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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7256008 No.7256008 [Reply] [Original]

How does /biz/ deal with depression? I’ve been feeling really suicidal for the past few days because my crypto portfolio keeps dropping to new depths. Do you guys recommend therapy or is it useless?

>> No.7256049

It becomes therapeutic to watch your money disappear after a while, like after months. I'm not kidding. Give yourself a year or so in this market and you will become completely numb to it in almost unimaginable ways. You can ask anybody who's been doing this over a year what I'm talking about.

>> No.7256775

I think it helps with the reality of crypto and money.

When I first got in my portfolio tripled after a couple weeks. It didn't feel real at the moment. How could my money just increase that fast??

Suddenly everything started falling and reality set back in. I was super anxious and upset. But now it just makes me feel more calm? I guess.

>> No.7256896


If you have enough skin in the game at this point to make you feel suicidal, it means you will make it assuming you hodl strong. Never sell short of lamboland.

>> No.7256938

My life's dogshit but for some reason I never felt suicidal.

>> No.7256982
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>> No.7257468

I am diagnosed depressed and my portfolio only bothers me if I feel like it's a result of fucking up. YMMV though

>> No.7257496

Exercise and low carb diet. Force yourself moving even if you don't want to.

>> No.7257554
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depression is life's way of saying u need more attention

being diagnosed with depression is life's way of saying ur a faggot who is DESPERATE for attention

>advertising your depression means u should just kys because no one will give u attention

>> No.7257568

You just power true it.

>> No.7257577

You stop being a faggot realize life is hard for everyone.

>> No.7257923
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hey hey heeeyyy

>> No.7258116

Hebrews 13:5
>Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."

Never make money your God anon

>> No.7258130

How hard is it to just hodl OP

>> No.7258136

Phenibut, $uicideboy$ and red bull unironically fixed my depression

>> No.7258356
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Find something that really makes you happy and alive.
Make sure that thing can never leave you.
Then replace your depression with narcissism and the sole pursuit of what makes you happy.

>> No.7258558

I like their stuff, but it kinda makes me cringe.
Maybe I don't get it, but the fact they boast about being suicidal whilst not actually killing themselves year after year just feels like they aren't being honest from an artistic standpoint.

Music is still good though so I won't hold it against them.

>> No.7258976
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>> No.7259003

Cold showers anon. Try it right now and get back to me on how you feel.