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7287825 No.7287825 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone program in the crypto space?

I've authored a few ETH contracts now, and I've been eyeing Quantum for their contracts as well. Does anyone here have experience with the Quantum VM? I don't really think ETH has a robust system, it feels very clunky and I'm wondering if other implementations are better.

Any contract ideas you guys would like to see implemented in ETH? I'd like to challenge myself a bit.

>> No.7288492

Theres literally nothing to implement besides gambling sites and ponzis. What kind of answer are you expecting?

>> No.7288542

Something that makes use of external data from APIs.

Right now you can use Oraclize, in the future you'll be using Chainlink

>> No.7288577

You'd probably have better luck at >>>/g/

This is a retched hive of scum and villainy.

>> No.7288759

Not really. Further, why respond if you think there's nothing more to be added to the space?

Hmmm, seems like there's already several solutions for this already though. Given the nature of the project it also seems like I would need resources to pay for external APIs I am making a bridge for and for infrastructure. I'm not really that well versed in ETH development to risk all of that.

/g/ can really get butthurt about crypto talk

>> No.7288846

I'm working on a proof-of-concept contracting system for landownership in the public sector.

I'm not sure why anyone would use tokens or coins to do it though. Unless you want it on a public decentralize network, but no business or institution is going to do block-chain without node control.

>> No.7288922

>I'm working on a proof-of-concept contracting system for landownership in the public sector.

What do you mean contracting system? As in, a smart contract to denote Land Ownership? Have you read through the developing ERC721 spec?

Is this your own project or are you being paid/part of a group dev project?

>but no business or institution is going to do block-chain without node control.

I think that depends on the sector and the use case of the token.

>> No.7288973
File: 136 KB, 960x960, boppers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, any tips on where to learn how to make an ETH contract?

>> No.7289063

The documentation out there is honestly total shit. The ETH docs are an alright starting place, but really it took me just googling shit as I went along. Do you have any prior development experience? I'm a wageslave dev so the transition has been easier than for noobs, I'm certain.

>> No.7289163

Today record of ownership is stored in public archives, but it might as well be stored on a public block chain that we run with trusted partners. Basically it works a lot like ERC721, but without the calculations because we control every entry and access point.

You won't see anything that requires miners amount to any real world usage because nobody would be able to defend the cost to the environment politically.

>> No.7289248

So you're talking about a proprietary chain, then? I suppose there's the theoretical level where some would argue that it's not decentralized, but for certain use cases I don't think that's necessary.

It also sounds like it's either govt based work or some contract/startup, so either way that sounds like a really cool opportunity anon, I'm jealous.

>> No.7289261

It's about time that ownership of precious metals be on the public ledger. A serial number on the bar would not be sufficient due to the ability to file or simply melt. Possibly rfid idk.

>> No.7289430



Seems like this might already be done, but I'm uncertain. I'm not certain how RFID would work with that though, would it be attached to the packaging? Interesting concept, nonetheless. I don't have the real world knowledge or contacts to make this sort of project work, unfortunately.

>> No.7289461
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I have a STEM degree with programming experience, so maybe I will be able to learn it?

>> No.7289553

I've had my Electrical Engineering college bro review my code and he was able to get it more or less. He's a big C buff though, so he has a big advantage. I would say look at the ERC20 standard, then read the ERC721 specs for an idea of how these standardized token models are being developed. From there you could look at different examples on github (Decentraland and CryptoKitties are both good resources for looking at complete code) to get a feel for how things are done generally.

Oh, and the development environment, debugging, etc, is a fucking nightmare. I thought ETH was doomed before I got into the smart contracts and now I am positive it is doomed, long term. It's so hard to deploy contracts that it will eventually lead to centralization.

>> No.7289753
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I have a similar background to your friend. Good tips, thanks anon!

>> No.7289827

Sure thing. Would it be worth it to set up a biz developers discord?

>> No.7290571
File: 7 KB, 412x101, funfairy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you possibly defend this?

Bittrex have not stated their reasoning for delisting, Jez sans shurgs his shoulders with I dunno cos they never mailed me.... and we now have rumour with ZERO source that bittrex is doing it prep itself for SEC regulation.~

Dont you find it a bit odd that FUN appear so apathetic about it.... in contrast to their excitement when they were listed?

And there are people posting here and on boobtube that its all ok it was going to happen anyway. All normal and nothing to worry about.... and that its was all about ICE a circlejerk that lasts for half a day.

Well fuck me, what a way to lead people on.

>> No.7290586


the things I would do to her..

>> No.7290611

fuck sake.

for the peace of your thread no, I do backend development .

>> No.7290676

who is she

>> No.7290751

Op, what do you think about EOS?

t.C++ coder

>> No.7290784

Faith Goldy

I'm a backend dev myself.

I've not looked at EOS, got a rundown? I'll go read up now.


>> No.7290798

any opportunities for java coder.

>> No.7290842

I work with Java a lot, but I don't really see it being applicable to the space. A lot of the ecosystem is moving to dApp methodology, meaning lots of JS and node.

>> No.7290886

Fuck JS, its spreading like syphilis.

>> No.7290920

I don't disagree.

Ethereum made their own programming language for implementation of Smart Contracts, called Solidity.

>> No.7290925

where is the pic from in the op?

>> No.7290960

I don't shill it, but I am frustrated by eth fees for running code, of course it's understandable for me as a programmer why it works like this, but I don't think smart contracts can be seriously used with such approach as in eth.

>> No.7290975


here's another for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytsUTS5COsc

>> No.7291012

Shit, she is only 29 years old but looks like late 30s.

>> No.7291044

Well, the important thing to recall is that the purpose of using the chain itself for programming is to allow validation of code across the decentralized network. There's a lot of stuff I feel like would be cool to implement on the chain, but the fees in gas reflect the fact the application would be better suited as a tool on the side.

EOS seems to be...some kind of VM environment for mutliple coins? Their white paper doesn't seem very clear to me.

got those DSL, all I care about.

>> No.7291082

Whats DSL? Pretty sure you are not talking about modems?

>> No.7291103

Dick Sucking Lips.

>> No.7291285

doing the same thing anon. I think it's a good use case.

>> No.7291460

Just wait for Tezos to come out and learn to use it. It's the only platform to use formal verification and I would say that will be the biggest meme in smart contracts in future.

>> No.7291484

I've been waiting for Tezos, but in the meantime I'm doing what I can. I've been wondering what the next big SC coin will be and I definitely agree that Tezos is one of the most promising in the space.

>> No.7291486


We’re doing a token sale for a payments system for freelancers. We need a smart contract dev such as yourself. The percent of tokens we’d give you will make you rich.


>> No.7291535

Let me be clear, I am not a smart contract developer. I now have a small bit of experience doing some smart contracts, yes, but my knowledge in the space does not qualify me for that title. I can definitely send you a message though.