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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.7315648

That's fucking pathetic, meanwhile in leafland local banks are trying to bait in new clients talking about that famous bitcoin!

There's so much bullshit going on market-wise right now...

>> No.7315680

>Credit cards
Doesn't matter. No one should be buying crypto with borrowed money anyways.

>> No.7315702

It makes sense
It's like borrowing money to gamble

>> No.7315729

yeah and?

>> No.7315757

Ucant buy a stock with a credit card either mate

>> No.7315761

You can't buy stocks with a credit card either so what's your point fagit

>> No.7315771

>The move is aimed at protecting customers from running up huge debts
Gee, why don't they don't the same with student loans then?

>> No.7315835

and they wont stop there
big regulation is coming and if the exchanges don't play ball they will bann bank transfers also

>> No.7315861

They've made a major fuckup if they let any clients open crypto accounts with credit cards. The next step will be barring some accounts from using debit cards.

>> No.7315956
File: 44 KB, 520x282, afraid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The don't care if you gamble, buy guns, buy drugs, buy children or whatever you do with your money. But DO NOT BUY BITCOIN, MM MM NO NO NO...

should making you think.

>> No.7316007


This is what I don't get. You can go the Department store and buy $1000 worth of absolute shit, $80 cologne water, $100 shirts made in Indonesia for 20 cents. Half the shit normies buy is worth fucking nothing to begin with, the other half is market up at least 50% and depreciates anyway. But buying crypto leads to debt? But using a credit card to buy market up consumerized shit is fine.

>> No.7316015

Just use debit cards, what's the big deal. If you're having to buy crypto on credit then you're being a dumbass.

>> No.7316030

Good. You fuckers were going to cause a global crisis with your stupid fucking bubble you morons bought on margin

>> No.7316138

>buy $5000 in crypto
>get $50 in Amazon rewards points or a few hundred miles in frequent-flyer
>pay it off immediately from my checking account

What's wrong with this anon?

What are you two retards drooling about? Bitcoin isn't a stock, it's an asset. Your comparisons make zero sense.

The point here is that this is ANOTHER regulation being tacked on by (((them)))

>> No.7316225

It's funny how this shit will most likely play out in the future from now on.
(((they))) will want for it to crash - FUD that crypto is getting the ban,
(((they))) want it to spike - FOMO in media how crypto is the best thing since sliced bread

>> No.7316287

The comparison is that not being able to buy stocks with credit hasn't killed stocks you fucking mouthbreather

>> No.7316395

>This is what I don't get.
You buy consumer shit on credit under the assumption you can make the payments to pay it back. If you max out a card with the idea that you'll make the payments based on the return of some asset you bought, you're fucked if that asset goes sideways.

Credit card companies want to provide credit for consumer spending, not asset speculation.

>> No.7316549


Buy you can max your card buying things that are essentially worth nothing to begin with? For example pleanty of people max their cards buying designer clothes or consumer tech which essentially depreciates 95% the moment they buy it.

>> No.7316696

There's nothing surprising about this at all from a credit risk perspective. No bank wants people to buy something with credit that can depreciate by 60% in a month, causing you to default on your loans. Non-news.

>> No.7316719


>> No.7316781


>> No.7316831

But people don’t max their credit card for designer clothes with the intent of never paying it back, excluding a few morons who have wrecked their credit anyway.

People will merrily max their credit card to buy crypto trying to catch a swing for free money. It’s the same reason they don’t let you buy lottery tickets with credit. They don’t want to encourage risky behavior. They want to catch you in a manageable debt cycle, not watch you go bankrupt and leave them having to write you off.

>> No.7316836
File: 25 KB, 400x269, lehman-brothers-name-moves-across-news-ticker-new-yorks-times-square-this-september-15-2008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the banks that crashed the economy in 2008 are telling us what to invest in

The bail-out was a mistake. We should have let them die.