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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 296 KB, 1600x1610, E53F42DE-F1B7-4C08-A5C3-0153877C5172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7256261 No.7256261 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7256282
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>> No.7256280

fuck you. we are not selling.

>> No.7256285

but we're under $10k now

>> No.7256290

your chart isnt even updated you fucking nigger

>> No.7256322
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>> No.7256336


>> No.7256369
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fucking nigger
we are either by despair or return to mean

>> No.7256398

based on this we will be at 400k in 2022

>> No.7256436

>in 2013 drop was 500 dollars
>in 2017 it was 10000 dollars
So you saying it has gotten even more volatile?

>> No.7256471

Based on this, nobody is making money for the next 2 years

>> No.7256479
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>> No.7256505

kek nice try

>> No.7256525

You have to look at it in terms of % drop not absolute drop. Bitcoin has dropped 94% before.

>> No.7256615

is actually looks like the meme chart

>> No.7256626
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>> No.7256657

The higher it gets, the more violent even small percentages become
Dollars are real money after all, nobody cares if back when it was worth nothing it crashes to almost zero.
Real money can be lost with 10k drop.

>> No.7256675
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This time, i'm not tethering i belive in btc going up once i waek up

>> No.7256711


>> No.7256712
File: 349 KB, 680x512, Need a single satisfact.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dollars are real money after all

>> No.7256807

Go buy food with crypto

>> No.7256814

>you are now here
I wish

>> No.7256902


>> No.7256946
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>> No.7256956

Someone once bought a pizza with crypto.

>> No.7256998
File: 62 KB, 1092x668, bitcoin322018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks real bad

>> No.7257191
File: 307 KB, 2200x668, bitcoin future.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is what is to come huh?

>> No.7257198

Faggot ass OP. If you’re going to compare charts, the very least you can do is use an updated one you fucking cunt.

>> No.7257323

this doesn't really make sense
if you had $1000 in bitcoin in 2013, and it dropped 5%, you lost $50.
if you had $1000 in bitcoin in 2017 and it dropped 5%, you lost $50.
bigger numbers do make more exciting headlines though, which may account for more violent swings

>> No.7257364

u chopped half the chart lmao, we already went down from 15k to 8k and bounced up a couple times

>> No.7257382

fuck off fudder
bullrun inc

>> No.7257457

i hate this mothefuccking graphs, stop posting this retards, just because some one posted this yesterday, scared, and sold at absolute low. fuck off.

>> No.7257615
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we might dip more, who knows, one thing is certain, crypto will reach 1trillion marketcap this year.
zoom out for a minute.
Were you here last year during China FUD when btc lost 53% in 3 days?
This corrections have become part of this volatile market and when it consolidates it goes on a bull run again, destroying all the previous ATH as people FOMO in.
Nothing about blockchain technology has changed, if 1 month a go you thought crypto was going to be 1 trillion in 2018 tell me what has changed?
Pajeets banned bitcoin, nobody cares, Europe, USA, Asia, these are the only markets that matter, the correction was going to happen we all knew it, it can['t go up forever, Korean FUD, media blasting crypto from all fronts, pajeet ban and fud.
it all contributed to this, but really has the blockchain lose it's value?
Absolutely no, when korea releases the new frame for crypto, we will start to pick up, after enduring this people will gain confidence in crypto, yes many normies got burned, but the amount of people left to scam is MASSIVE, 1 trillion is nothing for a world wide market with little entry barriers.
swing trade. go fiat then back in, idc, whatever you do, be sure to be in cryto starting april.
2018 crypto goes past 1 trillion dollars marketcap.

>> No.7257698

You can buy food already with crypto twat. The perception of "real money" is a fools dream.

>> No.7258602
File: 23 KB, 600x600, Hmmmm-emoji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday people told me we were between fear and capitulation. And now it seems like we have gone back in time.. hmmmm..

>> No.7258630

Bullrun coming, fuck off with this fud shit.

>> No.7258777
File: 779 B, 369x304, Bitcoin properly logarithmed..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not plotting it in log 10000
nice try fuders
but we stealth phase.

>> No.7258817

Can I get a confirmation on this.

>> No.7258904

I picked log-10000 because bitcoin is back over 9000 and so is 10000. And as we all know bitcoin is the future. First bear trap will be at 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

>> No.7258911

Even if it pumps to 20k tomorrow, people will spam the same meme chart and claim that it's a return to "normal"

>> No.7258921
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>> No.7258938

LinearFUDs absolutely btfo

>> No.7259018

it's not a fud idiot, i'm showing that that graph could have been applied at LEAST 3 times just last year, yet whoever sold crypto during any point of any previous bullrun-correction phase, lost a shitton of money.

there's absolutely no reason why this one would be different.

crypto's real market cap is around 10-50% of the net-wealth of the world, somewhere around 50-500trillion

>> No.7259022

You all may hate these graphs but remember, you'll look back on this time as the time you should have sold but didn't because of pride and greed. There are going to be a lot more suicidal threads in the near future.

>> No.7259026
File: 87 KB, 620x349, 0_H9L4JarFe-yYAjrX (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And do you remember what happened in 2014? Prepare to be assraped for months by the bear

>> No.7259028
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I fucking love you.
I believe in the technology and potential as well
I just wish I timed it right and shorted properly instead of sleeping an hour a night freaking out that my life savings are evaporating before my very eyes

>> No.7259030

Writing this shit down I'm going to be a millionaire.
My wife is going to think I'm a genius after I leverage our mortgage and make bank.

>> No.7259051
File: 50 KB, 1357x662, nignog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're hitting 15k in april

>> No.7259070

unlikely. that crash happened because of mt gox which scared people out of the market for while. this crash happened for no apparent reason, plus bitcoin isn't the only player anymore.

>> No.7259080

and remember what happened in may? i doubt it because you likely weren't anywhere near crypto then, but this entire board were full of retards repeating that it's gonna be 2014 all over again, and sold their coin before the july rally rip

>> No.7259120

50K BTC EOY ezpz

>> No.7259131

because bitcoin IS a meme

>> No.7259148

so tru

>> No.7259153

I had the same problem mang. my wife she dozen believe me she's like THATS A SCAM. So I withdrew 100 dollars from an ATM to use as an analogy for all the free money we're going to get.

>> No.7259159

>BTC currently trading at 9K
>posts chart with BTC at 15K
ultimate state of /biz retard

>> No.7259244

selling for 50k in December to pick up for 25 in January 2019

>> No.7259248

we be traders n sheeit

>> No.7259273

I used to hate wall street for working to keep people like you out but now I see why they do it.
When we hit 100k and drop to 50k, dumb fucks like you will be like OH FUGG IT DROPPED 50K HOLY FUCK ITS OVER

>> No.7259307
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>he doesn't realize he's the idiot wallstreet is keeping out.

>> No.7259335

>he thinks i'm not accredited
kek i bet you don't even know what accredited means.

>> No.7259522

>ac = extra
>credit = dollars
I bet he gets extra credit all the time.

>> No.7259619
