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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7325822 No.7325822 [Reply] [Original]

down 75% in 15 days. I didn't listen. I was riding the wave. The irony here is all the morons, the normies, the Thanksgiving dinner pundits, the boomers, and the TV-seduced zombies were right. It was all a dream. and now it's a nightmare. Goodbye my friends it has been real.

>> No.7325839
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we are fucked

>> No.7325905

Good shit

I would like buying more crypto once its bottomed out and wait for the next bubble in 2019-2021

>> No.7325915

>everyone with half a brain says crypto is a scam
>unemployable hermit NEETs think they are smarter than everyone else, go in on crypto
>NEETs trade their good boy points for a couple years
>market predictably crashes

>> No.7326037

how much btc for this bitch?

>> No.7326039
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>> No.7326042
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I'm still in the denial stage. It can't end like this, r-right? It can't.

>> No.7326224

today? 1000
tomorrow? 2000
next week? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Act accordingly.

>> No.7326300

If bitcoin goes back to $20k, I'll have enough money to retire and will spend the rest of my life laughing at normies wagecucks.
If it crashes to 0, I won't even have to deal with it. I will an hero.
I hate my family.
It's a win win situation.

>> No.7326321


The only way you lost is if you bought in in the last few months, meaning you are one of the normies.

>> No.7326660

Everyone posting here is a normie. Don’t deluded yourself. The real inside crowd is all on the dark web.

>> No.7327092
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don't do it anon
there is plenty of hope left

>> No.7327161


You're fucking retarded. At this pricepoint i'm 6x initial investment and i started in may

>> No.7327192

So you’re at $75. Congrats.

>> No.7327268
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On the bright side, you still owe your taxes for your crypto to crypto trades last year.


>> No.7327288
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>that arm hair
Always knew she was a man.

>> No.7327370
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We are slowing down finally, 5-6k are buyback levels. Current levels are still hold / sell no buyers

>> No.7327501

you were the moron all along

>> No.7327540
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Learn to trade, if the whole market doesn't anne hiro you can come back.
2% max of stack per trade.
tradingview free account, VWAP with std bands.

>> No.7327551

At that level, it’s not profitable to mine. Once it breaks below 6,500 it’ll be in free fall.

>> No.7327648

Fuck off OP.

Crypto is here to stay. You are still above your initital investment unless you are retarded and bought ATH, so it's all going to be fine.

Of course it was a bubble and everyone could see that coming from a mile away, but we were greedy and in denial. I'm still at 3x, but I was a 8x at a time. However, 3x is still insane. It will go down for an other week or two. See the meme chart the is now a self fulfilling prophecy. Then things will go back to normal. Either short it or close your eyes for the next two weeks.

>> No.7327782

what if you didnt sell tho

>> No.7328117

Wow, investing in Taylor Swifts seems like a good idea.

>> No.7328263

You are the normie, anon. You think the big boys, the WS masters of the universe, think of you and your crypto buddies as equals or "insiders"? They laugh about you as they play this market. For them, WE are the normies, the bagholders, the bagbuyers, we are the ones they dump upon. Pretty much nobody is even remotely close to their league where they shuffle around trillions of dollars.

>> No.7328360

You mean you had no idea this thing was just a scammy pump and dump we where all equally supporting and trading.

>> No.7328447


write off those losses

kek you wish

It's been in free fall for 20 days

If you agree it was a bubble then you would agree it's going back to the price it was right before the big bubble of 2017 began

>> No.7328495
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>write off those losses
You can't. Losses only carry forward in years.

>> No.7328744
File: 385 KB, 1152x2048, BIT COIN YOSHI TOTOMOTO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lets start here......

The Name......The $2 Buy In


Let's go to the translations of that name.....


Then the word CRYPTO

New Latin, from Greek kruptos hidden, from kruptein to hide. Word Origin and History for crypto- before vowels crypt-, word-forming element meaning "secret" or "hidden," used in forming English words since at least 1760, from Latinized form of Greek kryptos "hidden, concealed, secret"

So now we have a Hidden Intelligence Collective that promises HUGE returns and no Cash-out point....

Only gains are made from "Miners" digging through any format that they can invent technologically to extract pennies for their services.....

But where is the fiat that was traded going?

Voila......nobody says anything as long as they either can mine the coins, or claim that their "COIN" is rising in the market

Any problems with loosing coins?

MT GOX habbens ........coins are unaccounted for a period of time......

Anyone die in the process?

Jared Townsley from Tigurd, OR at Swan Labs, huge Crypto guy and DDoS Security Software Developer.


Now there seems to be a DIP going on.....

Seems that there are a few nations that are really having a hard time with their own people being robbed blind by a few Hidden Intelligence Communities

So who are they?

>> No.7328921

Yeah I really just came here for assurance I'd have someone to dump my bags on and it worked. The naivety was sometimes funny, sometimes sad. Anyway now I just lurk so i can tell when to buy back in (when people start talking about Crypto for the sake of actually using them)

>> No.7328926

I was saying it was a scam in 2013. Such a wise cuck I was.