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File: 157 KB, 4800x1002, btc (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7273960 No.7273960 [Reply] [Original]

And it took 3 minutes to confirm.

Bcashies on suicide watch.

>> No.7274009

Nice arguments!

>> No.7274019


>> No.7274034

segwit doesnt count

>> No.7274094

Fees are super low right now.


>> No.7274844

fees went down because..
get it..
people stopped using bitcoin

>> No.7275748

Estimate my fee calculator says it takes on average 84 hours to get a .02 sat/byte fee which is a fee of $.10. I guess you got extremely lucky, but the average time to get accepted for fees that low is 84 hours so your coin still sucks.

>> No.7275767

For anyone who wants proof it takes 84 hours check the average fee for a transaction that will get included in 504 blocks.

>> No.7275784

Bitcoin = the next generation of napster

>> No.7275797

Might have been a miner confirming their own transaction and so paying a low fee while this guy is full of shit that its his transaction, but if this was legitimate this man is lucky. You should prove that this was you by sending a dust amount of BTC to someone here and we'll test the time and fee on that transaction.

>> No.7275827

Can confirm more or less. Bought $50 worth of BTC on thurseday. Estimated delivery next friday.

>> No.7275830
File: 337 KB, 3865x1107, 1503542194456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cunts are fucking hilarious. more people use doge than bcash bitch. deal with it

>> No.7275930
File: 415 KB, 1902x798, 6months.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that stuff is just an estimate and it isn't true. you need to check the mempool yourself and see what fee to use to get next block.
>daily reminder the bcunts ran out of money to spam, and/or coinbase learned how to use bitcoin

>> No.7275931

A coin that has been out for 6 years and was extensively shilled by redditors has more use than a coin that's only been out for 6 months that hardly anyone understands? Stop the presses! Lol. Do you have an actual argument though? Or just ad hominems.

>> No.7275970

we need to reduce the blocksize to increase the store of value properties of btc, those fees are too low

>> No.7276041

Bitcoin transactions keep getting better and better
The only time they were legitimately bad was pre-segwit. Bcashies wouldnt know that though. They are nocoiners.

>bcash hasnt been extensively shilled by redditors

>> No.7276043
File: 299 KB, 2557x1064, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>salty cashkeks can't handle doge beating them in transaction count
It's gotta be rough, I feel for you.

>> No.7276052

>daily reminder the bcunts ran out of money to spam, and/or coinbase learned how to use bitcoin
You can't spam a blockchain when fees are $20 per transaction like they were when you idiots made this claim and the Coinbase "unbatched transactions" were less than 2% of all unconfirmed transactions. Neither of these things were real.

>> No.7276097

>being a legitimate brainlet
You dont opt for high fees if youre trying to spam the mempool...

>> No.7276147

>You can't spam a blockchain when fees are $20 per transaction
>being this retarded
no shit dummy, you send transactions that are low fee and clog the shit out of the mempool forcing people to use higher and higher fees.
also when you're the miner that mines the fucking transactions you get them back anyway.

>> No.7276212

imagine being this retarded

>> No.7276225

btc merchant adoption is shrinking bch adoption is growing
there is not a single reason to cap blocks at 1mb (non mining nodes do nothing)
segwit destroys the mining nash equilibrium incentivising the collusion of miners to change the UTXO without owners signatures. You can only trust jihan and roger to not be doing this right now.
why introduce segwit before a blocksize increase when lightning network requires 133mb as specified in the lightning network whitepaper
why introduce segwit at all when it is not necessary for second layer solutions
lightning network will not be decentralized because to solve the routing problem would be to solve the P=NP problem (a millenium prize problem)
why would anyone want lightning network when it is not a decentralised ledger? the whole point of bitcoin is to scale on chain as that is what makes decentralised uncensorable money which can free all the people in the world from the financial repression of central banks

>> No.7276362

People started using ln, it's a double edged sword. Which I love! :)

>> No.7276426
File: 383 KB, 1440x716, 1517617727249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people will use LN, others segwit.
The real oldies will stick to BTC official protocol.
Retards will buy a fork like BCC or Bitcoin gold, white, black or whatever. There are literally thousand of forks to scam people like BCC did.

