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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7343583 No.7343583 [Reply] [Original]

Sit down anon, we really need to talk....

Listen, I heard on the news that your internet money isn't doing too well anymore. I remember, I told you I would love you forever and held you so tight that day you told me you bought a "dank amount of BTC" when it was cheap, but something has changed and the feeling just isn't there anymore... I still love you but I'm just not IN love with you anymore okay?!

I think I'll be okay though, I heard Chad invested in NVIDIA, a real company that produces real things and has real cash flow. Listen now and don't freak out, I think I'm going to stay at his house for a few days and work through my emotions, I just need some time, I'm not ready for a relationship right now, I'm still emotionally sore.

Bye anon...

>> No.7343616

I sold into tether at $19k, just waiting to buy back in

>> No.7343628


>> No.7343665
File: 405 KB, 359x371, EEE9CD87-FF33-44A4-A755-73571D80EACB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wanted to beat a woman. You just gave me the perfect excuse

>> No.7343668

Um, anon... chad says tethers aren't really backed by USD...

He also says your FUN coins won't ever moon. I have to say, I'm not having FUN anymore either.

>> No.7343699

>NVDA -8.49% (which is terrible for a stock)

>> No.7343784

Who said you need a reason?

>> No.7343878

Are you really going to use violence against a woman for day-trading her options in the sexual market place? Sounds like you're a communist against the free market.

>> No.7344144

That reminds me...
Yesterday an ex of mine texted me asking if i'm okay during this whole bitcoin price downtrend.
I told her i'm "still up by a few million", which was a big mistake... In recent weeks i've been joking on /biz/ about how it's so retarded to tell anyone about your gains. I made exactly that mistake.

Then she casually mensions how she's single again and how she still remembers the good times we shared and this and that.

NVDA is really damn good stock...

>> No.7344254

Who are you and why are you in my house?

>> No.7344299


>> No.7344314

Fuck her then dump her.

Jesus, do I really need to explain this? Any woman who thinks she can play you like this deserves to be played.

>> No.7344394

not interested in fucking her.

>> No.7344445

Tether $0 overnight... always fiat, not tether, tether only for like one or two days hodling

>> No.7344453

>implying smart people talk to their gf about their investments

>> No.7344493

fine bitch, your friend stacy has been wanting to fuck, but i was trying to be monogamous. now that my dick is out of jail it is time to fuck all the thots.

>> No.7344502

then why even reply to her? the only acceptable reply to exs are

“who is this?”

>> No.7344509

>I heard Chad invested in NVIDIA

Have you been paying attention these last few days? NVD went down $20 and did just as bad friday. Unless Chad got in at a better price average from months ago he's doing shit. Even then he's still losing money if he's in the green. FUCK EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW REEEEEEEE

>> No.7344525

people talk, so even if you ghost her you may be fucked already

>> No.7344614

*pumps and dumps her harder than Tron, verge, and reddcoin combined*

>> No.7344674

This is great advice.



This is the key to happiness. You will never be a beta bux cuck if you follow this rule.

>> No.7344698

Welcome to the Thottery Barn.

>> No.7344946

Stacy.. I.

>> No.7345172

i really want to beat women. im thinking of moving to the countryside where its kinda sorta okay in some places

>> No.7345227

If you can afford to live like a king in Saudi Arabia or Iran or something it would be pretty fun creampieing muslim whores and beating them.

>> No.7345270

You could say I'm a sexual socialist.

>> No.7345349
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mention you have a fuckton of money
>the woman wants you suddenly back

hahahahaha like clockwork, remember kids, no money no honey and don't believe any roastie trying to tell you otherwise

>> No.7345482

fuck is wrong w you two

>> No.7345631

she always wanted me back though.

I must say i have yet to find a woman who's not a complete gold digger.

>> No.7346078

Why did you ask me to sit? I already am.
Want to go?
Fine, the door is here.
I understand that staying here a day or seventeen can be hurtfull for you, so I prefer you to ,say, go away.
There, look, I already packed your items while you were on tinder.
Don't thank me, I'm a gentlemen.
you should go now, It will be better.
Julia will be there any time soon, and I quite understand that you need some time before telling everyrhing to your younger sister.
I need to help her with her biology class or something...

>> No.7346206
File: 11 KB, 650x216, bitconnect-carlos-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife still doesn't believe in me Oh honey, this is real. Oh no no no no no, that's a scam

>> No.7346931

Just don't fall in love after