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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7268939 No.7268939 [Reply] [Original]

All currencies are based on the shared belief that the medium represents value. The most valuable thing on the planet, the ultimate objective of our DNA, is to reproduce. So why not cut out the middle man and trade fertile women directly as a currency?

>> No.7268989

really makes you think

>> No.7268998

Because of jews propping up numales propping up government propping up the dollar

>> No.7269007

most exchanges wont list because of illegality

>> No.7269016
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Ahmed approves

>> No.7269031

after orgasming nothing beats a good smoke and a fat line of coke. Then some good music, things pussy cannot buy.

>> No.7269036
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this is how tha pimpin goes

>> No.7269061

>fat line of coke
>after orgasming
you're doing it wrong

>> No.7269091

now seriously, first problem is women are not divisible, unless you want to screw their value (or are some sick mofo). There are many other problems

>> No.7269123
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>> No.7269204

They'd have to be rated on a 1-10 scale, although a 10 would be worth far more than two 5s so the vale would skew rapidly as genetic fitness climbs.

>> No.7269219

Round up to the nearest whole thot

>> No.7269250

This doesn't work.
Some women have negative value.
In fact I'm fairly certain that the total market cap of PUSS is less than zero.

>> No.7269299

so how do you buy a pack of cigs with a slave woman? with blowjobs?
go fap to your trap anime, faggot

>> No.7269318

A negative or zero value woman would simply not be part of the market.

>> No.7269353

Dubs confirm, a temporary lending of oral value or an old fashioned tug job would be used to acquire cheap goods

>> No.7269354

oh yea women are going to love this. go for it op try to make it a thing, I think isis can help you.

>> No.7269410

Then your definition of the market is too volatile.
I doesn't work as a currency.

>> No.7269518

I know, just LARPing as a slaver. Actually a cash based capitalist system offers the greatest chance for low genetic fitness males to secure high genetic fitness partners.

>> No.7269844

im.. actually ok with that. Would solve a lot of problems honestly

>> No.7270045

Wait then does that mean babies are dividends?

>> No.7270197

i have a boipuccy, does that count?

>> No.7270215

No one wants that you fork.

>> No.7270260

It comes with solid dev team and is not premined.

>> No.7270327

I mean, that would just achieve what we already have today. A few guys with a lot of pussy and most with none. The only good side is that women would never back pussy socialism.

>> No.7270416

Op is deeper than you think

Some ppl believe that money emerged as a way to repay clans for providing brides. When a man comes to a tribe to marry, y would anybody give him a person that can produce new persons and get nothing in return?

But no amount of money is enuf to substitute for a woman. So a groom becomes perpetually indebted once he takes a bride. Thus a flow of money starts just to cover interest on that infinite debt.

The only way to return the principal for him is to provide another bride back to your clan. But what if he refuses to do so? Than you can raid him and take all he has.
But what if you are too weak to do so?
In this case you sell your right to raid his village to somebody stronger.
Yet another type of money flow backee by violence.

Pussy is indeed the ultimate and root currency

>> No.7270459

roasties abuse fractional reserve banking by that logic, even more so than the banks

>> No.7270479

Pussy is the only real currency and you can hack the game by raping supermodels. It's not even immoral if you think about it.

>> No.7270489

It's a just rebrand of an older assest trying to capitalize on the current over hyped market, in due time this token (which still hasn't demonstrated it's functionality for the market) will go through a correctiom and when it does it will revert to the it's true value and those holding on to it will be left holding nothing but heavy bags.

>> No.7270564

human trafficking is almost as big as the drug market. it's already being done

>> No.7270658


Dude you do coke BEFORE you orgasm to make it feel better (but not too much or you'll go limp)

Also after I ejaculate I just want to sleep

>> No.7270669

Wall Street getting in on the action when?

>> No.7270702

Vanguard's new VAGN fund is coming any day now

>> No.7270808

Because I don't want to reproduce.

>> No.7270823

thread theme


>> No.7270843

Then you should stop living and sucking up our air

>> No.7270856

Why? It's my air too.

>> No.7271074

What movie is this?

>> No.7271546

Good point, as the Alpha male I will simply kill you and the rest of these faggots for the good pussy, or at least the ones that haven't escaped your fat awkward ass yet

>> No.7271569

This is actually the world I'd like to live in

>> No.7271588

Mad Max: Fury Road

>> No.7271600

Isn't it late for you young boy?

>> No.7271610


>> No.7271654

Shit really? Haven't seen it. The picture reminded me of some 80s movie where people crash on a desert planet, can't remember the name.

>> No.7272907


>> No.7273624

Go stop by Chateau Heartiste and read some of the classic posts about the sex market and SMV. Apply trader logic to people. Realise you're a coin, and if you have development taking place your value increases. If you can market value you will be perceived as more valuable. If you evoke emotion but have no use case you're a scam. If you solve a problem, have development going on, and market your value you moon. You can then stop trading with thots and start trading with other coins who have a high value. Fossil fuels are cheap energy that creates a bubble. Fiat printing is cheap money that creates bubbles. If the civilisation bubble corrects, all the shitcoins get wiped out.

>> No.7274947

This. Become a scam.

>> No.7275357


Me in the back.

>> No.7276390

I am a spore not in the ground but riding the winds of the cosmos. Discord is my act

>> No.7276965

are we talking about FUN or women?

>> No.7277073

Today on /biz/: Islam was right.

>> No.7277114
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"MGTOW" is the end of the human race and must be stopped at all costs.