>> No.7276433

>. I guess you got extremely lucky
Nah honestly I fucking hate BTC truth be told, but I just made several more 10c transactions which have all gone through really quickly.

>> No.7276635

That's what I mean, the fees up to whatever is getting included are the spam. You are saying that it was spam up to what dollar amount? Because even at $10 when the needed fee is $20 you won't get in. Please tell me where which transactions were and weren't spam. And remember Bitcoin uses a blockchain so you can show me the distinct addresses and owners. So what are their names?

>> No.7276655

>but I just made several more 10c transactions which have all gone through really quickly.
Again, I don't see how its possible with the mempool having 33,000 transactions and a block can only accept 4,000 transactions. I don't understand this other than to say you are probably lying. Maybe you aren't, but it seems so.

>> No.7276746

>I don't understand this other than to say you are probably lying.
I'm not lying. They all confirmed within 1-3 minutes.


>> No.7276817
File: 204 KB, 725x504, DRoCaf1UQAAL4C0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this kills the Bcash

>> No.7276818


>> No.7276956

bee cash BCC

>> No.7277026

mempool is down to 9800 unconfirmed transactions you typical clueless cashie

>> No.7277066

rektum lmao cashcunts btfo

>> No.7277236


The two sites have different values, how can I be blamed? which is true? either way 10k transactions is still 2 hours

>> No.7277370

Check that dudes proof.
It doesn't matter which one is right but I don't know why that is showing 33k to be honest.
I trust this https://dedi.jochen-hoenicke.de/queue/#24h
because it works to look at it and base your fees on what you see there.

>> No.7277835

wow it's almost like everyone sold their bitcoins to use something else

>> No.7277857

fake thread about fake transactions, typical shitcoin going down to 5k next

>> No.7277861

this i hope bitcoin gets rekt so we can all move on

>> No.7277878

don't be afraid to look. that's one of the things we can do with the blockchain.

>> No.7277956

I still don't understand how, all other transactions have high fees, like this one. And again, this isn't proof he did it, its proof that some transaction with low fees was added. It would be nice if the creator of this post actually gave us proof before he sent a transaction so we can see it happen as he does it. This looks like cherrypicked data.

>> No.7277982

>imagine being this retarded
Imagine having an argument.

>> No.7278055

Holy fucking shit you're in denial.

>> No.7278069


ya but doge is literally a meme coin. I guess bcash is too so nvm

>> No.7278083

Bitcoin will take over the world with the lightning network.

>> No.7278089

That website (estimatefee.com) is absolutely shit for choosing the needed fees.

>> No.7278103

Quick to the steam car to spread the news.

>> No.7278171

I'm just saying if its true any Bitcoin Segwit holder can send a small amount of Bitcoin (sub $.10) to any wallet and they can tell us before they do it to see if they can get their transaction added. It would literally take 30 seconds. So why not then? I said before this may be true but if you look at average transaction fees this doesn't seem possible unless these transactions aren't really his.

>> No.7278174

are you serious? do you understand how the bitcoin blockchain works? that tx is undeniable proof.
also, you can send a tx with 2000 sat/byte right now if you want, and it will 100% certainly be in the next block. you can also send one for 1 sat/byte and it might be in the next block or not.

>> No.7278196

>That website (estimatefee.com) is absolutely shit for choosing the needed fees.
Then prove it. Tell me of a transaction you are going to broadcast over the blockchain before you do it and then we will watch to see if the fee is as low as you say. It would take 30 seconds, so the only reason not to is if you don't believe it is possible. Call out the transaction amount, receiving and sending wallets, and we will all witness. Again this fee is above average for BCH so this isn't something to be proud of, I'm just saying I don't think anyone can do this first try.

>> No.7278210

Stop the presses?
What are you 50 faggot?

