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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7332853 No.7332853 [Reply] [Original]

Positive Twitter Thread Summary Here:


>> No.7332905

I have it for 1 hour already. buy fags


>> No.7332964

Since when federal crypto regulations are good news?

Holy shit.

>> No.7332965


>> No.7333003

People were expecting much worse news than this.

>> No.7333031

since trillions of $ are waiting to enter a regulated market

>> No.7333043


>> No.7333054

fuck it's legit


>> No.7333059

this. too lazy to read

>> No.7333071

Regulations means it's government approved. Gives it legitimacy to normies.

>> No.7333074

Regulations is a good thing for the big money, it means its more legitimate for them.

>> No.7333105

And trillions to come out your ass as tax.

>> No.7333109

kys, all you need to know

>> No.7333125

Since the world is socialist

>> No.7333165

Crypto and regulations do not mix well.

>Trillions waiting to enter
>After the bubble popped

The delusion is strong.

>> No.7333171

The actual news doesn't matter, the fact that it's relatively positive will influence markets.

>> No.7333194


>> No.7333223

please keep this fud up, you are doing gods work

>> No.7333295

Fucking burgers. Thx!
All your guns serve you only to kill yourselve.

>> No.7333310

If any, big money will continue shorting BTC until there are no survivors left.

If you think something like BTC/APPL pairs are a possibility when:

BTC transactions are slow af
BTC transactions are costly

then you are just day-dreaming. BTC is full of flaws with no solution in sight. By the way, LN won't solve any of those problems.

>> No.7333418

Wow they actually seemed like they were cool with it and shit. and we're bouncing hard

I feel something boys.... I feel something. Is this another instance like all the other times bitcoin has dipped and then soared hard?

>> No.7333437

we've hit the floor boyz

>> No.7333542

This is actually seemingly positive news for the market as a whole, seems really weird saying this because we've had nothing by FUD and negative media in the last few weeks,

>> No.7333585

Holy shit, how do you guys not realize this good? Especially if you're not in the USA. Whatever bullshit regulations they pass, can ONLY BE PASSED to their own retarded people. This might even make it easier for the rest of us to profit, since ameritards might have to fomo into more shit. someone tell me otherwise

>> No.7333600

Holy shit is incredibly bullish news. Thank fuck for the US having some sense still. I guess they want to keep the capital draining from China.

Rally to 10k incoming.

>> No.7333828

>"Do no harm" was the right approach to the development on the internet. Similarly, I think "Do No Harm" is the right overarching approach for distributed ledger technology.
I hope you didn't sell /biz/

>> No.7333872

Good. I used to be anti regulation but seeing all these fucking scammers, pnd groups and other assorted scumbags robbing people is getting on my last nerve

>> No.7333955


>> No.7334149

I think it will bounce good at 6.5k

>> No.7334231

nice find!

>> No.7334268


>> No.7334752

This was way better than I was expecting... maybe normie money could flow back in after the stock market stops crashing. This is almost the feds giving us their blessing

>> No.7334763

Is crypto a US market or a global market?
Fucking imperialist burgers deserve death, hopefully they get another 911.