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File: 74 KB, 500x500, Litecoin-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7261540 No.7261540 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7261580

Shitcoin /thread

>> No.7261643
File: 421 KB, 1402x1400, 1517462609090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold at $130 and I unironically don't regret it. It's going to continue bleeding out. There is no point of this coin anymore, and Robinhood listing other cheap coins will be the nail in the coffin.

>> No.7261710

Might want to check the price m8

>> No.7261716

you will regret it in due time

>> No.7261735

>ltc up 30%
>BTC up 11%

>> No.7261747

Fuck you Charlie Lee INSIDER chink

>> No.7261772

It's only a matter of time before Charlie opens his mouth again and FUDs it back into the ground.

Tick tock, Litecucks.

>> No.7261813

I sold it at $15, still won't apologize. Just a shitcoin.

>> No.7261814
File: 693 KB, 697x832, ChadGreenWojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7261842
File: 408 KB, 2048x1536, LiteSoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sold it at $15
Even a soyboy has stiffer hands than you anon

>> No.7261852

>Year 2025
>Walk into coffee shop with my good friend, Chad
>Wagecuck cashier: "Okay sir that'll be $2.87 each!"
>Looks at my phone, see that I have option to pay with either LTC or Nano
>LTC total: $2.97 after fee
>Nano total: $2.87 no fee
>Choose to pay with LTC
>Chad: "Why'd you choose to pay with Litecoin instead of Nano?"
>Me: "Check this out man. I chose LTC because it has cool logo and REALLY cool bitcoin technology and have you seen their founder Charlie Lee?? Plus they are partnered with no one!"
>Chad: "Ouch! Okay buddy."
>Chad pays $2.87 for his coffee, no fees

>> No.7261915

Fucking kek.
Litecoin to 1k

>> No.7261967
File: 90 KB, 2372x514, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah 2025
I woke up in the morning and ask my slave, Tyrone to post a thread on /biz/ that says "I'm glad I didn't listen to this guy" and attached this pic.

>> No.7262287


So fucking pissed about this. Sold yesterday thinking it would dip again and it goes straight up. THIS COIN MAKES NO SENSE

>> No.7262318

No the coin makes sense. You are just a fucking retard

>> No.7262320

The most useless altcoin

>> No.7262359


Exactly! Sell now or regret it later.

>> No.7262368

Actually you only need this one for payments and bitcoin for savings. The other 2000 are worthless

>> No.7262391

>Walk into car dealership
>Yes sir, that will be 40 thousand dollars in cash please
>Excuse me, do you take litecoin by any chance?
>Of course. Its the universally accepted and most widely adopted cryptocurrency to this day! That will be 0.000000000000052 litecoin please
>Yeah, just put it on my tab, I'll be back tomorrow
>Go home in my new BMW and check my litecoin balance while driving
>2.5 litecoin

>> No.7262426

it will be exactly this, but without delusional values

>> No.7262470

litecoin is heavily manipulated by whales. Before the crash it would get punished on literally every rally it had.

Shoots up to 300, down to 250
Shoots up to 290, down to 240

>> No.7262548

True. It isn't spread around enough yet.

>> No.7262575

I bet Charlie bought at this recent dip

>> No.7262582

I am sorry

>> No.7262603

So litecoin is like your checking account
And Bitcoin is savings account.
What about eth?

>> No.7262633

>What about eth?
it is the fuel of the interwebz !!!11111

>> No.7262638

your ponzi scheme account

>> No.7262670

This yes. It’s used to create Ponzis

>> No.7262684

those analogies are the stupidest fucking things.
>Why have my savings in something stable when I can put it in a literal shitcoin that will charge me $40 dollars to move any amount all the while it loses 99% of it's value over the next few years?

>> No.7262708

Eth is really for businesses and applications. It was not meant to be a currency. No idea how people do not get this.

>> No.7262724

you know you can set your fees right? also it hasn't been $40 since the peak

>> No.7262740

Ether is your equity fund.

>> No.7262865

Still trying to figure out why this coin is a long term hold
Have a normie coworker who uses coinbase to trade ltc. He won't even consider any other coin, he just likes litecoin for some reason

>> No.7262955

you're talking about a USD checking/savings account right?

>> No.7263012

Posting from another thread so you guys can hopefully try to understand:
Litecoin's competitive edge is decreasing ever single day to superior technology being developed. Why would you invest in dial-up when you could invest in fiber. Like I said, short term the market is irrational, so sure, maybe there is money to be made. But unless Litecoin literally revamps itself from the ground up, there's no way it will be relevant in 5 years. Screencap the fuck out of this.

>> No.7263031

Put aside the technology argument behind, LTC has a serious cult-like following. That alone is an asset. Same goes to LINK.

>> No.7263119

If you think that a technology having a cult-like following will make stand the test of time and makes it a good long term investment, I don't know how to help you

>> No.7263203

>tfw transferred all my LTC for BTC this morning at 150. Not it's 160 and BTC is still the same
How do you deal with not maximizing your gains?

>> No.7263356

Wew lads

LTC is unironically on a moonmission

A long time coming

>> No.7263364
File: 21 KB, 320x320, 570206d94cbecee5a4230a9a4d2ef74d--moneta-jakarta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's look at this based on currency point of view. Many shithole countries have better fiat (paper and ink quality wise) compare to USD but why wouldn't people just switch to for example Indonesian rupiah? They have better tech

>> No.7263406

>Many shithole countries have better fiat (paper and ink quality wise)
kek you had me going for a second

>> No.7263571


It's coming back down tonight, you FUCKING assholes

>> No.7263630

I'm fucking serious mate. The US hasn't adopted Polymer banknotes. Indonesia has had this tech since the 90's. Is USD worth less than Indonesian Rupiah for that reason? Currency is backed by the community, not by the technology.

>> No.7263677

guys its 33% up, please do not FOMO into green dildos, long term it will help you keep both your money and your sanity

>> No.7263694

Hard fork when.

>> No.7263774

The right question is, would hard fork pump the price? The answer is not really

>> No.7263986

I sincerely wish I had the patience to explain how ridiculous your argument is, but I know there is no point. Let's just say you won this time, good job anon

>> No.7264071

But I want to buy when it's high and panic sell when it's low