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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 705 KB, 1394x1363, teeka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7263401 No.7263401 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7263456

The writing is already on the wall.

It won't get to 350k, no, but it will hit 50k by the end of summer.

>> No.7263457 [DELETED] 

Yeah sure just like me rolling dubs every time.

>> No.7263545

This pajeet is pissed that now he has way more competition to his payed PnD group and need something flashy to catch attention.

That’s absolutely a retarded assumption.

>> No.7263580
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>> No.7263627

3k to pajeet or $99/m to based clif.

>> No.7263634


Literally based on nothing.

>> No.7263772

Teeka got JUSTed in the crash and went bonkers.

>> No.7263818

>pls sir
I am no pajeet.

>Teeka's shocking prediction
What is good for Bitcoin is good for all alts eventually. Currently holding a grand total of 0 BTC so unless you are holding fiat you have nothing on me dawg chill.

>> No.7263827

You just described the whole derivatives sector.

>> No.7263884

please stop faking news on 2nd of april there is nothing special happening that date

>> No.7263996
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There is. The global financial collapse.

>> No.7263997

Do you even know what a derivative is?

>> No.7264023


>> No.7264042

>le chemtrail man
the guy is smart and interesting to listen to but sometimes he just goes off... hard to tell if he is insane or genius

>> No.7264045

The slope of the tangent line as the limit approaches zero, stupid.

>> No.7264250

Source on this?

>> No.7264353

Correct, Bitcoins relevant chain BCH will be 500k-1mil by 2020 easy. That is not even factoring BCH taking over 1/3 of the population with centbee. If you think BTC is going to hit 350k you’re sadly mistaken unless you can provide some type of evidence of BTCs utility. Right now BTC is worthless and the technical aspect of LN is cringe worthy BTC has no value..

>> No.7264367
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>> No.7264390

I could see an eventual 50k, but not 350

>> No.7264405

Hi Roger

>> No.7264410
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>Crypto millionaire who predicted Bitcoin's rise to $15,000

>> No.7264548

>bought one just for lulz cause i was high
>now i buy every single one because of his ETH, PPT and VERI calls.

Some of his non crypto predictions were also spooky accurate.

>> No.7264592

He didn't release any update lately saying that tho

>> No.7264987
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>> No.7265153
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>> No.7265265

His bald head and face disturbs me

>> No.7265685


What is your basis for that? And why would that make BTC go up?

>> No.7265850

Pictured above is the S&P 500 chart for Friday.
Don't look at the futures, because you will shit yourself, the markets will open at -2% at Monday.

The money out of stocks will have to move somewhere safe, which will be the crypto market, once buttcoins stops shitting itself and starts to recover.

>> No.7266290

He clearly meant 350 bucks. 'Also why is crypto millionaire considered a credible source?

>> No.7266351

>somewhere safe
>the crypto market

r u comletely retarted or only 12years old?

"yeah mr. finkelstein, we switched ur insurance fund company money from bluechips and bonds to internetmemetokens, because you know...lambos man"

u obviously are completely out of touch with reality, i would strongly suggest you tether ur lunchmoney and go out of ur room for a while

>> No.7266372

is teeka that faggot i see in those ads everywhere

>> No.7266395

Cliff or the Pajeet?

>> No.7266406
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Teeka was the guy in Temple of Doom who tore our folk's hearts and sacrificed them to Kali.

>> No.7266440

You're an idiot, next week it's expected to have it's final dip for another run up. S&P is dropping, why wouldn't they transfer money over?

>> No.7266484

you dont get any info on bitcoin's tech or improvements on /biz/

unfortunately you have to go to redd*t to see news. just learned quite a bit about the impact segwit is making and BTC potentially on the books for ebay and a new locker system used by UPS

>> No.7266554

I want to see this. All those people, who stash their savings in fiat - and I will be richer than all of them with my measly 1 ETH.

>> No.7266577
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>All the last minute normies buy in on April 1st to not miss out, driving the price up
>Huge crash the next day
>April Fools

>> No.7266612


"A new message from Teeka: Invest in bitcoin! Buy bitcoin!"

When people are telling you "buy bitcoin"---beware. To me, that sounds like a death flag.

>> No.7266613

Where can I follow his calls?

