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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7314864 No.7314864 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /biz/!

>wake up in a $300k apartment that i bought with my crypto profits
>have $15k extra sitting in my account
>haven't followed crypto since i cashed out in december when BTC was at $17600 because i was pretty sure that end was near
>decide to come to /biz/ to look what's up and if there's any good business opportunities
>pink wojaks and people contempelating suicide everywhere
>check cmc
>bubble has burst BTC at $7500
>mfw my gut and knowledge told me that BTC won't $20k and that i should sell at $18k
>mfw i was right

I want to thank you for those amazing three years that I spent here and made money with you guys. Hope you guys did well also.

So, whats next? Are cryptos done? Do you still have money in crypto?

>> No.7314876

kys nigger

>> No.7314964

big if true

>> No.7314990

stop larping, frog

>> No.7315032

>is in late 20's
>lives with parents
>sold for a loss and tries to LARP to make others do it too so he doesn't feel bad about himself

>> No.7315047


i overall invested $20k but i made quite many mistakes so i 'only' got out almost $400k, it could've been better.


no larp.

>> No.7315063
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You know the drill. Moving money from the impatient to the patient. When there is blood and fear everywhere we buy.

>> No.7315091


well, larping or not. do you think cryptos are done? why did they crash so badly? i read about some korea banning business deals with crypto, was it cuz that?

>> No.7315179

Take a look at the stock market.
Read the fucking news. We might have our next black monday on our hands. Everything is red world wide

>> No.7315211

I cashed out right at 17.6k myself. Well done anon.

>> No.7315241

Go kill yourself

>> No.7315302

>take profits in dec before fiscal year ends for tax reasons and jan/feb is always bearish in all markets
>thinks hes smart as fuck and could predict btc's movement outside of above reasons
wew lad wow good job

>> No.7315325

cryptos is literally humanities next step to progress. You really think it's just gonna die? The tech hasn't even really had an opportunity to prove itself. As far as I see it, we're still in crypto's infancy, if not it's toddler years.

>> No.7315374


oh shit you're right. but do you still believe cryptos have a future?


well, at least i did something right. i also had 150,000 COSS which i bought at $0,10 and sold at $0,17. i thought about leaving COSS and cashing out my BTC and IOC (i only had BTC and COSS and little bit IOC) but I decided to take it all out. COSS went to $2,50 two weeks later lol. after I saw that I stopped following crypto, but still i got $380k profit in 3 years but it could've easily been $700k.

>> No.7315413


>> No.7315444

Do you really think it's that implausible that someone made 300k over the last year? This board has been about crypto since 2014.

OP probably is not larping.

>> No.7315484


i didn't personally ever believe that cryptos are something huge, because world isn't ready and in a matter of a fact so aren't most of the cryptos lol, i just knew that it was going to be a good investment. but no, i don't think it's going to die but i don't see any crypto going to break it's previous ATH in the next five years.

>> No.7315506

Bitcoin is halving again in 2020. The last halving took us from $500 to $19k.

>> No.7315510


over the last 3 years... with $20k of total money put in, as i said i made quite many mistakes and stupid decissions.

>> No.7315611

Such is life in europe.

>> No.7315668

>TFW you sell all your crypto in the beginning of the greatest crypto boom year. 3 bitcoins could've bought you that apartment in December 2018 brainlet. Hve fun selling of early like Walter White

>> No.7315807


man, i'm not mad at all if btc would be $100k ETY but i honestly just don't see that happening. i can't imagine how i'd feel now if i still had my btc sitting in my wallet right now.

also the amount of stress you get from having +$100k in something uncertain like crypto was killing me.

>> No.7315837

Wow you are actually a brainlet if you started in 2015 with 20k and only have 300k or so to show for it. I started with 1k near the end of 2016 and I peaked at 330k a week ago

>> No.7316006

Same story here OP.
>sell at top
>become richer than 95% of people my age
>don't know what to do with life lol
>play pubg and learn new language
>will buy 100k apartment in post-soviet country
>mfw I'm retired before 25 kek

Why is life so easy bizbros?

>> No.7316079
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>paying 300k for an apartment

you still don't own the land its on, you just pissed money away

>> No.7316089


i put $500-800 in btc every month since i started and yeah there were some major fuck ups. but i didn't really go to any other projects because i saw them too risky.

and 330x sounds too good to be true, but i dont care if u really did that you got very lucky dude. gratz dude.

