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7260231 No.7260231 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys also feel empty?

I was thinking that financial freedom and luxury things/gf will change that, but I just feel empty.

>> No.7260241

you need friends and laughing with ur friends to fill that hole

>> No.7260252

no, gtfo your not even worth my caps

>> No.7260258

I honestly like doing this. I barely have any money invested and even if I make it I will continue playing the markets because it is exciting af

>> No.7260271

Eat something.

>> No.7260279

But isn't that just psychology and animal instincts that are still in us?

>> No.7260291

turn off your fucking computer
read more good books
learn to appreciate being alone

>> No.7260300

I felt fulfilled before and I feel fulfilled after making money from this. I have friends who ae worth 50X more than me and can never attract a single girl in their life. The girls they're ever with are clearly in it for the money and you can see the repulsion from their body language miles away.

Money does not make you more fucking attractive. Noone wants to fuck you any more fundamentally, and a woman would rather shove a dildo up her ass if it wasn't for the money.

If you're already a NEET, you will stay a NEET. However, if you work on yourself, exhibit some confidence, and realize that happiness is not sourced in materialism, you will succeed.

>> No.7260307

back to the drawing board, looks like ur gonna have to find a gf likes you for your personality, i hate those.

>> No.7260308
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>But isn't that just psychology and animal instincts that are still in us?

>> No.7260328

I tried both actually.
A healthy diet and eating whatever I want.
Doesn't change that.

>> No.7260335

What good is financial freedom if you don't have a network of people to enjoy it with... that's why I put all my close friends on crypto and they will join me in lamboland, taking exotic vacations and living together in NYC....the dream is what you make it

>> No.7260338

You're an idiot or you're 12

>> No.7260420

Just think about it.
In prehistoric ages, you NEEDED to be in a group or you will die. So your brain is programmed to feel good when you are with other people. But where is free will in it?
I have friends, but I don't feel attached to them.

>> No.7260671
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I don't care for extravagance either but I'd still rather be dead than live my entire life on Mr Shekelburg's leash.