>> No.7266622

ur clearly a child then
do u honestly think big institutional investors are even allowed to move funds from s&p to pennystocks (and cryptomemeshit is even worse than pennystocks)?
do u know what the big money is?
protipp: its not the wolf of wallstreet

the state of /biz

>> No.7266684

they will hedge with shorts and reduce their stock exposure and increase their bond holding
/end of story
basement financial experts, i can't even...

>> No.7266687

Why aren't they allowed? Are their meetings open?

>> No.7266696


>> No.7266724

You're going to a place in history where gains like these have never been before and likely will never be seen again. What you're "thinking" you cannot comprehend the euphoria of 2018.
>Bitcoin 100k eoy screen cap this anon

>> No.7266727

Hey George, I have a plan
>What's that Matthew?

>> No.7266752

u clearly have not the slightest idea how this whole industry works
i won't explain it to u bc i'm not in the mood and don't get paid for this
but its not like in the movies

>> No.7266774

What? Is it not easy?

>> No.7266933

Stocks go up and down
Bitcoin only goes up


>> No.7266978

never thought about it this way
u fuckers must be right, lets call donald

>> No.7267018

lol i know what will happen fags.

stay poor

>> No.7267064

Crypto is an emerging market, this "bubble" is nothing compared to the heights it will grow and the best part is, it's completely unaffected by the banking and stocks, because it's isolated.
Stocks are on the other hand on their last legs and will take everything else down into oblivion.

Bonds, derivatives and commodities are fucked. Crypto is the only safe haven.

>> No.7267110

Just because it started on the internet doesn't mean it's not serious. It's extremely serious, a truly revolutionary leap for humanity.

>> No.7267152



>> No.7267204

segwit is not Bitcoin.

>> No.7267266
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It's an improvement to Bitcoin which implements functionality necessary for Lightning Network.

>> No.7267494

LN is vaporware, it's technically impossible to make LN secure. That's the reason it's "in the works" for 3 years.

>> No.7267524


Off a cliff.

>> No.7267557

It's already running on mainnet. Stop repeating BCH talking points anon unless you're going to provide actual justification, in your own words, for your point of view

There is nothing insecure about LN, it has the same game theoretical economic incentives that force security that on-chain transactions have. What about it is insecure? And how is it vaporwave if people are already using it?

>> No.7267694

>It's already running on mainnet
You stupid fuck, it's running a buggy demo, that loses coins 30% of the time.
You don't even understand how LN works. It basically records all the transactions off-blockchain through heavily centralised nodes and only commits the end-result to the blockchain. Which means any half-brainlet can manipulate a node, will empty your wallet before you can say "oy vey"

>> No.7267710

Nope. It's a different layer, a different protocol that literally skew the original idea behind Bitcoin.

No one serious about cryptocurrencies believe in LN, no one.

>> No.7267722

wrong this is fucking crypto

you goddamn bet that shit is gonna hit 350k this year, but don't be surprised when it plummets back to 50k 2 months after

>> No.7267775

they already do this with gold retard

"yeah mr finkelstein we bought a bunch of highly speculative shiny rocks that are trading way above its use-case worth to hedge against the upcoming economic crash, because you know... shiny man"

same fucking thing dumbass, read a fucking book

>> No.7267776


Just in time before long term capital gains kicks in. Bullshit.

>> No.7267872

Anyone else agree with what I posted here. Y/N?

>> No.7267983

yeah like all those saying 'buy bitcoin' when it was 1k right? blood flag...

>> No.7268018

YOU are the idiot. It's not running a buggy demo and I've seen no reports of lost coins

I understand how it works. the nodes are not "heavily centralized" in fact it incentivizes decentralization. If someone tries to steal your money and you catch them you get the ENTIRE BALANCE of the LN node's locked up funds, so people do not steal your coins. It will become more and more robust the more it scales, any bugginess is due to low adoption at best

>> No.7268035

You don't understand anything about software engineering let alone network protocol design. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.7268077

love these disinfo maymays, along with my other favorites "can't cash out" and "locking price on my Ledger nano"

>> No.7268123

lmao do they honestly think someones gonna sell their btc because of the bullshit they spout?

