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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 29 KB, 700x700, niggercoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7248567 No.7248567 [Reply] [Original]

Where my Telcoin niggas at?

>> No.7248577

Comfy as fuck right now

>> No.7248588

kek 18k here (feel like a whale altough it's like 100 bucks).

Comfy this will get easily to 15 cents if you look at the business partners.

>> No.7248641
File: 33 KB, 1392x462, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7248672
File: 58 KB, 700x700, niggercoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pink lambo lit in the hood yo

>> No.7248790

Two brown ids and one pink id. I'm getting mixed messages about this one now.

>> No.7248876


>> No.7248926

we brown my niggas yo

>> No.7249012

TEL was the one time i allowed myself to get pajeet'd by /biz/. Bought it at 90sats on its initial listing, quickly realized that it was a pumpndump on the way down and took my loss at 86 sats. Its currently barely reaching for 50. Jesus Christ i dodged a bullet.

>> No.7249014

Brown confirmed, BUY BUY BUY!

>> No.7249041

nigga dont you want a pink lambo with 16 sub woofers and barp on big bundas all day?

>> No.7249051

> Write racist shit on CEO's twitter / social media
> Someone SJW-lord defend them, calling out wacists
> Link it all over
> People invest because they feel sorry for nigger
hmm, could it ork?

>> No.7249084

we don need white man help. telcoin has a good product offering my sweet boy and it is going to work in Asia/Africa

>> No.7249174

After some normie thinking. I decided to pop my cherry on this coin. Bought 15000. Wish I got more. It's like PayPal but with way lower fees and works in any country.

How does it compete against stellar though?

>> No.7249187
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 1511944569636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of buying more and I have no idea why.

>> No.7249193

>Bought at 90 expects it to moon the next day
In case you haven't noticed every single crypto is down atm. Did you even actually look into it? Paul neuner has that telco connection and remittances using telcos is a great idea. It will hit $0.10 easy once all the pieces fall into place. But whatever lol.

>> No.7249260

I thought niggercoin was already created?

>> No.7249277

>In case you haven't noticed every single crypto is down atm.
It plummeted well before the crash started and has lost more than 80% from its high.
>Did you even actually look into it?
Yes. Its yet another shitcoin with lots of promises and nothing in the ways of a working product.
> It will hit $0.10 easy once all the pieces fall into place. But whatever
Said every pajeet shill ever

>> No.7249335

You're an idiot.

If you want proof, screencap this thread and the price of Telcoin and see where the price is in 2 months.

>> No.7249383

Done. Not that you'll be around anymore if you actually manage to unload your bags on some poor fuck

>> No.7249394

get rekt

>> No.7249513

No, it didn't plummet, it had the usual kucoin treatment and it's been on kucoin for like what? a week? Hasn't hit any other major exchange yet. If you can't even hold a coin for a month or two you're clearly a retarded normie that shouldn't even be in crypto. I'm glad you sold tho, by all means stay out of niggercoin, dumb fucks like you don't deserve shit.

>> No.7249591


Your ids are both poo brown. You think you're drooling anyone?

>> No.7249611

*fooling. Fucking autocorrect

>> No.7249726

u saying wat u son of basterd bich!

>> No.7249742

telfag here
We have been shilled into a shitcoin as usual
We will not be making it

>> No.7250481

purple lambo in the hood

>> No.7250523

1M telshits here. Already feel like the money are lost, so no sell orders here.

Will get back to this in half a year and see if theres a Opel Astra 1991 model waiting for me.

>> No.7251237

1.4k poorfag here. for ll intends and purposes that money is gone for me, I'm not selling

>> No.7252276

i could have had a lot more tel if i didn't fomo in at 89 sats
but w/e, this is a good long hold anyway

>> No.7252450

Ummm yes actually. If we had a hash tag or something about tel until buzz feed or someone noticed

>> No.7252621

>>7251342 (OP)
Really toxic environment here. Even reading the amount of suggested posts at people killing themselves or being told to do really terrible trades. It’s almost like it genuinely is a bunch of Joker’s, people trying to fit in but not sure why, people who have chosen they have nowhere else to be but here, some really fucked up people (traumatized, hurt, won’t face their pains and let it exacerbate and then into super aggressive shit).

It’s filled with insensitive people who have no idea what a relationship beyond “SHUT UP MOM IM BUSY” is like. People who are sad and hurt and so make more people sad and hurt because it’s familiar. It feels safe. It feels comfortable.

Honestly Anonymous person, get the fuck out of here.

Decide this: do you want to invest? Learn about the tech and go from there.

Do you want to make quick money? I assure you it’ll be mostly atrocious advices here.

Break a leg anon.

>> No.7252809
File: 132 KB, 740x493, telcoinpimp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]