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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7286889 No.7286889 [Reply] [Original]

so it's time for a month of non stop bleeding for a month now exactly like after kucoin listing
see you at 0.010 ETH in a few days

>> No.7287699

If you don't hold at least until half 2018 you're retarded. And if you sell in 5 months you're retarded anyway.

I'll wave to you from my yacht in 2 years.

>> No.7287996

I’m buying the bottom, the board’s gone on a massive FUD parade. This can only mean good things. Always do the opposite of what biz says

>> No.7288028

>see you at 0.010 ETH

I hope so. Bags need filling.

>> No.7288045

$500 EOY.

>> No.7288072

Coin already x300 since November.

Maybe it should go down to a more reasonable multiplier, like x20 which would be $1.80

>> No.7288104

Strange logic but ok, from that Bitcoin is going down to .10, and it might be $5 end of year

>> No.7288268

13k-14k Sats is the floor but who knows at this point. Just keep filling those bags

>> No.7288313

kek. It took BTC 8 years to grow to the rate XRB did in 3 months. Tell me again which one is overvalued?

>> No.7288385

The one that requires massive amounts of power to mine, transaction fees, and glorified duct tape to make it quicker?

I’m sorry dude there’s no winning this conversation.

>> No.7288431


Really? Sounds like there was actual work to back of the value of BTC. What is there to back of XRB? You neets really are delusional.

>> No.7288474

Actual work? You realize that it’s better to work smart than work stupid.

Pointless arguing with you, if you’re Fudding power to you. If you’re not I pity you

>> No.7288502

This place is full of ADHD kids, but yea, if you're freaking out about this bear market you never had the agency to look at previous years