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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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729956 No.729956 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/,

I just landed an unpaid internship at an insurance firm.

I'am currently studying to become a CPA.

Is this a waste of time?

I want experience in working in a corporate environment so i can apply to accounting firms.

I don't know what to expect, its my first time even wearing a business suite.

I have to make time in between work and school?

Is this worth it?
I have to take 2 buses over there and I just landed a job at walmart (lol), im also in college.

Internships are scarce where I'm at.

>> No.729972

>Is this a waste of time?

>Is this worth it?

>Internships are scarce where I'm at.
Even more reason to take it.

>> No.729978

thanks for the input.

Do accounting employers look for this type of stuff in a resume?

>> No.729985

>Do accounting employers look for this type of stuff in a resume?
Nah bro i can't imagine why they'd give a fuck about your relevant experience.

>> No.729993

My questioned pertained specifically in regards to insurance.

Insurance isn't relevant.

Would they see it as a + though?

>> No.729995


It's worth it though.

>> No.730000

don't take an unpaid internship. if you want to do everyone a favor, accept it and then never show up.

you're better off taking some manual labor job. when you're applying for a full time position at least it shows you're not hard to please and won't constantly complain.

>> No.730004

I'm in your exact situation, except my internship is paid and in... Sales? Which I can do, but it's not really ideal. Oh well, I'm getting some licenses too. Good luck.

>> No.730005

The quads have spoken.

So I'am better off investing the capital I gain into marketable securities and other alternative investments?

mine is in insurance policies and unpaid.

I have another offer but I must get an insurance license of some sort beforehand.

>> No.730006

This is bullshit and you're a retard. If you can afford to do an unpaid internship and can't find anything better, an unpaid internship in your field of interest is 100x better than a job at McDonalds or American Apparel.

>> No.730073


> unpaid
fuck that, unpaid interships are a fucking joke. I have many many problems with them, and could go on a rant but I won't.

You should ONLY accept an unpaid intership if you absolutely have no choice. Even something very unrelated that pays, is better than working for free.

Also it's pretty fucking gay that an insurance company cannot give you even minimum wage to work for them. insurance companies make more than enough money to hire some kid for a few bucks.

>> No.730080
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I'd like to hear your rant please.

I have to take 2 buses over there on top of juggling work and school.

>> No.730089

paid > unpaid internships. BUT unpaid is still experience you can use on a resume which is really priceless.

Also why don't you get a job at school? Most jobs at colleges let u study during off time And tend to be more flexible.

>> No.730092

if you are gonna take 2 buses and think its gonna be time consuming then its a waste of time.

try an unpaid internship somewhere more convenient

>> No.730100

>McDonalds or American Apparel
neither of those are manual labor jobs, faggot. unpaid internships are trash and you won't be doing shit of worth because your presence is worthless to the company.

>> No.730109
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Because community college
I see.
Is it really that bad?

I just wanted the experience. If its that bad then I won't take it.

>> No.730228

Just lie and say you did the internship, this is the kind of thing nobody checks, just don't put it on lyour linked in or whatever.

>> No.730582
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Thanks for the advice

>> No.730659


Why don't I spend my time on a more serious website?
Oh yeah, that's right.
I want some tits and ass with my financial advice.
Why no business/finance version of naked news?

>> No.730777


Okay, here goes:

1) first of all a good company does not employ unpaid interships. they select good talent, train them, and show them the path to success, then reward them. only fucky non-profits, yahoos, and greedy misers use unpaid internships

2) mostly you'll just end up being an office bitch who makes copies and gets people coffee. its not a formal role and you likely wont get much formal training or experience

3) its really not a great resume builder. its better than nothing. but something that paid you is better than an unpaid internship. Even a job at mcdonalds you can find a way to twist your resume such that your experience there is applicable to where you are applying

4) just lie on your fucking resume bro. how many times do i have to post this on /biz/. Its very simple to get a job with an mostly fabricated resume. you'll be trained for the job anyway man! the only thing you cant lie about is education or a criminal record. but work experience is very very very easy to BS. its the best kept secret in America today

