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7258160 No.7258160 [Reply] [Original]

Post your questions and comments about upcoming, current, or previous education you've endured and how it has effected your sucess.
Remember there are no stupid questions only stupid people
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>> No.7258237

People who went through at least 4 years of university what did you do for money? Have any of you started your own business while going to school?

>> No.7258308

Industrial Engineering, MBA, speak Spanish, English and Italian.

I'm a moron

>> No.7258384

Financiallly speaking, medicine is unbelievable tier.

>> No.7258394


>chemistry, physics, astrophysics god tier
>go through one of the hardest degrees, average intelligence of students is ~140
>incredibly high competition since virtually no jobs
>shit prospects even at phd level
>essentially trapped in academia the rest of your life dealing with turboautists and senile professors

If this chart is ranked by future career prospects then get the hard sciences the fuck out lol

>> No.7258429

>asskissing government
>sending people to jail, even if you know they're not guilty
>getting people outta jail, even if you know they're guilty
>not under shit tier
I won't put it on Suicide tier because salary and job are considered in the image, but fuck.

>> No.7258444

Econ grad from good university in America here. Literally has done nothing for me.

>> No.7258492
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>not being poor
>not applying for government aid
>not having the school pay for you
>not getting 2.0 and still graduating to make +60k a year
education is literally free if ur american and poor

>> No.7258514

worked dead end job. I was a security guard, best job while you are still in school because you can study as you gain $$$, graduated with no debt.

Aviation = pilot? If so it's shit tier. Not only do you need to invest in a fuckton of hours and money but getting a job afterwards is tough and the pay is horrible, I'm talking minimum wage tier. Only do it if you love flying and can't see yourself doing anything else.

>> No.7258523

I did 3 years, in my country that's enough to get a Bachelor's Degree (Engineering Mathematics). In my last year I started doing freelance work (mainly Python, from simple scraping tasks to data science projects).

Started the fourth year (last two are for a Master Degree), but didn't do any exam because I accepted a full-time offer. My salary is double the national average, and I have pretty good prospects for the next years.

If this goes well, I don't think I'll every go back for my Master.

>> No.7258532

math. 99% of my money made by holding cryptos since 2012. Not sure if there's any direct link from math to my money, but math is way more interesting than of my electives that I had to do. Makes you feel fuzzy inside

>> No.7258571

uhh not sure about that one anon

>> No.7258581
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If anybody is thinking of going to medical school, I would strongly urge you to reconsider

>> No.7258611

BA in Poli Sci and Phil, but if crypto doesn't pan out I'm headed to law school. Philosophy being lower than shit like communications and criminology is pretty troll. Crim students become cops, Phil students become lawyers (comm majors become baristas).

>> No.7258626

its meh tier

>> No.7258669


Econ grad, I think if you go deeper with your education then you'll have some good prospects but you gotta fight out here just like everyone else. Some business grads think we're a joke (we kinda are but they kinda are too) but some people think we're way smarter because they absolutely despised their required 100 level micro and macro econ intro courses to graduate.

I think if you do more applied/econometric stuff then you'll have some more technical skills to work with on your resume and thus recruiters with automated search tools will find you.

I'm in my last semester and I took some higher level econ courses that kind of acted as history classes too and I have to admit, if anything, that I've learned how stupid the general public is. Game theory teaches a lot in how we rationalize our decisions based off of utility but it can also show 'political' frameworks influence what we do too.

Again, there's too much theory material to work with that makes you lag in more practical stuff biz kids might have but the academic route probably doesn't suck as much. On the other hand I have enjoyed the occasional moment where people think I'm smarter than I really am.

Long VEN and AMB

>> No.7258718

Got a Comp Sci degree
Easily got a 60K job out of college

Moreover, knowing how to program is a skill that I love having.

>> No.7258721

It really isn't, once you take into consideration: the length of training (4 years undergrad, 4 years postgrad, 5-7 years residency, 1-2 years fellowship, 1-2 years extra for probably failing at one of these stages at some point), the sheer amount of debt you are saddled with when you come out of medical school, the absolutely sweatshop-tier, horrific working hours (especially as a resident), the cost of indemnity and malpractice insurance, the on-calls and night shifts, the ungrateful, entitled patients, the bureaucratization of the entire industry, etc etc etc
By the time you've made any money you're in your late forties and too depressed and burnt out to do anything with it

>> No.7258759

where and what kind of job?