>> No.7268162

You are blind as fuck holy shit

I don't care though, if Bitcoin doesn't scale like it should it will go below 1k or worse

>> No.7268223
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>he actually believes this garbage

LN is a kike controlled vaporware, it's entire existence is to subvert BTC, luckily LN will never actually work so Bitcoin Cash can continue on it's way making Bitcoin great again.

>> No.7268257

and how exactly should it scale you brainlet

>> No.7268310

Not an argument

You’re full of shit

>> No.7268312

Why is this suddenly shilled so hard the last 12 hours? Who is paying you?

>> No.7268331
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>It's not running a buggy demo and I've seen no reports of lost coins
It literally says "USE CAREFULLY YOU MAY LOSE FUNDS" on Blockstream site, retrard.

> the nodes are not "heavily centralized" in fact it incentivizes decentralization.
Pretty sure you are a paid Pajeet. The map of the network clearly shows cetralized mainnodes.

> you get the ENTIRE BALANCE of the LN node's locked up funds
Now that's straight up lie.

LN is not blockchain, LN is proprietary and LN will never work. End of line.

>> No.7268407

Please refer to:

I'm done wasting my time with paid idiots and uneducated morons.

>> No.7268457
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>confusing ledger centralization and data routing

Unfortunately you're not intelligent enough to understand how any of this works. It will be very unfortunate for your future and you may kill yourself when bitcoin hits 1 million. I will apologize to your mother about her loss if said event takes place.

>> No.7268462

Thats the opposite of derivatives you brainlet. They literally "derive" value from other shit.

>> No.7268476

Bitcoin will be $100 by the end of this year. ETH is the new bitcoin. Deal with it.

>> No.7268603

you wish
didnt answer the question, retard

>> No.7268672

With segwit/LN you no longer sell your BTC directly to another peer, you are asking someone else, with enough liquidity, FOR PERMISSION TO DO SO.

>> No.7268682



>> No.7268702

Did you just admit you get paid to shill government issues schmekles on /biz/?

Fiat lovin dumbfuck motherfucker

>> No.7268827

I'm blind as fuck? I asked you for concrete theoretical arguments supporting your claim and you gave me "You are blind as fuck holy shit"

You're an idiot KYS

>> No.7268913

>It literally says "USE CAREFULLY YOU MAY LOSE FUNDS" on Blockstream site, retrard.
No shit retard, they're protecting themselves, everyone does. That's industry standard in all areas you moron
>Pretty sure you are a paid Pajeet. The map of the network clearly shows cetralized mainnodes.
First off centralization only matters on the blockchain itself and not in LN. Secondly of course the topology of the LN graph represents the economic usage tendencies. Companies that are used a lot will have lots of edges, what else are you expecting? That's not centralization because you can literally route around them, that's the entire point
>Now that's straight up lie.
No it's not, it's literally how it works, look it up
>LN is not blockchain, LN is proprietary and LN will never work. End of line.
LN is not blockchain, you're correct - it's a second layer on top of the blockchain that builds on top of its good features and ignores its bad features. That's how network protocols scale idiot.

>TCP and UDP are not IP. End of line.
No shit cuck

>> No.7268927

>20 times higher
Haha 350k would be almost 40 times higher than it is now.

>> No.7268932

I'd rather geartrade DRYS than touch shitcoin.

>> No.7268945

You're a fucking idiot, that is not how it works, it is permissionless since not only can anyone open a node to route around any other node, but you can open your own node, you also can choose not to use it

>> No.7268955


>> No.7268959

Teeka has been good overall. I get the monthly newsletter .pdf from a discord group I'm in

>> No.7268964

it's December 22, 2012 and we're still here

>inb4 some retarded conspiracy

>> No.7269025

Because he has a nice argument.

>> No.7269102


You're a fucking idiot or a paid blockstream shill. The LN is by design centralized, these few centralized nodes will become cryptobanks of which you will be required to transact with.

>> No.7269113

It's not an argument it's a claim

>> No.7269132


this meme is so stale since people actually believe it, I hope you're trolling

>> No.7269167

Justify your claim that it is by design centralized. It is NOT by design centralized. This is literally just not true. Why are you saying this shit?

