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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7313373 No.7313373 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine all the fags who shilled crypto to their loved ones around Christmas and Thanksgiving dealing with the fallout now...

>> No.7313392

I am glad I didn't. This is going to destroy families and a lot friendships. Not even kidding.

>> No.7313399

I shilled it when it was $2000. When it was $20k I told them I cashed out because it was definitely going down.

They think I'm weawwy smart. Sucks2bu fags.

>> No.7313404

I remember memeposting about John Doe telling all his relatives at christmas dinner what he spent his hard earned shekels on. Little did I know what would await us...

>> No.7313409

I actually told my siblings not to buy but they didn't listen to me

>> No.7313425

I told my uncle that it was a scam, I dunno if he listened or not.

>> No.7313445

Yeah I'm so glad I don't have friends etc.

>> No.7313480

kek imagine how much more their family hates them now

>> No.7313483

A lot of my friends and relatives bought Bitcoin for Christmas, after me insisting it will go to 100k in a couple of years. Some of them bought 1 BTC, because they didn't know you can buy fractions. Some took loans/mortgages.

>> No.7313499

Funny because it never hit 20k
Nice larp friendo

>> No.7313522

i sold at $21k, the very top price

>> No.7313536

If you're not larping, how fucked are you right now?

>> No.7313559

the normies like round numbers, they don't have to know its exact price

>> No.7313567

None of them are selling, because they don't want to lose so much, they are holding until it goes back up. They feel like shit, but the mood (at least in front of me) is "it happens". I am also holding, there is solidarity.
The biggest problem is that they check prices like 10 times per day now, and are stressed and anxious. When I said I only check prices 2-3 times per week I got accused of being sloppy and not thoughtful. I said I am not selling anyways, I'm holding until its ridiculously expensive, and some conflict arose as to my intelligence.

We are okay though. I am not disowned yet.

>> No.7313584

I was frank with my brother about risk and volatility. And that this is speculation and not investing.

We both support each other in dips, followed rule 1, and did research.

If you didn’t know what you were doing when you bought in and weren’t prepared for battle, then you’re weeded out and your family should make their own decisions anyway. Weak hands should stay out.

>> No.7313643

Know a lot of guys who convinced their dad or familiy-in-law to buy.

I only told some guys to buy xrb when it was like 8 bucks. Maybe we will go there, but I warned them all about the risk of losing it all.

>> No.7313669



>> No.7313685

My sister rang me saying the guy down the road had made lots of money off bitcoin and she wanted to buy one because it was "like 20k". This was when the price was at 10k. I reminded her of how retarded she was and told her its going lower, dont know if she still bought

>> No.7313699
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>Weak hands should stay out.

>> No.7313719

I told my brother it was a bubble because none of the buyers were looking to use it for its intended purpose in December. One of his friends took a loan with security in his house to invest all he had in Bitcoin around that time. Haven't heard from him since but I bet he got a new haircut.

>> No.7313799


>> No.7313809

I actually had to convince my Grandma not to this Christmas and thank fuck I did. I knew it had entered the normie sphere but was surprised it had reached even her. My inheritance is safe from that addle-brained old fart for now.

>> No.7313877

I had a friend lose his job and approach me about investing. He knew I had been holding for a long time. I made it clear it could all come tumbling down the next day, but he bought an assortment on coinbase the next day.

I stressed if he was going to buy and hold coinbase coins eth was the best bet. Eth did go up over the next couple weeks after he bought, but of course now its in the shitter. Point is he could have sold it high and predicted the crash too but he didn't. Still acts like I got him into this mess.

>> No.7313897
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Kek, we fucking did it. We sold our bags to normies and left them holding those heavy bags.

>> No.7313901

When your grandparents are talking about shitcoins you know the hysteria phase is well under way. And there are people here who still think this isnt even a bubble

>> No.7313963

>tried stock market 5 years ago after sister got me into it
>was constantly anxious checking constantly every day and losing sleep whenever it's down
>sister noticed it and talked me out of it since it's affecting my health
>turns out I was a greedy fuck with weak nerves and came to accept it
>heard about bitcoin a while back and talked to sister about it
>begged me to stay out since I might kill myself if it doesn't go well

I'm 90% sure my sister saved my life.

>> No.7314051

I hear ya. I'm glad I kept my crypto activities low key, only objectively discussing my activities with a close friend or two. I have a colleague who shilled the fuck out of xrp when it was at ATH to a recently-made-redundant chick, the poor girl dumped her stocks in a reputable bluechip tech company to buy in and now my colleague is feeling pretty guilty. It's a net-loss situation; if you shill and it climbs - no one will pat you on the back, but if it tanks it's your fault.

