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7303963 No.7303963 [Reply] [Original]

So my bank is not allowing me to put money to invest in coinbase right now, and they wont tell me why, I'm a burger.

What the fuck is going on, are the jews literally preventing us from making money now? Can I not put my money into a legal enterprise without their consent? Is this still the land of the fucking free?

I'm FUCKING fuming.

>> No.7303994

banks are starting to ban crypto transactions.

>> No.7303995

>I want to burn my money in a pit but mommy won't let me

>WTF I thought this was America

>> No.7304005

I can only imagine your shock when the Jews start killing all whites in camps.

>> No.7304009

Fuck I need anons like you to pump it fucking kikes are gonna get an ass whooping.

>> No.7304014
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Call them and tell them you're going to get a new bank if they keep stopping your transactions. Quit being such a fucking autistic faggot and use your words.

>> No.7304021

Don’t worry OP they’ll let you buy just as soon as the price goes back up.

>> No.7304024

Use gemini

>> No.7304025

Use SatoshiTango, they don't even give a shit if you're buying drugs straight from your account (buy all sorts of stimulants) they're from fucking South America. Give up on the US for crypto-stuff fellow burger.

>> No.7304027

>land of the free

>> No.7304045

>giga kikes crash crypto
>prevent people from buying the dip
>they buy the dip
>let the plebs buy again one we're back to 20k

>> No.7304132

Yep They want to crush bitcoin and don't want people buying it. It should be illegal.

>> No.7304148
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Same, they won't allow it through. I'll have to go see them again tomorrow, I'm tired of this. I'll either have to move my money to another bank, or keep my money in more than one, that seems the only real solution.

>> No.7304175

It's not the exchanges who block the transactions, it's the banks. If it's a shady exchange from South America, they'll be even quicker to block it then if it's an American one.

>> No.7304220

its not real money lol

>> No.7304230


OP are you using Coinbase? I literally just bought some ethereum 30 minutes ago and it went through.

>> No.7304255

>land of the free
>not allowed to use your own money

>> No.7304275
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>tfw got in and out of coinbase early enough my crypto is practically invisible to the irs

>> No.7304281

Stop using credit to buy crypto you idiot. Banks are only banning credit with crypto, same as it is with stocks and casino chips.

>> No.7304316
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>crypto ban on credit cards before crash
>short crash, jk to everyone who sold
>try to buy back in with credit cards

>> No.7304334
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It's his bank anon

>> No.7304362

they're doing you a fucking favour, you should thank them, preventing you from investing in literal ponzi schemes

>> No.7304417

you guys are purchasing with debit card bank wire or what?

>> No.7304466

OP here, debit card and wiring are both denied.

>> No.7304472

some banks are literally stopping people from putting their money In crypto because it fucks with their business.
the Jews won't give up that easily

>> No.7304499

i use bank of america, no problems paying with checking account

>> No.7304527

Debit card.

>> No.7304529

High quality post, thank you for the kek

>> No.7304547

>some banks are literally stopping people from putting their money In crypto because it fucks with their business.
>the Jews won't give up that easily

you spergfags are the worst
news flash banks r trying to help people not lose all their money in crypto ponzi scheme.

>> No.7304554

honestly why not though
its my money

>> No.7304564

Dude. You're the customer, and it's your money. Threaten to pull your account. Watch how fast they do what you tell them to.

Start looking for another bank too.

>> No.7304576

Withdraw cash and buy in anonymously

>> No.7304577

>jews helping people
That's fucking rich, moishe.

>> No.7304578

use paypal you fuck

>> No.7304590
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Close your account and tell them why. Its really that simple.

>> No.7304627
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Our sincerest apologies Mr. Anon. We know what's best for our - I mean - your money. Give us a call tomorrow during regular business hours and our customer service reps will set you up with a 0.1% APR savings account.

>> No.7304654
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The jews are in full force today.

"These banks aren't the only financial institutions backing away from anything associated with crypto. Capital One Financial and Discover also don't allow cryptocurrency purchases with their credit cards. Discover chief David Nelms even described people using virtual coins as "crooks... trying to get money out of China or wherever." A Coinbase staff member has also revealed in a Reddit post that major credit card networks and providers recently changed the terms of digital currency purchases. The new terms allow them to treat those purchases as a cash advance, which carries additional charges and have higher interest rates."

David Nelms Salary: $4,550,000 Ethnicity: Jewish


>> No.7304659


>trying to help people

They could give less of a fuck

>> No.7304687

Get angry IRL, be a man. Rape a women and shot a nigger like grandpa. Quit being a fag.

>> No.7304707

Seriously, this shit is the actual answer here.

If they don't play ball, move to a new bank. Or better yet, a credit union.

