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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7347348 No.7347348 [Reply] [Original]

End the Fed.

>> No.7347422

>central banking institution that has repeatedly avoided completely economic meltdown via control of the money supply and interest rates

Only a legitimate retard would want to get rid of the fed.

>> No.7347457

Name the jew

>> No.7347513

I would argue that only a retard would want a private entity to manage such things, it should be the government handling that shit.

>> No.7347554

>muh private entity
This meme needs to die. You fundamentally misunderstand both government and macro economics.

>> No.7347566

they dont understand it and they blame it for all their problems

just like this >>7347457

>> No.7347605

The chairman of the fed is a Protestant of Irish descent.

>> No.7347661
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I understand this man turned the economy around by killing the banks rather than kowtowing to them.

>> No.7347667
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>He bought the ignorance is bliss meme.

>> No.7347674

The fed creates the meltdowns, makes them worse, prolongs them, and then claims credit for solving them once they inevitably pass years later.

>> No.7347710

This has to be larping. No one is this stupid.

>> No.7347809

Talking about yourself?

>> No.7347873

okay kids,
if we "end the fed"

what would you replace it with?
how are you going to determine the money supply? Do you want people to use gold and silver coins or something?

>> No.7347914

No, but you are.

>> No.7347955

Regardless of your view on the fed, you should be at least aware of both sides of the argument.

The fact that you and your buddy are not, shows that you are retards.

>> No.7348012

I would like to see a return to the gold standard to greatly reduce inflation.
>but without inflation people don't spend
Bullshit, the consumer culture doesn't disappear just because $1 today is worth $1 tomorrow.

>> No.7348017

>wahhh im a faggot who can't handle a little economic collapse for the greater good

kill yourself cuckservative

>> No.7348039

what are you talking about

tell me what you want to replace the fed with

>> No.7348280

The free market can determine what has value. Crypto currency is an obvious choice and before you point out the obvious that crypto is collapsing it is falling because people are afraid the government will kill it.

>> No.7348456

History has shown that a constant level of steady inflation is good for a currency, the gold standard would work if the population was the same as 150 years ago, but with the amount of currency now in circulation it's just not viable.

>> No.7348531
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Yellen is a fuckin kike.
End the privately owned Federal Reserve and bring back Congressionaly minted currency without interest. The Federal Reserve has only been around since 1913 and has destroyed the value of the Federal Reserve note.

>> No.7348606

Yellen isn’t chairman.

>> No.7348629

>literal kike shills
You fucks are so obvious trying to get the goy to pay taxes on crypto. Fucking has yourselves

>> No.7348637

Why not? Just have $1,000 USD = 1 ounce instead of $20.67. As for slow steady inflation that is handled by gold production as extraction methods improve and lower PPM sites become profitable to mine.

The primary reason to tie any work intensive resource to your currency is to stop the currency being created on a whim, the same thing that have greatly reduced the USDs purchasing power over the years.

>> No.7348696

>trying to get the goy to pay taxes on crypto

what are you on about dude

fucking absurd
cant even have a legit discussion about the Fed on /biz/ anymore
/pol/fags have completely ruined this board

>> No.7348767

The IRS was created in 1913 alongside the privately owned “Federal” Reserve. Income taxes only pay for the interest on the money loaned from the kikes that they print out of thin air

>> No.7348820

Yah losing over 95% of spending power in 100 years is great. Fucking idiot

>> No.7348831
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End the Fred

>> No.7348842

This guy gets it. I am a libertarian, so obviously think we should end the fed. That doesn’t mean I think all people with diverging opinions are retards. >>7347873
Replace it with the free market. The fed could continue printing dollars, I don’t care. But I want to be free to use whatever currency I choose, i.e. I want to end the monopoly the fed has.

>> No.7348945
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You mean qn Ulster Scot. They claim to be the lost tribe of Israel. Would not surprise me because they do act like kikes.

>> No.7349053

Name of thot

>> No.7349071
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>> No.7349073

Having your currency backed by a precious metal that is 90% owned by other countries is a cuck move.

>> No.7349131

>income taxes only pay interest on federal reserve borrowing

This is demonstrably false.

>> No.7349142
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>> No.7349153


Sir, I'm hear to tell you about Bitcoin. Have you heard of our Lord & Savior Satoshi Nakamoto?

