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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 293 KB, 820x424, itsover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7341060 No.7341060 [Reply] [Original]

The biggest black swan event of our life times..

There is no preparing for tomorrow morning..

>> No.7341176
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sorry to break it to you but ...


was always known to be a scam

>> No.7341208

What is this

>> No.7341227

XIV at 11 now, technically a termination event for this index. Whole volatility complex is fucking crazy right now.

>> No.7341243
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the absolute state

>> No.7341263
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The DOW is dead. It will never recover.
Stocks are dead. They will never recover.
Crypto is dead. It will never recover.
4chan is dead. It will never recover.
Earth is dead. It will never recover.

>> No.7341270
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Hey hey heeey

This looks so familiar

>> No.7341301

Yeah, I’ve traded XIV for a while and I have literally no idea what’s going to happen to the market.

I happened to sell my positions a couple months ago because I was too busy with work though. It’s better to be lucky than good I suppose.

>> No.7341366

>calling this a black swan
Fuck off OP. You're the reason Taleb drinks.

>> No.7341392

gotta appeal to the masses with their terminology

>> No.7341424

Ok so this fund gets liquidated, but the media will ignore it and pretend to be cool with it.

We need Lehman brothers to die or something.

>> No.7341494


>> No.7341514

I don’t think you understand how many people have positions in this.
I genuinely cannot fathom what is gonna happen to the VIX tomorrow.

Like I said, I traded it short for years; absolutely no one saw this coming. It genuinely may be the next mortgage backed security.

>> No.7341521


>> No.7341532

There's over $6tn in notional short volatility positions out there, or at least was before today. We will see lights out at several medium size financial institutions at the very least.

>> No.7341556
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>> No.7341583

XIV is kill (literally terminated)

Real vix futures will be down 30% min tomorrow

>> No.7341620

XIV is an inverse of the VIX futures which is the volatility measure for the stock market. During the past year since Trump got elected the XIV has steadily gained a few % each day. It got fucking smoked today as the VIX went to the redline for most of the day. I don't know why he posted a chart of it at 20 bucks. It's in the 80s even during afterhours.

>> No.7341630
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Suspended markets
Extended auctions
Seen it all before

>> No.7341659

Please say you ain't holding any link

>> No.7341677

Nothing is happening tomorrow, the dip has already been absorbed.

>> No.7341680


>> No.7341717


Oh fuck.

People are shorting VIX.
VIX spikes.
If you are shorting, and the underlying commodity spikes, the loss is potentially infinite.
A lot of people are going to get margin called tomorrow.
Then the effects will cascade through the system.
It's 2008 again. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

>> No.7341720

Ah yeah, I just looked using my brokerage application. Just googling it showed it in the mid 80s.

>> No.7341737
File: 361 KB, 574x1030, FUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XIV is dead, the afterhours brought it down to fucking $10.

TFW I pulled out of the crypto market, relieved, then put $570 into XIV at $93.50 a share, (the best price during open hours) and the price drops to $10 afterhours. (Probably gonna be zero tomorrow.

I survived the crypto crash just to get fucked over in the regular market.

>> No.7341793

Holy shit how? I thought you assholes were memeing with the "XIV is dead" shit. That has been literally the highest volume trade in recent months.

>> No.7341792

Nah. VIX will be up at minimum another 100%. These positions are all trying desperately to cover their shorts. They’ve been so utterly blown out of their positions I won’t be surprised to see more than one fund shutter on this.

Like, I don’t know the extent of it since I don’t have my Bloomberg in front of me; but I’ll go out on a limb and say it’s going to be devestatingly red tomorrow. Literally no one saw this coming.

>> No.7341807


>> No.7341839

okay I just bought 5k of SVXY am I fucked?

>> No.7341844


With XIV getting fucking blown up 50-Cent must be fucking rich right now. He's been hedging since May.

>> No.7341852

you dont understand. an 80% drop TERMINATES the fund

>> No.7341915

nvm, i thought you were referring to xiv, not vix.

>> No.7341945

Right, I understand XIV is terminated.
But most funds don’t use XIV. They just trade the futures directly. When I used to do it I also traded the futures directly. Like I said, I’m not at work so I can’t check. But people are scrambling.

>> No.7341972

It terminates XIV not VIX. He may well be correct, the spike in VIX could continue tomorrow due to all the short vol positions and risk parity being unwound.

>> No.7341985
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... so in a nutshell crypto is shitfucked?

>> No.7341995


Looks like a scam if I've ever seen one... "Hey bud, wanna bet the glasses will stay on this table? Yeah, whoops how clumsy of me I just dropped them. Sorry now all your life savings are belong to (((us))). Better luck next time!"

You have to be bitconneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeec-level stupid to invest in that shit, these cunts deserved to get liquidated.

>> No.7341998


What is the market cap of xiv? I'm a coiner, not a stocker. Is every big fund in this ?

>> No.7342028

>>absolutely no one saw this coming

You're joking right? I've read countless articles about how people shorting VIX were going to get crushed once the VIX returned to its mean. I've also read countless articles about how the leveraged inverse VIX holdings would basically be rendered worthless in a single day once we had a decent sized correction. If you didn't see this as a possibility then you're a moron.

>> No.7342061

largest trade in the market right now, and the fund is terminated as of this evening...