First off yes there will be big nodes for big popular websites with lots of traffic. Why the fuck wouldn't their nodes be big? What other situation would there be? Of course their nodes will be big since they have lots of connections since they have lots of customers

Secondly, how is anyone going to be forced to use a specific node? Explain your justification here - ANYONE CAN OPEN A NODE and you can route through them

Don't you understand? You can route to ANYONE through ANY path. There is no requirement to use certain paths

Anon look, you're literally just falling for LITERAL Roger Ver propaganda to prop up BCH which is a scamcoin meant to make Jihan Wu money since he wanted ASICBoost to remain. You're falling for propaganda. Maybe you're serious here and you aren't just an idiot, but if you're serious I suggest you research this more thoroughly because you are 100% utterly wrong

>> No.7269212

You want to send 10 BTC, only two nodes available: one has 0.01 BTC in funds, the other has 1000 BTC.

Which one will the Lightning network select?

Please answer.

>> No.7269239

Do you really not understand none of that matters to normans

>> No.7269281
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Pajeets I don't have time to debate you as I am an unpaid poster. Kill yourself I'm out.

>> No.7269285

That's exactly why BTC will crash and why this is a giant bubble. Fortunately, it already popped.

>> No.7269298

There aren't going to be two nodes available, there are already, in the preliminary stages where this is still being tested on mainnet, after a thorough testnet period, hundreds of nodes, thousands maybe by now. Your scenario is contrived and it will never happen, so it doesn't matter and it doesn't promote your point

Yes, if there are only two nodes in your path and one has enough funds and one does not, then you have to take the node with the larger balance. But this won't happen because it's a choice - the person you're transacting with can simply connect to a bigger node that you can both connect to, or open their own node

>> No.7269321

BTC is a joke at this point and lightening network is 100% centralized. It creates an entire banking ecosystem just using BTC instead of fiat, the very thing Satoshi created BTC to be a protest against.

His last instructions were how to increase blocksize knowing that until some better solution comes along, increasing blocksize was the best thing to do. BCH is far more in line with true BTC ideals than BTC itself at this point.

>> No.7269322

> There is no requirement to use certain paths

There is a huge requirement and it's called LIQUIDITY you goddamn idiot.

No one will use nodes with low liquidity holy fuck how can you be so stupid.

>> No.7269327

And furthermore, if you can't find a single valid path that doesn't go through your hated large (supposedly centralized) nodes, you can literally just transact on-chain, and the fees will be lower by then since most people will be transacting off-chain for minor purchases

Don't send 10BTC over LN, sent it on-chain, there's NOTHING stopping you you cuck.

>> No.7269375


Satoshi specifically designed the Bitcoin protocol to support LN from the very beginning and talked about it years before anyone thought of actually implementing it, have you even researched this?


People will use the low-liquidity nodes for small transactions, and they will use bigger nodes for bigger transactions - ANYONE CAN OPEN A NODE OF ANY SIZE THEY WANT, THERE IS NOTHING STOPPING THEM

>> No.7269376
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don't even bother responding, by his logic DASH and other masternode coins are "centralized" too, he's confusing the decentralization of the ledger with the centralized structure of nodes. He is either a paid shill or an absolute brainlet.

>> No.7269393

that wasnt the question, holy shit are you braindead? i asked how do you scale bitcoin, not what is wrong with SegWit/LN

>> No.7269403

This scenario is not contrived at all:

At a given moment, 100000 people want to send 1.000.000 BTC in total. Only 5000 nodes available with enough liquidity to manage 500.000 BTC at best.

There you go, I just crashed your entire Lightning Network a single paragraph.

>> No.7269408

>btc gets more value than usd cash in existance
>you literally can't cash out
oy vey

>> No.7269421
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Cryptos are certainly not over but for month or couple months the game could look really bad

>> No.7269426

Well put - they want to cripple the chain's decentralization for temporary gains, instead of going off-chain simply because it appears centralized to the ignorant observer's eyes

They also are forgetting the MOST IMPORTANT POINT

If there is a massive node for a massive company and it's centralized - guess what - if they try to steal your coins through trying to commit a false lightning channel state to the blockchain, and you catch them (which will happen since people will run theft-catching nodes) then you get THEIR ENTIRE LIGHTNING NODE BALANCE

The more centralization there is (if you call big nodes with lots of liquidity centralized) the more incentive there is for them to NOT steal your funds, since you get their entire balance if they do that

If you connect to a node with 100 BTC locked up and they try to steal your funds, you get their 100 BTC, so "centralization" incentivizes more security

>> No.7269437

Whos cliff?

