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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 400x400, NCDCFXva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
730797 No.730797 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck do they allow idiots on eBay to retract bids for bullshit reasons? This idiot bid on my guitar and retracted their bid by lying and saying that "Seller changed the description of the item"

I never touched the listing after placing it. So how can the retract their bid for some bullshit reason?

>> No.730802

*how can they

>> No.730817

What's with all the Ebay complaints on this board?

I've done hundreds of transactions on Ebay and never had a single issue...

and OP, it's free to relist. Whats the problem?

>> No.730819

You're missing the point.

>> No.730822

>seller cant leave negative feedback
>if the buyer complains about the item regardless how stupid the complaint is, the buy is right.
>even if you refund the buyer for an item they arent happy with they still dont have to reimburse shipping

I fucking hate jewbay, but it brings me in around 10k a month so I cant complain too much.

>> No.730824

I just hate cheapskates who think that eBay is fucking Craigslist and those who bid and want to retract their bid because they can't afford it.

>> No.730829

Yea I had that happen recently, sell a random cell phone to this person.

>Sir I did not think I would win the bid, can you please not tell ebay Im not going to pay you? I have a Ipod touch with a barely cracked screen I could trade you.

Its $34 people, come the fuck on.

>> No.730832

Sounds like a dothead move

>> No.730837

I've run into quite a few people who have had their "credit cards or identities stolen". Why do people bid on shit if they can't afford it?

>> No.730840

To infuriate people

>> No.730849

That part is just annoying what infuriates me is when they refuse to respond to the request to cancel the transaction. I want my fucking final value fee back.

>> No.730910

One thing I dont understand is, why dont a few sellers or buyers leave feedback? If the transaction went well how hard is it to leave a generic positive feedback? Shit is stupid, but necessary for beginning sellers.

I also have a question regarding the account summary, Why does it show as amount due $0 but a current balance on account $16?

>> No.731245
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>why dont a few sellers or buyers leave feedback?

Because buyer's are lazy fucks, turned off my "Leave auto feedback immediately after ship" button thing on Stamps and only leave feedbacks for those who leave for me.

Stop selling your sister's panties and you'll find out

>Seller can't leave feedback
Goes to show the agenda eBay is trying to push...they know it would be equal for the both sides to leave any type of feedback but they restrict sellers (since 2008 or so).

What I'm curious about is why there's another eBay thread when the other one is still open...hmmmmmm

>> No.731248
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>> No.731275
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>Stop selling your sister's panties and you'll find out
>buy panties, wear them for a day
>sell them on ebay claiming they are your sisters
>get a laugh at the thought of some weirdo sniffing the panties you wore
10 million dollars here i come!

>> No.731346

I think this goes beyond of just being lazy. Sometimes they wait for the seller to give feedback first before giving it themselves.

What about my other question regarding this ebay amount due being $0 but current balance being $16? Could you help me understand this?

>> No.731612
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I didn't understand your question...

You're saying eBay says you have sold a total of $16 on your dashbaord but on your "My eBay" it says "0"?

If so, it's because the dashboard is a summary of your eBay lifetime while the "My eBay" page is per month/year.

>> No.731615

This could easily be fixed if eBay allowed you to set the buyer maximum of unpaid items to 1/month instead of 2/month. Buyers essentially get a free bid to retract each month with zero repercussions.

>> No.731622
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Again, eBay's agenda being pushed...

>"Buyer's are always right"
>"Buyer's are always right"
Repeat After Me
>"Buyer's are always right"
>"Buyer's are always right"
>"Buyer's are always right"

>> No.731684


would you rather deal with someone that will make you wait a week and never pay, or just plain cancelling it so you list it again?

>> No.731776

Yeah Im looking at it right now..

When I click on the account tab in the summary page, Im directed to another page that displays a box which has amount due $0, new activity not yet invoiced $16, account balance $16.
Ive searched online and I cant find nothing on it. Do I owe ebay that amount or is that the accumulative amount Ive payed them or they took from the listings?

>> No.731777

There is a whole mess of things ebay could implement to make it better for buyers.

No bids from under certain feedback score.
No bids from people who have left negative feedback.

None will ever happen though because >>731622.

>> No.731778

You owe ebay $0 this month. You owe them $16 next month.

>> No.731786
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Oh...wow you're talking about fees.

Yea what >>731778 said



At least give us the option to opt out new buyers...new buyers for me are just buyers who made new accounts after they lost their eBay case. Trying to get revenge and ruin my 100%...

I'd rather not want to be the guinea pig to someone's first purchase...

>Pic related

>> No.731790

I sold some adult items a few years back and would get a bunch of new buyers. Never had any problems. I assume it was people making second accounts in shame.

I came into a decent lot of antique/collectables once. Got a bunch of new buyers. Almost all were no pays. I assume that was a competitor or something.

It depends on the items but still, I think most smaller and newer ebayers would like that feature.

>> No.731795
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>Depends on the items

True true, every catagory has it's demographic.