>> No.7342068

No. Normies investing in retarded wall street securities are, though.

>> No.7342073

Mostly retail traders

Lots of hard conversations with the wife tonight pretty sure svxy got the kill shot also

>> No.7342072

I think it was in the billions. But I couldn’t even begin to estimate the total tied up in the trade.

>> No.7342078

Inverse volatility index, you get to buy or sell volatility or stability as a commodity. You can even short the futures or it's derivatives.
it's another completely safe financial innovation brought to you by goldman sachs. there's nothing to see here at all.

>> No.7342096
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Guys go all in! It's mooning!

>> No.7342099

Fiddy is /ournig/

>gets rich, doesn't die tryin
>makes millions accepting bitcoin for his albums
>made money on fucking vitamin water, top kek
>declared bankruptcy to avoid losing his money to some thottie
>now has made money buying up VIX calls

>> No.7342119

ur lucky you only put 570 dang

>> No.7342159

Wrong Fiddy. This is a guy who would buy a specific set of options for the VIX month after month. He just made fucking bank today.

>> No.7342199

They were always the minority though. Everyone has understood the risk of it, but when I say no one saw it coming, I mean no one saw over a 100% move in VIX being a possibility, I may be wrong but it’s literally never happened as long as VIX has moved.

Every person I’ve ever spoken with has stated that a move like this blowing up XIV wasn’t a realistic possibility in their lifetime. Like I said, the new mortgage backed security.

>> No.7342201

I bought some at $30 and $11, we'll see what tomorrow brings.

>> No.7342224

At least I get to be part of history :'(

>> No.7342232

Capped this because /bizlets/ will talk of this day for years

>> No.7342248

I wouldn’t stress it too much. Claim it back on the taxes and buy whatever dip is coming. I’ve been through it before too friendo.

>> No.7342282


>> No.7342540

Yeah, I was correct. It’s the largest VIX move in history.

>> No.7342740
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>seems like a good time to buy

>> No.7342798

Fucking retards I swear.

>> No.7342814

Nice meme

>> No.7342822
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>relentlessly tested

>> No.7342860

all those who are invested will get fucked. but why this is such a big deal and what will happen tomorrow?

>> No.7342882
File: 317 KB, 1440x2430, Screenshot_20180205-233504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$4m of own and others funds gambled on a financial hedging instrument

>> No.7342892

a huge portion of the market is exposed to this position. its a bomb about to go off tomorrow morning

>> No.7342912


See >>7341717

>> No.7342931

I'm reading some people talking about Credit Suisse, anybody got any details?

>> No.7342956


> that fucking after-hours drop

Jesus Christ.

>> No.7342980


>> No.7343012

why would you short the vix after how friday went down

>> No.7343014
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>TFW I pulled out of the crypto market, relieved,

>> No.7343075

eternal bulls

status quo, "btfd"

the majority of the market is filled with QE babbys

>> No.7343082

why did it collapse so hard after hours?

>> No.7343085


this was their plan

>> No.7343157

It's possible that a crash after hours is a loophole the prevents a termination. Very suspect that the crash didn't begin until right after close.

>> No.7343162

this >>7343075
most market participants in the short vol complex have never seen a bear marker let alone traded through one

>> No.7343211

is gold gonna go up?

>> No.7343241

it's time to get crucified for having unconditional love for all humans

>> No.7343259
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Feds going on a buying spree tomoroow lol might even save credit suisse

>> No.7343311
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more paper shorts as usual

>> No.7343319
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>crypto is a scam, it drops double digit % all the time and isn't backed up by big finance, unlike my boomer shares
>I only invest in things that are on the American market because they are safe
>what does termination mean and where is the nearest rope shop

Memecoins are actually /ourinvestment/ because if an idiot buys a bitcoin he still has a bitcoin when the market crashes.

>> No.7343356

Margin calls.

>> No.7343498

Most of the price drop happened during open hours, I thought the XIV would reflect that, and the VIX was already slowing down growth at that point. I bought in at the cheapest point during open hours, then I got fucked because I have absolutely no clue what happened after hours and no way to trade after hours.

>> No.7343540

this shit was planned. They are going to use "after market" as an excuse not to terminate the fund tomorrow

>> No.7343562
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Post current vix positions

>> No.7343615

God I hope so

>> No.7343677
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i really dont get vix trading, it's a reactive index completely. very hard to trade just gamble, just trade dow

>> No.7343680



So should I buy in tomorrow?

>> No.7343739

t. XIV bagholder

>> No.7343814

would be interesting to see it go from 10 to 1 tomorrow, causing a termination anyways

>> No.7343917


What if it goes from $10 back up to $100 tho

>> No.7344018

Are you the same guy that said vix sounded like a good buy and then asked what termination meant?

Vix is dead with all of its holders. Credit suisse will look to protect themselves here.

>> No.7344094

Its only a possibility because of all of the short/ultra short ETN's. Once it moves higher the ETN's have to buy VIX to cover, which leads to higher VIX, which means the short/ultra shorts have to buy more VIX. Its a cascading loop of fuck. Its the same with any short/ultra short ETN, if you get a decent sized move up in the underlying asset you're going to see a cascading loop of fuck. I've been waiting for this day for over a year to see it all actually play out.

