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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 370 KB, 2494x1388, Screen Shot 2018-02-04 at 12.30.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7280591 No.7280591 [Reply] [Original]

It's fucking over. Stocks are in free fall after years of parabolic rise and the snowball effect is only gonna get worse. World stocks - GDP ratio is at all time highs. The bubble development is as obvious as it was for crypto. This will propagate to every single market worldwide and I'd be amazed if it doesn't lead to a recession.

>> No.7280599

I think that money is going to crypto now

>> No.7280615

>Free fall
>Talking about stocks status on a Sunday

Take a rest fella

>> No.7280629

Probably not, it's going to fiat for now unless hyperinflation happens

Surely they will continue going up in a straight line come Monday

>> No.7280641

Years of crypto has built up this habbit of watching it every fucking waking moment.

>> No.7280656

Money will go to crypto. USD is in free fall, stockers will put their money where it holds a value

>> No.7281164

Have you seen the futures? They markets will open at -2%. It will be a bloodbath.

>> No.7281192
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>> No.7281199

This is great, I've got my brokerages lined up to buy up all these tasty dividends at bargain prices on Monday. $$$$$$$

>> No.7281229
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I remember a fall of 666 in 2015 2016 when we almost had 2008 v 2.0

>> No.7281240

>markets will open 2% down
You fucking retards need a 25% correction to learn how the market works. This bull market has brought in too many retards who panic once the markets drop a few percent.

>> No.7281265

You are obviously clueless about the stock markets. In the current economy -10% during the next week will erase the whole global economy.

>> No.7281270
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the signal has been sent.

>> No.7281279

I would exit crypto but I have feeling people might see it as a safe haven and pour in.

>> No.7281289

>tfw my 65 AMZN dont vest until october
fuck this planet

>> No.7281296
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>> No.7281334

>stock market finally dips
>thinks this will negatively affect crypto in any way
>people sell stock and take their gains
>they all realize stock market will continue to go bearish
>take a look at crypto and insane gains
>crypto in nice bearish market
>easy opportunity to make some quick cash
>stock traders and institutional investors start pouring into crypto
>huge influx of cash in crypto
>props btc up
>as soon as they make their 10% they sell and get out because their weak handed faggots
>wont matter because that influx caused btc and alts to return to mean and go bullish, kicking off 2018 for a wild ride
god speed faggots, god speed

>> No.7281363


>> No.7281374

Yeah they surely can't wait to put years of their money into useless asset that just dropped 60%. To the moon #HODL XD

>> No.7281419

I'm just hodling through it. We could have another great depression and I'd still hodl.

>> No.7281452
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>parabolic rise

>> No.7281462

Store of value

>> No.7281470

You also want to hold gold.

>> No.7281478

2.54% decline
free fall

>> No.7281492

repeat after me,not happening

>> No.7281509

If stocks really fail catastrophically the rest of economy will fail too. Bonds may get fucked. Fiat may deflate if things go well or become worthless if the worst happens.

What that means for crypto is impossible to tell but sure there's a realistic scenario where it skyrockets. Best have some as a hedge among other things.

well memed bro

>> No.7281542

if you're not holding PMs right now you're literally dead and dont realize it yet

>> No.7281547

I'm tempted, but the fees for physical gold are completely nuts and I don't trust electronic/paper gold.

>> No.7281550

Were you living under a rock? The bonds are falling since September, USD has lost 20% of it's value during the past 3 months.
We are already in a full-blow crash.

>> No.7281602
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Yes, but that's only the warm-up for what's about to happen if the last fortress of stocks goes down as well. The entire economy is gonna be fucked. There might be even a realistic chance that civilization as a whole suffers a large collapse if something catastrophic like USD hyperinflation happens

here's your >organic growth

>> No.7281650
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>if something catastrophic like USD hyperinflation happens
>mfw buttcoin $1 million by 2020 and McAfee won't have to eat his dick

>> No.7281682

>if i zoom out enough nobody will laugh at me

>> No.7281689

I'm going with XLM, it might unironically be a new world currency in case hyperinflation happens and the internet is still left standing

>> No.7281709

The time scale doesn't matter, the shape does. I thought anybody would understand this, markets move at different speeds

>> No.7281710
File: 862 KB, 2494x1388, thanksDon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually you can thank your retard of a president for trying to go parabolic, greedy old fuck and his gang of new swamp peasants.
Under Obama / Fed this was a strong but much more linear rise.
You will pay a steep price for having elected a TV celebrity with Alzheimers to do your financials.
So. looking. forward.

