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File: 169 KB, 900x724, achi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7340030 No.7340030 [Reply] [Original]

Swiss Fund Manager here.

Ask me anything.

>> No.7340058

Du huere Panane

>> No.7340110

What variety of cheese should I rub on my nipples?

>> No.7340129

what do you do for work?

>> No.7340143

Bad time to add skycoin? Will dev distribution cause inflation and price drop?

>> No.7340165

thoughts on $dta?

>> No.7340187
File: 106 KB, 800x750, soyboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many muslims do you see on your way home from work everyday?

>> No.7340188

10k LINK wird igs schaffe?

>> No.7340204

Did you get XIVed today?

>> No.7340209

Thoughts on bitbean?

>> No.7340265


When will the bear market end?

>> No.7340276
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Adolf Hitler here.

P.S don't tell the Jews I'm alive, I'll explain later.

>> No.7340286

what are you thoughts on ERC20s that are reducing frictional costs in borrowing

>> No.7340308

Whats the best way to kill myself?

>> No.7340349

Cheese from my dick you nignog.

Not bad time at all. Buy and wait one week to be rich. Buy a skyminer.

Easy moon.

>> No.7340394
File: 12 KB, 250x250, ls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What crypto related job opportunities will there be in CH within the next two years?

>> No.7340398
File: 74 KB, 800x450, 2BFBF32F-5251-4731-AC47-A9542F9A96C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you had 10k to throw would you all in on OMG or NEO,

Or split the two

Or idk

>> No.7340435

What makes an anon feel the urge to larp?

>> No.7340459

whatsup HIT?

>> No.7340568

All tokens are a meme. They can all be replaced by ETH. It doesn't mean that they won't moon this year.

>> No.7340629

Sell both and buy Tether. Everyone is shorting it, but it will moon 4x soonish.

>> No.7340674

When should I buy back into AMB, let alone the market itself?

>> No.7340704

Why did you sell AMB in first place? You don't sell AMB.

>> No.7340766

du bisch en hurresohn

>> No.7340793
File: 463 KB, 659x609, 1515839416464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you believe this is swissbro you are truly retard

>> No.7340816

wieso duesch du larpe du hueresohn
du bisch en pajeet und nüt anders

>> No.7340819

Wrong trip, real one isn't bold.

>> No.7340891

Send your CV to our telegram group Euclid Widow.

I don't understand your villagespeak.
Speak German to me.

>> No.7340982

What can You say about Polymath mr. Swiss Fund Anon
And ADA(Cardano)

>> No.7341020

Got a shitcoin to shill that will crash once the faggots have bought up your bags?

>> No.7341064
File: 11 KB, 229x221, 1515581700027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it burns to be banned right?

>> No.7341095

When will the bleeding stop bro? I wanna buy the bottom on AMB and also my heart is feeling pretty bad after 10 days of red.

>> No.7341172

What's the first top level watch company to go under?

>> No.7341212

Deine Mutter.

ADA is a shitcoin. No chance to compete with ETH. It will fall 5x this year.
Polymath won't work. Govts won't allow it.

BTC will fall to $1500. No less.

>> No.7341249 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 628x628, XRP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop replying. this is a bad larp

do you think a hedge fund manager would see theter x4....

>> No.7341290

US stocks will fall 3x this this year. Swiss watch companies will go up 2x. Buy and become rich. Thank me later.

>> No.7341375

lmao, if us stocks fall 3x you better hide your white ass deep in the mountains

>> No.7341396


>> No.7341425

Good time to buy XSPEC?

>> No.7341470

LARP confirmed
de typ cha ned mol schwizerdütsch
du bisch sicher en huere dütsch faggot wo im spital schaffet verpiss di us mim land du hueresohn

>> No.7341483

XSPEC is a shit Cryptonote clone. They don't even have the mental capability to write a whitepaper. Stay away.

>> No.7341590

You are not a Swiss dude and fuck off already. He said in Telegram that he doesn't know what will happen and that the best thing to do is to just hold what you have now.

>> No.7341662

Why are you describing here your relationship with your dad?

I wouldn't lie to you.

>> No.7341718

You're fake swissbro. Swissbro loves XSPEC.

>> No.7341832

did smegma give you cavities and bad breath?

>> No.7341841

I am the realest swissbro. The other one is a pajeet larp that maybe cleans toilets in a fund.

