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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7268643 No.7268643 [Reply] [Original]

>on launch of the mainnet the current total circulating supply will be reduced by 51%
Hope you all planning on buying this before febraury, or at the very least before june

>> No.7268679
File: 87 KB, 650x516, 1504463290422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok I really hate the priced in meme but something that big MUST be priced in right???

>> No.7268697

what are you on about

>> No.7268708

Their partnerships aren't even priced in right now.

>> No.7268716

Some anon said that when the rebrand happens it will become illegal for amerifats to hold ven because something about it becomeing a security? True or fud?

>> No.7268717


Staking/thor value isn't priced in because we don't know what thor is actually going to be worth

>> No.7268718

Muhh master nodes muhhh..

Fagit , DASH fell from $1100+ to $600, you’re not safe

>> No.7268736

Nodes won't come til June, so it won't moon until June. Simple as that, vengang. I'll buy back in about a month before.

>> No.7268758

Super obvious fud

>> No.7268805

Do you think normies have that much foresight?

>> No.7268813

> 4 is the only one who will kill himself
> 2 is about to kill an old man and is not paying attention to the attempt on his life
> 3 is about to kill two people and not come to harm himself
> 1 is the victim who means to harm no-one

>> No.7268875

*claps* well done anon! you are just so smart for your age! *pats your head*

>> No.7269423

this shit isnt priced in now.
It pumped today because some fucking retweet about 2 month old news.
Reddit and twitter were fileld with fucking noobs treating it like new news, and many were in disbelief about how the chinese government could possibly partner with vechain. many were denying it outright. lol.

The FOMO has the potential to make this shit do something crazy soon lol.

>> No.7269449

>there are people who unironically cross post between here and reddit

kill urself

>> No.7269480
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comparing dash to vechain.

>> No.7269530
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this post is so stupid it gave me cancer

>> No.7269834

u are 100% right sir. has been priced in since ico. only down from here friends, sell and buy waltoncoin for so much money

>> No.7269836
File: 130 KB, 986x586, 1504463290424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

figure this one out fuckhead

>> No.7269875

True. That's why bittrex delisted TRIG and is going to delist NEO soon.

>> No.7269996


>> No.7270069

OP, I hate to be "that guy," but can you give a source for the circulating supply being reduced by 51% when mainnet launches?

10k VEN here btw.

>> No.7270271

that's the percentage of VEN that is currently stored in node-size wallets. if all of them stake instead of selling, it'll be "locked up." keep in mind, even amounts under that can be staked, so it might end up being more than 51%.

>> No.7270275

Nodes wont be circulating anymore, brainlet

>> No.7270360
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by that guy you mean the fucken retard right

>> No.7270382

Am I gonna make it with just 1k VEN?

>> No.7270387

500k ven here, you're all faggots

>> No.7270426


>> No.7270434
File: 57 KB, 651x711, brainletHamster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People buy coins without knowing anything about them
Never change /biz/

>> No.7270474

So you'll buy back in when it's $25+, okay.

>> No.7270488

biz is more normie than you'd like
failure to thrive IS a normie trait and doesn't NEETs special
it makes them normal

>> No.7270507

im not doing your homework but it fails to meet one of the criteria of a security

>> No.7270513

And bitcoin will have 5x'd by then as well. Keep measuring in USD brainlet. If you think this token has anything going for it before then you are deluded

>> No.7270545

Bruz im 1.5k short of strength node, what i gotta do for you to top me up daddy?

>> No.7270590

Post nudes, face included, and timestamped.

>> No.7270627

>on launch of the mainnet the current total circulating supply will be reduced by 51%


>> No.7270716

read the fucking thread

>> No.7270821
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Reading is hard

>> No.7270897

It won't be illegal to hold vet Americans likely won't be able to run nodes most certainly not masternodes due to KYC approval being required for masternodes.

>> No.7270987

I've got 500, if us three join up we can share a node

>> No.7271068

It's like playing prisoners dilemma. You put your faith in the hands of another, and all 3 can withdraw everything at a moment's notice

>> No.7271141


>> No.7271171

C'mon, don't be retards Venbois. That's not how circulating supply works, jesus.

>> No.7271240

I will never understand people that think they can time the market.

>> No.7271246

step up your game rahjesh

>> No.7272266


>> No.7272303

I wonder

>> No.7272355

why on earth is it illegal to hold securities in the US? Britfag here

>> No.7272396

it is february you fuckin retard

>> No.7272431


because the kikes have us by the balls

they even chop off part of our dicks at birth, and people are OK with this

>> No.7272461


its still January 14 in my timeline

what happened in your feb?

