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7324094 No.7324094 [Reply] [Original]

Teeka here with some exciting news about Bitcoin...

I recently learned that one of the biggest, most powerful financial communities in the entire world is preparing to pour billions of dollars into cryptocurrencies.

Not just a few billion, either.

I'm talking about potentially hundreds of billions of dollars.

Now, most people have no clue this is about to happen.

But I was a member of this community for 15 years... I know exactly how it works.

And according to my estimates, $849 billion could start flowing in as early as April 2.

That's more money than the value of every single cryptocurrency on the market – combined.

Billionaire Mike Novogratz, a former hedge fund manager, says this could help send Bitcoin to $40,000 this year.

Billionaire Jeremy Liew, a Silicon Valley icon, believes it could help send Bitcoin to a few hundred thousand dollars.

And some are even predicting Bitcoin will go as high as $1 million – just a few years from now.

Look, no one can predict the future. And obviously nothing is guaranteed.

But my conservative math tells me Bitcoin could easily hit $350,000 sometime in the next few years.

Bottom line: This will be the biggest thing that's ever happened to cryptocurrencies.

And if you get ahead of it, it could completely change your retirement.


>> No.7324179

is this legit? fags plz confirm

>> No.7324186


>> No.7324212

Did anyone figure out what his 3 coins are?

>> No.7324210

they just want us to buy their pajeetbags

>> No.7324232

Yes, it's legit https://secure.palmbeachgroup.com/chain?cid=MKT345736&eid=MKT346998#AST76297

>> No.7324238

Buy salt up to 17,50.

>> No.7324240


>> No.7324268

Neo, Aion, Steem

>> No.7324284


>> No.7324314

wish I could trust this

>> No.7324319

Really? Do you have source for that or is it just wishful thinking?

I'm a fan of AION, but I'm not sure if it's a moonshot tier coin.

>> No.7324420
File: 85 KB, 225x238, PinkestWojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7324467


>> No.7324470

Can someone TLDR? I couldn't get to the end of this boring as shit BUY NOW AND MAKE TRILLIONS speech with no evidence whatsoever presented.

Do ppl actually have to pay to see what he says or what?

>> No.7324565

>no evidence
>called neo at 14 cents, ethereum at 10$, dash 270$, cindicator 0.06$
Sure whatever kid

>> No.7324619
File: 65 KB, 506x608, 1517250478840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing was posted on the palm beach leak telegram. Different iterations of this 'email' have been circulating all morning. Bullshit IMO.

>> No.7324656

He says all that in the video

>> No.7324686


>> No.7324754

he's going to put dash in his top 3, anyone who's followed him knows that he thinks dash is the biggest sleeper in crypto.

>> No.7324801

How is dash a small cap coin though?

>> No.7324817

Is dash really that little known? It's rank 12 on CMC.

>> No.7324873

>these fucking referral links
not buying into your pyramid scheme

>> No.7324900

Are you retarded or something? There is literal transcript on that link.

>> No.7324906
File: 140 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot 2018-02-05 17.38.36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All bullshit, obviously, for those who don't get the joke.
Source: Am member of PBC

>> No.7324932

This is why burgers are dumb shits. Literally paying for some pajeet to tell you in a confident tone that it will be ok and you will be rich soon...btw that'll be $150 pls lol

The only idiot taking prophets is this pajeet shitlord because he is clever enough to know just how retarded you all are.

>> No.7324953

link us the telegram pls?

>> No.7324958

not small, just "smaller" [than bitcoin]

>> No.7324959


Idiot, check out the video, it's literally him saying BTC will reach 300k

>> No.7325021

lmao. So much bullshit.
Buy Bitcoin it's going to 300k XD

>> No.7325100

>pbc id
Hello pajeet

>> No.7325117

The desperation is real.

Literally giving joke scam videos the time of day because you want so badly to believe you’ll own a lambo

This board is children

>> No.7325177


Shut the fuck up your pajeet tier donkeys.
He says nothing of the sort, his last video was for PBR regarding stocks, last PBC video was 6 days ago.

>> No.7325182

I'm not sure if this is some coordinated FUD or what, but do you actually really believe this is the end for crypto?