>> No.7281738

Not with that name and logo, there should be crypto called "credits" or something sci-fi like that

>> No.7281745

The internet will still be around in some capacity no matter what, even if it involves mailmen delivering hard drives.

I can see the government trying to loot whatever they can if things go to shit, so you're right that XLM could be pretty valuable.

>> No.7281770

If "lumens" is not sci-fi enough for you, I don't know what is.

>> No.7281783

Money already is in crypto brainlet.
WHy do you think bought in during the investment crisis when there was cheap QE liquidity and elites just didn't know where to put it?
You naive retards, money will move back into bonds you deaf thicclo.

>> No.7281786

Also make sure to buy water / food / weaponry just as a hedge against the worst. It's unlikely but not impossible

It's not like it's trump's fault alone but he sure did speed it up, kek

>The internet will still be around in some capacity no matter what, even if it involves mailmen delivering hard drives.
That's true, at least eventually. It's kind of reassuring, the physical world and the people who support it by working aren't just gonna go away even if jews and idiots crash us for a while

>> No.7281788

Trump being elected and him being president, have caused a fairly large optimisme in the economy.
However it raises the question, how much growth can "optimisme" really create, if the production remain the same, if trade balance is still a deficit, if the amount of people in the US and their average productivity, don't change.
Is this then still considered a "healthy" growth, or would there at some point have to be some real increase in productivity to back up this "growth".

Most likely the US stock market will regress to it's natural level i.e. an Obama/neutral optimisme.

>> No.7281799

it looks more like college startup then the future of world currency

>> No.7281825

yeah you're right, always buy high sell low

>> No.7281826



>> No.7281829

>10% during the next week will erase the whole global economy.

can you explain how? im not calling you out i just dont understand how

>> No.7281838

it's a giant wealth transfer, reps prepped up markets after the crisis (which was caused by whom again?), expecting tax return once economy is on the rise again.
Now it's on the rise and DaDon gives companies tax cuts. Sad how your beautiiful country is getting milked.

>> No.7281850
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Anyone else want it to fall just to see Trump's reaction?

>> No.7281859

Half of me does

Although half of me really hopes it doesn't since I'm gonna need to withdraw all my savings in a year

>> No.7281864


>> No.7281872

Stock market is so much different than crypto people over on wall street blow loads over a 4% gain in a year. When the stock market drops a whole 2% over night its kind of a big deal.

>> No.7281873

>he thinks this is low

>> No.7281884

Paper gold is fake.
Crypto, gold coins and ammo are the only safe investments.

>> No.7281897


>> No.7281903

/pol/tards are gonna pat for doing this to our economy by electing this orange retard...punch fucking nazis. rape their women.

>> No.7281907

Guy is adding unprecedented amounts of debt to line his friends pockets and literally making poor people poorer. The US economy is about to totally shit itself thanks to this fucking retard and the retards who put him in office.

>> No.7281909
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If we fall 25% in a week, you'd better have your BOB and escape route in tip top shape my man, because that means that the big $1.2 quadrillion derivatives bubble is popping and ain't gonna be stopping until the economy to zero be done dropping.

>> No.7281918

How many percent of my networth should be in PMs?
Right now my asset allocation looks like this:
40% crypto, 50% cash (EUR), 10% stocks (etf - msci world/msci em)

How fucked am I?

>> No.7281931

I could see crypto growing in a stocks crash but then again, when the economy is down, people look to get out of any asset they perceive as risky, and nothing looks more risky than crypto really. Could go either way.