5) every minute you work there, in the back of your mind, you'll be going, "jesus fuck, I am doing work absolutely for free. I am totally getting taken advantage of by this employer, and by society in general"

just do what you have to do, keep looking, call people, beg, borrow, steal. don't take an unpaid internship. Its beyond even you, people that do this send a signal to the business world that it's okay to have someone desperate work for them for free in the desperate hopes that their "oh so great wisdom and experience" will help that young person get a job that actually pays.

well fuck that shit.

>> No.730783
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my trips have spoken!

>> No.730815

You're not going to get any relevant experience doing an unpaid internship, unless your dream job is to be a starbucks delivery boy. If a company offers you an unpaid internship, they don't respect you.

Go do basic government auditing in the ghetto area of a big city or something. When I graduated high school and thought accounting would be cool for some reason, that's what I did. It was the perfect mix of scary as fuck (saw lots of guns and shit) and hilarious (lots of crackheads coming in and writing their expenses in crayon on the back of nightclub fliers).

Or else start your own consulting firm LLC and do basic IT stuff, even though that has really nothing to do with accounting. I'm in compsci now but I'm assuming accounting will become more automated in the future, so some evidence of tech competence will probably look good. I don't know for sure though.

>> No.730821

So... what can I do

>> No.730889

Plenty of reputable businesses have unpaid internships designed to develop future talent. Is there any kind of program for your internship where you may get offered a job or do any kind of future leadership training? Also, is it full time or part time, during the school year, etc? What else do you have going on at the time?

My only unpaid internship was with a federal law enforcement agency because lol sequester. I got plenty of experience I couldn't get elsewhere, and it was part-time (2-3 day weeks) over the summer because they understood I wanted to have a summer job and make money, too. It worked for me because my situation allowed for it.

>> No.730909

So many cops and narcs of all kinds on 4chan.

>> No.730972

Eh, law enforcement could probably use a few twenty-somethings who know the internet well enough. They have enough problems with basic social media as it is.

>> No.730983

>insurance firm.

What's this "firm" like?

Working with high net clients or doing accounting related work for a larger firm would be worth your time. If its a two bit small time "firm", you'll spend all day fetching coffee and stroking your boss's ego.

>> No.731054
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You have valid points...other than the stealing.

I'am not power hungry and I'am not going to resort to a Machiavellian type of philosophy in order to achieve financial security.
I see, thanks for your input.

Yes, I have to do 6 months of internship in order to become a insurance partner that gets paid by commissions....which sounds like a fraud. But I just want the experience for Resume purposes.

You pretty much call random people and read a script from what I heard, They supply with no supplies and you have to bring your own

If anything breaks you have to buy it from them.

This is obviously a scam for free labor, but If this boosts my chance to get real internship/job at an accounting firm then so be it.

>> No.731077

> unpaid internship

stopped reading right there. You're a fucking moron, the only real life business lesson you'll learn is to not let yourself be taken advantage of.

>> No.731078


It's an expression, "beg, borrow, and steal". It doesn't mean actually steal.

>> No.731096

What could possibly break? Pencils, the phone, your chair, the copier?

This won't help your chances of getting a real job. The only thing it will boost is your stress level

>> No.731101
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If i'm getting something out of it then i'm not being taken advantage of.

My first day is Thursday, I'm going to go check it out. If all that it involves is kissing ass then im taking /biz/'s advice and i'll tell them to fuck off.

Hopefully my $5 investment towards my bus pass doesn't go to waste...though I've wasted more on shit tier games

Lol ear piece and other cheap equipment.

This is sounding more and more of a waste of time though. You have a good point.
Oh my bad,

here's some ass for you as compensation.

>> No.731104

that's a scam not an internship-don't do it

>> No.731109

See this >>731104

You're wasting time and doing work unpaid in order to maybe get a job that needs people so desperately that I have several times been cold called by similar companies hoping that I'm still looking for a job.