>> No.7304717

not allowed to buy the dip

>> No.7304798
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 1517272774721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a crook calling people barely scraping by with one hope out crooks
hmmmm says right here preheat to 375 before cooking

>> No.7304803

t. brainlet that doesnt know its a threat to the banking system

>> No.7304845

It might be your money, but THEY are the ones providing the transaction services that you need. If not, then you wouldn't be using a bank at all.

Why are you using a bank?
Probably because the people you want/need to interact with will only trust a bank.
Why do people trust a bank?
Because they generally try to be cautious about shit like this.

>> No.7304884

There are other banks out there.
They need to provide the services he needs or he shouldn't be using their bank at all.

>> No.7304917

It's 11pm on a Sunday. I'm going back there tomorrow even if their hours suck, but not much I can do tonight.

>> No.7304919

They don't need to provide any service, it's THEIR reputation on the line.

You are perfectly within your rights to take your money and business elsewhere. That's your prerogative as much as preserving their standing is theirs.

>> No.7304995

100% agree. That being said, fuck them, find a bank that will work for you not against you. The second a bank refuses to allow me agency over my own money is the second they lose my account.

>> No.7305016

your bank knows crypto is for retards and is actually trying to save you from being a retard

if you blow all your money chasing tendie coins they can't milk you for fees

>> No.7305054

>tendie coins

>> No.7305073

Sounds reasonable desu. I can legally burn my own tendies.

>> No.7305118

Same here with Wells Faygo

>> No.7305145

>Pay credit card whatever amount you were going to put into crypto
>Buy bitcoin with credit card
There. Now was that so bad?

>> No.7305190

Hey Rabbi

>> No.7305227

The banks are fighting cryptocurrency by giving us clear examples of why we need cryptocurrency? I was led to believe that Jews were smart.

>> No.7305237

>buying ponzi coin instead of real crypto

>> No.7305289

i can still do transfers from my checking/savings.
it's only credit cards banning it, and it makes sense actually. perfectly understandable.
they dont want you taking out a fucking loan you won't be able to pay back because you went all in on monero gold or bitconnect. perfectly understandable. because you'll just default on the payments

>> No.7305314

Debit cards are banned. You do know how debit cards work right?

>> No.7305331

No banks are stopping people from paying using the money they have in their chequing/savings account.

>> No.7305342

So if I try to buy 100$ worth of Ethereum right now I'll be denied? (My limit)

Just wondering cuz I wanna buy some of these dips

Chase burger here

>> No.7305361

My friend says this is happening at Citi. How screwed am I at BofA?

>> No.7305365

(there should be a comma after the "no")

>> No.7305384


Uh. No? Lol. You use a bank because the first $250k is insured by the FDIC you stupid twat

>> No.7305410

I don't know, I'm not even in America, but their rationale is that there is a lot of people who steal account credentials then use them to make crypto purchases, since they're technically hard to track. Preventing fraud is fine, but it sucks for the times that it's really you who want to buy something.

>> No.7305434

why is debit card banned?
CC make sense.

>> No.7305470

In all likeliness, they would probably relent if you called them up and explain that you're a 25 year old speculator whose willing to throw their money away because he believes in it (or hell even if you prove that you have a legitimate income that isn't black market money they'd probably let you), but they flag these things as warning signs because they don't want to be known as the bank that let a bunch of shady figures and naive housewives launder their money and throw away their money respectively using their services.

It might be a bit old stogie to do that at this point in the cryptomarket, but maybe that's how they want to be known.

>> No.7305483

It used to be you use a bank to get interest on unused cash that you dont want in places like the stock market but even with rising interest rates the jews have colluded to keep savings accounts rates low. It's one of those nice things we can never go back to like women out of the workforce being good mothers.

>> No.7305507

Find a credit union that'll work with you. Fuck the banks. Haven't used one in years

>> No.7305524

Because some things are just not good for you sweetie, just let mommy handle your money, it's a dangerous world out there and she knows best.

>> No.7305561

I literally had to call the bank's fraud department and verbally direct them to allow a transaction in order for it to be processed. Some banks put in extra countermeasures for security, but if you call them they should bend to your will. Assuming your using a debit/wire transfer, anyone buying crypto on credit is a stupid nigger.

>> No.7305836


LMAO its YOUR money retard tell them to close the fucking account if they say no

>> No.7305885

Your land was never the land of the free, no land is (except St Kitts I believe)

>> No.7305930 [DELETED] 

11:30 pm, Sunday night.

>> No.7305951

>let them tell you no in the first place

>> No.7305970 [DELETED] 

>predicting the future

>> No.7306002

Why are you highlighting?
>are you taking notes?

>> No.7306087

>deletes his post and switches to his mobile to post

Not so fast

>> No.7306169

You figured me out anon.

>> No.7306205

which one? I just see people constantly misusing greentext here, so I point it out.

>> No.7307033

I guess I'm working off the assumption that Anon has already done what a reasonable person would do to wire money. I've only ever done it in person at the bank, so kindof hard to say no to my face I guess.