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7258614 No.7258614 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know how you pajeet faggots haven't figured this out yet. Let me make it obvious and as easy as possible for you. Go look at BTC/USD chart in log scale. Add the RSI indicator.

Look at the 5 bull runs and crashes BTC has had over the last two years. When RSI surges over 70, it's followed by a BTC correction. When RSI bottoms out at 30, it's followed by a BTC surge. If you had traded based solely on this indicator over the last two years, you would be rich, dumbshit.

Now look at where we stand right now. RSI bottomed out near 30 and is headed back up. NEVER ONCE has the RSI dipped the way it has over the past 6 weeks and not been followed by a crazy BTC run.

Unless you are actually stupid enough to think the market is fundamentally broken, the bubble popped, bitcoin is dead and everything has changed, it is obvious where we are headed now.

>> No.7258637

stfu faggot i want more cheap coins

>> No.7258642

LTC surging od

>> No.7258671

B-b-but the salty nocoiners who flooded all the forums told me it was going to 1K.

>> No.7258673

1 Indicator is not enough

>> No.7258710

Wrong. This market has been, is, and will continue to be extremely fucking simple.

>> No.7258726

Technically it hasn't bottomed until the next candle closes and the indicator shows a reversal. But yes, it's extremely close to the bottom.

>> No.7258728

so then 1 wrong indicator is equally powerful?

>> No.7258762

these but we still have a final crash to 6k
buy then because it will never dip that low again.

>> No.7258764

Excellent post, but I think when you need to say "bitcorn is dead" you have to say "bitcorn" like a boomer.

>> No.7258779

how the fuck are you getting this view?

>> No.7258802

Why would the candle need to close? That's completely arbitrary.

>> No.7258820

I won't spoon feed you any further. If you want to make money, accept the reality of how stupid this all is. Buy and hodl, and only trade when the market is overbought or oversold. This market is made for RSI, it isn't my problem you don't understand that.

>> No.7258858

Try the 1 week chart idiot

>> No.7258872

I hope you're right anon. I don't think I could tolerate another JUSTing right now.

>> No.7258883

You aren't spoon feeding even slightly, so stop roleplaying for a minute, and try to find yourself another indicator. Don't even bother posting it here, because I already found one, and a second pending on the next closing candle.

>> No.7258916

I don't think you get 4chan very well

>> No.7258925

Serious question, do you guys really think this will just go up forever? I cannot imagine where would the money for a new ATH come from

>> No.7258954

Not an argument.

>> No.7258983

investors actually buying now during the dip then everyone fomoing back in making them rich after they crashed the market

>> No.7259033

Dude I got in during early June, told all my friends to buy bitcoin and even in December nobody bought. And we're in a STEM uni. There is tons of cash to go in.
Most people don't even understand what bitcoin is yet.
Although, I'm not confident with another bull run just yet. We should stay for a few months at 10k and then shoot up again.

>> No.7259052

Thanks Anon, just took your advice and bought more

>> No.7259097


Honestly I hope it just goes up but more slowly this time.

>> No.7259134

30 RSI hasn't failed yet, we'll see if it holds up.

>> No.7259155

BTC will be the new world currency my friend

95-98% of the world has no idea about crypto. we're all gonna make it brother

>> No.7259168

Bullrun coming. I only go by rsi and have never lost or been let down. Who ever sold thinking this would go lower will be chasing soon enough.

>> No.7259187
File: 25 KB, 394x458, 1472143943778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normies and institutionals investors unironically, the rally during december was just testing the waters. Everyone talked about it but only few bought.

The general normie sentiment right now is that cryptos are monopoly money but more and more people start to be interested in the blockchain tech in general (mostly from a business pov).

Ex : my dad and grand dad both said a year ago that BTC is BS, but right now even if they don't still don't like BTC, I do occasionnaly talk about blockchain with them with possibble uses case and last development.

I also have some sources that Carrefour may be looking at blockchain tech too.

Only laggard retards are still in denial about what all this will bring to the world.

BUT, BTC and probably ETH and 98% of alts will disappear (or at least not be commonly used) in the next 20 years. The crypto of the future hasn't still been invented yet. We only have prototypes right now.