>> No.7281934

Gold, gunz, fuel (refined diesel gets real fucking popular when the electric grid shuts off), and ammo.

>> No.7281946

>2018 stock market crisis
>every 10 years stocks fall
>first time crypto has been available as a safe haven
>last time was gold and silver
>mfw bitcoin hits 100k thanks to stock market crash.

>> No.7281948

buying real estate now is like buying in russia before the USSR

>> No.7281962

What you mean? I got gold and will be picking properties at the firesale.

>> No.7281972
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Heatenings levels are rising. Black Monday incoming.

>> No.7281974

Comfy in Stellar XLM. The new world currency.

>> No.7281976

Muh man

>> No.7281990

Since you got no gold you are fucked. On monday exchange some of that cash for precious metal.

>> No.7282038

fucking tard

you do realise that its LOW VOLUME that causes excessive drops. when fucking money from stocks and derivatives come in we'll go so high we won't be able to see earth any more. then we'll be talking about 4% drops like they're 60%

Of course we'll probably invent a new way of making sure we get 60% rises and dips at that point because 4% isn't exciting enough.

>> No.7282082

When the stock market tanks they're going to use trump as the fall guy. It's going to be glorious.

>> No.7282096

The only reason you'd buy metals is because you think the market's going to crash by more than ~30%.

Having a look around at the local sellers, they're charging around $30/oz of silver when spot price is $21. You're losing a third of your money just by buying in.

>> No.7282101

Why buy property at ATH? When they whole thing crashes it will be pennies.

>> No.7282151

Yeah it is called premium, they would be out of business if they sold you precious metal at spot price.

>> No.7282178

They're adding 50% onto spot.
I could understand 10-15%, but this is just retarded.

I mean all the more power to them for making money off retards, but there's no point hedging your bets by throwing away all of your money at the start.

>> No.7282183

25% you are retardeded my man

>> No.7282230

Yes. I voted for Trump but the absolute fucking bloodbath if the market crashed would be hilarious.

>> No.7282247

>the absolute fucking state of cryptokiddies

>> No.7282258

Implying after hours executions are not possible

>> No.7282266

This isn't it, the crash is about 2-8 months away, rest assured it will happen, but this isn't it, this is a warning shock before the earthquake, expect a return to normal levels of volatility.

>> No.7282291

You are wrong, investors will panic on Monday and we will have a stock market crash.

>> No.7282293

He will go nucular.
I unironically hope biz has the balls to trigger him in comments when it's about time instead of licking his cakey semen from the floor.

>> No.7282309

>a crash
>from a Dow at 25k
He was at 18k not long ago, I love how the greedy mongrellus pumped it up to twitter about it.
This latest bubble is deregulation, tex presents and further enslaving or workers priced in by WS.

>> No.7282408

I could be wrong, I just don't think the interest rate situation is enough to prick the bubble yet. But I could be wrong, I am 80/20 sure that this isn't it.
>This latest bubble is deregulation, tex presents and further enslaving or workers priced in by WS.
lefties please just fuck off this board go back to >>>reddit or somewhere where your wanted

>> No.7282486

How the fuck does cutting taxes and cutting regulations inhibit business? That makes zero sense.

>> No.7282547

You do realize that your little chart shows drops that were way worse than the current one, right?

>> No.7282574

Is no one else concerned that a crash may happen and coincide with the current rise of political extremism? Normally you only see street fights and political violence when economic conditions go to shit, but they have gotten more commonplace over the past few years. Shit could get ugly fast.

>> No.7282697

You need some silver then, my man

>> No.7282750


can’t wait for some comfy livestream threads where I can watch commies and fascists murder each other in the streets

>> No.7282771

> 2% drop
> claims it's a free fall

>> No.7282811

>Shit could get ugly fast.
Yup. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buqtdpuZxvk

>> No.7282853

Trump’s policies taking effect.

>> No.7282884

10x silver to gold is good for collapse scenrio. Obviously large quantities of underground water tank. Salt. Fuel.