>> No.7344104
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what is XIV?
index fund numba 19?

>> No.7344233
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>> No.7344234

Is that the famed iron-handed americans I keep hearing about?

>> No.7344267
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>reading about XIV
>"XIV is the VelocityShares Daily Inverse VIX Short-Term ETN"
>my fucking face

People complain that crypto is hard to get into / understand. jesus christ. Traditional markets have instruments a thousand times more contrived than even the scammiest cryptocoin. I hope the while derivatives market goes up in flames, who cares if it craters the world economy if wipes the smug look off wall street faggot's faces.

>> No.7344325
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>leveraged inverse VIX holdings
>(((financial degeneracy intensifies)))

>> No.7344366

Guys I have 80 IQ, and can't understand what you're saying.

Are we all gonna be poor now?

>> No.7344385

>It is hard to tell who is exactly holding this short-term oriented security at this time. Filings from back in September show Credit Suisse, Deutsche Asset Management, Citadel Advisors, Flow Traders, and Two Sigma as the top holders.

>> No.7344418

Can't wait for WW3

>> No.7344441

>>leveraged inverse VIX holdings
absolutely everything about that just sounds like the jewiest wallstreet fuckery in existence. Allowing financial products like this to exist is irresponsible and i'm so excited for everyone to learn their fucking lesson

>> No.7344517

I really hope this is a fake. If not, I see a lot of suicides starting tomorrow.

>> No.7344546
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It's worse than link

>> No.7344561

Population is the root of all problems in this world. Too many mouths to feed, not enough space. Either we resolve this through technology and a forced evolution or we're very much fucked. 1% will feel this too, there is no real exit strategy for this kind of scenario.

>> No.7344580
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So the questions are...

Are after-hour market movements considered valid to meet termination conditions? If so, won't many funds have puts and stops in place with regards to their positions in XIV?

Tomorrow is certainly going to be an interesting day.

>> No.7344601


>> No.7344617

Link is just a scam. This is more like if Link fulfilled all its goals got up to 3 digit token price then exit scammed.

>> No.7344616

This. Fuckers talk about how crypto isn't real, WTF, these fuckers are just gambling on outcomes and pretending its a stock.

>> No.7344628

What does it mean when the xiv gets terminated? I have money in Fidelity. How will this affect me?
Please in layman's terms. I'm not a smart man

>> No.7344648
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>Too many mouths to feed
Dumb capitalist pig.

>> No.7344660

>tfw too fucking retarded to know what is going on at all

I hope the Jews lose money

>> No.7344679

Futures on an ETN tracking an instrument which itself based on a blend of options on an index.

What complete fucking jewery.

>> No.7344702

You don't need to understand it. You just buy it low and sell it high or you short it. It's not hard just gotta watch it all day. I snort coke.

>> No.7344720

> Allowing financial products like this to exist is irresponsible and i'm so excited for everyone to learn their fucking lesson

Incorrect. These tools exist as a hedging tool. A fund with large positions on long/shorts that require volatility to come in would have used vix or similar to reduce their exposure to the risk of low volatility. In the case of vix liquidation their hedged position will have come in, more than offsetting their vix hedge and hence leaving them in their desired position (for brainlets, they made money as vix let them 'bet' on movements in the market for a longer period of time with lower risk)

The only people that have lost in this are people who aren't institutional traders and had no right trading this anyway. It is a useful market for hedge funds but not for average Joe mugs

>> No.7344733

If the Fed doesn't step in to save it I'm gonna kill myself desu

>> No.7344752


>> No.7344753

Depending on how much of a leveraged position Fidelity has in XIV. If it terminates, and they've held a large position, and the loss is sufficient for insolvency, then you'll be entitled to some cash (as per contract signed when you've opened the account) but only up to a certain maximum.

>> No.7344793

Fuck off, it's not my fault we're all retards who feel the need to litter the earth with copies of ourselves and that we don't think of anything beyond our own lives/existence which is why we're in this fucking mess of a system where we're overpopulated and the controlled.

>> No.7344809

>you can buy volatility or stability as a commodity and even shot them with leverage
And these people are telling us crypto is a speculative bubble.

>> No.7344844

Are you saying 6trillion dollars just got wiped out?

>> No.7344853

get that fat whore out of here, who cares how big her tits are if she's 200#

>> No.7344856

There is enough food, resources and wealth on this planet for everyone to live well still.
It's just that a tiny minority is holding most of the wealth that fucks up this earth.

>> No.7344881

While we await news on whether Credit Suisse will (or won't) terminate the retail-favorite XIV ETN, following its historic, 90% collapse, some other ETF/ETN providers are starting to terminate their VIX-linked offerings.

Moments ago, Nomura Europe Finance said the Next Notes S&P500 VIX Short-Term Futures Inverse Daily Excess Return Index ETN will be redeemed early, after a condition for early redemption was triggered due to movements in the underlying index. The underlying index on the ETN is the S&P500 VIX Short-Term Futures Inverse Daily Excess Return Index

>> No.7344889

That's pretty much what's happening.

>> No.7344904

you cant fight the pareto distribution

>> No.7344905

I agree with the second part, but I still think we shot ourselves in the foot on the first part.

