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File: 5 KB, 200x200, monero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7349246 No.7349246 [Reply] [Original]

Name your best Alt-Coins, Ill start

>> No.7349295


> $500
> $160

Just stop.

>> No.7349340

I'm stocking up on XMR once we hit 1$ levels

>> No.7349401

Implying every top coin didn't drop similar levels.

>inb4 u nitpick one from the top 20 that dropped the least

>> No.7349411

i still have hope for this one

>> No.7349574

Payfair. 50% of my Portfolio

>> No.7349679

Unironically, doge. Yes, the devs made the supply infinite, but that can be corrected with a future doge fork.

>> No.7349780

How is this different from literally everything except 3 or 4 faggot coins on some weird pump?

>> No.7349809

Went all in JNT

>> No.7349893


also into XMR here. one of few coins that's legitimately useful outside of pump-and-dumps. people aren't gonna stop buying things on darknet markets.

>> No.7349899


>> No.7349934

I want to buy monero but there's no fucking hard wallet support. it's been over 6 months since they started development on nano s compatibility and still nothing.

>> No.7350019


Obviously Litecoin, though I'm not sure it even qualifies as an alt since it's just a skinnier version of Bitcoin.

>> No.7350201

Moria. Can't beat them quarterly eth dividends.

Honorable mentions are LINK and NEO

>> No.7350285

ETH NEO XMR XLM are my top tier
REQ QSP ENG next tier
ICX VEN ZEN TRAC for my speculation picks

>> No.7350346

>want to buy thing on dark net market
>check on-site wallet today
>can't afford thing anymore because wallet value dropped
go back up pls

>> No.7350635

Maybe I'll consider buying some when it becomes a PENNY stock, as it should be.

>> No.7350821

Why would it ever get that low again?

>> No.7351147

It doesn't actually generate any revenue for shareholders, why should it be worth more?

>> No.7351417

Luckily I got in on this one around the $120 mark and it makes up around 1/3 of my portfolio. Sucks that I didn't sell at $500 but what can you do. This coin isn't going anywhere though, it's the only nucoin that isn't 100% based on speculation.

>> No.7351446

Bitcoin cash is holding great under the crash.

>> No.7351493
File: 45 KB, 1893x777, DGDICO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

despite the recent pump, DGD. Now that it's corrected back to normal price, this is a good buying opportunity, especially for what's to come and the possible crypto market crash.

>> No.7351514

It does have actually working technology and is in usage (all the major darknet markets support it). When it gets to $120 I might jump in as well.

>> No.7351589

Not bad.

>> No.7351611

I agree that for Monero to function, it doesn't really need to hold a lot of value per XMR, but there are always going to be speculators that just hold it forever. At some point, it's just not worth selling. It'll never be worth less than a dollar.

>> No.7351697
File: 56 KB, 298x226, Cardano_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7351745

Unironically Nano. And then XMR. That's pretty much it. Maybe ETH and NEO in the future

>> No.7351774
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>> No.7352420

underrated post

>> No.7352631

3 per category

>God tier: eth, xlm, xmr
>High tier: neo, bat, omg
>meh tier: xrp, icx, ltc
>Low tier: fun, iota, ada
>Meme tier: link, ark, Tron

R8 me

>> No.7352693


Exactly. Check out Safex.

>> No.7352974

great satire

>> No.7353042

Post yours you gaylord

>> No.7353510


Are dark net markets on onion (TOR)? I want to buy hardcore mace that's supposed to be for police use. Can you point me in the right direction?

>> No.7353619

what do you think of elastos?

>> No.7353690

All altcoins are dead.

>> No.7353841

Neo or Monero....what yall think?

Actually made Ethereum on some shitcoins and buying into this dip with about .55

>> No.7353926
File: 48 KB, 500x650, 1515176418315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is a sexy woman for your time and advice

Ill also share some knowledge. >10 million marketcap coins make you money on these crashes. they remain stable and go up in BTC or ETH volume. I wouldn't suggest leveraging your $ in satoshis anymore though.

>> No.7353971
File: 52 KB, 736x629, 1516237169569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<10 million, fuck im high

we're all gonna make it, chads

>> No.7354066
File: 123 KB, 440x579, 43c31dbe573c3972b83400b8361bd3a2--misfits-band-the-misfits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have lost over 50% ON EVERYTHING since Christmas. Just stfu OP.

>> No.7354326
File: 219 KB, 1003x687, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XMR is safe af, since it has the best build in terms of privacy. I don't care if hitmen and cartels are using it, it is a good hold.

NEO is my personal favorite. I'll be holding my bag for another year so I can cash out with long-term gains.

XLM and LTC are going to get big soon, mostly because normies will get easy access to them in places like robinhood and they are relatively cheap and established.

ADA, ION, ZCL, and BLOCK are my gambles.

BTC is still 15% of my total portfolio, should get it up to 25%. I'm waiting for the floor to rebuy.

ETH is my safest hold. 33% of my total. The flippening isn't a meme guys. You will thank me in 5 years.

Right now sitting on almost half my worth in tethers and cash waiting for you fucks to stop panic selling so I can rebuy.

>> No.7354550

I hold xmr, because I believe in it, but also so I can buy drugs when everything crashes