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7303964 No.7303964 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto bubble suffered catastrophic collapse. What's going to happen to GPU prices now?

>> No.7304097
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Going to rise. Problem?

>> No.7304113

Wouldn't they fall?

>> No.7304172

Its still like a 6 month ROI if youre mining the right stuff. Even if its a 3 year roi people are going to keep buying them for crypto. Shit just buying and hodling the cards will be profitable as gamers start to get desperate.

>> No.7304219
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>Implying people are gonna sell off their bing bing wahoo cards before profitability is reached

heh no. These shitty old rx 480's still have another grand each in em. After that you can have them.

>> No.7304229

Nothing. If this what the "crash" looks like. Nvidia will not ramp up production for the current gen as they will be moving towards new cards with gddr6 which will more than likely have supply constraints. AMD will probably put more RX 500 series out but nothing much will change until late 2018. Prices will come down closer to msrp with 10-20% price hikes in the next few months.

If the crypto market cap continues to fall by another 50% then expect a lot of cards to flood the market. Of course these cards will be on ebay under that description "never used for mining only gaming xDDDDD" and fail after 2 months.

>> No.7304244

They're trash now. What's going to happen though is redditors will not keep buying out entire stores.

>> No.7304305
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>Sell off shitty old cards for 400 bucks a pop
>Buy out entire store's supply of Volta cards

Stay poor, gaymer.

>> No.7304328

Youll have 200 GPU's at ebay from broke cryptofags for 20 dollars each.
Obviously they will shit the bed in 1 month after use.

>> No.7304347

Don't you pay more in electricity than you're getting out of it?

>> No.7304403

ive been running graphics cards pretty much 24/7 for 4 years. Only thing that happened is fan bearings failed. so i run them at 80% ever since and its been fine

1080ti's have thermal limits at 90C and the cards don't even get close

>> No.7304405

lmao running gpu's for mining is not worth it anymore,most people are using ASIC's, do roleplaying as someone succesful is fun for you?

>> No.7304433


EVGA has a transferable 3 year warranty, I'll gladly buy the weak handed miner's gpu bags on the cheap. I can see where crypto is going long term, and it's not down.

>> No.7304468

Lying about mining is unfortunately not working anymore. Thats why gpus got expensive =(

>> No.7304470

hahah serves you right u faggots, hows it feel to know your meme money is dead and so is your investment into OUR GPUs?? feels good to be a nocoiner, very /comfy/, unlike you idiots i invested my money wisely into the tf2 hat market and in leveling up my characters through microtransactions, both of which have seen a very nice return ;)

>> No.7304491


You tell me :^)


>> No.7304672

The demand for GPU went up like crazy. Unfortunately, manufacturers won't increase their production simply because of a fad (which is understandable). The crypto craze is already cooling down a bit, so their decision was correct.

Even if the demand for GPU goes back to normal, I'm pretty sure the chinese manufacturers will at least try to keep this current price for as long as people are ok with buying. 2018 won't be a good year for anyone wanting to upgrade his PC.

Samsung already stated that they have intentions on entering into the ASIC miners market. Pretty sure they are not the only one.

>> No.7304692
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>> No.7304706

>Samsung already stated that they have intentions on entering into the ASIC miners market.
ummm sweetie....

>> No.7304777

>le brainlet meme xD
If you dont offer arguments you end up being the greater fool

>> No.7304779

Hipsters ruin everything. All the simple things are getting expensive because some cunt stain is willing to overpay out the ass. You can't even get some old electronic typewriter under 200. I can buy a fucking notebook for that.

>> No.7304784
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...you posted a link confirming what the anon you quoted said....

>> No.7304804


Whatever you say, clitoris.

>> No.7304817

Why don't people mine and hold?

You see "6 month roi" and "$10 per day" but why not just hold the coin until it increases in value?

>> No.7304818
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you're a brainlet moron for thinking that bitcoin is the only thing people mine. there's loads of shit that's mineable with GPUs and that's why people have been hoarding them. just not for bitcoin.

>> No.7304832


Samsung is going to make ASIC chips, but not necessarily ASICs. Kind of like how they make memory for GPUs, but don't make GPUs.

>> No.7304839
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>“Samsung’s foundry business is currently engaged in the manufacturing of cryptocurrency mining chips," the company told TC without disclosing any further details.

Are you illiterate or just pretending?

