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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 269 KB, 900x599, 1517871885414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7350507 No.7350507 [Reply] [Original]

>elect a bunch of goldman employees to govern monetary policy
>this happens

>> No.7350621

>does everything too be a good goy
>gives his daughter to the jews
>increases money for gibs of Israel
>still gets kiked

Republicans not even once

>> No.7350829


>record market growth
>nothing from the left
>when pressured:


>left explodes with rage


>> No.7350888

cool damage control snowflake
cant take the banter kek

>> No.7350964


wow I got btfo xd

>> No.7351013

>people think Goldman employees are these financial geniuses

They're just dickheads in an office pushing work off on each other before getting drunk, same as every other bank

>> No.7351070

Hello, David Brock, it is time to go to bed.

>> No.7351088

It's just an artificial dip caused by the FED chair Yellen having a hissy fit on her way out and spreading FUD. Good buy opportunity.

>> No.7351119
File: 68 KB, 1172x1182, 1510688571784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretending not to be salty by being sarcastic

top kek

>> No.7351149

Thats a fake tweet dumbass MAGA

>> No.7351187

not american but I bet you are lmao

>> No.7351224

Why do absolute brainlets always attribute stock market trends to sitting presidents?

>> No.7351228

Yellen isn't at the FED anymore to cause this, retard. Jesus Christ.

>> No.7351254

cause sitting presidents do

>> No.7351255

>a non american trump fanboi
my god thats pathetic

>> No.7351292

Dems is the party for self hating jews

>> No.7351294

Kek, dow joans.

More like dow groans guys, amirite???

>> No.7351362

i'm not even, just noticing your hypocrisy friendo

why so defensive?

>> No.7351406

Yeah she just left after increasing interest rates which always causes a dip and then spreading FUD immediately afterwards. It's like she wants to prove Neo Nazis right.

>> No.7351560
File: 44 KB, 620x467, gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sorry for all the libshits that think this is bad. Lmao, 5% correction on a 40% Trump gain since election. Mental illness knows no bounds.

>> No.7351571

republicans want you to die for israel but democrats are the jews?

>> No.7351627

the world is going down in flames and it's all because of 4chan and memes

I love it

>> No.7351672

Mark my words: /pol/ will regret voting for this psychopath.

>> No.7351712

The best part is that republicans thought he was AGAINST the Jewish powers that be. Holy yikes, they truly are all kind of special, aren't they?

>> No.7351778

Yes.. yes.. The redditors are destroying each other. Gather round anons

>> No.7351810

how long before he decides to go to war to rebuild the economy

>> No.7351817

>Libtards actually believe that's a real tweet
>The absolute state of democrats
The left is filled with nothing but idiots

>> No.7351821

Republicans want to ally with the jews to not allow muslims to have jerusalem because fuck muslims

>> No.7351874

his entire sotu was about how we need to go to war with NK

>> No.7351875

Lmao Dow Joans is trump a literal RETARD

>> No.7352232


This. Republicans deserve hanging even more than the liberals, because at least the liberals are openly at war with the country.

>> No.7352658
File: 91 KB, 625x773, 1517388925953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats a fake tweet, fucking idiots.

>> No.7352729

That's a fair point. It's still not true though.

>> No.7352754

>implying there is any difference at all between dems and reps
Stop the kikery. We know who's in power here.

>> No.7352766

Over under on how long he takes to blame this on obama/democrats despite them having no control on the federal level?

>> No.7352788

anyone that thought this was a real tweet needs to be loaded into a cannon and shot into the sun at tremendous speed.

>> No.7353293

A market correction resulting from too high wage growth and a spike in bond yields. It's about the least bad cause of a correction you could have. Wages are going up as are jobs.

>> No.7353335

what a fucking idiot good going Americans

>> No.7353364

reddit clownpost
sage all donal dlurmpf threads

>> No.7353419
File: 172 KB, 724x852, Trump Wave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Insufferable leftists traying to take over this haven of capitalism.