>> No.7344979

a handful of jews will lose money, the entire rest of the world will suffer

and then the jews who didn't lose enough money will profit triple

>> No.7345035
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>> No.7345041

You better buy back now ;)
Thank me later

>> No.7345054

Hedging tools like this are good for market, they actually reduce volatility by allowing investors to 'bet' on market fundamentals. If there wasn't two sides to every bet then boom and busts would be phenomenal.

Although, letting small investors leverage trade a market like this is very irresponsible. The fact that xiv was on Robinhood is incredible and a sign of a larger rot sitting under the foundations of the current financial markets.

>> No.7345061

Guys are we seriously fucked? This is beyond my comprehension, and I'm trying here

>> No.7345082

It’s there as a hedge. People just got greedy.

>> No.7345100
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>I-I-it's just a correction
The dialectic is in motion, comrades.

>> No.7345104
File: 540 KB, 769x1704, FUCK2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the fucker exists, go for it, $xiv. it'll probably be like $10 tomorrow and the vix does not usually do this type of thing twice in a decade. Just don't invest anything you're not willing to lose

>> No.7345113

It should only be on a platform that looks like a 1995 excel sheet to keep retards away, but probably wasn't.

>> No.7345119
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include me in the screencap

>> No.7345138

what the fuck is this thing

ok, yes so stockboomers came up with the VIX, a metric which would be measured using exponential notation if it applied to crypto

so some (((bankers))) took the inverse of it and made it........... a security???????

why is this important?
What was it's market cap?

>> No.7345147

Made me laugh. truly the best part of the greatest timeline. When this instrument crashes everyone will realize that wall street and ((((finance))) in general is just memes and shitposts

>> No.7345153

holy FUCK pic related


>> No.7345178

wait i think i got it

>people bet MONEY that it's going to be more volatile

is that why crypto recovered?

>> No.7345182

That's kind of what capitalism is. If you don't like the accumulation of Capital in the hands of a few individuals, you don't like actually existing Capitalism.

>> No.7345215
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yOu ArE aLL dEaD aNd ThIs ¡s HeLL

>> No.7345230

Fuck Americans
Fuck Stocks
And specifically fuck american stocks

>> No.7345245 [DELETED] 

you fucking giganigger cocksucking faggot shitpostering shitskinf aggot niggers






tbhis is ltie





>> No.7345283
File: 607 KB, 769x1704, FUCK2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant to post this RARE commemorative wojak I've made in honor of this shitty moment in my life. Things will be okay, I only lost 570 bucks, but as a college student who isn't wealthy, that kind of blows for me. Also embarrassing as fuck to bring it up to family/friends at all.

>> No.7345286

if the market is going to continue to crash we shoudl buy UVXY right or am I reading this situation wrong

>> No.7345297

No, no, no. They don't bet money. They buy volatility as a commodity and baghold it. Other people buy stability as a commodity and baghold it. And other people bet on these bags getting lighter or heavier with a leverage.

>> No.7345316

>if the fucker exists

that is the key point

don't buy until you are sure its not getting terminated

>> No.7345320

Makes sense. I just thought these kinds of crashes only involved funny money and not the entire market. Fuck

>> No.7345325
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every single one of the billions of men who existed before the modern age

>> No.7345358

>anglo board
>reproduction levels below population replacement
>"we're ALL reproducing too much"
got lost on the road to r/iamverysmart, N I G G E R
this board needs a 25+ blockchain-enforced age limit

>> No.7345361

the entire market is overexposed to short vol

just like the entire market was over exposed to mortgage backed securiti

>> No.7345375

you are a fucking idiot

why do we need billions are people?

screw off

>> No.7345392

uxvy isn't going to stay up for long, the VIX only spikes up. If you wanna be smart, just buy the whole market indices. If you wanna be smart and risky, buy the whole market indices on leverage and buy put options to hedge your bets.

>> No.7345395

>"They thought crypto was over"
>"Punish them. Crash it all."

>> No.7345422
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>crypto is a bubble
>turns out the entire stock market is a bubble

>> No.7345429

how much was in the XIV alone and do you have a source?

>> No.7345438

Not really, society and all functions and hierarchies of nature also run on a small minority controlling the law of the land. That's simply how things work universally. Militaries, stock exchanges, social ladders all do this.

>> No.7345453
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>trading volatility
suddenly all the crypto shitcoins sound so legitimate

>> No.7345455
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Luckily only 9% of my portfolio was in XIV

I want to buy the dip tomorrow but I'm pretty sure they're going to liquidate it

>> No.7345471

>le market is le closed :^)^)))^)^)^)^


simply fucking epic

>> No.7345476

Who is "we", Shlomo?
Whites are only 5% of world population. There are billions of Pajeets, niggers and sandniggers, who consume the resources the whites produce.

>> No.7345504

>buy or sell volatility or stability as a commodity.
How’s does this work exactly?

Also what is the best way to buy stock? Do I need to physically go to a broker or can i do it securely online someway? One of the things I like about crypto is how it can be traded without a broker.

>> No.7345507
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>> No.7345508

Q predicted this.

