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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7312284 No.7312284 [Reply] [Original]

I'm gonna piss on your face: we're NOT EVEN CLOSE to a bubble yet. Most people still don't have any idea about crypto. We're still early adopters. The dot com bubble was 5 trillion at its peak, crypto is measly 500 billion. Plenty of room to grow. No real media attention yet. Keep in mind that the Wall Street wolves are now in the game. That represents a fuckton more money than the normies can bring in. Institutions will put BILLIONS into crypto. We'll have such a massive bullrun as you've never seen before. Any of your coins will grow AT LEAST by 50%. The only reason why the price is falling is because Jews use their complete control over the medias to FUD things they want to buy cheap. By selling now, you're playing into their hands. WE'RE ALL GONNA MAKE IT

>> No.7312348

The difference is that the gov't fucked all this up by having everyone report it on their taxes, meanwhile banks are saying no to all crypto transactions. This kills the market, at least in it's current form.

BTC has to die and be replaced (even if it's replaced with 3-4 different *coins with different purposes) for normies to even consider jumping in.

>> No.7312403

Just wait and see. There’s a reason the stock market and crypto is dropping together.

What you’re seeing here is the biggest relocation of wealth in history.

>> No.7312431

Agreed OP, just gotta ride this out

People are taking this day-by-day when they should be viewing this by at least week-by-week

>> No.7312446


>> No.7312469
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>can't even repeat the low iq memescript without fucking it up

guess it's time to sell then

>> No.7312470

Fuck this shit I want anything to drop further so I can buy cheap bags I need more fking fiat to buy in fuck it

>> No.7312506

Wall Street will eventually short this to death, then await the next bubble. Happens every time

>> No.7312508

im still in crypto, cause unlike others i put in what i can afford to lose, but this denial is funny hahah

btw. these nocoiners dont understand that the hardliners deny that the bubble popped even when we hit -10$

>> No.7312512

Even if what you say is true, this shit is gonna crash to 4k first

>> No.7312525

even if i was long this market and a believer in crypto as a future currency, i would still hedge the shit out of my risk by going short on some other platform. once again you are in this to be right, not to make money.

>> No.7312538
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Yes we are not in a bubble, but bitcoin will continue dumping. What do you think, which company released this anon?

>> No.7312642
File: 155 KB, 256x256, 1515906281973.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah. There are actually some informative posts besides pink wojaks. When you put it this way, everything makes sense. Big institutions started investing in crypto. First sell off. It's visible to everyone, but somehow even /biz/ struggle to see this.

>> No.7312706

>whoah you reaffirm my beliefs

>> No.7312745

Everybody knows about crypto where i live EVERY SINGLE PERSON UNDER 50. And yes mania was pretty clear in december as well as media attention. I'm not saying it can't make a new ath, but if it does it will be because of widespread adoption not just pure hype,

>> No.7312826

The only reason why the price is falling is because Jews use their complete control over the medias to FUD things they want to buy cheap. By selling now, you're playing into their hands. WE'RE ALL GONNA MAKE IT

>> No.7312887

>Mass adoption

I'm still working for the company who hires more than 4000 employees and I've asked quite few people - no one heard about cryptocurrency... Although I don't think I will make millions on it I still think I can make some decent gains in 2018 and following years.

>> No.7312940

People at my company are calling it "bidcons", not knowing anything further about it.

>> No.7312995

The golden rule is - don't invest more than you can afford to lose - in my case is 10% of my monthly salary. I've already withdrawn my inital investment so now I'm playing with 'monopoly money'. I don't even give a fuck if btc goes to $0. I will keep my coins and accumulate every month until I'll reach my goal.

>> No.7313160


This is the right way to play it anon. Keep it up!

>> No.7313184

We're totally early adopters, just like katy perry

>> No.7313262

Well, this just indicates that you should keep at least 80% of your portfolio in 4 major coins:

These coins are so easy to buy for 'normies' on coinbase, gemini, etc.

I don't think 'normies' will bother to sign up on exchanges like binance and fuck about with shitcoins.

80% in major coins and 20% in shitcoins. that's my strategy.

