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7275810 No.7275810 [Reply] [Original]

Any one else here smart enough to have a trust node?

Payfair $20 by 2019

>> No.7275824

gonna take a risk and buy more before product rollout but i think i'm not gonna see a good return

>> No.7275869

You damn fool. I believe Payfair will the the cause of the tether pop in March. Tether let's you get out of the market in 1 easy trade which will now be available with real $ with the Payfair platform

>> No.7275950

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.7276064

Holding 20k this is my worst trade in the year I've been in crypto. Fucking scam. Shit is going to zero. Would sell now but it's not worth shit anyway. Fuck these scammers.

>> No.7276108

Just hold in until March. No one promised anything before March.

Or sell your bags please. Every smart person has their tokens tied up in nodes and there aren't enough sell orders.

>> No.7276154

there are enough sell orders to drop the price to shit

and don't give me this crash BS, this coin was dropping well before the crash

>> No.7276172
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pic related

>> No.7276239

>He thinks it's a fucking scam

>> No.7276241

What does PayFair do? Is it like REQ?

>> No.7276259

Incorrect it actually dropped a few days after the crash. A crash like this is devastating to coins this small and I think it help up alright it literally went from 1 can't to 50 cents in 2 weeks before any listings or news. By march We will know who are the dumbasses and who are the PFR node holders.

>> No.7276301

maybe not a scam but it's going to zero. These amateurs are about to run out of money. I don't care if they deliver a finished product there is nothing left for marketing and no exchange will even list it. Fucking shit coin

>> No.7276315

Anyone holding req might want to look into Payfair and hip over. Payfair uses their escrow system to make it possible to sell anything for crypto. Any crypto, fiat, physical goods, sevices, videogame items, websites.

Its localbitcoins meets what meets Craigslist.

The 10k token pfr holder form trust nodes and get paid 1% monthly fees.

The pay out is like POWH meets Kucoin.

>> No.7276324

Look out, ms Cleo over here on /biz

>> No.7276338

you're lying. i watch the price of this coin closely

and yeah if the product sucks on launch we are all fucked holding major bags because it's not recovering.

>> No.7276347

Marketing won't matter. This is a service you need. Everyone will use this to sell their crypto to cash out. Don't you understand. It is the best anonymous safe way to sell your crypto.
I've researched and nothing else is close.

>> No.7276367

Test the demo right now. It is fucking awesome. The English isn't perfect yet but the website has so much potential. I'm comfy.

>> No.7276430

>fucking shit coin
>not a scam but going to zero


>> No.7276434

I'll take anyone's bags off their hands for $100

At least you'll get something back

>> No.7276451

>trust node
some ponzi shit if i've ever seen it

>> No.7276474

i've used it several times. i just doubt that these ivans have the ability to correctly market this thing or the foresight to understand that it's going to be used to deal drugs primarily and tailor their platform around that

>> No.7276534

>he fell for Minereum 2.0

Sigh.. so many newfags on this board..

>> No.7276652

Minereum is a false flag event by the PFR fudders trying to suppress the price as long as possible so that no one else has time to buy in before it takes off.

>> No.7276688

The fudders and the shillers work on opposite sides of the spectrum for the same goal. The shillers teach and indie about how great PFR is. The Fudders fake you out with minerium and keep you from buying. When you see PFR next month you will already know what it does and see it succeeding. You will domo in hard and buy. Only making a x10 instead of x100 like us.

>> No.7277149

The delusion and cognitive dissonance is strong, it reminds me a lot of the people that bought into the Minereum scam.

>> No.7277169

definitely been here longer than you and I'm holding 20k of this piece of shit. but it's obvious where this is going. into the shitter. at least it's a tax write off

>> No.7277250

I already have 4000 of it from earlier.
Wondering if it's worth spending ~1k at this point to get a "trust node"

>> No.7277270

Only minereum was a retarded idea and this has practice use

>> No.7277827

this is exactly why it reminds me of the minereum scam

>> No.7277909

Minereum is a meme. You know when you should buy a coin? When it's fud is a meme.

>> No.7277999
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Even with a moderated volume Payfair will payout x2-6 better than any of the current passive income coins. You would make back the cost of your node in like 3 months.

>> No.7278322
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