>> No.7345518

1.2 billion. So not that much? (I don't know anything though so don't take my word for it). Credit Suisse is basically fucked though

>> No.7345525

I believe in hedging bets, especially when betting (trading) is ones living, but the level of abstraction on this shit is fucking madness. Derivates are legitimate to a point, but the XIV is on the verge of obscene. On top of that allowing people to take up leveraged positions is madness. Who knows how prevalent these instruments are in portfolios. Its gunna poison everything. Fuck all these banker faggots for calling my ETH fake internet money

>> No.7345530

So was the idea to buy UVXY on open today if you thought the Friday crash was only going to get even worse? If market recovered it doesnt look like UVXY moves much, but if it crashed like today you can make 50% ina day. Low risk high reward?

And by whole markt indices you just mean ETFs like VOO right? im very new to this i have no option to use leverage or buy put options yet lol

>> No.7345561

Hate to break it to you anon, but usually in times like this, the (((insiders))) have already exited their position and dumped whatever shitty asset onto the heads of retail investors. Not saying that’s necessary the case this time, as I’m not familiar with the workings of a future based on inverse volatility that’s traded as a commodity (or whatever the fuck this actually is)

>> No.7345568
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couldn't agree more.
And they say crypto has no intrinsic value or some shit like that, lol I'm sure betting on future prices of some worthless papers being backed by future prices of something even more worthless has a lot of value behind it.

You could as well bet on tomorrow's clouds pattern over some shithole in Kentucky

>> No.7345589

>Credit Suisse is basically fucked though
financial crisis soon?

>> No.7345610

literally insane, fuck economics, fuck finance, fuck anything more complicated than an excel table and windows calculator

>> No.7345618

this is the best thing that can happen for college students with no assets and a shit ton of debt. Its the boomers who will be jumping out the windows and good, fuck them, this is all their fault

>> No.7345637

XIV is just one short vol instrument. $SVXY also terminated. Other funds are also terminating short vol funds.


yeah yeah
sources are in the article

>> No.7345638

At least in crypto when an anon an hero's himself and didn't sell before we have less circulating supply so the price goes up. They sacrifice for us.

>> No.7345665
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>> No.7345678

>Moments ago, Nomura Europe Finance said the Next Notes S&P500 VIX Short-Term Futures Inverse Daily Excess Return Index ETN will be redeemed early, after a condition for early redemption was triggered due to movements in the underlying index.
what mean biz?

>> No.7345690

>How’s does this work exactly?
You buy an index share and baghold it. If the market gets more volatile, you bag is worth more.

>> No.7345702

It's a meme at this point, but set up a Robinhood app account if youre in the US. Verification takes time though.

>> No.7345718

They're redeeming before it goes belly up and they lose more sounds like

>> No.7345754

>he doesn't know about after-hours trading

>> No.7345763

They never lose, not even in the 1940s

>> No.7345779

ETNs and ETFs that are/were inversely related to market volatility have been wiped out (they go up if market is flat, they go down if market is not flat)

Smart money only used these ETNs/ETFs to hedge other positions in the market. Smart money is up after the movements you've seen.

Dumb money used these inverse volatility ETNs/ETFs to bet that the market would stay steady forever and ever. They lost everything.

If there's more smart money than dumb money in these funds then this will be a movement of money from dumb to smart. If it's the opposite, this will delete value from the market (that=bad).

Underlying ripple affect will be felt in American markets when they open. You better hope you have safe investments like long term bonds and haven commodities in your retirement kitty.

>> No.7345782

not even in rollercoaster tycoon

>> No.7345805

Where did it go?

>> No.7345810

Remember, these are the people who make fun of cryptos being speculative assets.

>> No.7345836

Yes, ETFs like VOO.

Also, volatility jumps up and down a lot in these situations and even if you're making spectacular 200% gains, they can go away in days.

Also, don't worry about leverage or options then. Just buy and hold, because honestly, companies like google, amazon, etc are not going away, almost nothing changed for them overnight. FDN is a solid internet tech ETF btw

>> No.7345841

>he thought traditional investing was safe
>muh regulations
>muh safe investment strategies
fucking pussies.

>> No.7345844
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>> No.7345877

You do know there are derivative products for weather right?

>> No.7345903


>> No.7345941

>no real exit strategy
>what is genocide

>> No.7346020

LOL. This looks like the Confido and Bitconnect charts

>> No.7346023

What will the price of LINK be tomorrow?

>> No.7346092
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New rating released today. Fucking lol

>> No.7346099
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I've been waiting for the market to crash for years. I've been eyeing svxy to buy once things get really ugly. Looks like we are almost there.

Anyone else?

>> No.7346211

Not from the US, from NZ. Was wondering if I could get a more generalised answer

How exactly is ownership of stocks verified? With crypto there’s the Blockchain but with stocks...

>> No.7346214

Should I buy physical gold and run /biz/?

>> No.7346248

Sure i didnt buy anything today only sold Wells Fargo, was just curious what the strategy woudl have been if you were betting on a bad day today. I am just buying and holding various individual stocks through Robinhood for now, under $10k, sbut still want to learn all these other opportunities there are, fascinating to me

>> No.7346321
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>tfw you knew it was coming and bought UVXY cheap

Thanks, robinhood generals

>> No.7346329

Uh this wasn't supposed to happen, this embarrassing

>> No.7346361


there are people who want to be in charge, men who want all the wealth, men groomed to lead, chads who seek all the pussy.

then there's us.

