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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7308040 No.7308040[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Reddit is stealing our pepe plushy meme
What do

>> No.7308092


god. i hate these fucking mouthbreathing mongrels with a passion.

stupid niggers

>> No.7308117

How about a crypto that deletes reddit posts? I'd buy those tokens. Fucking faggots.

>> No.7308146

>browses plebbit
You have to go back.

>> No.7308162

>I hate how they don't act like emotional animals, FUCK THEM. IDIOTS. WE, /BIZ/, ARE THE PINNACLE OF HUMANITY

Fucking kill yourself kid lmao

>> No.7308180
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>> No.7308187

filled with basically the same kinds of people here except filters the most hellish of neckbeards and bots by having less anonymity

>> No.7308200

If you're not a kid, that's even more sad lmao

>> No.7308211

stay salty kikelpedes

>> No.7308240

t. redditor

>> No.7308242

Why don't you integrate to the enviroment instead of acting like the borg you nigger, the worst thing about Reddit is that they hate 4Chan and mock it yet steal all it's memes and board culture, fucking rats.

>> No.7308247

I could care less about Reddit, what I'm making fun of is that people here think that they are somehow more superior when it's literally the same content. Except here you get really emotional, easily triggered teenagers that like to say nigger and faggot.

>> No.7308270

I've never seen anyone make fun of 4chan on Reddit because they don't give a fuck lol. They're not as openly emotional as people here. I surf both Reddit and 4chan because why the fuck not lol

Anyone else upset about this?

>> No.7308280

t. salty jew

>> No.7308290

>I could care less about Reddit
How do people get this wrong?

>> No.7308303
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>i surf reddit

>> No.7308319

>I could care less lol
>here’s several paragraphs about how little I care lol

>> No.7308328

>several paragraphs

do you know what a paragraph is

>> No.7308340

so just virgin homosexuals then?

>> No.7308351

To be fair, you browse Reddit, which makes you a faggot like them.

>> No.7308375
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kys obnoxious faggot

>> No.7308377

You clearly need to stay on Reddit, corssborders are bad enough because they dilute the culture but R*ddit just tries to rape it into sumbission like Islam. Honestly, I don't give a fuck if people get emotional because humans operate with them 99% of the time, being a stoic in an enviroment where everyone can see what you say and do and know your history isn't that impressive. If Reddit had the same layput except anonymous expect a lot worse enviroment than /r9k/ cpuld ever come up with.

>> No.7308411
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>> No.7308415

I don't have a problem with the culture here, or Reddit's, I just think it is hilarious that people here think they're superior when most people here have the emotional intelligence of a child and can only communicate through shitposting and getting upset at each other

>4chan taught me about ChainLink
>Reddit taught me about XRB at $0.15

>> No.7308426
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>> No.7308504

>Emotional intelligence
Yeah that's not a real thing, that's meme tier shit to make people feel superior (ironically you right now) to people who act "emotional" ie act human. Reddit is a sanitized hivemind enviroment that methodically destorys any disent via social disincentives, 4Chan is a shithole that lets people be people and not try and pretend that the behavior is not natural.

>> No.7308514
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>I surf Reddit

>> No.7308525

Also it's not having a problem it's Reddit dragging their culture over here and laying down roots against everyones will.

>> No.7308542

>thinking reddit and /biz/ are two different groups of people

>> No.7308621

So people acting like emotional animals here somehow makes them superior to people who actually have real conversation on Reddit?
Don't get me wrong, Reddit has its shitty aspects to it like you mentioned. But 4chan has its hivemind too (fuck leddit heh heh). Both places have their pros and cons, but I always think it is funny when people here think that they are somehow superior when majority of the time it's just this kind of stuff:

>> No.7308624

At this point no, not anymore but even this time last year the board wasnt, biz got colonized when this place still had a decent community so people could farm info.

>> No.7308648

And you don't think 4chan shit posters drop in on Reddit? Don't be naive

>> No.7308661


>this kind of stuff

you realise people visit this place for exactly that you single digit iq parasite. kys you fucking kike and piss off back where you came from

>> No.7308668

you seem upset

>> No.7308686

>thinking reddit hasnt been sucking off OC from 4ch for years now


>> No.7308721

I've seen a ton of shit get taken from Reddit and posted here the past year