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7306117 No.7306117 [Reply] [Original]

This is all a bad joke right? It says BTC is at 8200$ on CoinMarketCap. People on Telegram are telling me that BTC is not even 6000$ worth now? If this is real, Im ruined. Like really fucking ruined. I have nothing left. I put everything I had into this, because I trusted them. Literally all of my familys savings are in BTC, because a friend told me the risk was worth it. Are you telling me I lost everything? 80,000$ gone like nothing? Im so angry right now. My wife doesnt know yet. She will come home soon. What am I going to fucking tell her. How am I suppossed to care for my family now? I have literally nothing right now. My wife has two sons and I am unemployed. How am I suppossed to take care of them now??? I hope someone pays for this mess. If not with money then with a sentence.

>> No.7306164


>> No.7306218

lad ye've been cucked

>> No.7306261
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Why do you pay attention to the charts? None of them are actually tied to any of the trading going on in the actual exchanges. The coinbase chart still says BTC is going for above 9k. It's laughable how much propaganda they're trying to spread. Even on coinbase the average trade, EVEN WITH THE BOTS, is still sub 6k.

>> No.7306277

As William Shakespear once said.."Dont invest more than you are willing to lose"

>> No.7306278
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>a friend told me

How do you retards even get 'life savings'.

>> No.7306282

I think it will rise again, but I also expect it to go back to 5k before starting to move in the other direction. Basically, going back to before the November bull run and restarting from there. If you hold, you might make your money back or you might not, impossible to say. Putting more than you could afford to lose in this was kind of dumb, so I'll hope it's a larp.

normie go home

>> No.7306315

why would anyone pay for anything? nobody made the decision to invest but you. just hold and hope for the best, not much else you can do except sell at a loss.

>> No.7306343

It is just like how with alts sometimes you'll place a buy order but then the price nears it and you pull it.. You then set it lower expecting it to continue falling. Usually, for me, the price starts recovering, I go to sleep and wake up to a price 20% higher.

Maybe that will happen to everyone waiting for $6k.

>> No.7306400

It's already trading below 6k though on coinbase.

>> No.7306420

My advice is to hold and go down with the ship. If it gets bad enough just forget leave and forget. Find another hustle. But don't touch it. Otherwise you may become the "I sold btc at x and now it's at your, fuck me" meme.

>> No.7306492

Can you explain to me how you can have literally nothing if you own BTC and the price of BTC is not zero?

>> No.7306601
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Good point

>> No.7306605

Chill damn it, this happens every couple of month as people take profits. I've been in crypto since 2013, this is not even comparable to what happened at the beginning of 2014. Chill the fuck out.

>> No.7306636

>BTC hits 5k

buy buy buy buy buy

>> No.7306654

>my wife has two sons

>> No.7306660

Was it Hitler who said it?

>> No.7306668
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>> No.7306678

boring copy pasta

>> No.7306691

because that would put us at the bottom of the dip in the meme chart. shut the fuck up and buy.

>> No.7306774

Not subtle enough if bait, not clever enough if satire.

>> No.7306818

>people fall for such obvious pasta

>> No.7306839

congrats you fell for a ponzi
thanks for the money
t. jew

>> No.7306899

This is bitconnect exit scam pasta you retards

>> No.7307316

I think I've seen this post before.

Daily reminder that crypto is a libertarian utopia meaning that personal responsibility is the highest value in this field.
Don't invest what you can't afford to lose

If the course falls it's your own fault taking the risk

If you invested in bitconnect it's your fault not seeing the obvious scam

If you were on any exchange/online wallet that just disappeared with all the money its your fault for trusting the exchange and not storing your coins locally.

Seriously, anyone in crypto has to understand what it means to be in an unregulated market

Stop relying on daddy state you fucking kids

>> No.7308196

Here's what I don't get about this "don't invest what you can't afford to lose" stuff. I make 20k a month, and my cost of living is less than 1k, but I could easily make it far closer to 20k if I cared to, or I could cut it even lower than 1k. So what can I afford to lose? Maybe nothing, because what if something happens tomorrow and I need to cover the rest of my life out of present earnings or savings only, then I can't afford to lose a thing. But maybe tomorrow I double my business or some investment I have pays off and goes far above the trendline and I take profits on it, and I have even more, but then what, store that in fiat currency? What if fiat currency goes into hyperinflation? Who is fooling themselves into thinking that holding fiat is no just its own investment? Therefore, doesn't it make sense to actually just say diversify into a portfolio that best covers all possibilities as much as your present net worth and income allows you to, rather than "don't invest what you can't afford to lose" as if there was any other option than holding assets with a value in order to preserve purchasing power at any rate?

>> No.7308927

>my wife has two sons
>not i have two sons

>> No.7308985

It just dipped into the $5000s. Better tie the noose now, lad.

>> No.7309018

make 20k doing what

>> No.7309024


>> No.7309041


>my wife's sons

This must be a larp

>> No.7309052

>people cant recongize maybe the most famous crypto copy pasta

jesus youre all so fucking new, like havent even been here a week new

>> No.7309140

I had a dad who put his life savings in a diamond mine penny stock, I feel like there was some nihilism in this, he didn't even sell it, just let the stock delist and be worth 0.0001 a share. I just think he realized how much of a shitty joke "retirement" is as a life goal for poor people and decided either this shit was going to moon and go up to a million bucks or he was going broke.

What he ended up doing is saying fuck the planet, went bankrupt and stopped paying taxes. Just does home designs for a living, eyes and hearing are fading and says hes okay with this and doesn't want LASIK or glasses or hearing aids.

Seems like if he dies tomorrow he's okay with that. So I guess OP your life could be simple, you could sell bitcoins lose about 60% of your lifes savings maybe your wife leaves you, go bankrupt and live off the land or your job.

Believe me the freedom is nice, I have non dischargable meme loans and can't ever pay them off and wish I could go bankrupt.

>> No.7309145

Software development, cryptocurrency focused at the moment but I've been doing it for over twenty years now.

>> No.7309215

>My wife has two sons
>Someone will have to pay

Good memes lad, just prep Tyrone and she might forget about it lol.

>> No.7309385

Can literally sell BTC on coinbase for 8K right now.

Stop lying asshole.

>> No.7309421

>my wife has two sons

I almost believed you until this.

>> No.7309439

Invest in Bitconeeeeeeeeeeeeeeect.

BTFD dude. Make $1,400 per day. Your wife better believe you.

>> No.7309490

>larping as a loser

>> No.7309568
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>My wife has two sons
Every time.