>> No.7346363

this is the most jewish shit i've ever encountered

>> No.7346408

>literally bagholding tokenized volatility index (or inverse thereof)

jesus christ

>> No.7346482
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there's strong technical support at zero

>> No.7346539


>> No.7346614

You sign up with your identifying information to a broker (a company that acts like a bank). Then the broker lets you deposit money and trade for it online, and shows how many stocks you have in which companies. You leave the stocks online because if the broker pulls funny business the government lets you sue them, etc.

>> No.7346702
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The losses today are so severe the fund is going to be liquidated by the bank

SVXY no longer exists

>> No.7346727
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>> No.7346794

So /biz/, how close are we to 2008 ?
Whose fault is it ?

>> No.7346815


China is Red

>> No.7346819

lol what coin is this?

>> No.7346820

What exactly do you mean by "leave them online", as opposed to what exactly? Having a printed certificate?

>> No.7346831

Will this be on the news tomorrow?

>> No.7346885

Its already trending.


>> No.7346926

feel like i need to squeeze the nipple to let the milk out, tits too big

>> No.7346972

Now you understand why Gnosis and augur are potentially big

>> No.7346990

you have godc to be fucking kidding me

>> No.7346994

A crash course:

Stocks - when you believe in a company/corporation's value
Short sell stocks - when you believe a company/corp is overrated

ETFs - bundles of stocks (usually for poorfags or lazyfags, often good option for retail investors, usually have a theme) basically act the same way as stocks (Some have leverage or fees, and some reflect the values of things that aren't even companies)

ETP's: exchange traded products, basically wallstreet mathemagical economic fuckery, trading based on derivatives of derivatives, etc. Usually used by professionals to protect themselves from losses (like options are used)

basically bet money on what value a stock will be above (call option) or below (put option) on a certain date. Good for losing (or making) lots of money in a short amount of time. Also good for protecting yourself against disasters (for example, you can invest 10000 into company A and then invest 100 dollars into options that bet company ! will be absolutely skullfucked in the future, so that if your stocks decrease in value, you basically break even.

Leverage - borrowing money in order to invest in something. For when you're VERY VERY sure of something and want to make more money.

>> No.7347002
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holy shit look at this nigga's (author of ur article) head

>> No.7347026

depends who goes under
credit suisse could be completely fucked

>> No.7347113
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well 'stated'

>> No.7347120


Enjoy pal.

>> No.7347126

A black swan event refers to something unexpected, a long tail. This was long overdue. Plebes

>> No.7347139

credit suisse is tanking in after hours

>> No.7347142

I've picked up shorts and ETFs and the theory behind options by now, just dont have enough money to have an account where I can short yet. ETPs wtf is that though, not getting scammed by that stuff I'm closer to retail than pro daytrader. I'm having fun learning about fundamentals and TA etc so I've been buying individual stocks, I probably should get into ETFS like VOO or FDN for a solid % of my portfolio and just let it sit.

>> No.7347184

revolution when

>> No.7347189

It what situation is a future better than an option, and vica versa

>> No.7347198

>you have godc to be fucking kidding me

everything is up for being jewed

>> No.7347219
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I expected a large correction in crypto following the December - January rally. I was mentally and financially prepared for that.

What I didn't expect was a coinciding stock market crash.

>> No.7347258

As opposed to having a printed certificate or information on a hard drive.

>> No.7347259


Fuckyouuu I was trying not to fap

>> No.7347379


Basically an option is a bet on the price, and a future is an obligation to buy or sell in the future at an already negotiated price.

>> No.7347436

Back in the olden days you could get a printed stock share. That was the actual share. Someone steals the paper, they stole the stock.

>> No.7347482

>inverse of a volatility index crashes during the first day in years of extreme volatility
I know that's simplifying it a lot, but kinda seems like an inherently flimsy house that was built.

>> No.7347512


>> No.7347541

Yeah its stupid but its "meant" for hedging

>> No.7347563

I know, there are actually certain places where you can still buy printed shares online, it's just stupid expensive and not worth it.

>> No.7347772

>ETFs - bundles of stocks
isn't this the same thing that crashed the economy last time cause they were badly graded (as in, shit got graded A+)?

>> No.7347795

Fucking derivatives are less freak than shitcoins.

>> No.7347850

>less freak
Less real, I'm phoneposting

>> No.7347870
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So basically, the largest short squeeze in history is about to happen at market open and the market is going to crash as collateral?

>> No.7347937

that's one way to put it yeah

>> No.7347964

those were bundled mortgages, but yes massive correction of underlying assets can trigger a derivative bomb that amplifies things

>> No.7347986

the derivative market is worth



wait for it

you'll love this









>> No.7348026
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>> No.7348034




and people think that a market cap of cryptos is absurd at 800 billion

>> No.7348055

don't get my hopes up

>> No.7348057

More than that. I read in a meme infograpbic chart the total value of derivatives is in the quadrillions.

>> No.7348079

i'm so excited

>> No.7348096

This isn't the Dow. VIX is based on S&P 500 futures.