>> No.7278215

>are you serious? do you understand how the bitcoin blockchain works? that tx is undeniable proof.
That transaction is undeniable proof that such a transaction made it through. I'm saying its unlikely the transaction was yours. You could prove it if you call out the wallet address you are sending from before you send and the wallet address receiving the coins as well as the amount. It would cost you a couple of cents and it would put this all to rest. So why not?

>> No.7278220

After I make this post I will make a transaction to sell 1 ERDOPEPEGAN (A Rare Pepe trading asset on the counterparty/btc chain) for 299 PEPECASH. The source address will be 1ye1EaLcArtidUSqATkkgzCS4Fj2D4Gpe and I will use a 0.00001 fee. I will post both the counterparty and btc blockchain links as proof.

>> No.7278229

But seeing as how your not OP I guess I mean the tx is probably not OP's, but one he found on the blockchain while searching

>> No.7278262

Here we go.



Confirmed in 1 minute. Now STFU.

>> No.7278276

I know nothing about counterparty. Are transactions on that Bitcoin transactions? Why not just do a simple Bitcoin transaction? This is what I mean, it seems like you're doing odd things here and like your trying to deceive us. But like I said, I know nothing about Counterparty so I don't even know what you meant about selling an erdopepgan.

>> No.7278282

why does that matter anyway? the point stands even if he's bullshitting.
go look here https://tradeblock.com/bitcoin/ you can see each block as they happen, and it also shows an average fee which is 12 to 14 sats/byte right now

>> No.7278308

As you can see from the blocktrail tx link which I just pasted, it is a Bitcoin transaction. Counterparty sits on the Bitcoin blockchain. I'm not deceiving anyone you fucking monkey, you're literally deceiving yourself because of cognitive dissonance.

>> No.7278579

Exchanges or wallets having crap fee estimation.

>> No.7278646

Man you corecucks are so desperate. Yeah I bet your cripplecoin is running real smoothe now that its being abandoned. Fucking look at this chart and tell me with a straight face Bitcoin is still relevant. https://bitinfocharts.com/comparison/bitcoin-transactions.html#1y

Add ETH to the comparison if it doesn't convince you enough.

>> No.7278657

>bcashies are actually this fucking retarded
haha oh wow i didnt think it was possible. they dont even have the most basic understanding of how a blockchain works!

>> No.7278672

eth only sees so much traffic because of erc20 shitcoins and ponzi scams

>> No.7278701

How to be a core troll:

>call it bcash, make your argument resolve mainly around calling it bcash
>if that doesn't work call it chinese pump and bump

Have fun with your kike infected usless shitcoin "store of value" that was crippled on purpose.

>> No.7278716
File: 110 KB, 500x500, pajeetrm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7278719

Bitcoin cash is the most reddit coin on the fucking planet, are you serious?

>> No.7278766

>market dumps, usage decreases bigly


>> No.7278824
File: 129 KB, 657x686, cashies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7278948


>> No.7278978

like a clockwork. I hope you're not getting paid in btc for this

>> No.7279097

kek I bet you think everyone who doesn't agree with your shitcoin is paid.
Guess what faggot, you cashie cunts are aids and nobody wants your shitcoin.

>> No.7279120

how to be a bcash troll

>make up bullshit tx fees and times to support your argument
>reject all evidence to the contrary

>> No.7279501

Average fee still hovers around 4$ with massively decreased usage. You have a shitty version of paypal on your hands.

>> No.7279957

>Bitcoin cash is the most reddit coin on the fucking planet, are you serious?
You can't even talk about Bitcoin Cash on reddit you stupid fuck. They have like 4 different BCH pages where it is allowed but everywhere else on reddit you get banned for talking about it.

>> No.7280081

because its fuking trash run by donald trump 2
ant the r/btc sub is literally T_D

>> No.7280116

>because its fuking trash run by donald trump 2
That's my point. And just like Donald Trump is President Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin. Your little bitch tears can't stop it.

>> No.7280169

You should add ETH transactions to that. You would barely see BTC