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7278748 No.7278748 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7278941
File: 94 KB, 607x697, shitsfuckedbrahs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prospects are not good in 2018. western women dont really care about money anymore. i get a good amount of pussy from qts and i work at a drive thru ice cream place. in 2018 all that matters is either having a nice face, clout, or both.

>> No.7278970

you have to use the $ to buy social status first or they wont treat you right even if you get them.

if youre on the art museum board, going to events etc it will work

>> No.7279012

as others have said, women don't care about money in the current year, but you should as i can tell you from personal experience that having a million in crypto will give you the kind of confidence boost that only that level of money can buy, i walk around knowing i'm better than everyone else and it shows, always dress well now, clean shaven, wear my sunglasses in doors, tell people how it's gonna be and not how they think it is, women are naturally interested in me, i go out every friday and saturday night alone and just talk with the plebs, who cares if they don't like me, they have no money anyway, there is always another girl to talk to

>> No.7279035

you should just kill yourself if you're white. nobody wants white men

>> No.7279040

>having any sort of desire for 3d women in the current year

Im sorry but the tables have turned. I find guys thats chase women to be lame. 2d is clearly superior, and soon wifebots will be a thing. seriously WHO CARES about women

>> No.7279050

This, women choose man that impress them. Do impressive shit with your money and you are set.
Start a foundation or something, feed dogs or children, support art, improve city etc.
You can even sponsor someone benches in a park.

>> No.7279054


>> No.7279128

easier than a poor ugly guy

>> No.7279169

It’s depressing to me how many neck beards are on biz. Thanks for making me money, but maybe accept you’re going to die alone.

>> No.7279195

From one crypto millionaire to another, thanks for the advice brother.

>> No.7279250
File: 34 KB, 603x603, 1484373619856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have everything aside from money.

Women are whores for cash.

Once they find out you're on disability, it doesn't matter if you're good looking or not.

Ask women up front if they're a virgin before you start dating.

If finances comes up give them the, "we can discuss that when we're engaged."

>> No.7279978

>Be in high school
>Always tell myself "hur dur when my bank hits 10k shit will change"
>Bank hits 15k when I graduate
>Crypto hits 40k
>Nothing has changed
>Actually passed on fucking some girl several times for overtime
The truth of the matter is if you are my age 18-22 women do not care about money. When that whore told me, "Anon all you think I care about is money" I knew it was over. Get big if you're a skeleton or lose weight if you're a fatty, dress nicely, go out more, etc, etc, etc.This year is when I shoot into the fucking stratosphere leaving my job, going to intern for a big investment firm and if it all works out I will be able to get a job in sales while going to college. Have started working out to no longer be a skeletron. Bought a Rolex from my druggie coworker as well for cheap just to remind myself that hopefully I will be able to afford the finer things in life some day. I hope all you Anons make it in every aspect of life, I really do. Godspeed.

>> No.7280487
File: 257 KB, 940x1410, 1515084866078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you meet a woman for the first time, look her in the eyes directly. Hold her gaze for a couple of seconds with a relaxed yet neutral expression on your face. Before she says anything, say something like one of these lines (whichever feels appropriate in light of what you saw).

>you're just like the others

>thanks, but I'm not looking for a committed relationship right now

>can I help you?

>the womens' room is over there

>can I have a dollar?

>give me your phone number

>my mother never let me breastfeed, so I have some breastfeeding issues I'm working on

>I decided not kill myself this morning, but I'm still not completely satisfied with my choice

>do you smell fish?

>I don't have any black friends, if that's what you're looking for: a pack of dirty niggers to get 'all up in yo guts'

>I totally saw a photo of you on the internet

>who pays your rent?

>right off the bat, I'd like to establish in clear and certain terms that there is no way that you'll ever be able to trick me into getting you pregnant 'accidentally' and then sticking around for eight months to discover that the baby's black

>last year, I could've loved you; now: I can't even hate you

>my girlfriend's both much cuter and way hotter than you

>how do you plan to hurt me?

>life is brief and pointless with only a previous few points of happiness scattered here and there; if you do not intend for us to fundamentally enrich one another's lives, please leave me alone so that I can get back to bowling this perfect frame

>you know what? I'm not even gonna bother; uh, 'nice meeting you'

>omg it's *you*: the one I've been searching for me entire life! Here, now, at last! Where have you been? Do you have any idea of the horrible, filthy, nasty, wicked, vile, disgusting, fiendish bitches I've had to sort through, getting to you? God damn, I must've dragged my dick through ten miles of crazy slit trying to find you, but, thank God, at last, here you are!

>> No.7280725

before you worry about that, have you tried getting fit, maintaining a basic standard of personal hygiene, dressing properly, and not being a faggot? all much easier and cheaper.

>> No.7280979

not true, it's just that white women don't want us

>> No.7281597

Falling for the hot chick meme is probably the worst mistake of your life.Think of it this way , why do you want a hot chick ? Sex, so why would you not just get a hot hooker (or more) and be done with it ? long lasting relationships are not based on hotness. You and other many young people will fall for this time and time again until you learn your lesson. Find a girl who looks acceptable and you get along with.

>> No.7281620

Wienstien got plenty. They didn’t necessarily seem very interested in him but he got it

>> No.7281683


>> No.7281736

As easy as paying 1k

>> No.7282079

those are all terrible but at the same time I'm actually curious how they'd react to being asked for a dollar.

>> No.7282689

it's a retarded term but you have to be willing to go along with these things to impress girls who are more socially adept than you

Face it, anon. Most normie girls are pretty brain dead and aren't as self aware as you. A little clout may be in order.