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7252288 No.7252288 [Reply] [Original]

Psst want to know a secret anon? Nimfamoney is what all the cool kids are getting, on sale atm and is gonna be big

>> No.7252342
File: 68 KB, 1281x512, Screenshot_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL who in their right mind would actually trust a bunch of russian 17 year olds with their money. Shitcoin indeed.

>> No.7252402

But this and Devery are the weakest performing tokens on my watchlist and also happens to be the only tokens in my portfolio. They were the only red ones just a while ago
o hai mark

>> No.7252510

The youth is the future grandpa

>> No.7252537

They'll bounce back well and soon, the development is going well from the announcements they've given. A few bugs but that's typical of something at this stage

>> No.7252545

anything happening with this coin atm? any announcements?

>> No.7252577

I know, I’ve followed the TG, but it’s regretful to think that I bought at 0.01ETH, just like I bought Devery shortly after the pump

>> No.7252595

They're testing out the platform and tryna remove some minor bugs, new exchange soon aswell apparently

>> No.7252633
File: 112 KB, 1023x575, 4764341-tumblr_nt57l7c8if1qkwu1go1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah i get you man, you can never know what's gonna happen in this game, if you hodl though it won't matter ofc.

>> No.7252804

nimfamoney is one of the shittest coins ive seen

>> No.7252949
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Its low market cap with a good idea. Easy to see why people might be skeptical but there's a lot of reason to believe in it desu

>> No.7253032

Stop samefagging, Mark
It just kinda sucks that these are the worst performers on my watch. I fear that they will lag behind in gains and will dip even harder than the others if BTC support falls again

>> No.7253146
File: 7 KB, 249x197, 1410224794623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people who bought NIMFA at 20usd
>there are people who bought NIMFA at 14usd
>I bought NIMFA at 8usd

>> No.7253149

Aslong as they keep working on it and give regular updates it'll be fine, has a pretty decent amount of people in on it aswell so it's pretty well known. I doubt a dip will happen desu, atleast a long term one

>> No.7253158

how am I samefagging if I literally just posted once in this shit thread

look up nimfamoney its literally shit
who is going to use this gay coin for margin trading honestly

would you actually want to use this shit platform when its released, pump your money into it and give it a spin? investing in this shit is pointless because its not gonna kick off, noone wants this shit, literally turtle and bazinga has more hype

seriously nigger its gay as fuk

you must be a bagholder that wants to """triple your coins"""

>> No.7253178


>> No.7253192

This has a huge growth potential, they just experienced some bugs that have already been fixed and that's the only reason for the low price.

But a trading platform that offers you margin trading and has a 1M market cap, who doesn't want in on that? Do you hate money?

>> No.7253216

I got in at around 5, i hope the people who brought at 10+ have an iron grip

>> No.7253247

I will sell as soon as I get out without taking too much of a loss

>> No.7253310
File: 28 KB, 500x434, GXJMcoH_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike Carlos Coin this has potential lol.
>Tfw Nimfa gets a hypeman

>> No.7253323

unironically this

this is pajeet-tier shit, surprised the dev team is not indian

>> No.7253347

At some point in 2018, I don’t know when exactly, this will pull the same shit that PRL pulled in dec-jan. Screencap this.

>> No.7253380
File: 137 KB, 1280x1268, IMG_20180121_184851_746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's early stages, anything can look like a pajeet did it when it's not finished. It just needs to finish off the service and make sure they keep giving regular updates.

>> No.7253385


I think the business model is quite sustainable.

>> No.7253409

Yeah just needs time to adjust, desu the bugs that have been fixed could be considered a blessing to those who want more of it

>> No.7253417

the end product is already useless shit, nobody is going to want to margin trade on some unknown platform made by 17 year old russian faggots with a le triple your coins when better solutions already exist


>> No.7253532
File: 302 KB, 1024x925, JPEG_20180121_213949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything has to start somewhere man. Tbh iirc this is meant to be an easier way to get into margin trading, so ease of access and shit. But yeah for sure there's alternatives, Nimfa just needs time to develop

>> No.7253572
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>> No.7253601

Dan is best dev

>> No.7253630
File: 85 KB, 700x451, kid-cudi-kanye-west-yeezy-s3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe with the Nimfa gains they can afford to move to the great nation of America

>> No.7253703

Dan's the man

>> No.7253715
File: 2.87 MB, 3360x2240, vitalik-buterin-147a2578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, because faggoty looking russian teenagers never achieved anything in the crypto world.

>> No.7254219

Sup Mark

>> No.7254248

lel Mark is mad, and don’t you fucking dare saying “good argument “ because yours is certainly not proving anything either

>> No.7254429
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