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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 92 KB, 300x300, 910CC503-7CC3-4405-BA16-04947E174066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7264417 No.7264417 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you such fucking faggots? Literally pretending to be in it for the betterment of the human race and not money wont get you any fucking pussy. If anything itll get you fucking punched. Being such a fucking faggot on that many levels is not only fucking faggoty but no one fucking believes you. Just admit your a greedy fucking kike and a top jew and stop larping about how your in it to better humanity. You worthless fucking faggot.

>> No.7264475

You can do both you know.

All I need is a cottage, a plot of land, healthy food, healthcare, and the ability to travel. If I can get that contributing to something I believe in, then I’m good.

>> No.7264512

Faggot Cripple bag holder detected.

>> No.7264620

Exactly there aren't billions of dollars being poured in because of the tech.

>> No.7264686

im in it for the tech sir. After I pay off my student loans. I'm going to be able to focus on building something (game or movie) for my favorite blockchain project.

>> No.7264698

You edgy faggot.
I know it's a bit over your head to grasp the scope of a globally accessible, FAST, and anonymous payment system.
>inb4 muh gobalization currensi
We're already there. The USD is accepted in most countries as a defacto currency (save a few of them).
Yes, I'm in it to make money. I also invest in technologies that I believe will succeed and drive innovation to better the financial industry in the internet era.
Mark my words, when quantum becomes a realized technology like computing in the 60's and 70's, paper fiat will be a thing of the very past. We're already halfway there.

>> No.7264707
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>> No.7264714

>But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Bettering the human race will get you the money anyway. Why not feel good about it.

>> No.7264725
File: 125 KB, 1680x818, buterin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awww is someone's blockfolio in the red today?

How does it feel knowing this guy made more than you ever will in 10 lifetimes and he literally does not give a shit about money but actually bettering the financial system?

>> No.7264757
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yaoifags should die

>> No.7264773

I would literally die for the ancap dream, but only if I was sure it came true.

>> No.7264781
File: 762 KB, 1079x1666, 0C423AF3-BF79-42BB-A6A7-725A5B60BA86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off.

>> No.7264823

>24 hour withdrawal limit: 2BTC
I can inspect element too you know

>> No.7264827
File: 109 KB, 486x345, 1513391971778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me a million dollars or im going to do it
dont even try me faggot

>> No.7264836

>pay off my student loan

So your trying to get money then yeah?

>> No.7264840

>level 1 binance account
>9000 BTC
lol you can inspect element, congrats. Nobody is stupid enough to fall for your LARP

>> No.7264851

>maximum withdrawal 2BTC
>in use 0 BTC
im-fucking-plying you made $101m without withdrawing anything, you larping turd.
Post holds or fake

>> No.7264864
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>implying I can't have both
selling out your principles to try to make more money will get you crippled like ripple

>> No.7264892
File: 116 KB, 486x360, 1513393007669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not joking

>> No.7264912

Fuck off weeb.

>> No.7264915


>> No.7264917

I don't have a million but please stop
self mutilation isn't worth it

>> No.7264931

The picture was taken days ago faggit you really think its on the excahbge still.

>> No.7264932

Lol this is standard PR bullshit that almost every corporation on the planet pulls. It works very fucking well.

>> No.7264948
File: 102 KB, 468x385, 1513400197316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now you've gone and done it you idiot
its too late now
pay up or else

>> No.7264977

My fucking thoughts. Hypocrites thinking that by holding coins they're contributing to some great cause. And that, without doing anything else. Not only deluded, but also arrogant as fuck.

>> No.7264993

>you really think its on the excahbge still.
Yeah because your withdrawal limit says 2 BTC

Larping faggot, do you pretend to have money on /biz/ to feel about being in poverty? Is that why you're so butthurt about billionaire philanthropists who don't care about money but want to change the world for the better instead?

>> No.7265012

Old photo kike.

>> No.7265039
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>> No.7265066


>> No.7265074

Larping faggot. Sign a message from your wallet or shut the fuck up pathetic larper.

>> No.7265080

I'm genuinely happy for you if you really made that much, but isn't it plain dumb to keep that much on an exchange? Also,
>2 btc withdrawal limit

>> No.7265089

>no soy un robot
>libro sobre crypto

>> No.7265115

What’s better for the money supply is also better for humanity. Any place where those interests diverge is a wreck on its way to the junk heap

>> No.7265136

No. Bitch.

>> No.7265154

Yeah cause you're a poorfag, that's why you're so angry.

>> No.7265173
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>> No.7265183
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>Limit: 2BTC

>> No.7265191


oh, you're a salty nocoiner

>has 100m$
>argues with NEETs on 4chan
haha ok

>> No.7265207

Think what you want faggot but your a faggot.