>> No.7348138
File: 100 KB, 591x414, bad omen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, that's not a good omen

>> No.7348154

First time i laughed all day thank you

>> No.7348195

For those of you who don't understand this because MUH crypto

Basically short volatility is a common strategy by much of retail and institutions. When the vix jumped significantly it went over 100% increase in one day. Because of this the underwriter (credit suisse) liquidates it's position because you can't have negative equity in the ETN, but they as the futures position can effectively get a margin call from the futures contract. In the underwriting they state at 80% they liquidate the position as to not take any losses occurred from making the ETN. Lots of retail and institutionals will be wiped out tomorrow assuming this. Many money managers likely got caught in this and will likely face a 10% or greater loss on this. This will cause even more panic selling. Credit Suisse also likely holds a lot of risk associated with selling similar products to larger customers

>> No.7348200

And I just can't hide it

>> No.7348207

CS holds ~5mn shares of XIV. Looks set to wipeout its PTI over the past few years
>t. work at CS. No bonuses for sure now :'(

>> No.7348266

They will also go long VIX and short equities to cover their failing position.


>> No.7348276

Sorry I'm very stupid with finance:
Derivatives are just derived from assets right? So why are they worth such an absurd amount?

>> No.7348300


>> No.7348339

because you can take a $10 bet on an asset, and bet $100 on the outcome of that bet.

>> No.7348359

They’re essentially just insurance contracts if that makes it easier to think of.

>> No.7348369

On a scale of 1 to 10, how fucked is crypto

>> No.7348447

thats really stupid, why is that allowed
whats to stop people from just creating derivaties of derivates constantly over and over, or is that whats bascialyl happened? why doesnt the NYSE and NASDAQ have some sort of rules like 'trade real things' to avoid this, or do they want the transaction fees and if you guys crash the economy then its not on us?

>> No.7348469

Ahhh I get it
checked and checked

>> No.7348480

No, he drinks because of the people asking him for his predictions on things.

>> No.7348484

>or is that whats bascialyl happened?

>> No.7348501

as long as NUMBER GO UP they'll let them do what they want

>> No.7348506

Unknown, could be bad, or nothing. Crypto hasn't reflected the stock market much at all, but I don't know if crypto holders would generally be willing to sell to move into stocks later on. There is a solid chance the selloff of crypto will accelerate so people can buy stocks at low prices.

>> No.7348533

Somewhere, an elephant is happy.

>> No.7348537

could be good for crypto long term

>> No.7348600
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>> No.7348618

Read the prospectus, it said if it takes 80% losses or greater they will liquidate, it fell 95% or some shit in after market trading

>> No.7348652

isnt that exactly what happened in 2008?
selling the same shit under a different name?

>> No.7348702


Holy fuck they just lost half a billion on XIV


>> No.7348709

>bought SPXL and still hodling a week before this shit happened

how fucked am i?

>> No.7348720
File: 41 KB, 500x300, 931af481a3c2f906b0e947911e3a8869_w500_h300_cp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is CS gonna be okay?

>> No.7348739

the derivatives market grew by orders of magnitude after 2008. nothing changed

>> No.7348766

basically you have the real productive economy which are represented in the stock market as real assets / traditional equitites / corporate bonds. But ontop of that, with lack of oversight banks have added lots of layers in the form of other financial products (etfs, mutual funds, other financial products). The value of the system has gotten so huge because it is an abstraction designed to such as much nominal wealth as possible from the real assets underlying the system. If you understand math to a high degree the whole derivative thing actually makes perfect sense of an abstraction modelling outcomes and future values etc.

TL;DR yet another overly complex system designed to distract dumb and smart people alike from the fact they're getting jewed.

>> No.7348823

brainlet here. do i short or buy?

>> No.7348826
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Crypto may be seen as a hedge for the global economy (think gold) and may experience a massive gain as people swarm it as a hedge against the global markets fall. 1/10 (moon mission)

There is also the possibility that because of it's speculative nature and with the collapsing markets retail will panic with their losses closing positions and driving prices even lower as they flee for gold/silver. 14/10

It honestly could go either way anon. Next few days are important Godspeed

>> No.7348844

Just to clarify, it's like 10% chance that you get $100 and 90% chance that your $10 just goes out the window. Or you can be the other side, 10% chance that you loose $100 or 90% chance that you gain a flat $10 and never have to do shit. Of course that's before fees.

Mostly derivatives exist to hedge your bets, speculate on growth, or create abstract patterns in which you can gain money or lose money in a variety of patterns depending on how the market goes.

It's just another abstraction layer on top of the market and if used correctly it usually means substantially increased safety rather than the opposite.

There are, of course, tons of regulations on all these things, but what you're trading are contracts, which are no less real than all other forms of securities.

>> No.7348843

oh mang
CS is fucked, they'll probably offload it to customers though

>> No.7348857

They always have been dead, its a matter of how long until the corpse decays

>> No.7348894

No they may have just sparked a black swan event that will occur tomorrow morning.

>> No.7348903

the whole financial industry should be used to fill mass graves

>> No.7348932

good meme do not steal

>> No.7348953

The flipside is that with these mechanisms, corrections of the underlying assets are amplified immensely.

>> No.7348968


15 million shares outstanding. Was just over 2 billion worth at the peak a month ago.

>> No.7348969

>There are, of course, tons of regulations on all these things, but what you're trading are contracts, which are no less real than all other forms of securities.

boomer or bagel w/lox eater?