>> No.7313277

Me personally i remain a no coiner only because of my fears regarding tax regulations and the fact that i lost my desktop to a lightning strike. Having to report on my purchase of coin and its sale only to get buttfucked by taxes and fees does not sound fun

>> No.7313384



you rather to make $1000 gains and pay $400 in taxes or not make anything?

>> No.7313411

>takes meme bubble chart as word of god
>feels need to "refute it" because he doesn't understand market psychology or his own and is afraid.

>> No.7313416

Wrong, you should put your money in coins that normies don't have access to yet, like stellar. You don't want to get in with them, you have to get in before them

>> No.7313466

Im not an accountant nor have i seen how others have been taxed regarding crypto. So its hard to say how buttfucked i could be by something like this. Why not just go for more stable mainstream stocks?

>> No.7313469

>The only reason why the price is falling is because Jews use their complete control over the medias to FUD things they want to buy cheap.

OP I also unironically hate Jews let's be friends.

>> No.7313486


Btc is still 35% dominance and you have to sell your shitcoins to btc/bch/eth/ltc to be able to cash out anon.

Unless you never cash out and use crypto debit cards in the future. Up to you.

>> No.7313533


High risk high reward. Blockchain is revolutionary and (((they))) know about it. It's now or never.

>> No.7313553


it has almost a dealy mentioning on CNBC

that makes crypto fucking mainstream you idiot.

>> No.7313573

In my city I can't pay with crypto yet. How is that mainstream?

>> No.7313579

But what prevents this from being destroyed? How would miners react to say, a change in the eula that voids warranty upon mining?

>> No.7313612

If TOR hasn't been 'destroyed' yet, blockchain won't be either. Too much money in it...

>> No.7313813

>Institutions will put BILLIONS into crypto.
Oh, for fucks sake stop treating crypto like it's the stock exchange. These are fucking coins with an inflated price because a bunch of neets thought they could be rich without working. Cryptos aren't an investment, they are a gamble in which in order for some to get rich others have to become poor.

>> No.7313835

Bitcoin's 'bubble' is bursting because it's old, outdated tech. Blockchain 'bubble' is just starting...

>> No.7313866

How is that different from stock exchange? you buy and you sell. If you buy crypto high and sell low the same rule apply to stock.

There is only one rule in both of them - buy low sell high.

>> No.7313867

You'll never be paying for things with crypto in a store. Technocrats are so stupid.

>> No.7313891

there's no such thing as monopoly money, it's just money you're letting burn.

>> No.7313907
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>> No.7313937
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your autistic spergout in this post is a continuing sell signal
get out while you still can

>> No.7313946




I invested $1000 - cashed out $1000 and I still have $1000 worth of coins. For me it's only monopoly money until I cash out again.

>> No.7314081

Finally a post that makes sense. This forum has been overrun by paid fudders the last few weeks it’s so fucking easy to see.. Adding to my QASH bags, waiting on a few ICOs and feeling comfy af

>> No.7314157

The only people are fucked right now are people who went all in in December and they don't have any fiat left to buy 'the dip'. i'm not saying we have reached the bottom - I can't predict a top or the bottom but I can buy cheaper coins every month. I hope btc will crash to 5k and I will be able to load on them cheap coins :)

>> No.7314390

your holding a big bag of digital trash arn't you millennial friend?
its gone bud

>> No.7314580

We arenot
Learn TA! We are not at bear trap, we are just entering capitulation phase. A future bubble won't be there, because of regulation.

>> No.7314637


Gtfo of here then, scared Beta fags who know nothing about tech and cash out schemes should gtfo, you are as scared as approaching a random girl on your train, fuck your fear or get fucked by it

>> No.7314834
File: 150 KB, 500x667, D0084AC1-9101-4D97-B571-0F5B8B79FC9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well where I live no one knows!

Eat shit!

If I get a brown tag you’re gonna eat my literal shit

>> No.7314885

Bro there was a super bowl commercial about crypto, we're not "early adopters" retard. Everybody who wants in is in, no more new money coming in

>> No.7314904

>takes a huge risk
>got lucky
>doesn't cash out initial investment +10% so if everything goes south he still has more money than he started with
fucking brainlets

>> No.7314941

>crypto is measly 500 billion

>> No.7315399
File: 59 KB, 1000x1000, 1511479794590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>60% drop in price
>NOT EVEN CLOSE to a bubble yet.