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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7323886 No.7323886 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw have the money but not the confidence to ask girls out

You faggots lied to me. You told me that once I became financially independent I would automatically be surrounded by gold diggers. I just want a gold digging gf so bad it hurts /biz/ IT HURTS

>> No.7324032

>tfw have no money and get a lot of girls
>tfw anon is rich and still can't get girls

You are still a bitch anon, you are just a rich bitch now.

>> No.7324052

>make tinder account
>take pictures of you next to nice car and house
>wear expensive clothing/accessories in the pictures
>get gold diggers hitting you up 24/7

Assuming you’re not Rocky from movie mask you should be getting dates left and right.

>> No.7324219
File: 8 KB, 251x179, 1238434419962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of lusting after pussy, how about getting rid of that victim mentality and growing up.

if you really are that desperate:
>dress nice, make everything about you look perfect, buy nothing but semi-expensive brand goods and wear/carry them openly
>while you're at it, get a gun or, better yet, a mace for protection, i'm sure you're a pussy unfit for a real fight like most of us here... make up for that with your money, faggot
>find hobbies that make you jump out of bed in the morning in anticipation... it's not like you need to wageslave at this point, right?
>force yourself to go out, find a few hobbies that get you outside your physical comfort zone
>get on tinder or whatever (warning: dick might rot in the process) if you're really desperate, double-bag your stuff, if you care about your dick
>realize that existance is futile and your journey ends with death for the ego that now occupies your body...

embrace every experience... you have overcome the material troubles of us...
now you need to keep striving higher, or you will lose it all, again.

>> No.7324341


Do you guys think I'm just your average run of the mill pleb? I got a professional photoshoot done specifically for tinder and other online dating sites.

>> No.7324733

You can give an autist the body of a greek god and the wealth of a egyptian king, but he is still an autist.

>> No.7324852

fuck off back to /r9k/

>> No.7324904

Get a nice car.
They will approach you
And i unironically mean it

>> No.7325108


I have a porsche cayman. NEVER have I been once approached by girls when I drove in it or parked it

>> No.7325114

pics of shoot or lies

>> No.7325135

Go to Seeking Arrangement and get a sugar baby you whining faggot

>> No.7325150


fuck off not going to let you dox me again

>> No.7325187

Join sports club

Like a tennis club or squash club lotsa girls around

Usually 4:1 ratio guys girls but you should be in the top bracket if you're a trader

>> No.7325256
File: 109 KB, 780x394, c2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to get /fit/ too, laddie

>> No.7325315


the gym is for plebs

i get privately trained in judo.

>> No.7325376

pff just show us one of the out-take pics or show a pic of your car. blur out your face or license plate and re-save on paint to wipe metadata.

even a pic of your checking account balance with timestamp would suffice

>> No.7325445


yeah nice try asshole. last i tried that on /b/ some dickhead recognized me and doxed me