>> No.7304854
File: 61 KB, 680x680, 1498189502768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

says the literal retard who thinks you can ASIC mine coins that are purposely impossible to ASIC mine...
hahahahahaha fuck

>> No.7304879

And when did i said bitcoin?
Youll most likely have a profit margin of around 10% at any given cryptomeme so have fun making 2 dollars a day, surely youll get back your investment.
Btw thats a nice brainletmeme collection, im sure you are not projecting at all

>> No.7304880

huh? >>7304672 said samsung is going to get into the mining asic business. >>7304784 posts a smartass reply with a link saying the same thing.

>> No.7304897

because most newb miners jump in way over their head, spend way too much on borrowed money, and are desperate to pay it back. or if you have a massive farm you are going to be spending thousands a month on electricity and have to sell to pay those bills unless you have some other income to cover it

>> No.7304898

oops i meant >>7304706

>> No.7304923
File: 114 KB, 1001x1180, 1517505310183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right, my bad, I read the last line in the post wrong

>> No.7304969
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holy fuck 7/10 if bait
whattomine.com you nigger
go look for yourself

>> No.7305153

fine for almost everything not bitcoin you dumbass

>> No.7305221

It will help cuck the glitch. The demand rush came from autistic retards who were doing nothing more than wasting their time to pay a premium for their coins. Their model completely breaks in a bear market, as they come to terms with the reality we should see a sell off of cards, if we are more sideways towards the next card cycle we will see full blown panic selling

>> No.7305300
File: 121 KB, 720x542, EL DIABLO DE SOJA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing. I bet people could make more money scalping and reselling the gpus than actually mining.

Think about this. If you buy 20 gpus and sell them at 2x, you only need to sell 10. The rest is pure profit. As long as the soyboys pay for it, scalper will be there to profit.

>> No.7305308

do yout think these gpu miners are smart enough to think long term that crypto will be worth more in the future? Im sure some would cave if there was a long term bear market, but others would continue.

>> No.7305336

They can tell that you were using them for mining, no warranty for you.

>> No.7305724

>less people mine cause it worth less
>Thus difficult reduces and reward increase
>keep being profitable

>> No.7306368

Rise to mine the dip.

>> No.7306391

Because these GPU prices correlated with the bull run I am of the opinion it was mostly delusional. If you are spending $1.20 to mine a $1 coin the illusion disappears if the coin isn't constantly increasing in price.

>> No.7306664

I bought a GTX 1060 6GB for 270 Euros mid last year. I just looked what it costs now and holy fuck the prices start at 420 Euros. If that trend doesn't stop PC gaming will die.

>> No.7307132

Nope. If it stays like this for years, pc gaming will thrive, as devs will maybe learn to focus on fucking gameplay instead of cool looks.

>> No.7308222

You can mine other coins with it dumbass. Then you use your mined coins to exchange with bitcoin. That's how miners make money.

>> No.7308313


No way far, I run a pc gaming center for underprivileged youths. RMA my cards or get ready to be on CNN.

>> No.7308365

Shit. Should I go all in on graphics cards, or is it too late to hop in?
I hope they dip a bit.

>> No.7308392

Crysis from 2007 still looks better than most games 10 years later

>> No.7308398

nowhere in the warranty does it say that you aren't allowed to use them for their compute performance.

as long as you don't overclock or modify the bios your warranty is intact

>> No.7308499

>as long as you don't overclock

>> No.7308519

I underclock for efficiency

>> No.7308527

>Catastrophic collapse
Well it's not that bad my man, considering people are looking at it long term

>> No.7308570

I overclock because I want to get a lot of coins ASAP before difficulty increases instead of a slightly faster ROI. You can still undervolt while overclocked for better cost efficiency.

Point is there is a good likelihood that if you're buying a used GPU, it's been overclocked.

>> No.7309509

And how exactly are they going to see this? And you can even flash an already dead card. Warraty works fine.

Exactly. Besides, crysis is fucking shit and in the current year of MMXVIII a.d. it's impossible to find a good game presented by a big publisher, all you can do is look for gems in a sea of shit called "indie development", that's where you can still find some decent gameplay. Everywhere else PC gaming is dead long ago with GPUs or without.

Besides. it's still amazing how people buy the "mining harms GPUs" shit. Some retard once mentioned it and everyone is just parroting it atm.

>> No.7309742

Market will be flooded with used GPUs. Prices for new and used will plummet.

>> No.7310028

>They're trash now

Since when 30 mh in eth with modded vbios is trash?
>inb4 pos incoming