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7329767 No.7329767 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin crashed 85% in 2014 from $1000 to $150. I lost $25,000, thought I was done for, earned a few gray hairs, then choked back my tears and held. Two fucking years of holding it took before I got back to where I was, and then I started making a lot of fucking money. I quit my job at Target, traveled the world, did a lot of partying and traded my fucking ass off day on day out to pay for my lifestyle. Now today my $12,000,000 crypto stack is down to $3,000,000, and I'm honestly worried I might have to go back to work one day. I definitely don't have enough to retire and I'm convinced the stock market will crash any day now and the US dollar along with it. It's so difficult this time. Before I just detached myself from the whole thing and said fuck it I never put in anything I was afraid to lose anyways, but now I'm a millionaire, and I'm so fucking afraid to lose it now. somewhere I want to believe other whales like me won't sell for any lower, but I know they're hands aren't as strong as mine. The fear is crippling, but I hodl. I hodl.

>> No.7329823

see you at zero

>> No.7329826

why the fuck didnt you cash out at least half you retard? did you really think 12mil wasnt enough? you deserve to go back to square one you greedy fuck

>> No.7329877


& take out a mill right now and live off it for the next 2-4 year bear market.

>> No.7329883

Yea let's cashout into a dying dollar.

>> No.7329889

fuck you normiefag

you are the kind of people that doesn't deserve that kind of money

i hope you hold untill you are left with nothing

>> No.7329899

Fuck you there aren't many people with 3 mil in crypto right now. When this market recovers you'll see me at the top bitch

>> No.7329932

nice larp

>> No.7329938


If you unitonically had 12 million and didn’t cash out, you are legitimately retarded. I can sleep better at night knowing that no matter what happens, I will never be as retarded as you. Thank you.

>> No.7329992

>Yea let's cashout into a dying dollar.

You people are delusional if you think you're going to wake up one day and it will be worthless. Having some cash isn't risky.

>> No.7330037

>he thinks the market will recover.

>> No.7330060
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>up 12 million dollars
>doesn't cash out 6 to be set for life no matter what
you deserve to lose ever fucking cent anon you greedy piece of shit. fuck you

>> No.7330101

I invested 500,000 into gold in October but I was so convinced bitcoin would hit 30 Gs. I still think it's possible though just maybe a different coin

>> No.7330132

Top KEK this

>> No.7330151


You're going back to work, faggot.

You'll be hearing the sound of the morning alarm in no time. If you cash out now, first you'll get hit with tax, then you'll put it in the market which will crash and you'll be back to square one. If you leave it in Bitcoin, it's gonna get crushed and never recover. The party is over. You'll be back a job you hate in no time. Also no employer is gonna look at you because you completely squandered your time, and they will look at you as irresponsible and a risk taker.

Na just kidding faggot, from here on in it'll be easy gains in Bitcoin, and after the next stock market correction, you can put some in there - people predicting US dollar/economy death are fucking stupid. The debt looks like it's insurmountable because of low productivity, but AI and robotics will nuke productivity sky high, absorb the debt, and lead to the next economic fucking renaissance.

Spare a thought for us wage cucks who have yet to break 6 figures in crypto yet.

>> No.7330189

OP is going to hold until BTC blasts past $20k even if it takes until 2020

You’re a ballsy, Rich motherfucker. Keep it that way. That’s why you’re you, and these plebs are fast food guys.

>> No.7330191

Try 5 figs faggot

>> No.7330215
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me haff twalve millian doller
me no cash out...hurrrrrr pfrrrffff

>> No.7330397

I've been buying gold but it's really fucking hard to get a lot at a time

>> No.7330506

Hold my friends

>> No.7330565

Youre never a millionaire if you dont have it in your bank

>> No.7330718

>yeah let's keep our life savings in an overvalued prototype in one of the most volatile market of human history that has spawned several improved alternatives, diversifying is a fucking meme anyways
epic, simply fucking epic my dude
I'm sure OP(if he is not LARPing) will make it back to the top because he is a resourceful guy if he managed to make that much in the first place, but if you don't see how this is going you all deserve a slap in the face

>> No.7330933

I don't have any money in bitcoin it's all in alts

>> No.7331094

What? You lost 25k in 2014 and then held? So that means your original holding was probably about 30 bitcoin yeah? How do you have 12 million.

Did you buy more even after getting burned so hard? You worked at target so that's unlikely you were buying more. Also improbable you wouldn't have sold for the 4.5k while working at target but I'll grant you might be strong willed.

You make it sound like you cashed out soon as possible too. But even granting you sold at the perfect opportunity, you'd at most have 600k. 30*20000.

What the fuck.

>> No.7331160
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depending on the alts you might have just to wait and HODL. smart contracts and blockchains aren't going anywhere, no matter how many memes and crashes

>> No.7331243

You didn't margin? Tether? Anything just hold in this market

>> No.7331314

Deluded. You are not even a sardine. The whales gobble you up daily.

>> No.7331341

Can't remember banks and governments attacking crypto this hard back in the days. The market has gone mainstream in recent months and is now in the crosshairs of "the elite". I'm afraid this is way different than all that came before.
That said, I'm holding like a retard. I kissed the money goodbye, and if it all goes down, so be it.

>> No.7331378

I wonder if Greece said the same thing when their dollar bottomed out

>> No.7331406


>> No.7331407


Op is a dumbass. At some point you have to realize that you are the fucking 0.01%

You want a future for Bitcoin you need to be selling it now to distribute it

>> No.7331481
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This. Just close your eyes and wait for your time.

>> No.7331493
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>not cashing out at $12m and putting it into index funds to live off that
>"$3m isn't enough for me to retire"
Yeah, nah, you brought this upon yourself.

>> No.7331495
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>when the market recovers

lol, cash out now before you get cucked further, soygoy

>> No.7331523

>not cashing out at least half

>> No.7331553

Too late to sell. To soon to buy. So we stare at the sky. If it rains, we'll ignore, and keep on gazing while it pours. Hard to breathe, go back to bed, but skies too neat, now turkeys dead.

You made it through 2014 your fucking fine. Scale back lifestyle, develop some bullshit dropship clothing line and wait. Crypto actually has a usecase now and commercial won't kill it, they want it. Might be FUCKED for a while but you'll be dope. Create a budget and remove 1 years worth of Survival money + Investment for a small business of your choosing and get the fuck on it. I own two businesses not to toot my own poot. Real cunts but have a lot of pride and a nice sense of accomplishment otherwise almost completely unachievable.

>> No.7331860

I bought a bitcoin mine on the recommendation of a friend in 2013. Since then I've acquire more. I don't even have a coinbase account

>> No.7331885

you could pull all of that $3M out now, invest it in mutual funds or low risk stocks that pay dividends, or ETFs, and just live off a comfy 5% ($90,000) per year without ever having to work again or dip into the principle. $90k is enough to live a real comfy upper middle class lifestyle in anywhere but the most expensive cities on Earth.

>> No.7331918

>a real country

>> No.7331936

If you're not larping and actually have that much you should cash out some. Yeah it will probably recover eventually, but holy shit dude that is pure greed.

>> No.7331998

which alts