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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7336743 No.7336743 [Reply] [Original]

Denizens and pajeets of /biz/ lend me your ears.

We have entered dark times in the Crypto-relm. First Bitconnect and then Tether were revealed to be scams. The market is crashing down around us. Not only were fortunes and life savings lost but literal lives have been lost over this.
Right now it seems that there is no good place to move your money too. Everything is down and the floor has not been reached yet.
I am here to tell you there is a place. There is a safe haven in this darkness. That place is TurtleCoin.
The marketcap is low and the dev team is solid. They actually LIKE what they do and like to interact with the community. And then there is the community. Never has there been a more helpful community within crypto.

Please, for the sake of your money if nothing else, move your bags to TurtleCoin. You can buy it right now on TradeOgre and soon TradeSatoshi.

>> No.7336818
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>> No.7336863
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>> No.7336947
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Turtle coin will be forever be green, turtle is love

>> No.7336996
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Nice propaganda right there.

>> No.7337046
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Forget about the keylogger meme for a minute, you bigger issues: the distribution.
Less than 10 people hold 90% of the supply.
The Dev's got too greedy. They thought making a stupid thread in /biz/ is enough traffic for people to start mining the coin seriously. They should have said it to reddit, bitcointalk and other public places. Because of this greedy stupid decision the coin can never grow. No investor would be interested in some stupid coin owned by less than 10 people that have 90% of it.
Why tech does it offer that monero doesn't already have? Turtle memes? lmao
>reaching more than 0.01$ ever
lmao, not with that supply, inflation and stupid rich whales.
I can not stress this enough: Insiders have MULTIPLE HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS mined already, they can crash the market any time, or keep it down a LONG time.
>yfw it's even those hundred millions holder whales that are chosen to handle the #turtle-market (an escrow on the official discord group chat) and get paid 5% fees on EACH trades on top of that.
This shows that the devs are Turtlejews

CodIsAFish has at least 200 million
Leonardo has at least 200million
superduperdeluxe has at least 200 million

Above three are shitty trailer trashes that mined it with a single GPU. They will keep dumping as soon as they see they can get a few dollars to get some food and meth for the day.

mkid has more than 800 million now.

>muh 2 billions new turtle per month
>muh inflation
1 - Your shares are getting diluted at the same rate as the whales
2 - They can flip and increase their shares at a much greater rate than people can mine it considering the current mining difficulty
I don't know how you guys fail to see this

>> No.7337074
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Old so it has increased since

>> No.7337101

Thank you for this. TRTL here I come!

>> No.7337179
File: 81 KB, 450x314, PTQnzYo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TRTL is the new era of economy of mankind

>> No.7337291

Fuck off back to your discord, turtle faggots. No one wants this shit here.

>> No.7337363
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No not mankind, numales

Turtle = numale

>Honey, I bought a mining rig so I can buy coins no one wants.

>> No.7337373
File: 79 KB, 1893x286, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did we go from this....

>> No.7337418
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...to this?

>> No.7337490

The shells be pumping in the crashing market


>> No.7338212
File: 4 KB, 244x206, Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee+faith+is+the+blinding+light+which+obstructs+_dd4f28d392ca9a348f4ea309716a4bc9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.7338328

Hey my guy, do you want me to prove this stale copy pasta wrong again turtle marine or are you back on your meds?

>> No.7338401

It's an American team my dude

>> No.7338537

Fuck you and you fucking scam coin stop sapaming no one ever ita going to give you a penny

>> No.7338647

Are you having a stroke my dude?

>> No.7338883

1 trtl = 4 sats

>> No.7339558

Join us, good sir
All other coins are for soyboys, sir
The whole market is crashing but moving a few sat up or down is nothing. Much greater losses with nearly every other coin. This is why TRTL provides security.
/COMFY/ here as well
I wish all good things upon you
I see you have not yet bought TRTL and do not know the comfort it brings
I believe he is. TRTL will cure his woes.
Of no consequence. TRTL is a hold, not for day trades