This is why >>730817 will never understand selling the panties he steals from the laundromat.

Electronics is: Good/Bad
Clothing: Bad ("Doesn't fit hurr durrr I'm a fat neckbeard")
Apparel: Good/Bad
Custom Design: Bad ("it's .000000069 off the original size hurr durrr")
and so on...

I wish I had the power as the fortune 5...

Look at Toys R Us...these guys should be in the shitter right now, like holy shit they are 97%!!! Oh but no...eBay lets them slide.

I bet they have a "button" that allows for them to close a case in their favor if they want...

>> No.731805

>Clothing: Bad ("Doesn't fit hurr durrr I'm a fat neckbeard")

On that note: In another lot I got three fedoras. Sold them on ebay. I thought I was cutting my throat with neckbeards. They all left glowing feedback and I even half assed the packing.

>> No.731808
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I hope your only intentions in buying those in the first place was to troll/resell afterwards...

>> No.731810
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>> No.731830

Haha, they were for my private collection... Nah, I buy lots of shit (estate auctions, storage locker auctions, wholesale, shit like that).

>> No.731900


Wait really? i Looked deeper into this and it all came from a bunch of final listing value. The fuck is that about. They didnt charge me to list them but they want to take that much from because of the final value of the items combined?

>> No.731926

Press F to thank "powersellers" for ruining eBay

>> No.731985


I don't sell panties. I sell electronics and collectibles. I've sold probably 200 goods, and bought probably 500 goods. Never a single issue.

>> No.732076
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Nevermind, Why didn't they just deduct their multiple stupid "final value" fees from the transaction?

Fucking ebay.

How did powersellers ruin ebay? Are they the reason why we can't leave negative feedback as sellers?

>> No.732134
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lol he's mad because people actually started a biz on eBay instead of just using it for a Hobbie (E.g selling your old iPhone/Basement stuff)

Yes power sellers took over and made everything cheap/making eBay a giant mall, but that was expected in the long run...

Either eBay allowed it and perfected it or someone else would have and there would've been multiple "Hobbie" selling sites since eBay wouldn't have enough money to even advertise for shit...

>> No.732148

Wait holyfuck I thought eBay charged all their fees through Paypal. Paypal took a total of $9 out. That's a really outrageous price to pay if I were just a business accepting payments. And now I owe eBay $25 bucks. Jesus Christ eBay is a fucking scam. They even charge you the Final Value Fee, before Paypal gets their cut. Holy shit so eBay in reality is stealing almost 15% in revenue.

>> No.732158
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You remind me of the new sellers that sell something and don't ship it because they think I'm trying to scam them after seeing my name.

Then I have to explain to them that they don't get the money till the item is delivered because of how PP is setup for new sellers...

eBay is not a scam, BUTT at the same time they don't know what the hell they're trying to do, someone needs to fire whoever is coming up with these new rules, I don't know who's giving up their wife's ass for this bs but I don't see a future of eBay if this shit continues.

>> No.732171

Youre a fag

>> No.732186
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>> No.732202


>selling your products through their relatively easy to use platform, with tons of free advertising and tens of millions of potential customers worldwide, in return for a clearly declared cut of the total amount is a scam and stealing

You're more than welcome to set up your own international auction site if you think you could do it better.

>> No.732209
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Didn't have to hit him with so much truth all at once anon...

>> No.732215

I just paid my eBay fees this morning, it was $209. I'll gladly pay the 9% to eBay and 3% to PayPal if it means I reach millions of people rather than a few hundred locally on Craigslist or Facebook. You seem to be one of those people that steps over dollars to save dimes.

>> No.732220


Sometimes you need to be cruel to be kind.

>> No.732224

Back when toysrus started their account, I got them temporarily suspended because the douche bags where loading keywords into their listings and hiding them with HTML font tags and color white.

>> No.732229

Im too lazy for the apostrophe bitch faggot

>> No.732236
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I didn't even know what Fijiji was till late last year...

Everyone (previous ebay thread) talks about how it's better to make you're own site...yea if you're a legitimate entrepreneur selling a self made product it would make sense. Other than that, whoever is still saying that must not understand it's not 2003 anymore...

Lol yea I bet that lasted an hour...prob made a 1min call to get their acc back up.

>I thought the library closed at 8Pm...

>> No.732241


lol your not you're...on my phone

>> No.732242

>I thought the library closed at 8Pm...
That was not pretty lame you dumb faggot

>> No.732244

Nope they had less than 900 feedbacks at the time. However they had around 15,000 listings up. So they pretty much just launched. This was also before selling limits on new accounts. They had to delist everything and eBay forced them to revise content. So they were down for two weeks.

>> No.732247
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Holy shit, lmao you shouldve screen capped them down. Fucking fortune 5 being treated as normies? Once in a lifetime...

I'm starting to think "faggot" is automatically placed on every post you make. What plug-in is that?