>> No.7282935

When the bond market collapses it will become very expensive to borrow money. Land values are based on what people are able to borrow to buy them. Whenever credit is restricted and/or interest rates rise, land values tend to drop.

>> No.7282941

The absolute state of biz

>> No.7282990

>not joining the fight
pussy, eventually shit will escalate, one will win and then they'll murder YOU

>> No.7283003

We also have peak oil/everything to look forward to.

Many believe the reducing EROEI of energy is what's lead to QEI and the current systemic crises.

>> No.7283075

Wasn't really payiong attention the last days due to a broken back. I guess I got some reading to do.
Gut feel says me two things:
>everything is friggin overvalued, about time that it crashes. Sell everything!
>meh, 2% is quite a bit, but no need to panic. It's just an overreaction because everyone is fuckin stressed by the insane markets since years
I'll probably sell a few of my 100%+ positions to have some cash saved from the crash, without selling everything and to rebuy some stuff if it dips.
Just not sure if I should include my weed and Lithium stocks in that sale. Still should have some space left upwards.

>> No.7283091

>fighting for anything ever

Have fun, faggot. You'll get a statue.

>> No.7283095

>pulls out the lucrative TPP with access to booming Pacific markets, which now trade with China
>Threatens NAFTA partners with trade wars
>Slashes taxes during a time of growth because it's a populist move, and balloons federal deficit

>> No.7283119

>Buy bitcoin
>Buy drugs on the darknet
>Sell drugs for a profit
>Buy more bitcoin
>Wait for bull run with crypto profits
>Start smoking Meth and H
>Spend all crypto on drugs at peak of market
>Ruin life and all relationships
>Kills self

>> No.7283133

Statues are a thing of the past. Now we get memes for eternal ridicule.

>> No.7283173

>mfw a junkie was around me

>> No.7283183


>Im a retarded communist: the post

>> No.7283298

pacifist faggot, how do you think your country was born?

>> No.7283321

>666 points
I can recall other drops with sacred numbers or gets. Is there a rational reason for this?

>> No.7283333

then we just establish a fascist superstate and built a colony on mars mkay

>> No.7283337

End times

>> No.7283387

>>pulls out the lucrative TPP with access to booming Pacific markets
Yeah we could always need more overpriced plastic garbage covered in toxins, dumbass.

>> No.7283411

Corps weren't lacking money for investment opportunities, they were making more money than ever before. Instead of creating investment opportunities, by boosting demand at home or getting trade deals that boost demand worldwide and allow for better market access, this money just goes into savings, wether that is stocks, bonds or under the mattress. And, again, the money that is put into those stocks and bonds doesn't get invested back into the market, it just pays executive bonuses, stock buy-backs and is saved up.

>> No.7283435

I'm not a leftist.
But you are a elite sucking mongrel peasant.

>> No.7283485

He is spot on while you said nothing at all.

>trickle down works
Are you braindead? these deregulations and tax stuff just create paper growth, it will be used for buybacks, dividends, bonuses not to keep the wages on par to a countries productivity.
You americans are congo-tier when it comes to education and getting dicked by fiancial elites.

>> No.7283593

>Imaginary nothingburger with no inherent value that's only ever existed in a bull market with the highest levels of QE in history
>Extremely uncertain future
>Everyone who's going to buy crypto has bought
>Crypto is a safe haven

>> No.7283613

>free fall

>> No.7283664

This, crypto delusion are reaching peak levels. Thank god i sold at 20k.

>> No.7283691

A good friend of mine studies social psychology. He started carrying when Trump was elected because of what he called "anticipated economic outcomes".

He fully believes we will fall into a race war within the next 6 months. His argument seems to be on the fringe but totally logical.

>> No.7283790
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Fed raised the interest rates and it is rumored that the they will do it again.
For fucks sake /biz/, atleast follow the news...

>> No.7283797

This is it !!

>> No.7283825

>social psychology
Almost as useful as theology.

>> No.7283832

It sounds absolutely retarded.

>> No.7283858

Or they buy silver because it's the safest bet if the economy crashes ?