>> No.7269446

>If LN crashes or fucks it up, just make an on-chain transaction

This is the funniest thing I have read in a long time lmao

>> No.7269488

>At a given moment, 1,000,000 people want to send 1,000,000 of an asset through a pipe supporting a throughput less than that
>There the system won't do this very we;;

You can say that about literally any system - electrical grids, other crypto's blockchains, and the banking industry. If you think that is an argument against LN then you're officially a brainlet

What is your solution that doesn't suffer this flaw of systems with a max throughput not working well when it's exceeded? This doesn't even have to do with crypto at this point it has to do with physics

KYS brainlet

>> No.7269515

You're an idiot anon, don't make up fake quotes like that. This can be said of literally every single software system in existence and is not an argument against LN in particular

>> No.7269539

Bitcoin to 350k? Awesome prove it to me and jump over 20k first. I can afford to wait and lose 11k in th mean time.

>> No.7269548

Why am I wasting my time talking to stupid people. None of you are interested in being educated about how LN actually works, and none of you have any actual knowledge about software engineering or network protocol design, and you don't wish to, so I'm wasting my time. I'm going to leave this thread bye retards. Reality will catch up with you.

>> No.7269570

but you need to buy it to buy shitcoins

>> No.7269636

ignore these fags. They will hang themselves when btc goes to 100k

>> No.7269672

In crypto everything is 10 times faster, moons are +10,000%

>> No.7269676

The fact that Bitcoin pretends to be a WORLD CURRENCY and yet a simple / really soft example shows that LN could be crashing constantly implies that LN itself is a piece of shit of a solution to begin with.

I'm pretty sure better solutions will come. LN is not one of them.

>> No.7269716
File: 27 KB, 494x391, CD4A7E22-782A-423C-9A28-C7CEC528481C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recognize that bulge

>> No.7269738

LN is an pre-pre-pre-alpha stage. It's like being in 1980 and complaining that everything is slow as fuck and you can't run your game that requires 8GB video cards which don't exist yet.

>> No.7269788

can LN run crysis?

>> No.7269880

Stop pretending like BTC is BECOMING Lightning Network - it's just an add-on on top for scaling, a second layer. You don't have to fucking use it. It's only for small transactions that don't deserve to be on the blockchain by themselves. You clearly don't understand any of this.

>> No.7269900

Thank you for recognizing that LN is a failure.

>> No.7269923

Your brain is smooth and your mother was relieved when she pushed you out and you were no longer burdening her womb with the heaviness of your stupidity

>> No.7270159


this guy really gets it, thank you anon for teaching me much more about lightning and what it can do for bitcoin. also this satoshi reference is killer.

BCH has always reeked of a scam. It may persist just based off fanboydom and roger ver's marketing hype, but now I am convinced bitcoin + lightning is a good long term bet.

Teeka is also the shit, if anyone doubts him you need to find a copy and take a look at his portfolio. Never a scam, almost every single one at least 2xed if not more. He called EOS at 1.6... within a month it was near 10. He called BNB at 2. NEO at motherfucking 12 cents.

Teeka is a solid way of making sure you end your cyrpto run with some great gains. Going it alone would be much harder to do that, theres just too much to research and stay on top of.

>> No.7270456

anyone have a link to the pbc pdf?

>> No.7270731

You mother pushed you out through her asshole and because of that now she lives with a permanent prolapse, rendering her ass barely functional. Every poop she projects reminds her of your awful birth event.

>> No.7270783

they can still just raise the block size

yes yes, a year too late, but they can still do it.

imagine they raised it to 16mb and then realized its actually crashing the system somehow, they're just being careful because as long as you keep it as it is, its the least risky move. the chances of bch actually taking over are minimal, if there's ever a serious risk, they can just double the block size for starters and see where to go from there

>> No.7270880


This literally sounds like a description of normal payment channels to me.


Yes I know that's all that the LN people managed to implement so far, but the actual LN is supposed to be a widespread network.

>> No.7270998

Lightning Network is a network of payment channels that can interact.