This whole shit is Internet 2.0

>> No.7259232

I work for a large contractor and our senior programmers and architects (I.e., people with money) had never even uttered the word "bitcoin" in the office for the 3 years I've been clocking in. Everything has changed over the past month or two, and now I'm surrounded by real life pink wojaks.

>> No.7259239

btw, wasn't there a thread today where anon said there are only 2 days remaining ubtil something huge? Would fit the RSI trajectory.

>> No.7259334


Last time we were at this level daily trade volumes were about half

Volumes in general are in a linear tend upwards

There are a lot of people who are buying in now having waited for the dip

Not withstanding constant media fud, the background meme is that Bitcoin is going 10x this year and barring nuclear war I don't see the trend reversing

>> No.7259380

People have been repeating your exact same words for at least two years.

>> No.7259415
File: 44 KB, 1521x679, longf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using zoomed in charts from 2017

>> No.7259455

That or the guv' makes their own blockchain. We can't let that happen. Then the RFID chips in our hands. No no and no.

We need a complete transition to crypto from fiat. No way bitcoin dies now.

>> No.7259475

wich one specificaly?

And if you talk about the whole post, well they're not wrong, i think (this is still speculation, and yes something can go wrong and actually be the end of crypto, but unprobable).

Just gotta be patient, Internet too wasn't made in a year and yet here we are

>> No.7259483
File: 109 KB, 258x235, 1508151808685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use picture with random meme lines in patters you see fit without reason in order to prove your faulty point

>> No.7259544


I checked previous RSI, and none of them reached 30

>> No.7259590

That was the only pic I had. RSI holds true at least 3 yrs back.

Also, you could have drawn that downtrend line after every other correction. It never happened. That's a meaningless chart and a meaningless random line you drew on it

Brainlet pajeet fuck, jesus

>> No.7259597

>posting an avatar faggot pic
>reassuring yourself to be right cause feelings
You must literally hate money normie

>> No.7259638

>responds to a post about RSI with a chart that doesn't have RSI but has a random line drawn on it

>> No.7259775

There were times the RSI was above 70 for days and you would have lost out on gains by selling so take your meme lines and eat a giant dick.

>> No.7259814

>He thinks this is all about maximizing possible risky gains instead of having stable confirmed gains

>> No.7259839

wow, meme lines are being paraded around as actual advice not fundamentals

/biz/ was a mistake

>> No.7259863

But bitcoin has never yet had any real bear market (only a false one, caused by Mr. Gox)

>> No.7259865

>risky gains
You absolute retarded fuck - Neo was above 70 FOR AN ENTIRE 2 WEEKS when it went up 2.5x kys

>> No.7259869

Someone who gets it!

>> No.7259970

>He doesn't use a strategy where if TA indicates sell and FA indicates strong long term hold then you sell 30-40% and wait for the real rally before you sell the rest. Thus mitigating a part of the risk

>> No.7260041

>if one meme line doesn't predict a thing in hindsight I use another meme line and another until I can fully explain a thing that I won't be able to explain in the future without a different combination of meme lines

>> No.7260099

dubs speak truth

>> No.7260110

I was talking about fundamental analysis you fucking mongoloid. I'm done with this troll

>> No.7260162

nigga you must be blind or something

>> No.7260305

Yes, Im indeed blind

>> No.7260476

ITT: people who have substantially underperformed the market trading crypto

>> No.7260503


no it won't and all the other answer to this post are super fucking cringe

>> No.7260588

>we cant let that happen
theyre already developing it as we speak.
in 10 yrs everything is gonna be blockchained

>> No.7260741


go to 2014 there is times where RSI bottomed out and it went even lower days after

thanks for your analysis

>> No.7260927

OP you are incredibly stupid or just new and think you have found a magic indicator. You haven't. Bitcoin frequently hovers around 70 during it's hottest rallies without pulling back, I've seen it stay above 80 for days.

>> No.7261246

Neither. Jesus Christ. Yes, sometimes it stays above 70. When it does, it's going parabolic, and you can wait for confirmation that the run is over, but you should be very vigilant because once people start taking profits the fall can be precipitous. Once it's over 70, you need to be prepared to move.
And to the other retard, in 2014 bitcoin was still mostly neckbeards and the market was even less mature. Look at 2 yrs