>> No.7316098

>cant see it happening
be honest
you didnt believe it could ever get to 10k
let alone 20k
or even 5k
or 1k why the fuck not

I was looking through old hard drives
had a thread from when BTC was around $100, not /biz/ obviously
same kind of shit
"its reached its potential"
"its crashing"

>> No.7316125

Fair enough, if you were smart you'd have bought back and doubled your stack at 8/9k.
100k eoy
50k eosummer
30k eomarch
Screen cap this

>> No.7316162


meh, i live in northern europe and apartment is in good growing city. i like to live in city and u can't get a good house with 300k in the city so... i don't see my apartment's price going down or any other problems coming.


i'm currently studying but life is nice when you don't have to worry about living for sure.

>> No.7316171

This 100%. Take the blackpill everybody, none of us have, or ever will, make it. We will be here forever, just like the oldfags said we would.

>> No.7316289


i don't think so man, but if u got money in crypto lets hope u're right. i just browsed some crypto news and seems like there are regulations and bans flying from everywhere and i don't see markets recovering from that until there's acceptance and i dont see acceptance coming anytime soon.


i actually kinda knew that btc was going to go +$10k very fast, but i dont believe that its going to go over 20k anytime soon.

>> No.7316294

Ty I was pretty damn lucky with some. Made bank off eth wtc salt and ven. Only at 166k now tho but I’m not concerned. I see the alts I’m in performing very well this year

>> No.7316334

Or maybe you are just a larping faggot or someone who got the perfect entry point and got extremely lucky, with no idea of how the market was like before that

>> No.7316358

How much did you cash out?

>> No.7316359

300k is about the lowest price you could pay for an apartment in most civilised cities these days. My shitty suburban apartment is now over 300k (bought for 150k right after the recession). The bitcoin bubble is nothing compared to the eternal global real estate bubble.

>> No.7316445

Lol? It was no luck at all I first got into eth at 7$ and studied it non stop and traded it flawlessly. Got out at an avg of 320 and got into the salt presale at 1.5 got into wtc during its first pump held thru the dump and bought more and I’m still holding my hmm. Got into ven at 1$. Lost a lot on my and some icons. Sold antshares too early :/

>> No.7316488

Hang yourself far far away, nobody would miss you.

>> No.7316531

Well it was in a way though because you got the best entry point to crypto. I'm just sick of hearing people that start early 2017/2016 think the market was like that always. 2014-15 was shit and it was not easy to make gains at all. 300x like you did is not common at all

>> No.7316540

Could have bought a 20-40 acre farmstead with that much. But if you like cities I don't see why anyone shouldn't buy an apartment.

>> No.7316547
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>> No.7316551

Why would they not have a future. The price crashes and suddenly blockchain is not a revolutionary technology anymore? That's not how it works.

>> No.7316579
File: 57 KB, 810x622, comment about btc on UYHFrf5ci_g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7316593


i got fucked by eth and it made me fear altcoins.

sucks that i was also very close of going ham on ANS at $3 but i was too traumatized because of eth and it had too much hype in it.

>> No.7316626
File: 850 KB, 960x960, History of Bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7316642

>pay for hire shiller wanting to connect with 4channers
>use 2nd image search-result Pepe for thread image


>> No.7316699


as far as i can see, cryptos as currency have too many obstacles in modern capitalistic society to be implemented to real use.

>> No.7316709

>380k gain
>300k apartment
Apparently you didnt pay your tax goy.

>> No.7316750

Ya my entry to into eth was insane. It went parabolic like a few weeks after I went all in on it lmao. I’m hodling elf nas ven eos and wtc and I’m very confident in ven / wtc as they already have real world use. I’m expect around 200$ per wtc by eoy

>> No.7316791
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shill confirmed!

>> No.7316833

The time to invest is right now, no matter if you want short or longterm gains
You can expect 20%+ returns in the next 24 hours because we're in a big dip right now

>> No.7316843

lol, in which europe shithole you get a nice apartment for 300k

Im from yurope myself.

>> No.7316857



>> No.7316889

you're living my dream, give it back you stealing nigger

>> No.7316937


excuse me actually $39k, 32k€ tho

>> No.7317185

Why is this guy so fucking ugly does he work part time in peoples nightmares or what?

>> No.7317204

Dude its nakamoti satoshi

>> No.7317428

Nice, I hope you are right m8