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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7253177 No.7253177 [Reply] [Original]

Just went all in on NANO

Am I JUST'd or what

>> No.7253246

It’s okay buddy we believe in the technology. We’re just bagholders now

>> No.7253274

LOL you will be lucky to double your money.

>> No.7253339

>calling XRB NANO
You're not gonna make it.

>> No.7253376
File: 84 KB, 498x531, NanoChad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


best decision you coulda made pal

>> No.7253392

Never go all in you moron

>> No.7253419

I feel so fucked I was just trying to double my VEN stack. Now I got Just’d

If I go back to VEN i’ll have 30% of the stack. I’m fucked no will now to keep going. Damnit

>> No.7253432

going all in on pajeetcoin kek

>> No.7253477


>no fees, instant transactions, infinitely scalable, $2bill market cap
>thinks he made a bad decision going all-in

>> No.7253509

VEN gonna get away from you buddy

>> No.7253549

I wanted a strength node so badly. Now I’m just just’d

>> No.7253603

>no incentive to run a node
>overpriced thanks to being stuck on a exchange that still refused to release xrb
>Most of the people in it just care about how much its worth
>premined by literal pajeets and 3rd world denizens
>Shilled by /biz/ a lot so bagholders are trying to justify why they just gave literal pajeets so much money

>> No.7253766

The network is the incentive. Anyone who intends to actually use it for transactions more than occasionally has an incentive to run a node. So they have a free network for fast transactions. Every merchant on the internet is goin to run nodes.

>> No.7254387

pajeets sold it all for 10 cents a piece

>> No.7254419

>pajeets trying to convince me to buy a overvalued shitcoin thats just for transactions that I can use a billion other coins for


>> No.7254433

I believe in the tech so I’m Hodling. Not going to look at USD for a while

>> No.7254603

>Muh incentive
>Muh mining rig with 24 1080s running entire day
>Muh 2hr transaction times

>> No.7255625

Just in time where everything is green. Good job

>> No.7255645


>> No.7255678


Meme made by the developers. Major red flag.

>> No.7255718


>> No.7255762
File: 55 KB, 498x506, 1517446179109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coining rising now sirs! Timings to buying nano coinings sir!

You bloody basterd bitch!

>> No.7255835

Strap in Chads we’re taking Stacy for a ride

>> No.7255934

Nah, brah. 8/10 decision. 10/10 decision would have been diversifying a bit though: 50% Nano and 50% some other shit. Also, don't listen to the fudders, you will realize they are legit the biggest brainlets out there. For some reason, no other coin has had FUD this weak. :-/

>> No.7256006

>no incentive to run a node
>there is plenty if you are invested in XRB or a merchant, or even just for the sake of it (see next row)
>a shitload of people are seeding torrents on public trackers, without the need to do so

I can just imagine the level of regret your mom feels for not aborting you.

>> No.7256007

show bobs and vagene

>> No.7256131

No ones trying to attack a torrent seed worth hundreds of millions of dollars. You realized nodes aren’t just for payments, right? This is about the security of the network. If your plan for network security is
>wait till it gets adopted
>then strangers will do it out of the kindness of their heart
Your network will get buttfucked long before then. People will go through a lot of effort to compromise a network worth that kind of money

>> No.7256190

XRB is a fucking meme

>> No.7256462

Nano isn't