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733020 No.733020[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here sleep deprived? If so, how do you normally deal with the symptoms and function adequately?

>> No.733021

You need to budget for sleep. There is no way around it.

>> No.733022
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I don't.

>> No.733023

Maybe that is the case, but their are certainly alot of professionals who seem to function adequetely while sleep deprived, so how do they do it?

>> No.733024

You must get enough sleep. If you don't get enough rest you will fall behind the pack, and whether it's co-workers or colleagues, you can't afford to be in last place.

>> No.733025

Cocaine and coffee.

>> No.733042

>Anyone here sleep deprived?

>If so, how do you normally deal with the symptoms and function adequately?
You already know the answer to this, you've heard it your whole life. Go to sleep on time and wake up on time, consistency is key.

After awhile I've noticed I can sleep for less hours and still feel awake and energized all day.

>> No.733047

I usually get drunk

>> No.733055

What i meant if its very difficult to get in the extra hours of sleep. How can you still function?

>> No.733056

I was really sleep deprived cause of work. I inherited 637k and now I sleep when ever.

>> No.733062


Someone doesn't know about post IDs.

>> No.733069

I didnt even notice, top kek

>> No.733096

Large amounts of stimulants

>> No.733098

Any personal experience and advice?

>> No.733143

Its not hard to fool a doctor into thinking you have a focus-disorder if you don't. I'm sure plenty of people do. Its easy to get a prescription for a stimulant.
I have diagnosed ADHD and require Adderrall to function at the highest level, though.

A warning-- it will eliminate your appetite for hours at a time, you'll need to drink a ton of water, it can be very addictive if abused, and it can make erratic sleep patterns even worse if you take it improperly.

>> No.733203

I've been sleep deprived before. The felling is unbearable,your body can't function through the day without having sleep. I would find myself mumbling words and not thinking correctly while doing simple tasks.

basically this < Go to sleep on time and wake up on time. Well help you get your sleep schedule back.

>> No.733459

Should i wake up at a consistent time regardless of how tired it makes me?

>> No.733460

I live on the uk i dont think they give out stimulant prescriptions here as liberally as you guys do in the US

>> No.733461

good on you m8>>733056

>> No.733474

You get used to the weird feeling and micro sleep. Hopefully you'll fall into a binge sleep like I do and recover

>> No.733482

Lmao, but im a student wont i totally fail all my exams if i dont rectify this

>> No.733504

>8 hours before you have to be out of the house
>take a melatonin tablet
>drink some beer or wine
>go for a walk around the block

>> No.733510

No melatonin here (uk) but ill try another sleeping med

>> No.733527


>No melatonin here

Internet can provide you with melatonin bro. It's all about habit. If you consistently sleep say 6 hours, your body will get used to it. I can't sleep more than 6 hours at a time even if I try my absolute best.

>> No.733538

Yh you guys are probably right, ill stop being a faggot and just wake up the same time everyday. Until im used to it

>> No.733542


Is melatonin banned in the UK or something? The fuck

I cope with a lot of exercise both to deal with stress and go /fit/ while tiring your body out but sometimes that's not an option when your day is absolutely booked, otherwise I take benadryl but if melatonin is banned in the UK, it probably is as well. Your laws are crazy m8, you should hang your politicians

>> No.733556

i take 200mg caffeine pills when im really dead.You can get them in any pharmacy. but yeah consistency with sleep is key. you need your body to be on a schedule. If nothing else works smoking any type of indica before bed will help you out tremendously if you cannot sleep.

>> No.733571

It's not illegal i just got told to fuck off at my local pharmacy last time i tried to buy. I was prescribed zoplicone before that was real good shit

>> No.733580

Yup. Besides damaging my body the wonderful Canadian Forces taught me how to operate on essentially no sleep.
>Be now
>Work in a camp environment full of fuck heads from Quebec and people I cant understand from Newfoundland
>Sub arctic conditions/location
>2 weeks on shift, 2 weeks off at home
>13.5 hour shifts 12 days in a row (more hours when things go wrong)
>Longest shift was 23 hours (one 15 minute coffee break) after a 100 ton haul truck rolled (that truck was back in service at the end of that shift)
>I get 3-5 hours of sleep while working
>When I get home I sleep in and get about 7 hours of sleep three nights in a row
>feel refreshed
>resume life
The most important thing is to set a time that you go to bed, as well a specific time that you get your ass out of bed.
>I used to fight sleep because I am scared of what my mind brings out every time I try and sleep
>My mind was messed up for many years and I was prescribed 70mg of Valium a night
I don't take meds to sleep anymore because it gets to a point where I take dangerous amounts for basically no effect

>> No.733584

I stay up late to finish homework but then i sleep in late because i stayed up late and then i need to stay up again

>> No.733589

>>I used to fight sleep because I am scared of what my mind brings out every time I try and sleep

Can you explain this? Is this a diagnosable thing?

>> No.733593

>Is this a diagnosable thing?
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

>> No.733594

Are you Canadian Rambo?

>> No.733598

Nope. Just another douchebag.

>> No.733615

I sleep

>> No.733618

Poor banter m8

>> No.733631

I used modafinil. It worked well when having to work 18+ hours

>> No.733762

Me too. Where do you buy yours from? Just curious.

>> No.734222

Went from NEET to working 60-hour weeks recently, getting into the office at 6:30am every day.

Hold me.

>> No.734224

>6am shift at work 40 minutes away means waking up at 4:30 and getting out the door by 5
>School at 6pm until 10:pm
Full time school and work is no joke