>> No.7314104

It did. 20k doesn't have to be numerically equal to 20k. It tested the 20k resistance

>> No.7314111

I knew sometjing big was happening when a girl I work with told me her twitch gamng friends have started buying bitcoin. When even high schoolers goes into this, you know this shit will fly. Price was around 10k then. And as I have preseen, prices rocketed to 20k. I didnt think it will plumeth tho. I didnt see the establishment could be started to manipulate the market. This correction isnt the normies fault. And they will all jump right back on the wagon once it starts going back up to gain back their loss.

>> No.7314214
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Just before Christmas I heard two old people talking about bitcoin in a GB laundrette (laundromat). One was saying it's not real money, they can take it away from you, the other was basically agreeing but would buy if they knew how, as 'it's going up'.

>> No.7314254

my grandma asked me to explain bitcoin to her around x-mas and right there and then I knew it was nearly over. I had doubts about how high can the mania go, but the second she asked me, I knew this was it

>> No.7314358

Wow, greed is massively strong....

>> No.7314431

>I'm holding until its ridiculously expensive

And you thought $20k was cheap?

>> No.7314441

At least they're not dumb money then. Dumb money bought at 18k and is capitulating now.

>> No.7314474

I'm actually in this for the decentralized currency aspect, not for the easy money aspect. I am a supporter of the idea, not just a stock market speculator.

>> No.7314783

everyone knows about regular stocks yet they somehow rise?

>> No.7314851

Oh, you're one of 'those' people.

Bet you think the rothschilds control the world too right?

>> No.7314883

(((they))) do

>> No.7314955

Stocks rise on the back of economic growth, Innovation, productivity growth but also overbuying (bubble)

Crypto grows on buying and buying alone, except you either believe entirely that it either is or isnt a bubble.

Quite bizarre really how you can compare both whilst pretending to believe in the long term prospects of bitcoin.

>> No.7314957

What a stupid fucking comparison

>> No.7314972

i shilled my friend btc when it was 4000$. he got in.

shilled him to sell at 13k (when it was falling from 20k) and he sold.

>thought i did good but oh wait..

friend FOMOd back in at 11k with much bigger sum of money and has been bleeding and wojaking since. even if you try to help normies, they fuq it up.

>> No.7315046

I did, all my family and even my Friends told me i was gonna lose money, they were right

>> No.7315103

yes, but the % by which they rise is slightly different my man. 10% gains in a year is pretty damn good for stocks, whereas in this crackhead market people were expecting that per hour back in december- at the height of delusion

>> No.7315157

LMAO Op I forgot about them, thanks for brightening my day.
We told those fuckers that the number one rule is DO NOT TALK ABOUT CRYPTO TO NORMIES

>> No.7315188
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>Brother starts buying btc and ltc on via retarded cfd provider half way through December
>convince him to grab some profits, he's not a total retard, does
>buys into XRP, I tell him to hold, it's going higher, don't buy more if it spikes
>he does, it goes from his entry of around 0.70 to 3.5 on his meme platform
>looks like at least a temporary top, I don't say anything, this market is so retarded it could even break that
>market begins most obvious tank of all time
>he doesn't sell, admits later he bought more at 2.9
When a chart looks like a fucking telegraph pole, people will buy at any point, they just can't help themselves.

>> No.7315240

Had to talk my retarded gambling addicted poorfag half brother out of it
>I have luck with this kind of stuff

>> No.7315253

i thought i was smart by waiting till january to buy... except i bought the week before the crashes started. and i put it all into fucking FUN.

>> No.7315264

I did. My folks are still a few grand in profit (got them in on end Nov dip) but won't be if the bleed carries on much longer. They're not bothered though for Boomers they're pretty sensible about this and accepted the risks and that it was a longterm thing rather than chasing quick ridicuous gains.

>> No.7315329


>> No.7315384
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Are you retarded?

>> No.7315450

I shilled coins but I also was very clear that I recommended they all to leave immediately. Not that they listened to me and I know for a fact they ignored my coins in favor of Tron.

>> No.7315971

I got three friends into bitcoin. They bought around 15k. Now the price tanking and they keep demanding explanation from me, fuck that. I keep saying for them to hold and all will be fine in the end.

I´ll never tell i sold mine at 12k.

>> No.7316411


>> No.7316982

I don't think it actually passed 20k on any exchanges. Numbers were always slightly inflated on cmc due to Koreans

>> No.7317109
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