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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 39 KB, 600x576, money_buy_happiness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
729339 No.729339 [Reply] [Original]

"Money does not buy happiness"

I was wondering if we could take some time to discuss this statement.
Over the years of working in finance I have networked with many people who would be considered quite well off. Some may have received a considerable amount through trust funds, others have worked hard to earn their wealth.

Upon speaking with some of them, there has been a few admit that they are not happy with their amassed fortune.

Does money make YOU happy /biz/?

>> No.729341

Diminishing returns. Money makes you happy up to a point. Eventually the burdens of owning more may surpass the happiness you get from said ownership.

>> No.729348


I'm a poorfag but thanks to this I focused on my spirituality, my family and being a better person.

I wouldn't have had the time if all of my waking hours were focused on creating wealth, but more significantly, because I'd be pursuing that I wouldn't have the other.

>> No.729349

>tfw slavery is illegal

I'd be a lot more motivated to work if I could buy bitches.

>> No.729356
File: 3.04 MB, 3000x1860, occupy-wall-street1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't buy happiness but i would rather be rich and miserable then poor and miserable.

Who would you rather be? The miserable fucks in pic related or the miserable fucks who works at wall street?

>> No.729357

>implying you can't

>> No.729381

Not legal actual ownership like livestock.

>> No.729386

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

>> No.729392

It's not, they are too legally empowered. I just want people bound by law to obey my orders after a one time investment.

>> No.729398

Define "happiness"

>> No.729402

i would be much happier if i didn't have to worry every time i made even the smallest of purchases, so yeah money does buy happiness to a certain point

>> No.729408

Money won't make you happy, but the freedom it provides gives you ample opportunity to find happiness.

If you don't have enough to sustain yourself in the way most of your peers do, you'll probably be unhappy.

>> No.729420

People have a weird view of money.
Like it's a thing that's evil or something.

It's literally just an abstraction.
One that we put in paper form to save space.
Money is lemons.
Money is time.
Money is building.

I guess your picture is a joke, but it is a very true statement nevertheless. If you know what makes you happy, then you can always use money to achieve it if you have enough of it.

Of course if you don't know what you want you'll never be happy either way, which is the real kicker. But that should be obvious.

>> No.729432

>. If you know what makes you happy, then you can always use money to achieve it if you have enough of it.
Not everything is for sale though. It's a cliché, but you can't buy love.

>> No.729435

>just an abstraction

Homeless and malnutrition, on the other hand, is real. Having no free time to improve yourself and pursue a better station in life is real.

So is unpaid overtime--hours of your life you'll never get back, and for which you receive no compensation.

>> No.729451


Run for the president. Make your campaign about bringing back slavery.

I'll vote for you.

>> No.730804


>> No.730946
File: 72 KB, 600x779, yankovic01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'guess i gotta rent it