>> No.7349192
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The jig is up amerimutts. Petrodollar is dying and you can't tax the world with it anymore.
Your kike ponzi scheme is collapsing as we speak, butt unlike 2008. there will be no prolonging the inevitable.

>mfw threads about this were ignored and slided hard both here and on /pol/ in favor of blacked and cuck threads...

>> No.7349205

abolish wage labor and private property

>> No.7349238

Why? Why did they buy it? Why are they still buying it? Is it possible that they see the economic collapse coming and are taking measures to minimize the damage?

Also I know many here will think I'm a fool for saying this but there is literally no reason the work intensive resource couldn't be a cryptographic algo that takes computing power to release at a predetermined rate.

>> No.7349250
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>> No.7349286


>interest due on the """loans"""
and who do we owe this interest to?
oh yeah thats right, ourselves

>> No.7349331

The USA never owned 100% of the global gold supply, you mong.

>> No.7349347
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>> No.7349397

No shit Sherlock, what is your point?
Did the gold standard never work because other nations, companies and individuals owned gold?

>> No.7349407
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>> No.7349516
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>> No.7349543

The big banks are the shareholders of the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is as Federal as Federal Express

>> No.7349575
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>> No.7349588

Correct. It left the US open to manipulation by adverse countries. It also removed the ability to incentivize economic activity by adjusting money supply.

>> No.7349590

The Federal Reserve is a privately owned entity that defrauds the American public under the guise of being a “Federal” institution

>> No.7349638

>kike detected

>> No.7349665

>the smaller of T-bill rate or 6%

You are arguing the opposite point that you thInk you are.

>> No.7349671
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>> No.7349743

Why would you need to adjust the money supply? What situation is improved if you print money you never made through international trade and deflate the value of all circulation currency?
You can adjust interest rates without running printers.

>> No.7349757

it was 6% for the first 90 or so years.
then it was the T-bill rate after the 2008 crash.
but it's still 6% for the smaller bank shareholders.

>> No.7349782


>> No.7349830

No it isn’t. It’s the smaller of the t-bill rate or 6%. Currently that would be the t-bill rate. The same rate they get for parking reserve funds. It’s a “dividend” only in the most technical sense of the word.

>> No.7349840

you already are free to use whatever currency you choose, you fucking nonce

ameriburgers i swear....

>> No.7349846


>> No.7349900

The kike mods literally banned me already

>> No.7349917

>why would you need to adjust the money supply?

This is the level of intelligence that is advocating for ending the fed. Spend some time reading a book or two about the Great Depression compared to the 2008 crash. Bonus points if you don’t just search for an alex jones style YouTube about it.

>> No.7349918

You're fucking dumb. END THE FED!

>> No.7349990

i like alex jones

>> No.7350032

GTG, it's been fun.
I'll make an alternative financial system thread later.

>> No.7350068

Gen Z and Millennial hug and cry parties when?

>> No.7350124
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>> No.7350196
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another goog book

>> No.7350306

Audit the fed. Fed should be voted in not a shadow cabinet who controlls our money

>> No.7350405

>monetary policy dictated by the whims of s half-retarded voting public

No thanks.

>> No.7350532

>Spend some time reading a book or two about the Great Depression compared to the 2008 crash.
Plenty of those books attribute the cause to being the expansion of the money supply, leading to the growth of an unsustainable bubble relying on the continuation of cheap credit to survive.

> oh, I didn't mean read those books, just find the books that specifically agree with me, avoid the others.

>> No.7350542

Shadow gmen schekle jews running the fed is so much better

>> No.7351473

this. increasing interest rates caused a negative feedback loop in the housing market, resulting in the GFC. fiat currency has always been a bad idea if you look at the multiple currencies tried and failed in the states. Gold backed 1 : 1 cheques are the only way to create a truly stable economy.

>> No.7352137
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We get cyclical crashes because of the fed you dumbfuck. Literally just kys

>> No.7352182

I own this. best read there is.

>> No.7352203

it's true, kike cunt

>> No.7352362
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>he doesn't know he lives under a global central banking system
kys retard

>> No.7352402

>that awkward moment when /biz/ turns /pol/

That's right faggots

>> No.7353265
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It will all be over soon.
Gold, buy it.