>> No.7349026

UVXY already doubled

>> No.7349036
File: 2.34 MB, 2500x1664, Margin-Call-movie-image-Kevin-Spacey-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most likely kek
Ever seen the movie Margin Call?

>> No.7349097

I understand how it works in theory, but why is it allowed if a crash is the guaranteed outcome? Why even allow people to bet $1000 on a flip of a quarter if you KNOW it will fail eventually?

>> No.7349258

because it produces profits

>> No.7349321

Whats the answer? Congress regulations? Only allowing 1 or 2 levels of derivatives up to a certain nominal value relative to the original asset?

>> No.7349334

Long term, great.

What’s being killed right now is a lot of cryptos "value" based on speculation. This is necessary and good for the market. You want to be paying for cryptos based on their fundamental value, not wild pajeet speculation. BTC was only "worth" 18k because the people buying assumed it would be worth more later, BTC didn’t fundamentalky change in any meaningful way.

This isn’t like MtGox were crypto itself less secure as an investment, nothing techonologically has changed since December/November/October...

>> No.7349359

This is going to be a movie too.

Somewhere in a tall wall street building, Julius Shekelberg predicted this but he was scorned and ridiculed by his peers. At the end, Sheks is triumphant, gets the mousey yet loyal girlfriend, and his Cobra Kai naysayers watch their Lambos get towed by the repo man. Cameo by 50 Cent.

>> No.7349363

Because the institutions doing this were deemed "too big to fail" after 2008.

No one is every held accountable for having reckless money making ideas like this; infact they're praised for articulating these abstract ways to mathematically hedge risk and make money using easily accessibly bank capital (credit/leverage).

These people have reached levels of wealth and control through dominance of the government by a certain professional/pseudointellecutal class (basically nepotism and frats)

>> No.7349373

XIV is at $15.43...

>> No.7349400

Who will take the blame for this massive fuckup?

>> No.7349466

This guy predicted it



>> No.7349494

so buy vix tomorrow or is it too late?

>> No.7349512

killing it all

>> No.7349635

It literally can't go up more than 100% by design you fucking moron

>> No.7349667

Who can we blame for this irrational crash? Lizard people? Norwegians? Moon men?

>> No.7349684

It literally went up more than 100% today you fucking paste eater.

>> No.7349687

Vince Vaughn will play him in the movie.

>> No.7349711
File: 155 KB, 1148x1278, BIZshort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes if you dont buy TVIX you will lose
Short everything you can and dump into TVIX or UVXY

Sell before the 14th

>> No.7349775

Read CNBC tomorrow.

Also sell all your stocks immediately and buy them back in a week.

>> No.7349888

Bankster Jews.

>> No.7349904

We have plenty of food, and even ways to produce more. The problem is the billions who don't produce enough value to sustain their own existence, much less their geometrical growth

>> No.7349925

How do we make money from this?

>> No.7349966

Nah fuck that, I'm bored of them. We need something fresh to blame. Chinese, indians and jews, old news.

>> No.7350028
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>It literally can't go up more than 100% by design


>37.32 +20.01 (+115.60%)

>> No.7350065

how long do people have to address their margin calls? a day? less?

>> No.7350140

Rope manufacturing stocks

>> No.7350152

>volatility or stability as a commodity

>> No.7350166
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>> No.7350218

We need a Wall Street version of The Expendables or Fast and Furious.

>> No.7350263

Go all in on tvix RIGHT NOW

>> No.7350334
File: 89 KB, 1353x990, o3lvfl1x7u201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dudes go all in on TVIX right now we ARE ALL GONNA MAKE IT!!!!

>> No.7350375

financial capitalism is basically just a casino

>> No.7350511

I'm watching it right now on your recommend. Perfect movie for tonight. Cheers!

>> No.7350608

I don't even know what that is, but clearly you do, Reddit normie, fuck off.

>> No.7350616

So was considering a bunch of bundled-up garbage subprime mortgages to suddenly be safe as T-bills because "lol house prices could never decline nationwide all at once".

>> No.7350646
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> Mfw will never sit at the top of a skyscraper and having a smoke while talking about the end of the world as we know it

>> No.7350695

>too many mouths to feed
>I won't be able to afford my 20th mansion waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Guess I'll just kill everything like a petulant child.

>> No.7350707

Whats the lesson for us non billionaires here on /biz/ and elsewhere? Dont buy into any non actual assets or at the most bundled ones in ETFs, else this sort of bullshit happens? Buy into real companies that actually do stuff that can tgo away overnight?

>> No.7350756

Credit Suisse owned like $550 million worth of XIV earlier today. Going to wipe out like two full quarters of revenue tomorrow

>> No.7350759

i'm really glad i kept most of my holdings in crypto, because if that can't survive a full crash nothing can

>> No.7350791

good fuck 'em

>> No.7350817

>They will also go long VIX
this is the most perverse incentive ever

>> No.7350820

What's BTCs price tomorrow evening, given this news?

>> No.7350865

Don't buy into companies that buyback shares. Higher stock price doesn't mean the company is doing well always. Buy into companies investing their money into themselves, expanding, hiring people, etc. Those companies have solid plans for the present and the future rather than just increasing their stock prices through financial engineering.