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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7259160 No.7259160 [Reply] [Original]

so I got convinced into shadow by the shills saying theres are whales and no dump etc, starting to regret it right about now... Is it going to go up again? I pulled out of ethpyramid for this and now this is 20 ETH lower and ethpyramid is above what I sold it for again.

you told me shadow's code is superior so when is it going to go back up?

>> No.7259234

Prove that you are not lying

>> No.7259293

what the fuck do you mean dude its at 35 ETH now if you bought at any time in the past day you'd be at a fucking loss, what do you want me to prove?

>> No.7259381

No, dipshit, I mean prove that you bought in. Post your wallet address

>> No.7259428

I will share info about what’s going on, but you have to prove that you’re on the home team

>> No.7259447

Lmao fucking dumb pajeet you completely deserve this, you're a retard for investing in a shitclone, they ALWAYS have weaker hands than OG devs despite promising they're not. should have learned from powh

Their official release was at 70 LMAO.

>> No.7259470
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>I lost money on making stupid investments on products with questionable fundamentals did I get scammed?

>> No.7259494

>investing in a literal ponzi scheme

>> No.7259515


i was up money before this so

>> No.7259545

Yes, you did. Don't worry, just send your money to my ETH wallet and I'll make it back for you.

>> No.7259641

so you want to share that info now? is it going to go back up or what

>> No.7259747

yes you got fucking fucked, they prebought 70 ETH.

>> No.7259755

why the fuck would you ever invest in something that admits to being a ponzi scheme?

I bet you didn't even read the smart contract either

>> No.7259774
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>I was up money
>No I'm down money

>> No.7259791

OK, here’s the deal. You bought into something that’s literally advertised as a scam, and you’re asking if you got scammed. Yes. Yes you did. Either add yourself to the statistic of crypto suicides, or get off of /biz/ and go work on a skill that will make you valuable to society and thus earn you money.

>> No.7259799

You're an idiot, OP. Cash out now before you ruin yourself further with your 80 IQ investing.

>> No.7259810

kill yourself, why did you even tell me to prove i invested acting like you're some shadow insider?

>> No.7259856

the fundamentals weren't questionable at all
they were unquestionably garbage, openly a ponzi scheme

>> No.7259866

Because your OP is so unbelievable stupid that I thought it had to be a troll. I thought there was no way someone could be dumb enough to ask if they had been scammed by the thing that advertised itself as a scam. Haha, Jesus fuck. Think about what you’re asking. Stop chasing moon missions and being a sucker for scam artists. You learned a hard lesson today.

>> No.7259902

>did I get scammed by buying into something advertised as a ponzi scheme
No, not at all. You're just one of the smart ones that got in early.

>> No.7259904

LMAO This is actually some classic clonefag shit, if they think you haven't bought in they act like nothing is wrong and the project is fine but once they realize you have bought into their shitclone they laugh in your face you deserve this OP

>> No.7259912


EthPy dev here.

The code is not superior. It's identical. Run a diffcheck.

>> No.7259976

>Hey, so there's this coin that's a scam
>No, seriously, it's advertised as a scam, that's all it is
>Anyways, I dumped a few ETH into it
>Did I get scammed?
The absolute state of nu/biz/

>> No.7259981

How do people keep falling for this shit for the fifth day in a row?
Yes, retard, it is a SCAM. It even says it’s a scam. All previous scams have exited with everyone’s money. This one isn’t different.

>> No.7260024

I had nothing to do with this scam. I just saw this post and couldn’t believe it was real. Made my fucking day though

>> No.7260036


In fairness, I would ask you to review the code before making a claim like that.

Don't trust us. We're faceless and could have any intentions. Trust the code.

>> No.7260071


Re. exit scamming with funds, is the claim I'm referring to, apologies.

Yes, it's a Ponzi. Everyone is an idiot for buying into it.

>> No.7260101

fucking kekasaurus keks

>> No.7260114

i mean if you are buying anything that isnt in the top 25 volume then you are pretty much just gambling

>> No.7260117
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>> No.7260154

What's your opinion of people who market your cloned coins?

>> No.7260195


I'm fascinated and intrigued, if I'm honest. There's no point being mad, since there's nothing we can do. Honestly, I'm a bit flattered.

Every clone that goes up, and every hour that passes, serves as cement in the robustness of the code.

>> No.7260213

okay? so i get it im a fucking dumbass you can stop telling me now but not all these ponzis just crash, some of them actually go up so how the fuck do i choose the one that goes up?

>> No.7260695

the only one up is OG, all other clones have scammed just like with powh clones

>> No.7260776

It'll go up again. Make sure to reinvest dividends while it's low; it counts as a purchase even if you don't withdraw so the cheaper it is when you reinvest the better.

>> No.7260874

I get you're angry, but try to use it to learn. You shouldn't blindly trust a fucking thing anyone says here. You've already paid for the lesson.

>> No.7261177



>> No.7261392

The amount of profit you can make scales with how many clone there are, the original always makes the most money and always buy in early if your confident, but don't let your gains just sit there. Too many fags just sit there and hodl believing in dividends, but be happy with 50% - 100% gains and get out

>> No.7262224

Haha, I'm so glad this thread is still going. I need to screencap this stupidity.

>> No.7262486
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Don't invest in ponzi schemes. That's you're lesson. The problem is, you're an addict. When your money goes up, you get a dopamine rush. When you see other people's money go up, you feel like you're missing out and your brain goes into chase mode because you know how good it feels to get that rush. That's all that's happening here. Stop chasing moons and work on a skill that will improve your life. Quit jerking off and invest in yourself.

>> No.7262516

so i should stop investing in crypto? fuck that shit nigger

>> No.7262729

Of course not. There are projects that have value and will go up long term. I'm sure at this age, you won't take my advice, but it would be very beneficial for you to take a break from the internet for a while, as long as you can stand it (don't worry, it won't be very long). Not in the CatPawStopPosting.jpg sense, but genuinely, for your own benefit. I would guess that you're pretty young based on the way you're posting, which means you've never lived in a world without constant access to the internet. If you don't gain some perspective, you will remain a slave for the rest of your life. It's not that you shouldn't be involved with online communities, it's that you (specifically) probably have a mechanism in your head that is susceptible to over-indulgence. If you're not careful, it can be applied to some kind of drug or alcohol and you'll end up wasting years of your life.

>> No.7262762

how old are you?

>> No.7262830

Unless you count the years I lost to alcohol
Then, 25

>> No.7263343 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 460x380, ethpy_stair_meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethpyr poster here--you're a fucking retard for putting money into one of the X number of clones thinking you'll be earlier, without realizing that none of them will have the same staying power as the originals.

Congrats, you literally fell for a copy of a scam instead of at the very least, staying with the original that will keep fluctuating and actually have a healthy amount of people in it to sustain itself longer than a fucking day.

Shadow's code is E X A C T L Y the same. The Shadow pajeet used the sentiment against the devs that they bought before releasing Ethpyramid, telling everyone how this one has no early buyers, and you ate it up.

WoW tHe ToP oF a PyRaMiD iS MoST ProFiTaBlE!!!

>> No.7263459


>> No.7263460

Burned by a clone, lel

>> No.7263667

you are making it to easy to bully you tbqh
either you are seriously a brainlet or this is some of the best fudding I've seen so far