>> No.7283898
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>measure of light
>speed of light

don't you fucking physics faggot?

>> No.7283900

Inb4 they gonna blame it all on crypto. Despite literally printing money for decades, negative interest rates in order to save the fucking Euro etc.

>> No.7283938

Then they'll delay the inevitable. They don't have the money to buy their bonds back ever and eventually it's gonna catch up to them. Either the money gets sucked out from other markets or the pyramid scheme falls, what other options are there?

The silver meme might actually be a good idea

>> No.7283993

>what other options are there?
We will find out in the next few months/years under the new Fed-Chairman Jerome Powell and his plans for the future.

>> No.7284151

The entire situation (everything, not just the US) does look ripe for a crash though, there's already been about 10 years since 2008. Might not have a few months but maybe it's all gonna hold up for a while still. Impossible to say

>> No.7284188

>stocks are in freefall

stop being retarded.

>> No.7284211

See you again tomorrow

>> No.7284234

The theory is that most institutional investors trade on the margin. A 10% correction would effectively bankrupt them, sending the entire market into freefall, stalling liquidity, and ultimately causing a 2-3 year economic recession.

Or so they say.

>> No.7284314

Probs sell the fact on tax cuts

SPI is ridiculously overbought on weekly and monthly, it could use a correction

>> No.7284329

Serious question. What would happen if interest rates rise to 4%?

>> No.7284503


>> No.7284505

It would be more expensive to borrow money

>> No.7284543

end of the world.
can't happen
retail interest rates can 4% but if govt rates hit that then it's war everywhere
QE is the only option going forward
which lets you in on what's eventually gonna happen.
currency death

>> No.7284582

Short indices etfs like sh, dog, rwm. Ride the wave!

>> No.7284629


>> No.7284745
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>start of january
>thought I might actually make it
>crypto crashes and burns
>dollar crashes and burns
>world economy crashes and burns
I was never meant to be happy after all

>> No.7284752

Algos aim for getting digits. It's a real phenomenon

>> No.7284788

In a real crash crypto will be the FIRST thing to go

All real world use cases are proceeding by a functioning world economy

Crypto isn't even a store of value, purely a speculative asset

>> No.7285237

>Currency death
S-so bitcoin good after all?

>> No.7285475

>a P2P currency without govt middlemen isn’t going to be valuable in a govt currency collapse

>> No.7285578

Bullshit. This has sjw written all over it. Based Trump ensured the world survival and gave us a new all time high unlike obongo who ruined this great nation and made us look like clowns in front of the world.

>> No.7285684
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Buy now with all the leverage you got. Sell at 9500. Get rich.

>> No.7285732

Imagine being this stupid

>> No.7285736

>vote banana republican
>wonder why everything goes to shit
every time, keep blaming muh lyberlsh

>> No.7285808

If you haven't noticed, hatred for "centrists", whenever apathetic or genuinely non extreme values, have grown massive. Commies and fascists will hunt you down because if you're not on their side, you're against them in their petty world.

>> No.7285828

There's a reason every educated economist was warning Trump's policies were unsustainable.

>> No.7285886

makes sense but i thought institutional traders aren't anywhere near as much volume as inst. investors, who aren't leveraged. i dont understand enough about it

there was a flash crash in 2010 when the markets went down 9% and wiped out a trillion $, but it didn't cause 2008 tier havoc.

>> No.7285925

because they're leftists? how are socialist policies in an increasingly poor and polarized country not unsustainable?

>> No.7285928


imagine being this stupid and a faggot liberal

>> No.7285933

More smearing and character assassination by communists. Fucking pathetic. Off yourself so we don't need to.

>> No.7285958
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>> No.7285990
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Smoked ham and orange juice.

>> No.7286008
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>boomers get excited about 25% gain over 5 months
>boomers get terrified over 2.5% losses in a day

>> No.7286025

this guy is unironically correct.

>> No.7286030

Market corrections are normal and we are over due for one given present valuations. This isn’t 2008. We had multiple corrections since then and it is normal. It might two months to recover from a 10% slide next week. Hodl for the long-term.

