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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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729504 No.729504 [Reply] [Original]

Okay I had no funds capable of being withdrawn in my brokerage account because I transferred an amount greater than 5000 into it and it partitions it or whatever because of that federal regulation. I used all of my available funds for positions but resolved to leave myself around 300 for food for the week. Then when I actually used the rest of the money (the amount after the initial 5000) for the positions it fucking used that 300 instead of the other amount which was on hold (the amount after the initial 5000). So I've had literally 0 dollars since last thursday, I have not eaten a fucking bite of food, and I can feel myself literally dying.

I liquidated my positions and now my account says I have 4940 to withdraw (I withdrew 60 last wednesday), which is presumably that initial 5000 (because my positions were worth way more), so, excited to get a fucking slice of pizza and some cigarettes, I rushed down to the ATM and it still won't let me withdraw money because I 'don't have sufficient funds in this account'.

I don't have my ATM cards for my other accounts and the one bank in my town is closed today for some stupid fucking reason.

How long does it take after the funds say they're able to be withdrawn online for them to actually be able to be withdrawn from the ATM?

Should I just try an ATM that I've never used before, albeit one all the way on the other side of town?

Please help you guys I'm fucking dying I'm so hungry.

>> No.729508

Go to a soup kitchen or church or whatever

>> No.729514

We don't have those here can somebody please just answer my question it's imaginably simple to anybody with any sort of knowledge of how ATMs generally work.

The funds say they can be withdrawn online, how much fucking longer do I have to wait before I can get them through the ATM?

Or is it because I've tried each day from last Thursday at these two distinct ATMs and do I just need to go to a new ATM because the information isn't recently logged there?

My funds say they're able to be withdrawn... if I go to an ATM which I haven't tried yet, won't it work just like it normally should?

Someone please answer yes or no I'm starving.

>> No.729534

It usually takes 3 days for funds to be ready to withdraw. I can't make sense of what dates you withdrew the money and when you sold positions or whatever.

>investing 100% of your money, literally none left for food
You probably have a tendency for learning things the hard way, don't you? Do you seriously not have a backup fund or any food in the house? How fucking poor at planning can one person get?

>> No.729538

> it's imaginably simple
obviously not for you

> don't have churches
obviously a trollfag. how did you manage to find three ATMs at the south pole?

>> No.729543

I didn't invest 100% of my money. I specifically left more than enough for food. This is how I've been doing it for 5 years now and it's worked just fine. I have backup funds but I can't access them for reasons out of my control. Did you not read my post?

It takes 3 days for a trade to settle. The funds don't need to be settled for them to be withdrawn, but even then, I have that 300 which is settled.

Somebody just answer my fucking question yes or no. I only want to know if it's worth it to walk 10 miles to the other side of town just to see if the ATM works as it should.

I mean the account online says money is able to be withdrawn. How long does it take for that fact to transfer to the ATM's database?

We have churches but none of them have soup kitchens or free food. It's a small town there are no homeless here.

>> No.729558

>I have backup funds but I can't access them for reasons out of my control. Did you not read my post?
Backup funds, as in physical fucking cash you retard. Might be old school of me, but hey, I'm not the one literally starving because I can't pay for shit.

You also still should not have invested that amount of money, leave a little more in your bank account for reasons exactly like this.

>Somebody just answer my fucking question yes or no.
When did you transfer the money from your broker to your bank?

I'd recommend you call your bank.

>> No.729989

You still didn't read my post. I left money in my account. It wouldn't have mattered how much money I left.

>When did you transfer the money from your broker to your bank?
My broker is my bank. I transferred from a diff account, one which I don't have an ATM card for.

My basic question is this: how long does it take for the ATM to synchronise with your bank account.

I've noticed before that I'll take money out of my ATM and it doesn't show up online until like a day or two later. That's what I'm asking, but just in reverse.

Someone please answer, this is my 5th full day with absolutely no food.

>> No.730003

It should be right away. Obviously it's not. I don't know what the problem is, but you should be able to get your money tonorrow.
I don't think other ATMs will be any different.

This is, by the way, the second funniest thread I've seen on /biz/

>> No.730012

Cheers m8 thanks for having a laugh at my misfortunate. I'll be the one laughing in 3.5 hours when I'm stuffing my face full of hamboigahs

>> No.730017

Get a margin account?

>> No.730019

Do you want me to paypal you $10?
Would you be able to use it?

>> No.730023

I wouldn't, no. I really appreciate the gesture though. I'm just gonna wait until midnight and try, and if it doesn't work sleep it off, then tomorrow if it's still dysfunctional I'll go to the bank which is supposed to be open then.

You can delete this thread now janitor.

>> No.730060

this literally almost happend to me. I bought and sold a few times last week, while money was transfering back to my checking account it withdrew more money for the purchase i made instead of taking it from my brokerage account. i ended up overdrafting over $1,800. good thing i had sandwhich stuff in my house

>> No.730127

Don't you have a credit card you nigger? Go sign up for one or steal. No fucking way you last five fucking days with 0 food and stolen nothing

>> No.730128

Yeah they should set it to where the funds you leave available are last in, no fucking reason not to, especially considering it's a well known thing that people trade for a living.

Luckily I just went out and checked again and it worked. Best slice of pizza I've had in a while.

Credit cards are for posers m8. Not about to incur debt and pay extra for my own money just for the sake of convenience which I really could do without.

>> No.730172

>buying cheeseburgers on margin
/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.730173

Fucking lol

>> No.730219

what was the funniest?

also OP you are an idiot. learn to manage money. free pro tip: always have at least 2 months' salary cash in a quick access account before you even try investing.

>> No.730239

Nigga you're retarded for not having a creditcard or emergency cash

>> No.730288

Man I don't want to pick on you but I can't understand how you seem to:
-Have no friends that can help you out
-Have no family that can help you out
-Damn even your coworkers should help you if you are fucking dying of hunger
-Even if your church doesn't normally give food away, I doubt they will refuse you if you're starving
-Don't have any kind of cash OR food reserves OR credit
-Aren't able to get food in other way, like bargaining with a store owner for a food loan or eating free cookies at a supermarket or business meeting. I'm running out of examples but just can't imagine getting into a situation like yours in real life.

>> No.730304

>what was the funniest.

It was like two months ago. This guy came here trying to figure out hiw to get out of a contract.
> started a non-profit that encouraged local business to start recycling.
> gets this one business to stat recycling their trash.
>convinced the owner by paying him to recycle. Like paid him per pound recycled or something.
>Thought he was gonna get donations to help his cause.
>no donations
>paying thousands and thousands out of pocket
>business owner won't let him out of the contract, really has him by the balls
>guy comes here for advice
>we all laugh our asses off

>> No.730319

I think this thread is by the same guy you mention:
The plot thickens.

>> No.730330

Yeah I saw that. I thought it was like a copypasta based on the original.