It would be one thing if the unpaid internship was highly specialized work, like studying under a renowned pathologist or something, but this is entirely different.

>> No.731111

It's worth it. Be the first to work; be the last to leave. Ask the boss if there is anything you can do before you leave. Be super nice to all the custodians. Never make fun of the ugliest person in the office because the president of the company is probably fucking him/her. Never get drunk around your coworkers. Never whine. Be self deprecating. If they want you to fetch coffee, fetch the fucking coffee with a smile. All the people I mentioned will have a say in your review.

>> No.731129
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trips got owned >>730777

>> No.731136

No it would be worth it if you were working for Travelers or the Hartford doing something related to your field-this is real bullshit, like probably illegal shit. Just work where ever you can and don't worry so much.

>> No.731145
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alright alright /biz/ you guys win.

I'am going to tell them to fuck off on Thursday and I'am going to take one of the hot interns with me.

Hopefully she listens,

poor girl has been busting her ass off for them for 6 months and just passed the insurance exam.

>> No.731153

Inb4 he's getting some offer from a top hedge fund manager who happens to be female

>> No.731376
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>> No.731402

>offered unpaid internship
>negotiate to paid internship before start
>told not to tell other interns, who are all unpaid
>position of power lel
>blackmail boss by threatening to tell interns
>get raises
>blackmail boss by threatening to tell IRS
>get raises
>find out most of his employees and earnings are under the table
>boss gets tired of me, fires me
>demand 'parting compensation' to keep mouth shut
>receive money
>tell IRS anyway
>he gets in shit, closes down
>collaborate with a fellow intern to act as each other's reference
>we actually competed with each other on how far we could succeed in bullshitting the position
>cushy job now

Unpaid internships are shit.
Fight sleaze with sleaze. They don't deserve your effort.

>> No.731405

this, it's a dog eat dog world, don't be a chump

>> No.731432

Unpaid internships are shit. Why would any credible company see that as a positive? It basically screams that you aren't good enough to get paid so why should they hire you? I have a friend currently interning at delloite for 15k and he's not even at uni yet.

Do what that other anon said and don't turn up; you shit on the company for manipulating free labour to bring them coffee and shit and they have one less person.

>> No.731543

CPA here. I have never heard of unpaid internships anywhere in accounting. If you do this for free you are a born cuck.

>> No.731648

I turned my last unpaid internship into a paid one.

Just show them you aren't a fucking bum and they will take you on.

>> No.731697

its dogie dogie world champ.

Get it right.

>> No.731888


I know, right?

This board is even better than /s/, because people only post top-tier images here.

>> No.732373

>Is this a waste of time?

>I have to take 2 buses over there and I just landed a job at walmart (lol), im also in college.

It's not worth it. Take the job at walmart, do well and kiss your supervisors' ass; maybe get promoted to some sort of team leader position

Apart from getting paid, you'd probably learn more at Walmart working in teams you can sell during your interviews when you talk to accounting recruiters. Unpaid interns spend their time filing papers and taking up space.

If you're looking for internships, check Big 4 career pages and start applying (assuming your GPA and extra curriculars are decent) I'm starting my internship at Deloitte at $25/hr this summer and all I had was retail work experience and business club involvement on my resume.

>> No.732378
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3.5 GPA Community College
No honors
Financial accountant/Cost accountant tutor

what are my chances.....?

>> No.732394

I'm a tutor too
My GPA is 3.7 though (you should be fine with a 3.5)
President of a club sophomore year

What's your accounting gpa? Are you still in CC?

Your chances are 0 though if you don't reach out to recruiters when they come on campus. And if they really don't come to your campus, find the closest big 4 offices to your hometown, visit their career pages and apply for internships, conferences, whatever. It might be a little late to get hired for summer though

>> No.733026
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I'am still currently in Community College.

Well my accounting GPA is 4.0 currently.

I see, thanks for the info.