>> No.7341892
File: 258 KB, 1280x960, CF69D54F-CB8C-4303-A3E9-4CC9782AD968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Under the radar ICOs you promised last time?

>> No.7341928

He was literally here like 14 hours ago. You ain't the one.

>> No.7341947

>buy Tether. Everyone is shorting it, but it will moon 4x soonish.

you fucking what

>> No.7342036

4chan is the only place I'll ever see a different language with faggot in the middle of the sentence

>> No.7342065
File: 59 KB, 658x662, sadpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truly a bad larper.

kinda sad...

>> No.7342108

BABB, Orchid, Keep Network

>> No.7342164
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>> No.7342353


Bonjour. J'habitais a Neuchatel il y a 10 ans, et dans cette eopque tous les criminels vennait de Kosovo. C'est encore le cas en Suisse?

>> No.7342401

Should I short the stock market? If so, how? put options? some other derivative?

Please, anon, I want to make money.

>> No.7342416

What's your take on FOTA and CPChain, Swissbro?

>> No.7342609

OMG real swiss bro has a '!' not 'I' tag in front of the tripcode if u cucks fall for this i guess bitcoin rlly deserves to go to 0.

>> No.7342610

Short SP500. Wait 5 months and be rich.

Stay away from both.

>> No.7342637

Russian here
pls dont bully this time, and we will help you

>> No.7342745

DO NOT buy puts with the vix just jumping 100% you will not make any money

>> No.7342979


>> No.7343033
File: 466 KB, 750x727, 1515606338263-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake swissbro. Your tripcode is fake, swissbro doesn't come at this hour, doesn't talk like that, and there is no post his telegram

>> No.7343133

The other swissbro is fake pajeet larp and the coins he shilled fell 80%.

>> No.7343364

link to other thread?

whats his telegram?

>> No.7343375

MTL good buy with working app coming soon?

>> No.7343479

everything fell you fucking faglord

jesus fucking christ are you really that fucking stupid that you think those coins fell because he shilled and umped his bags?

heloooooo look at that whole fucking btc thing going

look at every single other coin that has fell

fucking hell I mean seriously

>> No.7343603

It was a good buy one hour ago, but not now.

>> No.7343803

MTH good buy since their working product coming out next month? Been watch for while and seems to me whales are keeping the price low

>> No.7343990

Aha, du bist ja der Schwuchtel in Zürich die sich immer als Japaner verkleidet oder?

>> No.7344069

Why are you all so sleazy?
Do you like loaded questions?

>> No.7344555

Would you recommend Falcon private bank?

>> No.7344816

Dieser Schwuchtel ist deine Mutter.

Yes, they are storing cryptoassets since 50 years ago. Very solid.

>> No.7344835

Switzerland isnt part of Schengen anymore

>> No.7345181

thoughts on Block Array (ARY) ?
get better vibes from this than from trac and eve
(i know not exactly the same target)

>> No.7345256

>Storing cryptoassets before satoshi invented bitcoin
Haha, I will trust you about them, thanks!

>> No.7345342
File: 72 KB, 456x402, 1482260114014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your advice, swiss anon.

Kin and Tau? Good picks?

I am invested in ADA and XLM mostly, but am thinking of going into WTC and ICX. Comments?

How long before the dip ends?

>> No.7345597

Actually if you are still here, could you explain a bit how private banks work. If you open an account, is there any "minimum time " you would be expected to keep your funds invested with them? Like 1 or 2 years?

>> No.7345622

Team sucks and their token does not make sense, but ARY is still a better coin than AMB and WTC. Easy buy.

KIN = god tier
TAU = nope
XLM = nope
ADA = nope
WTC = nope
ICX = nope

>> No.7345724

what's your telegram?

>> No.7345733

link or ary?
which will moon sooner?

>> No.7345793

this is a faggot and not swissbro

swissbro articulates in a nobel manner

fakelarpergayassfaggot here

>> No.7345936

>ICX = nope
disregarded with extreme prejudice

>> No.7345982

He shitposts on 4chan every night.

>> No.7346108

Link = god tier.
great team, good concept and superb marketing.

>> No.7346356

nope to wtc & icx
larping swissbro...either that, or you changed some of your biggest picks in just a week

>> No.7346452

The crypto market changed and now they are shit tier.

>> No.7346898

> superb marketing
kek, definitely not swissbro...not even a subtle larp