>> No.7258815

youd honestly shit your pants studying civil engi
but the people who do are honestly meh tier
at least here
t. civil engi dropout

>> No.7258836

This list is completely fucked. This is the equivalent of somebody liking a sports team because the mascot is cute. How is art and marketing not both in the suicide tier? Business administration should be in suicide tier as well honestly.

>> No.7258867

>programming great tier
>ez jobs at startups near or above 6 figures at graduation
>no slavery compared to engineering
>can work at blockchain companies, get paid in crypto.


>> No.7258894
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Mech. Engy or Mech Engineer???????


>> No.7258915

Accounting grad. 29 Year old Co-founder and CFO of profitable and growing company.

With my resume, at this point, absolute worst case scenario is I'm out of a job for a couple of weeks. Can get 70k yearly at pretty much any company with about a month of searching. 120k if I am less selective about what the company I want to work for actually does or if I want to be a little more patient in my job search.

Hoping to literally never give another person a resume again though.

>> No.7258933

Mech I think you'll end up at a factory or warehouse unless you want to specialize in something good. But you have to go out of your way to do it.

Energy you'll end up a solar panel salesman til fusion pops that bubble.

>> No.7258940

So I’m getting my masters in Econ at a big school (bama). Do you think this could get my foot in the door at an investment bank?

>> No.7258947
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Business administration major here. Looking to change to communications so I have easier classes. Am i gonna make it?

>> No.7258962

or helping businesses with acquisitions, contracts, startup docs, investments....etc.

Last Chief Investment Officer I worked for was a lawyer. Usually one of the best qualifications for stuff like that is being able to make sure whatever you are signing isn't completely fucking you over in the long run.

>> No.7258997

I'll be a doctor at the age of 26 and wrapping up my residency+fellowship in my early thirties where I'll make upwards of 400k. The ROI is unbelievable tier.

>> No.7259017


>three levels between Biology and Ecology

Do employers actually care? I did Ecology. It was exactly the same classes as the Biology students for all three years and I could have changed my degree title to Biology at the end if I cared, anybody who did a life science will know this. Every lecturer, lab manager and anybody else in the field I asked said they didn't give a shit about specific degree title in the field so long as it was a life sciences title, they only cared about experience. I actually wanted a more specific title as I only specifically wanted to do ecology-related work at the time.

Of course this was in the West. Maybe in the East they'll think its a media studies-tier difference?

>> No.7259126

A state university with a good Comp Sci program and got a job as a software engineer for a large defense contractor.

>> No.7259185

If you think chem or physics have no jobs you're wrong as fuck. A physics major with computing experience will take any job in that market

>> No.7259205

I care. Im part of the hiring/interview process for a scientific sales company. Most of the time, ecology majors have taken all the fluffy ecology classes and very few microbiology, organic chemistry, and biochemistry classes we like to see. The actual biology majors usually also have a lot more lab experience and are much better versed in the technical aspects of biology. Maybe not a big deal if you want a $30k lab tech job where you do some menial task all day, but you won't be going far.

>> No.7259221

I'm considering go to university in 2 or 3 years to do Economics with a minor in finance. Is this a good plan? I want to get a job doing market research and business startup and I'm pretty good at math and learning math.

I fell for the no-name trade school meme and that got me nowhere so far

>> No.7259250

Yes, which uni?

>> No.7259266

>t. 18 year old with no experience what being a doctor id's like
Look up how many doctors are satisfied with their job, there's a reason every doctor will tell you if you're doing it out for money you're braindead

>> No.7259291

Chemistry master race reporting in.

>> No.7259297

University of Lethbridge

>> No.7259310 [DELETED] 


>> No.7259332

>tfw when ex wanted to be a doctor because she wanted to “care for people”
>when we broke up, told her she just wanted to be a doctor to make ass loads of money just like she wants a sugar daddy to be a gold digging whore to.

She was quite offended.