>> No.7286051

Meh, all my stocks are long-term. By the time I'm ready to retire, I'll be fine.

>> No.7286058


lower taxes increases value of businesses faggot

>> No.7286059
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>unlike obongo who ruined this great nation and made us look like clowns in front of the world.
>made us look like clowns in front of the world.
Uhm, I know this might be hard for you, but no one saw you murricans as clowns before you elected a literal clown as your president.
There are a lot of things where you can or even should disagree with Obama, but in general, he vastly improved the americans image in the world, especially after Bush destroyed it. But now? The only people that are not laughing about you and your orange in chief are jobless, uneducated idiots that believe just because has more money than they have, he must be a genius. Also, he even underperformed the economy. Had he taken daddies money and simply invested it in a S&P500 ETF, he'd now be richer than with his shitty, tasteless fake gold palaces.

>> No.7286095

>finally a correction after several months of constant growth

It's literally nothing. DOJ rose to 25 fucking k in 10 years, a few corrections are inevitable. Stop being such emotional drama queens.

>> No.7286099

The devil's coming to collect his due.

>> No.7286122
File: 584 KB, 1200x800, 1800by2k19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stocks down 2.5%
> its a collapse

>bitcoin down 10.8%
> buy the dip

>> No.7286125

I’m convinced that this is the stupidest board. There is more compelling conversation on /gif/ about nigger dicks.

>> No.7286155

Lol 1 of bitcoins core purposes is to act as a hedge in times of economic collapse

>> No.7286179

Don't bother they are too stupid to realize it. This whole crypto boom attracted shitload of brainlets to this board.

>> No.7286198

>lets inflate this balloon even more before it explodes
Do you want to crash your country with no survivors?

>> No.7286218
File: 118 KB, 962x642, AF1A1BD4-4EA3-4D04-9B74-CB38807F3ADE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say you should kys but I have no doubt that natural selection end your miserable existence soon anyway.

>> No.7286219

>all these democrats ITT
I can't stand trump but wtf. Why would any self respecting male talk about the kenyan in positive ways ?

>> No.7286260

>everyone left of me is a leftist

>> No.7286276

You are a fucking faggot. Kill yourself. You don't deserve to live here.

>> No.7286279


There is absolutely now chance that money goes to crypto. Crypto is one of the riskiest “securities” their are. Money will leave crypto before it leaves the stock market. The only reason crypto has done well, in my opinion, is because there has been a better sentiment toward being risky given the overall market health over the past couple of years.

>> No.7286322

You do realize trump is playing chess and winning? Of course not since you're an anti white communist.
>pretend to be pals with Israel
>Muslim race chimps out, showing the world their savage nature
>give money to Israel so they'll kill musilms, and more jews dies as well
>in the end, world has less muslims and less jews
This is a victory for our movement. Your time is running out, chimp.

>> No.7286383

How can that be when safe investments like Microsoft or Amazon do 40-70% in a year?

>> No.7286399

You probably thought Trump had no chance of winning.. Watch and see! Coinbase is opening institutional investing soon $10 Million min. They wouldn't do it if there was no demand.

>> No.7286470

You want to have a diverse portfolio, preferably with assets that appreciate independently from each other. A mix of stocks, bonds, commodities like gold/silver, real estate. You can adjust your positions depending on market conditions(like buying bonds when stocks are bearish or silver to hedge against inflation) but overall the world economy will continue to grow and a diversified portfolio will give you positive growth in the long term. Just don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

>> No.7286596

Probably 20% of the derivatives market will just take the money from the other 80%. There is no bubble with derivatives as it’s a zero sum game. The only issue is institutional insovency on a system wide basis like in 2008, but if we didn’t have absolute retards in Congress modern technology could make that a non-factor as newer more sophisticated players take the place of these corrupt dinosaur institutions. It would be a painful 18 months that would greatly strengthen the world economy, but instead we’ll get lawmakers involved and create a lost decade.