>> No.7272464

It's illegal to trade them outside of certain exchanges. Holding them isn't the problem.

Not that it matters though. We had the same conversation about Neo and the conclusion was that it's considered the same way mining i.

>> No.7272600

lol fuck that. at least it keeps you all holding. There's gotta be a way to cash it out.

>> No.7272747

By selling it. Securities are are illegal to trade outside of certain exchanges. There will be exchanges to sell crypto securites in the future.

VeChain is not a security and neither is Neo. It's just FUD.

>> No.7272861

Yes but you've illegaly obtained them.

Any coin which generates income is a security, there's no doubt about that.

>> No.7272974

Holy fuck. Stop spreading this fud.

>> No.7273025

>Any coin which generates income is a security
That isn't actually the case. Anymore than a tree in your backyard is a security because it produces fruit.

There is a very strict definition of what a security is. PoS coins and things like Neo and VeChain are considered contracts. You buy 1 Neo/Ven and in return you generate X amount of this other thing to be used on our network.

>> No.7273028

So let's get technical for a bit. VeChain is proof of authority meaning that it functions from the 101 authority nodes.

What are the implications of this and what do the other nodes offer to the ecosystem?

>> No.7273132

Nodes over 10k generate 1 vote towards network consensus as well as bonus thor. 50% of network consensus will come from economy nodes.

>> No.7273165


You're fucking stupid. The coins aren't locked up, you can sell them at any time. If you can sell them, they're circulating you fucking dumb nigger.

>> No.7273175

Yes, but that thing it generates is designed to have a currency with regular payouts. It's literally a dividend paid in crypto.

>> No.7273210

Who cares?

Circulating supply won't be reduced on CMC and that's what matters

>> No.7273291

Cool. This is a very unique system and I'm curious to see what will happen once it's implemented.

>> No.7273314

but you can't sell them when they are locked in a node. dumbass

>> No.7273320

I think you know very little about what the howey test is or what determines if something is or is not a security.

Do you know what a dividend is? It's a share of the companies profits. If the company is doing well you get a larger dividend and if they are doing poorly you get a smaller one.

Neither Gas or Thor are dividends. They are not a share of the companies profits. Regardless of how well the company is doing you get the same amount of them because it's a simple contract that allows you access to the network and use of it.

You aren't being paid dividends. You are being given metered use of network through a contract you entered by buying VeChain tokens and holding them in their wallet.

>> No.7273441

ok thanks for clearing it up.

>> No.7273658

The kikes won

>> No.7273690

I have 5000 VEN, will I make it?

>> No.7273721

no one was disputing that rahjesh, VeChain said that by the time main net is online that % of coins will be locked up in nodes, i.e x amount of people will have nodes that take them out of circulation

the UFR thread is that way

>> No.7273723


Are you actually this dumb? You realize you'll be able to un-lock them ANY TIME you want right? It's just like NEO you damned idiot.

>> No.7273742


>> No.7273767

no one is disputing that raj, shouldn't you be starting a war with pakistan btw?

>> No.7273830

>no one is disputing that raj

Actually he just responded to the person disputing that. Are you this much of a fucking retard?

>> No.7273837

i have 30,000 vechain and am not selling till $1000 ea which I see happening within the next 5 years

there is more incentive for people to hold node-tier amounts of vechain than there is to sell, regardless of the price of vechain as the majority of people prefer passive income. Thus making the coins held in nodes 'locked' out of circulation.

street shitters like you are so braindead it surprises me you dont choke to death on your own tongue

>> No.7273856


>> No.7273865

I don't even think the partnerships are priced in. Ven probably has the best business traction. Even if the bubble crashes, those companies aren't just going to cancel their partnerships with VEN overnight. This should be at least $10 right now.

>> No.7273877

How is the total supply reduced by 51%? Do we all lose a proportional amount of coins?

>> No.7273894

Some of the larger nodes lock up.

>> No.7273923

Anyone holding over 10,000 Ven when the mainnet launches will lock them in a node. All the other coins will remain in circulation, being traded and held, etc.

>> No.7273969

The total supply isn't reduced and anyone saying that it is doesn't understand the situation.

Once the main net comes online holding them will have it's own value which results in a lower supply on exchanges and as a result a higher price. The number of tokens doesn't change it's just the availability on exchanges which has a direct influence on the price. In addition to those interested in buying them for actual use so the demand also increases.

The actual circulating supply does not change. There will just be less on exchanges.

>> No.7274029

It's not really a supply reduction when those people can pull their VET out of nodes though.

>> No.7274066

What are IDs you absolute mong? I'm calling you out like the retard you are, just like that other guy did.