>> No.7265227

He says he moved it off the exchange too, top kek. If he moved 2BTC off the exchange at a time, it'd take 12 years.

The absolute state of /biz/ larpers.

>> No.7265239

So how much BTC you actually hold? 0.1? 0.2?

>> No.7265264

That book isn't about crypto, it's about using child labor to nuke your neighbor when he violates the NAP.

>> No.7265283

>oh, you're a salty nocoiner
My point is, by holding a coin you're not doing anything. It's arrogant to think that you're a great, important contributor. You're making money and that is your goal de facto - to make money. But in order to look honorable and important, you're ashamed of that fact and are pretending you're there for a big idea. That attitude is plain dishonest. Promoting a technology means an absolutely different thing than holding a coin.

>> No.7265303


I originally got interested in crypto because of the solution it theoretically offered to the foreign exchange clusterfuck. Not quite there yet as you still need to pay some kind of fee to some kind of bank to get fiat converted to the crypto of your choice, but, i dunno, maybe some day.

Mostly in it for the money tho.

>> No.7265310

You legit sound like a fucking hobbit. Hobbits are faggots
Unironically this. I hate all the faggots that are all "herp derp fighting the power blahblah" then sperg out and cry when there's a correction. If they actually cared about the movement theyd be happy since corrections are a sign of healthy market. Those fags should kill themselves

>> No.7265326

Would you recommend it? I've been looking for a good book to pick up.

>> No.7265385
File: 457 KB, 600x450, 1304376955947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.doesn't even bother to change the withdrawal limit number

>> No.7265483

I enjoyed it very much but I don't know what interests you. It's /biz/-/pol/ territory.

>> No.7265534

>Promoting a technology means an absolutely different thing than holding a coin.
Holding a coin IS promoting technology, maybe to a very small extent, but it still is. Holding a coin doesn't make someone a hero, but the amount of holders adds up.

>> No.7265540

Fuck I'm sposed to better humanity if I don't have a bunch of money to pay for it?

>> No.7265575
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 1516078890331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing it to help animals and you faggots can't stop me. I'm going to buy a farm and a small plane for animals to live on until they either get adopted or to live out their days in peace.

>> No.7265693


>> No.7265711
File: 378 KB, 840x348, Ripple Architect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in XRP.

>> No.7265733


The "philanthopists" are psycopaths who are preaching false, hypocritical morality (which serves them further) in order to get good boy points in the eyes of the normies

>> No.7265945
File: 940 KB, 1136x640, 71C8F576-95D1-4647-B086-90E8E369E441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Caring why people are in crypto and what they do with their gains. You probably care about how other guys dress too.

Nigga you gay af

>> No.7265975

i'll take a greedy crypto nerd over a pathological liar

>> No.7266043

I think it's much more complicated than this and age plays an important part in it. There's fame, there are ways to play taxes. Bill Gates has gifted a lor of hardware to schools and universities but that has also helped with the expansion of windows. There was that ETH guy talking about a new financial hierarchy and I mostly agree that one's coming but I feel things will change in more ways than changing who are the masters. In any case I don't believe anyone on this board is going to be actually key on being involved with those changes and I expect most people will eventually end converting 95% of their crypto to Fiat.

>> No.7266173

Gayest thread I've seen today and OP sucks cocks

>> No.7266183

I'm in it to see people shackled by decentralized institutions that literally have no face to protest against. Reputation systems, real-time payment gates, historical records that can't be erased. We're going to panic and feel alone once it's just individuals and world computers.

I invest in that and it helps me sleep at night.

>> No.7266340

Panic? It's the best system ever that eliminates the middle man and corruption. Finally, honest people will live in prosperity, and thieving scum will be cast out.

>> No.7266423

It just seems that way because the boomer generation are the biggest perpetrators of this bullshit. Also when you're young it's hard to recognize the deception in their morality and to learn how to implement it, consciously, for yourself, for your own benefit, without actually believing in it. The biggest virtue a man can have for success potential in today's society is total psycopathy; i.e the ability to fearlessly and comfortably be unattached from the well-being of other people and guiltlessly manipulate them.

Successful people have a psycopathic reputation, which is why they are constantly preaching deceptive morality. This is especially widespread among j*Ws.

>> No.7266738

HA HA yeah I don't care about anything either, my hobbies are murdering people and sucking my own dick, I contribute nothing to society and am not invested in its long-term success amirite fellow retards? HA HA GOT EM

fuck off retards, I can smell your mouthbreathing from here