>> No.7286626

Buy US treasury bonds

>> No.7286662

The US is still 50 years away from total collapse.

>> No.7286672
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>> No.7286676


Way to much techno optimism on this board with all the millennial neets who think electricity comes from holes in walls.

>> No.7286697

You know, if you voted for Hillary this wouldn't have happened and the market would be even higher.

>> No.7286714

>World stocks - GDP ratio is at all time highs
What kind of meme metric is that?

>> No.7286743

100% serious by the way

You think the market likes Trump ripping up TPP and NAFTA?

This is the future you chose.

>> No.7286745

Better margin up to the hilt th>>7280656
en. To the mooooooon!

>> No.7286786

Ah yes, the classic, “he’s only pretending to be retarded!” combined with the less common, “helping Jews means he hates them!” What do you do the occasional moment of clarity? When the mental fog clears for a moment, do you suddenly feel his dick in your mouth? Do you tell yourself you love it or do you pretend it’s not even there? Maybe you don’t have those moments at all. Maybe your brain is so poor that the slightest hint of critical thought is drowned out by your brain screaming, “NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER,” over and over. The only reason you care about being white is so that you can piggyback off the achievements of men like me. We share a race but you’ll always be inferior and that scares you. Good. You don’t deserve to be happy.

>> No.7286872

Stocks are overvalued and have been for 5 years yet they kept going up. A big correction is overdue.

>> No.7286925

Calm down smi.

>> No.7286936


>thinking a man that went bankrupt numerous times because he literally had no business skills other than being a self-promoting television clown can somehow maneuver in the complexity of the global markets

His entire cabinet is full of Goldman Sachs fucks.

>> No.7286977

Nobody gives a shit what you think, cucksoy

>> No.7287055

If it pops now, it will be due to the FED raising rates constantly since he got into office. Trump is just an obvious fall guy.

>> No.7287087

Do you care what Trump thinks?

>> No.7287101

This crash has destroyed any possible "safe haven" perception of crypto in the eyes of all normies.

>> No.7287113

>Wall Street abondons traditional market
>2019 1btc = 4million usd
>Chinese delete bitcoin entirely

>> No.7287148

>he fell for the “bankrupt multiple times” meme
He had one business, his altlantic city casinos, that went “””bankrupt”” multiple times(which really just means they had to keep restructuring the deal as the business continued to fail) because surrounding states legalized gambling and crashed all of Atlantic City.
The global markets aren’t that complex. Politicians and economists just make it seem that way because they buy into economic fallacies and don’t learn from history.

>> No.7287152

The only thing he cares about is ensuring the survival and future of our children in a prosperous world. Guess what, he already completed his goals.

>> No.7287200

>The sky is falling

This is the majority of you simpleton faggots

>> No.7287308

If stocks crash, will the US dollar index go up? Will the dollar become worth more or will it crash even further?

>> No.7287309

>It's fucking over.

I really hope it is. It would be great to see Millennials get fucked again. Unfortunately, a few are smart enough to just hold and get rich. Fucking 12 day attention spans are really getting annoying.

>> No.7287453

>The only thing he cares about is ensuring the survival and future of HIS children

ftfy, Trumpcuck

>> No.7287545

>He already completed his goals.
Even if you support him, how do you even begin to delude your self into thinking this?

>> No.7287931


If you are not a millennial you should be old enough to not be a smug dick on the internet.

>> No.7288011

Pretty much this.

>> No.7288027

I've veen waiting for this stock market crash!!

How low do you think it will go?? What blue chips will be great to pick up at a discounted price? Which industires will recover the quickest?

Crashes are great. Why wouldn't you want to buy things at a discount?

>> No.7288070

>I've veen waiting for this stock market crash!!
yeah keep waiting m8

>> No.7288235

It looks like you are right anon. How should we prepare?

>> No.7288285

the butthurt is real, get fucked faggot

>> No.7288404


That's a few more words than 14, shouldn't you edit that down a bit?

>> No.7289457
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sign of the beast. buy gold and bible

>> No.7289490
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