>> No.7274097

Thrudheim Masternodes Maturity Period: From 21st Dec 2017 to the date VeChain Thor Blockchain mainnet launch; Requires minimum 250,000 VET;

Mjolnir Masternodes Maturity Period: 30 Days after VeChain Thor Blockchain mainnet launch; Requires minimum 150,000 VET;

Thunder Nodes Maturity Period: 20 Days after VeChain Thor Blockchain mainnet launch; Requires minimum 50,000 VET;

Strength Nodes Maturity Period: 10 Days after to VeChain Thor Blockchain mainnet launch;
Requires minimum 10,000 VET;

>> No.7274196

They absolutely can but once the network is live there is value to keeping it staked. So the price on exchanges has to be high enough that it is worth selling it.

The supply on exchanges will naturally be lower once value is gained from holding it. That said Binance will probably pay out Thor so the actual supply on exchanges won't drop significantly but the amount being sold is likely to.

>> No.7274317

Every node has maturity period. Until that you only receive 0.00042 THOR Power per VET per Day.

>Foundation decided to allocate 150 million VET possessed by Foundation into THOR Power Reward Pool. All THOR Power generated from the Pool will be used to reward VeChain Node holders.

After the maturity period is over u still going to get 0.00042 THOR Power per VET per Day but also (depends on your node tier) an extra 38.7%/57%/75.2% which will be lowered every 6 month till 2019 dec.

>> No.7274358


>> No.7274545

>street shitters like you are so braindead it surprises me you dont choke to death on your own tongue

You're the real streetshitter here. Your argument is akin to saying that Dash coin's circulating supply should be like 1/10th of what it is just because the majority of Dash users are using Dash as masternodes. Get the fuck out of here with your African IQ.

>> No.7274581

Hey, can you not be racist right now? My mom is looking.

>> No.7274643

alas the waltoncuck reveals himself

>> No.7274652

Shady CEO caught with hookers, known to assault members of the dev team. STAY AWAY

>> No.7274704

no shit Sherlock but as a node holder I can tell you I'm sure as shit holding all my VET in a wallet and keeping it there accumulating Thor indefinitely. I would have to be a fool to let my stack dip below 10k and give up free money. If ~50% of all VET is being held in wallets long term (for the same reason) there are far fewer up for sale on the exchanges.

>> No.7274751

Top 10 sign youre a genius

>> No.7274782

if you hold for at least 1.5 years - yes.

>> No.7274805

>80% of my holdings are in VEN

You guys making shit up is only making venbois look delusional, fucking street shitting nigger faggot.

>> No.7274818
File: 105 KB, 409x409, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes yes you are quite the ragie wagie, but there is no need to lie online :^)

>> No.7274842


fucking sell the day before and rebuy after the news.

thank me later

>> No.7274882


I live in Quebec and my toilet got clogged. When I opened my front door after calling the plumber I saw sunny standing in front of me. Wearing the no frame sunglasses from the matrix and carrying a toolbox.

"S....sunny?" I meekly asked? Without saying a word he just exhaled loudly and walked right past into my house, making a show of bumping into my shoulder. He walked straight to my fridge and pulled out my 6 pack.

He fucking plopped his ass down onto my couch and jacked his feet up on my coffee table with his shit covered boots.

He then said, "We’re going to win. We’re going to win so much. We’re going to win at daap, we’re going to win at blockchain. We’re going to win so much, you’re going to be so sick and tired of winning, you’re going to come to me and go ‘Please, please, we can’t win anymore.’ You’ve heard this one. You’ll say ‘Please, Mr. Sunny, we beg you sir, we don’t want to win anymore. It’s too much. It’s not fair to everybody else. And I’m going to say ‘I’m sorry, but we’re going to keep winning, winning, winning, We’re going to make China great again."

Sunny drank my beer and walked out with his toolbox without fixing a fucking thing. Fuck this scamcoin sold 100k

>> No.7275181
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>I-I'm not retarded, you're just a waltcuck

>> No.7275324

Best one yet!

>> No.7275473
File: 36 KB, 629x504, 1514534977437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the number of sellers is halved, the price doubles. Idiot.

>> No.7275518

Is that a copypasta, or did you intend to put February in the future tense?

>> No.7275559

everything is priced in for years in advance, give up your struggle now

>> No.7275772

This is all an elaborate troll right? At any point in time only a very small percentage of tokens are actually being bought and sold. Everybody with enough for a node who is planning on running a node is already holding and not selling, so it isn't going to make a difference. Fucking brainlets.

>> No.7276083

This coin is strong as fuck, but when PBOC is confirmed or dismissed is gonna sink or moon so hard, its a fucking gamble.