>> No.7259396

Nursing Graduate. Only work 3 times a week and the pay is pretty good although that probably because I'm in the northeast. New grads have it tough up here depending on the person it can take 3 to 6 months to get a job. Most people go down south or the Midwest were they are always hiring to get experience before moving back.

>> No.7259399

Economics and "market research" is like Fantasy Football.

Everyone makes 1,000 predictions and are really loud when they're right but then disappear when wrong.

Eventually its the end of the season and the guy who didn't show up to the draft wins the league because autodraft knew better than everyone all along. Then you realize you can't actually predict real life actions in any manner, and it was all just luck the whole time.

No job is more full of shit that "consultants". Bunch of MBA students applying theoretical models to real businesses and getting paid for it.

>> No.7259467

I'm a forth year that scored a 260 on my step 1. Stay poor.

>> No.7259479

So, how is that workin out for you? I am making similar amounts being a weeb crypto trader. I only finished high school and a little community college. I am cozy in my house I own and I have a cutie wifu who makes me food.

I basically just surf the internet, watch charts, and exercise.

Math kicks ass.

>> No.7259498


>> No.7259556

But with the current model market research is still required. A business won't be able to get a loan or an investor if they don't have their ideas validated and their customers segmented. I joined a business club while in college and that was what I enjoyed most out of the experience

>> No.7259561

W-where's fashion design on this list

>> No.7259575

>Great/God tier

>> No.7259629

It's great. Not God Tier like Finance but still great. It's also easy to double major with.

>> No.7259647

Economics should be down graded. It's a pretend science with students who don't know actual statistics.

>> No.7259671

>God tier.

Unless you go to a top uni Finance is suicide tier and not even worth considering. You're better off going with accounting 99% of the time.

>> No.7259788

This is not true at all. I have 4 financing partners and have never written a business plan. The first time I will have to is if I want an SBA loan. I will make it myself as I'm not dumb. If your whole job is to tell me how my business runs and who my customers are, you're useless.

>> No.7259844

Congrats on the score.
I'm not saying you're going to be poor as a doctor. Especially with a score like that, you're probably gonna make a lot of money. But it's gonna come at a huge personal sacrifice, whether you know it yet or not. There's a reason why the 'don't do medicine for the money' meme is so popular - it's because it's true. For the next 10 years or so, people who YOU are smarter than will be working easier jobs and making more money than you. The only thing that you'll have over them is that your job is more meaningful and commands more respect - which isn't insignificant.
What residency are you gonna go for?

>> No.7260047

I'm 20 and fucked off during high school and the 2 years following. I will be starting community college this year and want to transfer and get a Bachelors in Comp Sci. I was always good at math but had social issues and ended up having to retake geometry for 2 years due to a psycho teacher that was fired before the year ended and then I left school before completing Algebra 2. Am I gonna be stuck at community college for more than 2 years playing catch up on my math credits or can it be done in 2 years? I don't plan to go to a very prestigious university just the closest state school. And like I said math always came easily to me I completed Algebra 1 in middle school but then I slacked off through high school and eventually dropped out

>> No.7260135

I didn't do an internship and worked for some time in an ad agency. After that I did my master and founded my own business. After university I went to work as a consultant, was offered an external mandate at a big corp. After some months they offered me a mid senior position and I took it. Earning a six-figure salary as a 30-year-old. Investing in crypto is a playful hobby that lets me learn more about cryptos and its technologies.

Funny thing is that the design field is not even listed in your graph. I did my studies in the field of design. My apprenticeship too. Kek

>> No.7260216

Is financial aid enough to cover living expenses too though? I always thought you just get enough for tuition then still need to get a job to pay for housing and food etc.

>> No.7260261

Gunning for integrated plastics but I'll be alright with ortho

>> No.7260430

My recommendation - consider rads. I've never met a radiologist who wished they became a surgeon, but I've met plenty of surgeons who switched for rads later down the road

>> No.7260593

>I won't put it on Suicide tier because salary and job are considered in the image
Lawyers are looked upon with distrust, especially by the lesser-educated, at least in the US.

>> No.7260612

im sorry what?

how is electrical engineering unbelievable tier, what is this based on?

B.E.E. here and it wasnt that hard

>> No.7260624

I hated my radiology rotation. I actually enjoy surgery and I'm willing to walk through hell for it.