I think that we are going to enter in the biggest bull run yet in a near future (1-2 months tops), but each to his own I guess.

>> No.7325186

it's not little known...but he did an entire pbc report on dash. not all of his picks are tiny like zencash and factom. and it's not always the tiny picks that have the biggest gains (think he's also mentioned xlm, cardano)

>> No.7325190

>t. nocoiner

>> No.7325232

citation needed, none provided

>> No.7325257

Well, people who bought crypto last year and didn't listen to faggots that told you it is all a scam made a shit ton of money, but people fomoing late december or even january are probably on a suicide watch now

>> No.7325261

So the moment has come you don't believe in underlying fundamentals but imaginary pumps of money? You deserve to get rekt by btc going to 3k anon.

>> No.7325351

It's the end of a lot of shit coin project, with the fall of bitcoin they will all go down and only projects in the top 50 in my opinion with a real team and development will probably succeed, this should be the biggest cleansing in crypto

>> No.7325425

>top 50

There are probably about 10 cryptos that will survive, if that

>> No.7326044
File: 268 KB, 750x500, anthony_weiner3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> we're going to pour $800 billion into crypto
> entire crypto marketcap right now is about $350 billion
seems legit sign up for his newsletter

>> No.7326331

There is WAY less money than 350$ in crypto today. General sentiment for the big boys was that crypto is playmoney. That changed 2017. Now they're going in. Does that seem so absurd?

>> No.7326559

This. Teeka is going insane.

>> No.7326927

Can somebody tell me what 3 coins he shilled in the video? I watched 20 long minutes of it, switched tabs and the video reloaded... What the fuck did he say I'm not watching the full thing

>> No.7327030

He didn't say it in the video.

All we know is that three of them rose 93%, 111% and 217% overnight after the announcement.

>> No.7327096

after everything thats happened you still claim absurdities about crypto.
literally anything could still happen

>> No.7327117
File: 260 KB, 593x635, 1516142057639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> and then the major card-issuing banks banned all bitcoin purchases
> so we invested $800 billion
I know that when you're talking about big numbers it's all kinda the same, but $800 billion is nearly as much as Goldman Sachs has in total assets.

You had fun and made the post and your thread did Ironman Numbers. You should feel proud! Hopefully this provides additional improvement to future LARPing campaigns.

>> No.7327172
File: 42 KB, 693x496, 1515807254262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I composed a list of funds that have invested more than $800 billion in anything:


Glad I could help.

>> No.7327177

10/10 it's exactly butter chicken's writing style

>> No.7327186

> I recently learned that one of the biggest, most powerful financial communities in the entire world is preparing to pour billions of dollars into cryptocurrencies.


"I need to sell my garbage internet money real bad, and if you shit-for-brains people don't buy, there's no way my remaining $1M isn't going to turn into $1000 in front of my eyes. SO BUY NOW. I NEED FUCKING BAGHOLDERS"

>> No.7327270

Absolutely this anon

>> No.7327325

Do you have a credible source on major banks banning bitcoin purchases or are you an 80 iq subhuman that only reads headlines too? Get out of here, burger

>> No.7327425

>he thinks its 1 fund

>> No.7327533
File: 91 KB, 569x499, ban.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First, i can see why you're a failure. You can't read.
> major card-issuing banks

Secondly, you'd know what that meant if you spent as much time learning about money as cheerleading conmen.

This isn't even breaking news.

>> No.7327667

spot on.

>> No.7327724

You can't buy stocks/lotto/gamble with credit cards for the same reasons, this is nothing new and a long time coming.

>> No.7327773
File: 394 KB, 500x345, db7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ever hear the expression "bag holder?" I'm sure you have. You've probably seen lots of movies, some even with people who aren't wearing capes.

This is a classic set-up for bagholding. Like textbook.

> Name drop
> date in distant but graspable future
> Oh wow even more name drops
> Secret info only I have but I'm sharing with you!
If you were around in 2008 you would have seen this up and down, intensifying as the crash approached and poseurs' sources of credit began to seize up.

You are literally watching a 3 card monty lose several games of cards to a ringer and are walking up with the confidence that comes from being a true idiot.