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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7328081 No.7328081 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you revel in people losing money?

It's true what they say - money IS the root of all evil. You demonstrate it impeccably.

>> No.7328157
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morality is subjective

>> No.7328210

this is a garbage thread created by someone from outside of /biz/

>> No.7328218

the sellers are making money

tons of people are cashing out, having a good life

>> No.7328381

Some people are so miserable about their own life they can only revel in the suffering of others.
They are even poorer souls than the ones who bought at 19k. God complex most likely included.

>> No.7328743

I wouldn't say that I love that people are losing money. The people who are losing money are the people who ignorantly boast about the gains they never had, or that would have never been sustainable, looking down their noses at the "brainlets" who "don't know shit" about cryptocurrency. A pathetic, stupid bunch who only cared to listen to those who agreed with them.

It's more of a "I told you so" kind of pleasure. The losing money part has a secondary benefit of hoping they learned their lesson. Don't get it confused.

>> No.7328793

no it isn't degenerate

>> No.7328867

>Money is the root of all evil


>> No.7328980

only when dumb normies lose it i'm happy.

>> No.7329474

It's not the losing of money, anon. It's the suffering of overly smug moronic assholes. That's really the main thing.
btw, how's the Lambo doin'?

>> No.7329519

same way when people gloat when it goes up

>> No.7329530

i just want GPU prices to go back to normal. i want to hear stories of people who bought 100 cards jumping out of buildings

>> No.7329601

>person A loose money to person B
>person B hahaha faggot
>person B loose money to person A
>person A hahaha faggot

And so the cycle continues.

>> No.7329672

this and >>7329530 this

>> No.7329960 [DELETED] 
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>i want to hear stories of people who bought 100 cards jumping out of buildings
are you even hearing yourself
this is nigger-tier behavior.

>> No.7330004

Stop replying to nocoiners.

>> No.7330087

4chan is inherently evil, it always been, you must be new and you have to go back.

> Is still holding some coins and actively FUDing hard everywhere to crash this shit harder.

If I don't give a fuck about my loses why would I give a flying fuck about some burgertard who bought @18K with the whole life saving of his dying father. Thats shit puts a smile in my face norman.

>> No.7330089

no, you're thinking of the retards who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on 50 of the highest-end GPUs they could find after seeing bitcoin on the big bang theory

>> No.7330177

nope, I'm definitely thinking of you. wishing death on others for a reason as petty as "m-muh cards for muh bideo games are expensive" is definitely nigger-behavior. that or you're an extremely overgrown sociopathic child

>> No.7330188

People losing money isn't that funny, but pink wojaks are really really funny, and the only way more pink wojaks are gonna be made is if people keep losing money.

>> No.7330217
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you seem more than a little upset. things not going well for you today?

>> No.7330293
File: 882 KB, 1561x2243, 1516934515313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, I'm fine, I'm up 500% since I bought in november
that and I'm not a manchild. so feeling pretty good about myself, my /v/ermin friend

>> No.7330407

if you spent any time on this board, you would see that the entire crypto market is fueled by ignorance and greed. i cant tell you how many threads i see with posts like "bro, i dont even know what a blockchain is, im just throwing money in!" "i dont care about the tech, i just want to get rich!" "i dont know what any of these coins do, but bro i just want sick gains!"

yes, these people deserve to lose everything. its justice.

>> No.7330500


Some people make bad decisions and that's on them.