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730955 No.730955 [Reply] [Original]

what are my options /biz/? I don't know what to do with my lack of skills.

>still live at home
>degree in political science
>student loans
>few internships with a municipal shared services waste removal organization
>wage slaved for a year.
>don't know many people/have a huge network.

if you woke up with this being your circumstance what career move would you make? I don't stand out much, I'm not incredibly clever or smart. I'm a hard worker when I get a job, and I'm always eager to learn when I'm working. All of my employers have said I've stood out in that regard. Is law school worth the money? It seems like everyone and their mother is a lawyer now.

>> No.730985

Worth it if its a T15 school. Otherwise iffy.
Do you have a job?
Once I did event sales (think home owner equipment basement waterproofing, steak subscriptions etc). Once I was there and the competitor next to me liked my style and offered to raise my salary if I worked for him to like 15/hr.

If you put yourself out there and grind you will be surprised. You could do that and then parlay it into an inside sales job, or find a local small company growing inside sales and jump to that.

>> No.730988

Fill out all the paperwork and take all the exams for government work. Stick the search out for a year, and you'll have a 40k per year job that will cap out at 45k

Useless, mindless, soul crushing bureaucratic work sounds perfect for you

>> No.730990

Unemployed and looking. I'm trying to cast as far a net as possible, even simple clerk/administrative assistant positions.

My dad used to know a city council member who is now a state assemblyman and injury lawyer. He told me he'd send my resume around, but I'm used to people like that falling through so I'm not very optimistic.

>> No.730994

that sounds great, but how much mobility is in jobs like that? I plan on living alone, so it'd be worth it for the forseeable future. The only thing is that I have a gf that I'm very serious about, If we ever do get together I'd want to be making more money.

>> No.730998
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Time to join the army anon

>> No.731026

What, so Jodi can drill his girlfriend from the back while doing that reach around thing she loves? Fuck the Army.

Don't do it unless you're trying to become an actual politician.

>> No.731093

0 mobility. Except to other useless government offices. After a few years, you'll be unemployable in the private sector. If your gf has very modest tastes, you could make a government salary work. Or just get a second job

>> No.731112

if I wanted a position in the private sector, what could I aim for?

although a pension through government work could be nice.

>> No.731147

For you, Starbucks. Or work your way up to department manager at Wal mart

>> No.731178

>political science
What do they teach you in this and what jobs become available when you get this degree?

>> No.731186

Law school or politician are your only two real options with a poly sci degree. Or journalist/talking head if you minored in broadcasting or something.

Unfortunately, law school is not a license to print money these days. I actually decided against it since it's actually a pretty awful job unless you go to a top school, but if you're just deciding now, you probably won't get into a top school.

What's your GPA? Have you taken the GRE or the LSAT?

>> No.731222

My buddy had a polisci degree and works for a mortgage lender . Do that

>> No.731241

> Degree in political science.

And let me guess - you still haven't decided to move to a state capital or Washington D.C. to look for work in a government agency/office?

>> No.731242

You generally do a shit-ton of reading and papers on government policy history, analyzing why political leaders made the decisions that they did.

Jobs that become available are entry-level government staff jobs. Unfortunately, these are low-paying and ironically most poly sci majors have a thing against working in the government.

>> No.731523

I may get a few interviews in the state capital through a state assemblyman. But I don't have enough to afford moving there, and in my state the capital is a bit of a shithole. Everyone commutes there and gets the fuck out by 6pm

>> No.731599

> Excuses.

You majored in political science, that's pretty much the career you chose.

Pretty much all state capitals are as you describe, but then the cost of living is relatively cheap.

> I don't have enough to move there.

You need like $100 to rent a U-Haul for a day. Load up your bed, desk, clothes, and move.

>> No.731608
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You think you have no options, try majoring in Anthropology

>> No.731630

what about people who don't go to school and pursue a career? I'm sure political science won't be a limitation if I breaks away from it now.

>> No.731647

Start learning JavaScript or take up some temp service work to look around and see if there is anything else you can get into through the people you meet there.

>> No.731661


I'd learn internet marketing Steep learning curve but if you put in the work you'll be making money in no time.

Lots of people are going to hate on this comment but if you actually work hard it's definitely possible to make money. My friend clears about 12k a month from his various websites/affiliate programs.

>> No.731665

As long as you're living with your parents, you should be putting a majority of your paychecks towards paying off your student loans. Don't spend frivolously. Don't eat out. Don't buy video games or movies. Don't waste your money -- PAY OFF YOUR LOANS.

>> No.731668

that's what I'm doing now. they even help me out so I'm not late on them, I just need income since the last of my wageslave money is running low.

>> No.731670

>But I don't have enough to afford moving there

That's bullshit and you know it.

>> No.731671

I have 500 hundred dollars in my savings account and 478 is being paid to my loans today

>> No.731675

You could make it work, I believe in you.

>> No.731721

Join a political party and work as a campaigner, researcher whatever.

Then either try to get elected as a local councillor or something, or join a think tank

>> No.731761
File: 178 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20150131_165343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call cr England or roehl. 2 years you can buy your own truck. BTW this truck put 240k to itself in 2014. Its a 20k tractor and 50k trailer on market.

>> No.731767
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99% of you will just go to salarydotcom and say bla blah 40k average lol.

Okay, how bout when you own the truck and trailer? How do companies afford 200k worth of rig + driver wages + fuel, repairs, ect.

This is 11,500 on my trailer. Minnesota to Maryland/pa. 3 different loads. 1300 in fuel. This is one way. I got 7k coming into mn from nj.