganda
Proofs otherwise. Modified V2s and their derivatives were how both American and Soviet space programs developed.

>> No.7356643

sauce on commie chan

>> No.7356684

god isnt real lol

>> No.7356699

>my answer is communism you fucking idiot
Again, how do you deal with people who are better social manipulators than you? Answer the question and don't dodge.

>> No.7356702

>Explain why
For example, you produce a medical supply named X that is vital to fight/cure disease Y, and that disease Y is spreading dangerously. For some reason you decide to stop trading the medical supplies, or you try to gouge prices. In that case i believe the state should have power to either outright confiscate those medical supplies, or force you to sell them at a "acceptable price".

>Because my boss assumes risk that I'm not willing to take if I don't have to.
You think a worker has no risk? If most workers get fired, they risk on becoming homeless.

>so nobody takes responsibility for when the organization fucks up.
Wrong, the responsibility is shared among everyone.

>> No.7356705
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You sure about that m8?

>> No.7356713

your answer is written in yr 70 IQ crypto-bougie drool on mommy's car-seat, nerd

maybe if baby asks really nicely daddy will get you some new Adbusters diapers to look pretty in :)

>> No.7356722

Liberalism would not save the world. A political spectrum cannot serve a plural political form.
Seems like a lot of communists never seen this:

>> No.7356752
File: 194 KB, 837x726, When+trump+disbands+nato+we+will+be+back+in+business+_eacb2e0d8774704b160a4d60a43cc528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends where you live

>> No.7356758

The Mongols did nothing wrong

>> No.7356765

eliminate the potential for them to do harm by placing limits on the amount of power people are able to obtain

>> No.7356773

good job not answer anything i said like a true libtard
>hay this guy makes a good point about people being greedy
> libtard: humans r perfect, evertything is govt's fault
and you don't deserve money brainlet
people like you need to euthanized so your poor DNA doesn't containment humanity.

>> No.7356802

>dude im gonna be honest, are you over 40? you talk like a facebook old person. why are you on 4chan?

Commiecuck all out of revolutionary ideas...tries to divert. Facebook is run by leftards...so why are you on 4chan? Are you over 50? You talk like some gray-haired lesbian who is mad that men exist.

>> No.7356815
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Try again

>> No.7356848

>facebook is run by leftards
god i wish lol. if we were half as powerful as you thought we were, you'd be looking through the bars of a prison cell.

>> No.7356898


>calling communists liberals

>> No.7356926
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>Facebook is run by liberals

>> No.7356932

Lmao communist turds deserve to die

Nobody wants to be your slaves
Your ideology is fucking dead

>> No.7356941
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>> No.7356943

I'm not a amerimutt, thank god.

>The fix was working fine until you and your capitalist friends decided to fuck everything up.

>Modified V2s and their derivatives were how both American and Soviet space programs developed.

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA, you could have just said this sooner, so i would know you don't have absolutely no idea about what you are sayng.

You should be ashamed of yourself for diminishing the thousands of brilliant minds behind the journey to the moon by comparing it to a fucking V2, you unpatriotic piece of shit.

>> No.7356950

>Thinks skewed opinion polls are evidence

You seem a little mad. Are you crying now?

>> No.7356972

>A capitalist corporation
>Run by socialists
Topkek me laddie.

>> No.7357079

Dialectical materialism is pseudoscience
Imagine being this dumb

Please kill yourself flat earther

>> No.7357133

>Nate Silver gave Trump a 30% chance at winning the election. And Trump only won by a mere tens of thousands of votes.

Still in denial? If by tens of thousands you mean millions, because we know the commiecrats had millions of fake votes as they rely on election fraud to stay in office.

Trump won in a LANDSLIDE, and will win again in 2020.

>> No.7357213
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>Unironically linking Kermit
>"Let me masturbate to Jung while also thinking that chaos is bad"

>> No.7357237

>Democrats are communists
Literally how?

>> No.7357242

Well a libertarian is not the same as a Liberal witch resembles a lot to communism.

>> No.7357245

>parasitic capitalist class
Taking over the means of productionwill not benefit you and will actually make you poorer

>> No.7357298

>believe the state should have power to either outright confiscate those medical supplies, or force you to sell them at a "acceptable price".
What happens when the drug runs out due to your artificially low price and demand outstrips production capacity?
>You think a worker has no risk? If most workers get fired, they risk on becoming homeless.
So do most bosses. I'm not talking about CEOs. I'm talking about the management layer right above you and I that has to oversee day to day operations, fire/hire people, coordinate teams to do things, etc. These are things that most workers will not be able to coordinate effectively. Democratically trying to delegate these responsibilities will be slow and not efficient.
>Wrong, the responsibility is shared among everyone.
Maybe where you work or for low skilled and/or menial labor. As a professional, I don't have to take on those risks. My professional certificate is valid anywhere that requires it.

>> No.7357331

Zizek makes terrible arguments and refuses to have actual debates with people.
No wonder he's worshipped by brainwashed marxist teenagers.