>> No.732250

Maybe stupid fags like you shouldnt try to be grammar nazis when your own grammar sucks dick

>> No.732256

Its a plug in your asshole of course

>> No.732257

>list my shit simulatenously on ebay (marked up 10%) and a site that doesn't charge fees
>put in the description if people are interested in a 10% discount to message me
>when they message me direct them to the other website
>have made several sales this way

Any chance of ebay catching on? All the communications are done through messages, which I'm sure ebay has access to. Would they have any reason to read my correspondences with customers if they weren't alerted to it by a customer?

>> No.732258
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Ah, seems you turned off the plug-in, alright well it seems you can't read I'm on a phone, so this argument is pointless seeing you wouldn't understand auto - correct when you use an Obama phone.

>> No.732261

Sure it was. You have the same english level as my 12 year old nephew

>> No.732267
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Alright, back on the PC, time to whip out some good reaction images.

>> No.732271
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Yea eBay could easily stop you, lol but I don't think you're that big of a fish they could care. I mean...you're still making them money...

>> No.732272

After you whip out your bfs cock? How can you even see the screen you fag

>> No.732276
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>> No.732284


>> No.732298
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lol I just saw this, so he got on his phone too...

Seems everyone is wrong, it's one word...

God damn why is /pol invading everyone's board?

lol are they realizing no one cares anymore?

>> No.732320

You are both faggots. Shut the fuck up already.

>> No.732321
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>> No.732322

It's not a fucking charity, dudebro.

>> No.732325

Way to shit up the board. He's baiting you and you're falling for it.

>> No.732328
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Yea I know, lol I want a Mod to kill this thread...

We already have another eBay thread so I don't even see why there's another.

I have a feeling he bought a bunch of items and it's not going as he planned...lol

>> No.732567

I get it's not a charity but holyfuck how do you guys even crank a profit out of this. Considering the cost of the item itself, the shipping, the taxes if applicable, the eBay fees. That's actually really fucking terrible. I guess if you are getting twice than what you paid then it is good. Otherwise you had slim profits. I always heard people talk about how expensive it was and were leaving. I thought they were overreacting but this definitely complicates business.

>> No.733236

>I get it's not a charity but holyfuck how do you guys even crank a profit out of this.
By shopping and shipping smart. I sold 4 books for $72 while I was sleeping. After fees and shipping it was about $50. I bought the books for about .50 cents each. Books have the best return on investment(ROI) for me because people don't really see value in them that much. With other items I buy I do at least try to double up.

For really high volume sellers that I've seen on Amazon though they don't really double their money, they try and get at least a 40% return on investment net profit. They settle for that because they do crazy volume with online and retail arbitrage.

>> No.733262

I'm not a power seller or anything. But Let's say I sold this one ps3 game for 19.99€ + 1.99€ for shipping, in the end i make a profit of like 17.22€, because... ebay takes 10% of the 19.99. paypal takes 1.9% of the total sum + 0.35€. i dont have to add in the taxes, but yeah, and shipping 1.99 like i said. ebay takes the 10% once a month, i think, so obviously you will have to keep enough money in your account. if you have a business, i suppose you will need to keep competetive prices, but if you're a private seller, you can calculate beforehand how high you need to set the price to get the profit you want.

pls r8 my opinion.
also, this months i've had two retards who were too stupid to read that i only accept paypal, and they can't pay now.

>> No.733574
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Guys help!

I bought a $200 phone from ebay and they sent me the wrong one. I used the printable ebay return label and now the return wasn't delivered. It said out for delivery, then delivery status not updated. Ebay is no help (says I need proof of delivery for refund), seller is no help (just says tracking says not delivered). Post office is taking forever to even look into the matter. It was out for delivery 10 days ago.

What do I do? Am I just out $200? Package has insurance for $50. I'm sure I might get that 3 months down the road. Help :(

>> No.733577
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lol looks like the seller scammed you, you're fucked m8...

File a bs IC3 claim or whatever and count it as a loss, your USPS case won't go anywhere.

>> No.733591

>IC3 claim

>> No.733592

nice dubs

>> No.733628
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>IC3 claim

Something with the govt, they supposedly look at your case or problem and "resolve" it for free or something. Just like the BBB...

But of course they go after big fishes...not someone like you, lol no offense.

lol I didn't even notice it, wow.

>> No.733654

How does bid retraction hurt you?

It's far worse if you sell something to someone then they file a buyer protection complaint against you for a fraudulent reason. You'll be wishing all they did was retract a bid after that (as eBay favors the buyer like a motherfucker in those instances).

>> No.733662
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It's just annoying for me...

lol this just happened
>Call eBay to have case closed
>American rep picks up
>Says I have to wait 3 days (usually gets closed asap)
>Blah blah thank you drop the phone
>Call back 10min later
>Same fucking guy picks up...lol

Didn't notice till he told me...talked it out and made sure he didn't do anything stupid since I basically said he was wrong.

>> No.734110

The seller probably is refusing to accept the package. You have signature required. If he refuses to sign or to answer the door, the local post office holds it for like 14 days and then returns it to you.