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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7341499 No.7341499 [Reply] [Original]

There are people selling bitcoin below $10k.... With this news:


There are actually retards SELLING BITCOIN BELOW $7k RIGHT NOW LOL

how fucking stupid can you be?? Are people NOT SEEING THIS?

>> No.7341577

You think the hearings will raise the price of bitcoin?

>> No.7341612

you just scared away all the libertarian bag holders

>> No.7341613

It's not good news though you idiot. They acknowledge it's a changing technology but cited concerns with the scams and volatility.

Let me explain a bit further since you probably just bought BTC because of your friends. It will be useful once it's not volatile. Less volatility -> less gains -> less opportunity to make money.

>> No.7341654

read it and make up your mind

>> No.7341736

My crystal ball is currently broken.

>> No.7341748

/Pol/ wants it to be good news so they can scream about maga.

Fuck them and their crypto ignorance. We still have quite a ways down to go before we bottom out.

Hold strong, wait, buy (horde) at 1.5.

>> No.7341770

>muh volitility
that argument will sound pretty fucking tarded with the shit show happening today/tomorrow

>> No.7341822

Volatility is the only reason normies want in on crypto.

>> No.7341957

good fuck them they are useless piece of trash that live in their own bubble world
just look at roger ver lmao
"free society"
until someone gets murdered and then they cry to big daddy USA for help

>> No.7342088

Palantir-lets on suicide watch

maybe late last year kikebook latefags.
many normans have been in for a while though.

>> No.7342230

No it won't once people realize they won't be seeing 1.5x gains overnight anymore. Whales pull out and it crashes, and then the government is left wasting taxpayer money on regulating a digital paperweight.

>> No.7342365

You really think its goong down that far? No fucking way. No fucking way it will go under 2.5k

>> No.7342631

>once people realize they won't be seeing 1.5x gains overnight anymore
just summerfags being spoiled getting just'd.
was happy holding bags for 6 months before last year went spastic
whales have always been about anon and will not pull out due to this. we haven't started yet imo